def parse(sensor, data):
    measures = []
    measure = {}
    # load the file
    data = json.loads(data)
    # for each line
    for line in data.split('\n'):
        #    0    1      2          3       4       5     6           7            8           9     10         11           12
        if line.startswith('#'): continue
        measure = {}
        # split the entries
        entry = line.split('|')
        if len(entry) != 13: continue
        # set the timestamp to the event's date
        date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"
        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(entry[1], date_format)
        measure["timestamp"] = utils.timezone(
        # prepare the position value
        position = {}
        position["latitude"] = float(entry[2])
        position["longitude"] = float(entry[3])
        position["label"] = str(entry[10])
        date_string = utils.timestamp2date(int(measure["timestamp"]))
        #		position["text"] = str("<p><b>"+entry[12]+":</b></p><p>Magnitude: "+entry[10]+"</p><p>Date: "+date_string+"</p><p>Depth: "+entry[4]+" km</p>")
        position["text"] = str(entry[12])
        # prepare the measure
        measure["key"] = sensor["sensor_id"] + ":day:avg"
        measure["value"] = json.dumps(position)
        # add the event to the measures
    return measures
Beispiel #2
def summarize(sensor, timeframe, start, end):
    # prepare the database schema to use
    if timeframe == "hour":
        key_to_read = sensor["db_sensor"]
        key_to_write = sensor["db_sensor"] + ":hour"
    elif timeframe == "day":
        key_to_read = sensor["db_sensor"] + ":hour:avg"
        key_to_write = sensor["db_sensor"] + ":day"
    # retrieve from the database the data based on the given timeframe
    data = db.rangebyscore(key_to_read, start, end, withscores=True)
    # split between values and timestamps
    values = []
    timestamps = []
    for i in range(0, len(data)):
    # calculate the derived values
    timestamp = start
    min = avg = max = rate = sum = count = count_unique = "-"
    if "avg" in sensor["summarize"] and sensor["summarize"]["avg"]:
        # calculate avg
        avg = utils.avg(values)
        db.deletebyscore(key_to_write + ":avg", start, end)
        db.set(key_to_write + ":avg", avg, timestamp)
    if "min_max" in sensor["summarize"] and sensor["summarize"]["min_max"]:
        # calculate min
        min = utils.min(values)
        db.deletebyscore(key_to_write + ":min", start, end)
        db.set(key_to_write + ":min", min, timestamp)
        # calculate max
        max = utils.max(values)
        db.deletebyscore(key_to_write + ":max", start, end)
        db.set(key_to_write + ":max", max, timestamp)
    if "rate" in sensor["summarize"] and sensor["summarize"]["rate"]:
        # calculate the rate of change
        rate = utils.velocity(timestamps, values)
        db.deletebyscore(key_to_write + ":rate", start, end)
        db.set(key_to_write + ":rate", rate, timestamp)
    if "sum" in sensor["summarize"] and sensor["summarize"]["sum"]:
        # calculate the sum
        sum = utils.sum(values)
        db.deletebyscore(key_to_write + ":sum", start, end)
        db.set(key_to_write + ":sum", sum, timestamp)
    if "count" in sensor["summarize"] and sensor["summarize"]["count"]:
        # count the values
        count = utils.count(values)
        db.deletebyscore(key_to_write + ":count", start, end)
        db.set(key_to_write + ":count", count, timestamp)
    if "count_unique" in sensor["summarize"] and sensor["summarize"][
        # count the unique values
        count_unique = utils.count_unique(values)
        db.deletebyscore(key_to_write + ":count_unique", start, end)
        db.set(key_to_write + ":count_unique", count_unique, timestamp)
    log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] + "][" +
              sensor["sensor_id"] + "] (" + utils.timestamp2date(timestamp) +
              ") updating summary of the " + timeframe +
              " (min,avg,max,rate,sum,count,count_unique): (" + str(min) +
              "," + str(avg) + "," + str(max) + "," + str(rate) + "," +
              str(sum) + "," + str(count) + "," + str(count_unique) + ")")
Beispiel #3
def parse(sensor, data):
    data = json.loads(data)
    device = {}
    # for each device
    for device_name in data:
        # identify the device
        if device_name != sensor["plugin"]["device_name"]: continue
        # normalize the data for a map
        date = utils.timestamp2date(
            utils.timezone(int(data[device_name]["timeStamp"] / 1000)))
        device["label"] = str(device_name)
        device["text"] = str("<p><b>" + device_name + ":</b></p><p>" + date +
                             " (" + data[device_name]["positionType"] +
                             ") </p>")
        device["latitude"] = data[device_name]["latitude"]
        device["longitude"] = data[device_name]["longitude"]
        device["accuracy"] = data[device_name]["horizontalAccuracy"]
    return json.dumps(device)
Beispiel #4
def normalize_dataset(data, withscores, milliseconds, format_date, formatter):
    output = []
    for entry in data:
        # get the timestamp
        timestamp = int(entry[1])
        if format_date: timestamp = utils.timestamp2date(timestamp)
        elif milliseconds: timestamp = timestamp * 1000
        # normalize the value (entry is timetime:value)
        value_string = entry[0].split(":", 1)[1]
        if formatter is None:
            # no formatter provided, guess the type
            value = float(value_string) if utils.is_number(
                value_string) else str(value_string)
            # formatter provided, normalize the value
            value = utils.normalize(value_string, formatter)
        # normalize "None" in null
        if value == conf["constants"]["null"]: value = None
        # prepare the output
        if (withscores): output.append([timestamp, value])
        else: output.append(value)
    return output
Beispiel #5
def upgrade_2_0():
    # remote all data from the target database
    empty_target_db = False
    # migrate history data
    migrate_history = True
    # history start timestamp to migrate, "-inf" for all
    history_start_timestamp = "-inf"
    # historu end timestamp to migrate
    history_end_timestamp =
    # migrate recent data
    migrate_recent = True
    # database number from which we are migrating
    db_from = 1
    # database number into which we are migrating
    db_to = 2
    # debug
    debug = False
    # keys to migrate history (from key -> to key)
    # destination key format: myHouse:<module_id>:<group_id>:<sensor_id>
    history = {
    # keys to migrate recent data (from key -> to key)
    recent = {
    conf = config.get_config(validate=False)
    print "[Migration from v1.x to v2.0]\n"
        "WARNING: which data will be migrate is defined within this script, on top of the upgrade_20() function.\nIndividual sensors to migrate must be specified manually\nPlase ensure you have reviewed all the settings first!\n\nPress Enter to continue..."
    # empty the target database first
    if empty_target_db:
        print "Flushing target database..."
    # for each history key to migrate
    print "Migrating historical data..."
    for key_from in history:
        if not migrate_history: break
        key_to = history[key_from]
        print "\tMigrating " + key_from + " -> " + key_to
        # retrieve all the data
        data = db.rangebyscore(key_from,
        count = 0
        # for each entry
        for entry in data:
            timestamp = utils.day_start(utils.timezone(entry[0]))
            value = utils.normalize(entry[1])
            # store it into the new database
            if debug:
                print "[HISTORY][" + key_to + "] (" + utils.timestamp2date(
                    timestamp) + ") " + str(value)
            db.set(key_to, value, timestamp)
            count = count + 1
        print "\t\tdone, " + str(count) + " values"
    # for each recent key to migrate
    print "Migrating recent data..."
    for key_from in recent:
        if not migrate_recent: break
        key_to = recent[key_from]
        print "\tMigrating " + key_from + " -> " + key_to
        # retrieve the recent data
        data = db.rangebyscore(key_from,
                      - 2 * conf["constants"]["1_day"],
        count = 0
        # for each entry
        for entry in data:
            timestamp = utils.timezone(entry[0])
            value = utils.normalize(entry[1])
            if debug:
                print "[RECENT][" + key_to + "] (" + utils.timestamp2date(
                    timestamp) + ") " + str(value)
            # skip it if the same value is already stored
            old = db.rangebyscore(key_to, timestamp, timestamp)
            if len(old) > 0: continue
            # store it into the new database
            db.set(key_to, value, timestamp)
            # create the sensor data structure
            key_split = key_to.split(":")
            group_id = key_split[-2]
            sensor_id = key_split[-1]
            module_id = key_split[-4]
            sensor = utils.get_sensor(module_id, group_id, sensor_id)
            sensor['module_id'] = module_id
            sensor['group_id'] = group_id
            sensor['db_group'] = conf["constants"]["db_schema"][
                "root"] + ":" + sensor["module_id"] + ":" + sensor["group_id"]
                'db_sensor'] = sensor['db_group'] + ":" + sensor["sensor_id"]
            import sensors
            sensors.summarize(sensor, 'hour', utils.hour_start(timestamp),
            count = count + 1
        print "\t\tdone, " + str(count) + " values"
    print "Upgrading database..."
    version_key = conf["constants"]["db_schema"]["version"]
    db.set_simple(version_key, "2.0")
Beispiel #6
def store(sensor, measures, ifnotexists=False):
    # if an exception occurred, skip this sensor
    if measures is None: return
    # for each returned measure
    for measure in measures:
        # set the timestamp to now if not already set
        if "timestamp" not in measure: measure["timestamp"] =
        # define the key to store the value
        key = sensor["db_group"] + ":" + measure["key"]
        # if ifnotexists is set, check if the key exists
        if ifnotexists and db.exists(key):
            log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] +
                      "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] +
                      "] key already exists, ignoring new value")
        # delete previous values if needed
        realtime_count = conf["sensors"]["retention"]["realtime_count"]
        if "retention" in sensor and "realtime_count" in sensor["retention"]:
            realtime_count = sensor["retention"]["realtime_count"]
        if realtime_count > 0:
            db.deletebyrank(key, 0, -realtime_count)
        # if only measures with a newer timestamp than the latest can be added, apply the policy
        realtime_new_only = conf["sensors"]["retention"]["realtime_new_only"]
        if "retention" in sensor and "realtime_new_only" in sensor["retention"]:
            realtime_new_only = sensor["retention"]["realtime_new_only"]
        if realtime_new_only:
            # retrieve the latest measure's timestamp
            last = db.range(key, -1, -1)
            if len(last) > 0:
                last_timestamp = last[0][0]
                # if the measure's timestamp is older or the same, skip it
                if measure["timestamp"] <= last_timestamp:
                    log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" +
                              sensor["group_id"] + "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] +
                              "] (" +
                              utils.timestamp2date(measure["timestamp"]) +
                              ") old event, ignoring " + measure["key"] +
                              ": " + str(measure["value"]))
        # check if there is already something stored with the same timestamp
        old = db.rangebyscore(key, measure["timestamp"], measure["timestamp"])
        if len(old) > 0:
            if old[0][1] == measure["value"]:
                # if the value is also the same, skip it
                log.debug("[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" +
                          sensor["group_id"] + "][" + sensor["sensor_id"] +
                          "] (" + utils.timestamp2date(measure["timestamp"]) +
                          ") already in the database, ignoring " +
                          measure["key"] + ": " + str(measure["value"]))
                # same timestamp but different value, remove the old value so to store the new one
                db.deletebyscore(key, measure["timestamp"],
        # store the value into the database"[" + sensor["module_id"] + "][" + sensor["group_id"] + "][" +
                 sensor["sensor_id"] + "] (" +
                 utils.timestamp2date(measure["timestamp"]) + ") saving " +
                 measure["key"] + ": " +
                 utils.truncate(str(measure["value"])) +
        db.set(key, measure["value"], measure["timestamp"])
        # re-calculate the derived measures for the hour/day
        if "summarize" in sensor:
            summarize(sensor, 'hour', utils.hour_start(measure["timestamp"]),
            summarize(sensor, 'day', utils.day_start(measure["timestamp"]),