def build_grad(verts, edges, edge_tangent_vectors): """ Build a (V, V) complex sparse matrix grad operator. Given real inputs at vertices, produces a complex (vector value) at vertices giving the gradient. All values pointwise. - edges: (2, E) """ edges_np = toNP(edges) edge_tangent_vectors_np = toNP(edge_tangent_vectors) # TODO find a way to do this in pure numpy? # Build outgoing neighbor lists N = verts.shape[0] vert_edge_outgoing = [[] for i in range(N)] for iE in range(edges_np.shape[1]): tail_ind = edges_np[0, iE] tip_ind = edges_np[1, iE] if tip_ind != tail_ind: vert_edge_outgoing[tail_ind].append(iE) # Build local inversion matrix for each vertex row_inds = [] col_inds = [] data_vals = [] for iV in range(N): n_neigh = len(vert_edge_outgoing[iV]) lhs_mat = np.zeros((n_neigh, 2)) rhs_mat = np.zeros((n_neigh, n_neigh + 1)) ind_lookup = [iV] for i_neigh in range(n_neigh): iE = vert_edge_outgoing[iV][i_neigh] jV = edges_np[1, iE] ind_lookup.append(jV) w_e = 1. lhs_mat[i_neigh][:] = w_e * edge_tangent_vectors[iE][:] rhs_mat[i_neigh][0] = w_e * (-1) rhs_mat[i_neigh][i_neigh + 1] = w_e * (1) sol_mat = np.linalg.pinv(lhs_mat) @ rhs_mat sol_coefs = (sol_mat[0, :] + 1j * sol_mat[1, :]).T for i_neigh in range(n_neigh + 1): i_glob = ind_lookup[i_neigh] row_inds.append(iV) col_inds.append(i_glob) data_vals.append(sol_coefs[i_neigh]) # build the sparse matrix row_inds = np.array(row_inds) col_inds = np.array(col_inds) data_vals = np.array(data_vals) mat = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data_vals, (row_inds, col_inds)), shape=(N, N)).tocsc() return mat
def vertex_normals(verts, faces, n_neighbors_cloud=30): verts_np = toNP(verts) if isinstance(faces, list): is_cloud = faces == [] else: is_cloud = faces.numel() == 0 if is_cloud: # point cloud _, neigh_inds = find_knn(verts, verts, n_neighbors_cloud, omit_diagonal=True, method='cpu_kd') neigh_points = verts_np[neigh_inds, :] neigh_points = neigh_points - verts_np[:, np.newaxis, :] normals = neighborhood_normal(neigh_points) else: # mesh normals = igl.per_vertex_normals(verts_np, toNP(faces)) # if any are NaN, wiggle slightly and recompute bad_normals_mask = np.isnan(normals).any(axis=1, keepdims=True) if bad_normals_mask.any(): bbox = np.amax(verts_np, axis=0) - np.amin(verts_np, axis=0) scale = np.linalg.norm(bbox) * 1e-4 wiggle = (np.random.RandomState(seed=777).rand(*verts.shape) - 0.5) * scale wiggle_verts = verts_np + bad_normals_mask * wiggle normals = igl.per_vertex_normals(wiggle_verts, toNP(faces)) # if still NaN assign random normals (probably means unreferenced verts in mesh) bad_normals_mask = np.isnan(normals).any(axis=1) if bad_normals_mask.any(): normals[bad_normals_mask, :] = ( np.random.RandomState(seed=777).rand(*verts.shape) - 0.5)[bad_normals_mask, :] normals = normals / np.linalg.norm(normals, axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis] normals = torch.from_numpy(normals).to(device=verts.device, dtype=verts.dtype) if torch.any(torch.isnan(normals)): raise ValueError("NaN normals :(") return normals
def build_grad_point_cloud(verts, frames, n_neighbors_cloud=30): verts_np = toNP(verts) frames_np = toNP(frames) _, neigh_inds = find_knn(verts, verts, n_neighbors_cloud, omit_diagonal=True, method='cpu_kd') neigh_points = verts_np[neigh_inds, :] neigh_vecs = neigh_points - verts_np[:, np.newaxis, :] # TODO this could easily be way faster. For instance we could avoid the weird edges format and the corresponding pure-python loop via some numpy broadcasting of the same logic. The way it works right now is just to share code with the mesh version. But its low priority since its preprocessing code. edge_inds_from = np.repeat(np.arange(verts.shape[0]), n_neighbors_cloud) edges = np.stack((edge_inds_from, neigh_inds.flatten())) edge_tangent_vecs = edge_tangent_vectors(verts, frames, edges) return build_grad(verts_np, torch.tensor(edges), edge_tangent_vecs)
def apply_to_candidates(self, query_triangle_ind, verts, query_probs, new_verts_per_edge, k_neigh=64, neighbors_method='generate', return_list=False, split_size=1024*4): B = query_triangle_ind.shape[0] Q = query_triangle_ind.shape[1] V_D = verts.shape[-1] D = verts[0].device K = k_neigh K_T = min(k_neigh, Q-1) query_triangles_pos = torch.gather( verts[...,:3].unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1, -1, 3, -1), 1, query_triangle_ind.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, -1, 3) ) # (B, Q, 3, 3) barycenters = torch.mean(query_triangles_pos, dim=2) # Manage devices in the case where we are leaving data CPU-side input_device = verts.device model_device = next(self.parameters()).device query_triangles_pos_d = query_probs_d = method = 'brute' if (verts[0].is_cuda and Q < 4096) else 'cpu_kd' if method == 'cpu_kd': # pre-build a tree just once for CPU lookups kd_tree_verts = [sklearn.neighbors.KDTree(utils.toNP(verts[b,...,:3])) for b in range(B)] kd_tree_bary = [sklearn.neighbors.KDTree(utils.toNP(barycenters[b,...])) for b in range(B)] else: kd_tree_verts = [None for b in range(B)] kd_tree_bary = [None for b in range(B)] # (during training, this should hopefully leave a single chunk, so we get batch statistics query_triangle_ind_chunks = torch.split(query_triangle_ind, split_size, dim=1) query_triangle_pos_chunks = torch.split(query_triangles_pos, split_size, dim=1) query_triangle_prob_chunks = torch.split(query_probs, split_size, dim=1) # Apply the model pred_chunks = [] gen_tri_chunks = [] gen_pred_chunks= [] for i_chunk in range(len(query_triangle_ind_chunks)): if(len(query_triangle_ind_chunks) > 1): print("chunk {}/{}".format(i_chunk, len(query_triangle_ind_chunks))) query_triangle_ind_chunk = query_triangle_ind_chunks[i_chunk] query_triangle_pos_chunk = query_triangle_pos_chunks[i_chunk] query_triangle_prob_chunk = query_triangle_prob_chunks[i_chunk] Q_C = query_triangle_ind_chunk.shape[1] barycenters_chunk = torch.mean(query_triangle_pos_chunk, dim=2) # Gather neighborhoods of each candidate face # Build out neighbors point_neighbor_inds = torch.zeros((B, Q_C, K), device=D, dtype=query_triangle_ind.dtype) face_neighbor_inds = torch.zeros((B, Q_C, K_T), device=D, dtype=query_triangle_ind.dtype) for b in range(B): _, point_neighbor_inds_this = knn.find_knn(barycenters_chunk[b,...], verts[b,...,:3], k=K, method=method, prebuilt_tree=kd_tree_verts[b]) point_neighbor_inds[b,...] = point_neighbor_inds_this _, face_neighbor_inds_this = knn.find_knn(barycenters_chunk[b,...], barycenters[b,...], k=K_T+1, method=method, omit_diagonal=False, prebuilt_tree=kd_tree_bary[b]) face_neighbor_inds_this = face_neighbor_inds_this[...,1:] # remove self overlap face_neighbor_inds[b,...] = face_neighbor_inds_this # Invoke the model output_preds_chunk, gen_tri_chunk, gen_pred_chunk = \ self(, query_triangles_pos_d, query_probs_d,,,,,, new_verts_per_edge) output_preds_chunk = gen_tri_chunk = gen_pred_chunk = pred_chunks.append(output_preds_chunk) gen_tri_chunks.append(gen_tri_chunk) gen_pred_chunks.append(gen_pred_chunk) preds =, dim=1) gen_tris =, dim=1) gen_preds =, dim=1) return preds, gen_tris, gen_preds
def find_knn(points_source, points_target, k, largest=False, omit_diagonal=False, method='brute'): if omit_diagonal and points_source.shape[0] != points_target.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "omit_diagonal can only be used when source and target are same shape" ) if method != 'cpu_kd' and points_source.shape[0] * points_target.shape[ 0] > 1e8: method = 'cpu_kd' print("switching to cpu_kd knn") if method == 'brute': # Expand so both are NxMx3 tensor points_source_expand = points_source.unsqueeze(1) points_source_expand = points_source_expand.expand( -1, points_target.shape[0], -1) points_target_expand = points_target.unsqueeze(0) points_target_expand = points_target_expand.expand( points_source.shape[0], -1, -1) diff_mat = points_source_expand - points_target_expand dist_mat = norm(diff_mat) if omit_diagonal: torch.diagonal(dist_mat)[:] = float('inf') result = torch.topk(dist_mat, k=k, largest=largest, sorted=True) return result elif method == 'cpu_kd': if largest: raise ValueError("can't do largest with cpu_kd") points_source_np = toNP(points_source) points_target_np = toNP(points_target) # Build the tree kd_tree = sklearn.neighbors.KDTree(points_target_np) k_search = k + 1 if omit_diagonal else k _, neighbors = kd_tree.query(points_source_np, k=k_search) if omit_diagonal: # Mask out self element mask = neighbors != np.arange(neighbors.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis] # make sure we mask out exactly one element in each row, in rare case of many duplicate points mask[np.sum(mask, axis=1) == mask.shape[1], -1] = False neighbors = neighbors[mask].reshape( (neighbors.shape[0], neighbors.shape[1] - 1)) inds = torch.tensor(neighbors, device=points_source.device, dtype=torch.int64) dists = norm( points_source.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, k, -1) - points_target[inds]) return dists, inds else: raise ValueError("unrecognized method")
def get_operators(opts, verts, faces, k_eig, normals=None, overwrite_cache=False, truncate_cache=False): """ See documentation for compute_operators(). This essentailly just wraps a call to compute_operators, using a cache if possible. All arrays are always computed using double precision for stability, then truncated to single precision floats to store on disk, and finally returned as a tensor with dtype/device matching the `verts` input. """ device = verts.device dtype = verts.dtype verts_np = toNP(verts) faces_np = toNP(faces) is_cloud = faces.numel() == 0 if (np.isnan(verts_np).any()): raise RuntimeError("tried to construct operators from NaN verts") # Check the cache directory # Note 1: Collisions here are exceptionally unlikely, so we could probably just use the hash... # but for good measure we check values nonetheless. # Note 2: There is a small possibility for race conditions to lead to bucket gaps or duplicate # entries in this cache. The good news is that that is totally fine, and at most slightly # slows performance with rare extra cache misses. found = False if opts.eigensystem_cache_dir is not None: utils.ensure_dir_exists(opts.eigensystem_cache_dir) hash_key_str = str(utils.hash_arrays((verts_np, faces_np))) # print("Building operators for input with hash: " + hash_key_str) # Search through buckets with matching hashes. When the loop exits, this # is the bucket index of the file we should write to. i_cache_search = 0 while True: # Form the name of the file to check search_path = os.path.join( opts.eigensystem_cache_dir, hash_key_str + "_" + str(i_cache_search) + ".npz") try: # print('loading path: ' + str(search_path)) npzfile = np.load(search_path, allow_pickle=True) cache_verts = npzfile["verts"] cache_faces = npzfile["faces"] cache_k_eig = npzfile["k_eig"].item() # If the cache doesn't match, keep looking if (not np.array_equal(verts, cache_verts)) or ( not np.array_equal(faces, cache_faces)): i_cache_search += 1 print("hash collision! searching next.") continue # If we're overwriting, or there aren't enough eigenvalues, just delete it; we'll create a new # entry below more eigenvalues if overwrite_cache or cache_k_eig < k_eig: print( " overwiting / not enough eigenvalues --- recomputing" ) os.remove(search_path) break # This entry matches! Return it. found = True frames = npzfile["frames"] mass = npzfile["mass"] evals = npzfile["evals"][:k_eig] evecs = npzfile["evecs"][:, :k_eig] grad_from_spectral = npzfile[ "grad_from_spectral"][:, :k_eig, :] if truncate_cache and cache_k_eig > k_eig: print("TRUNCATING CACHE {} --> {}".format( cache_k_eig, k_eig)) np.savez( search_path, verts=verts_np, frames=frames, faces=faces_np, k_eig=k_eig, mass=mass, evals=evals, evecs=evecs, grad_from_spectral=grad_from_spectral, ) frames = torch.from_numpy(frames).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) mass = torch.from_numpy(mass).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) evals = torch.from_numpy(evals).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) evecs = torch.from_numpy(evecs).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) grad_from_spectral = torch.from_numpy(grad_from_spectral).to( device=device, dtype=dtype) break except FileNotFoundError: print(" cache miss -- constructing operators") break except Exception as E: print("unexpected error loading file: " + str(E)) print("-- constructing operators") break if not found: # No matching entry found; recompute. frames, mass, evals, evecs, grad_from_spectral = compute_operators( verts, faces, k_eig, normals=normals) dtype_np = np.float32 # Store it in the cache if opts.eigensystem_cache_dir is not None: np.savez( search_path, verts=verts_np, frames=toNP(frames).astype(dtype_np), faces=faces_np, k_eig=k_eig, mass=toNP(mass).astype(dtype_np), evals=toNP(evals).astype(dtype_np), evecs=toNP(evecs).astype(dtype_np), grad_from_spectral=toNP(grad_from_spectral).astype(dtype_np), ) return frames, mass, evals, evecs, grad_from_spectral
def compute_operators(verts, faces, k_eig, normals=None): """ Builds spectral operators for a mesh/point cloud. Constructs mass matrix, eigenvalues/vectors for Laplacian, along with gradient from spcetral domain. Torch in / torch out. Arguments: - vertices: (V,3) vertex positions - faces: (F,3) list of triangular faces. If empty, assumed to be a point cloud. - k_eig: number of eigenvectors to use Returns: - frames: (V,3,3) X/Y/Z coordinate frame at each vertex. Z coordinate is normal (e.g. [:,2,:] for normals) - massvec: (V) real diagonal of lumped mass matrix - evals: (k) list of eigenvalues of the Laplacian - evecs: (V,k) list of eigenvectors of the Laplacian - grad_from_spectral: a (2,V,k) matrix, which maps a scalar field in the spectral space to gradients in the X/Y basis at each vertex Note: this is a generalized eigenvalue problem, so the mass matrix matters! The eigenvectors are only othrthonormal with respect tothe mass matrix, like v^H M v, so the mass (given as the diagonal vector massvec) needs to be used in projections, etc. """ device = verts.device dtype = verts.dtype V = verts.shape[0] print_debug = False is_cloud = faces.numel() == 0 eps = 1e-6 verts_np = toNP(verts).astype(np.float64) faces_np = toNP(faces) frames = build_tangent_frames(verts, faces, normals=normals) frames_np = toNP(frames) # Build the scalar Laplacian if is_cloud: L, M = robust_laplacian.point_cloud_laplacian(verts_np) else: L, M = robust_laplacian.mesh_laplacian(verts_np, faces_np) eps_L = scipy.sparse.identity(V) * eps eps_M = scipy.sparse.identity(V) * eps * np.sum(M) massvec_np = M.diagonal() # Read off neighbors & rotations from the Laplacian L_coo = L.tocoo() inds_row = L_coo.row inds_col = L_coo.col evals_np, evecs_np = sla.eigsh(L + eps_L, k_eig, M + eps_M, sigma=1e-8) # == Build spectral grad & divcurl while we're at it # For meshes, we use the same edges as were used to build the Laplacian. For point clouds, use a whole local neighborhood if is_cloud: grad_mat_np = build_grad_point_cloud(verts, frames) else: edges = torch.tensor(np.stack((inds_row, inds_col), axis=0), device=device, dtype=faces.dtype) edge_vecs = edge_tangent_vectors(verts, frames, edges) grad_mat_np = build_grad(verts, edges, edge_vecs) grad_from_spectral_np = grad_mat_np @ evecs_np grad_from_spectral_np = np.stack( (grad_from_spectral_np.real, grad_from_spectral_np.imag), axis=-1) # split to 2 x real matrix instead of complex # === Convert back to torch massvec = torch.from_numpy(massvec_np).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) evals = torch.from_numpy(evals_np).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) evecs = torch.from_numpy(evecs_np).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) grad_from_spectral = torch.from_numpy(grad_from_spectral_np).to( device=device, dtype=dtype) return frames, massvec, evals, evecs, grad_from_spectral