def post(self, page): form = PageForm(current_page=page, data=self.request.POST, instance=page, initial={'draft': page and page.published is None}); if form.is_valid(): page =; # Ensure that a 'Child Page' is never assigned as 'Parent Page' as well page.put(); for p in page.child_pages: if page.parent_page and page.parent_page.key() == p.key(): page.parent_page = None; page.put(); break; if form.clean_data['draft']: # Page is marked as DRAFT page.published = datetime.datetime.max page.put(); else: # Page is NOT marked as DRAFT - hence, PUBLISH if not page.path: # Just published page.updated = page.published = else: # Edited page.updated = page.put() page.publish() self.render_to_response("published.html", {'content': page, 'type' : 'page', 'draft': form.clean_data['draft']}); else: self.render_form(form);
def post(self, post): form = PostForm(data=self.request.POST, instance=post, initial={'draft': post and post.published is None}) if form.is_valid(): post = if form.clean_data['draft']: # Post is marked as DRAFT post.published = datetime.datetime.max post.put() else: # Post is NOT marked as DRAFT - hence, PUBLISH if not post.path: # Just published post.updated = post.published = else: # Edited post.updated = post.put() post.publish() self.render_to_response("published.html", { 'content': post, 'type' : 'post', 'draft': form.clean_data['draft']}) else: self.render_form(form)
def get(self, page): # Temporary set a published date iff it's still # datetime.max. Django's date filter has a problem with # datetime.max and a "real" date looks better. if page.published == datetime.datetime.max: page.published =; self.response.out.write(utils.render_template('page.html', {'page' : page, 'is_admin' : True}));
def set(path, body, content_type, indexed=True, last_modified=None, type=TYPE_POST, **kwargs): import static """Sets the StaticContent for the provided path. Args: path: The path to store the content against. body: The data to serve for that path. content_type: The MIME type to serve the content as. indexed: Index this page in the sitemap? type: The type of StaticContent (a post? a page? an index?...). **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed to the StaticContent constructor Returns: A StaticContent object. """ if last_modified is None: last_modified =, microsecond=0) defaults = { "last_modified": last_modified, } defaults.update(kwargs) content = StaticContent( key_name = path, body = body, content_type = content_type, indexed = indexed, type = static.TYPE_HOME if path == '/' else type, **defaults); content.put() memcache.replace(path, db.model_to_protobuf(content).Encode()) if indexed: regenerate_sitemap() return content
def set(path, body, content_type, indexed=True, **kwargs): """Sets the StaticContent for the provided path. Args: path: The path to store the content against. body: The data to serve for that path. content_type: The MIME type to serve the content as. indexed: Index this page in the sitemap? **kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed to the StaticContent constructor Returns: A StaticContent object. """ now =, microsecond=0) defaults = { "last_modified": now, } defaults.update(kwargs) content = StaticContent( key_name=path, body=body, content_type=content_type, indexed=indexed, **defaults) content.put() memcache.replace(path, db.model_to_protobuf(content).Encode()) try: eta = now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=65) if indexed: deferred.defer( utils._regenerate_sitemap, _name='sitemap-%s' % (now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'),), _eta=eta) except (taskqueue.TaskAlreadyExistsError, taskqueue.TombstonedTaskError), e: pass
def post(self, post): form = PostForm(data=self.request.POST, instance=post, initial={'draft': post and post.published is None}) if form.is_valid(): post = if form.clean_data['draft']:# Draft post post.published = datetime.datetime.max post.put() else: if not post.path: # Publish post post.updated = post.published = else:# Edit post post.updated = post.publish() self.render_to_response("published.html", { 'post': post, 'draft': form.clean_data['draft']}) else: self.render_form(form)
def regenerate_sitemap(): try: now =, microsecond=0) eta = now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=config.sitemap_generation_delay_sec) # Queue a Deferred Task to regenerate the 'sitemap.xml', in 5 minutes from now deferred.defer( utils._regenerate_sitemap, _name="sitemap-%s" % (now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H"),), _eta=eta # Run max 1 per hour ) except (taskqueue.TaskAlreadyExistsError, taskqueue.TombstonedTaskError), e: pass
def generate_resource(cls, post, resource): import models q = models.BlogPost.all().order('-updated') # Fetch the 10 most recently updated non-draft posts posts = list(itertools.islice((x for x in q if x.path), 10)) now =, microsecond=0) template_vals = { 'posts': posts, 'updated': now, } rendered = utils.render_template("atom.xml", template_vals) static.set('/feeds/atom.xml', rendered, 'application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8', indexed=False, last_modified=now) if config.hubbub_hub_url: cls.send_hubbub_ping(config.hubbub_hub_url)
def datetime_from_key_name(cls, key_name): year, month = key_name.split("/") return datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), 1, tzinfo=utils.tzinfo())