def __make_att(bn, lst): gafile = os.path.join(tmpdir, utils.temp_name(bn)) att.append((gafile, bn)) open(gafile, "w").write("\n".join(lst))
def main(sf_csv_file, sp_email_map, maxupds, sendto): logger = utils.createLogger("") b = utils.getSFSiteCred() workdir = os.path.join(tempdir, utils.temp_name("sfupdworkdir")) os.mkdir(workdir) rc,upds, splits, manifest_map = \ __create_sf_updates(sf_csv_file, workdir, sp_email_map, maxupds) if rc != 0 or upds == 0: if rc != 0: logger.error("sp_get_status returned with error %d"%rc) else:"There were no updates") return rc logger.debug("THERE ARE %d updates and %d splits"%(upds, len(splits))) # loop splits here # then cat the logfile cgood = 0 cbad = 0 goodfile = os.path.join(tempdir, utils.temp_name("goodups.txt")) badfile = os.path.join(tempdir, utils.temp_name("badupds.txt")) logger.debug("GOODFILE "+goodfile) good = open(goodfile, "w") bad = open(badfile, "w") updlogfile = os.path.join(tempdir, utils.temp_name("spsynclogfile.csv")) # yes reuse ktest = 0 for spl in splits: rc = sfupdspstatus.main(b[0], b[1], b[2], spl, updlogfile) csv_spl = csv.reader(open(spl)) up_file = open(updlogfile) csv_log = csv.reader(up_file) first = True for row_upd in csv_spl: row_log = if first: first = False continue lid = row_upd[0] try: (email, fromv) = manifest_map[lid] cto = row_upd[1] success = row_log[1].lower() error = row_log[3] if success == "true": cgood = cgood + 1 good.write(email+" changed from "+fromv+" to "+cto+"\n") good.flush() else: cbad = cbad + 1 bad.write(email+" failed to update from "+fromv+" to "+cto+" "+error+"\n") bad.flush() except KeyError: logger.error("ID not found "+lid) up_file.close() ktest = ktest + 1 # if ktest > 4: break ## remove this good.close() bad.close() att = [] att.append((goodfile, "goodups.txt")) if cbad > 0: att.append((badfile, "badupds.txt")) logger.debug(str(att)) sendMail(sendto, "%d SF Stormpost_Reason__c updated, %d failed"%(cgood, cbad), "spsfcync", att) return rc
def main(archive_dir, debug = 0): if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir): print "archive_dir "+archive_dir+" not found" return -1 logger.debug("DEBUG = "+str(debug)) fpns_to_sync = [x for x in [x.strip() for x in open(os.path.join(utils.getScriptPath(), "fpns_to_sync.txt")).read().\ split("\n")] if x[0] != "#"] # there! logger.debug("WILL SYNC "+",".join(fpns_to_sync)) if len(fpns_to_sync) == 0: logger.error("Nothing to sync") return -1 logger.debug("connecting to sp") spsoap = spsoapclient.spsoapclient() sp_list_map = spsoap.get_lists_as_map() def _check_lists(): bad = False for ed in fpns_to_sync: try: sp_list_map[ed] except KeyError: logger.error("List to sync:%s not in SP"%ed) bad = True return bad if _check_lists(): return -1 rmap = spsoap.get_recips_as_map(os.path.join(tempdir, utils.temp_name("sp_export.csv"))) logger.debug("rmap len %d"%len(rmap)) now = nowfile = os.path.join(archive_dir, "now.csv") prevfile = os.path.join(archive_dir, "prev.csv") if debug != 1: if not os.path.isfile(nowfile): logger.debug("there is no now file - wtf do we do") else: if os.path.isfile(prevfile): n = os.path.join(archive_dir, "prev_%04d%02d%02d.csv"%(now.year, now.month, if os.path.isfile(n): os.remove(n) os.rename(prevfile, n) os.rename(nowfile, prevfile) __dumpSF(nowfile) rc = spsfsync.main(nowfile, rmap, None, send_emails_to) import diff adds, deletes = diff.diff(nowfile, prevfile) if len(adds) == 0 and len(deletes) == 0: logger.debug("Nothing to do") return 0 good_adds = [] bad_adds = [] good_dels = [] bad_dels = [] for ed in fpns_to_sync: listid = sp_list_map[ed] logger.debug("DOING %s - %d"%(ed, listid)) if ed in adds: for a in adds[ed]: logger.debug("add %s to %s id %d"%(a, ed, listid)) if a in rmap: recip_id = rmap[a][0] else: try: recip_id = spsoap.create_recip(a) except spsoapclient.spsoapclient_exception, e: bad_adds.append("%s to %s failed with %s"%(a,ed,e.what)) continue rc = spsoap.add_recip_to_list(int(listid), int(recip_id)) good_adds.append("%s to %s"%(a, ed)) logger.debug("DOING dels %d"%(len(deletes))) if ed in deletes: for a in deletes[ed]: logger.debug("delete %s from %s id %d"%(a, ed, listid)) if a in rmap: recip_id = rmap[a][0] mailing_id = rmap[a][2] rc = spsoap.delete_recip_from_list(int(listid), int(recip_id), int(mailing_id)) good_dels.append("%s from %s"%(a, ed)) else: bad_dels.append("%s unsub from %s is not in recip list of SP"%(a, ed))