def main(args):
    with DwCAReader(args.source_file) as dwca:
        if valid_dwca(dwca):
            ordered_fields = list(dwca.core_terms)
            # Only last part as Shapefiles field names are limited to 10 chars
            ordered_fields_truncated = [
                f.rsplit('/')[-1] for f in ordered_fields
            import pdb

            with ShapefileOutput(args.destination,,
                                 ordered_fields_truncated) as out:
                for line in dwca.each_line():
                        gis_data = dwcaline_to_epsg4326(line)
                        additional_values = [
                            for f in ordered_fields

                        out.insert_line(gis_data['lat'], gis_data['lon'],
                    except CannotConvertException:
def main(args):
    with DwCAReader(args.source_file) as dwca:
        if valid_dwca(dwca):
            ordered_fields = list(dwca.core_terms)
            # Only last part as Shapefiles field names are limited to 10 chars
            ordered_fields_truncated = [f.rsplit('/')[-1] for f in ordered_fields]
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

            with ShapefileOutput(args.destination,, ordered_fields_truncated) as out:
                for line in dwca.each_line():
                        gis_data = dwcaline_to_epsg4326(line)
                        additional_values = [unicode_to_ascii([f]) for f in ordered_fields]

                        out.insert_line(gis_data['lat'], gis_data['lon'], additional_values)
                    except CannotConvertException:
Beispiel #3
def preprocess(tensor: tf.Tensor) -> str:
  Pre-process sequence of text for a translation task

  :param tensor: Eager tf.string tensor (can use .numpy() method)
  :return: str containing the pre-processed sequence
    sentence = tensor.numpy().decode('UTF-8')
    # Converts to lowercase ascii representation
    sentence = unicode_to_ascii(sentence.lower().strip())

    # Creating a space between a word and the punctuation following it
    # eg: "he is a boy." => "he is a boy ."
    sentence = re.sub(r"([?.!,¿])", r" \1 ", sentence)
    sentence = re.sub(r'[" "]+', " ", sentence)

    # Replacing everything with space except (a-z, A-Z, ".", "?", "!", ",")
    sentence = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z?.!,¿]+", " ", sentence)

    # Removing spaces
    sentence = sentence.rstrip().strip()
    return '<start> ' + sentence + ' <end>'
Beispiel #4
def lookup(bot, event, *args):
    """find keywords in a specified spreadsheet"""

    if not bot.get_config_suboption(event.conv_id, 'spreadsheet_enabled'):
        return _("Spreadsheet function disabled")

    if not bot.get_config_suboption(event.conv_id, 'spreadsheet_url'):
        return _("Spreadsheet URL not set")

    spreadsheet_url = bot.get_config_suboption(event.conv_id, 'spreadsheet_url')
    table_class = "waffle" # Name of table class to search. Note that 'waffle' seems to be the default for all spreadsheets

    if args[0].startswith('<'):
        counter_max = int(args[0][1:]) # Maximum rows displayed per query
        keyword = ' '.join(args[1:])
        counter_max = 5
        keyword = ' '.join(args)

    htmlmessage = _('Results for keyword <b>{}</b>:\n').format(keyword)

    logger.debug("{0} ({1}) has requested to lookup '{2}'".format(event.user.full_name, event.user.id_.chat_id, keyword))

    html = urllib.request.urlopen(spreadsheet_url).read()

    keyword_raw = keyword.strip().lower()
    keyword_ascii = unicode_to_ascii(keyword_raw)

    data = []

    counter = 0

    # Adapted from
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    soup = BeautifulSoup(str(html, 'utf-8'), 'html.parser')
    table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class':table_class})
    table_body = table.find('tbody')

    rows = table_body.find_all('tr')

    for row in rows:
        col = row.find_all('td')
        cols = [ele.text.strip() for ele in col]
        data.append([ele for ele in cols if ele]) # Get rid of empty values

    for row in data:
        for cell in row:
            cellcontent_raw = str(cell).lower().strip()
            cellcontent_ascii = unicode_to_ascii(cellcontent_raw)

            if keyword_raw in cellcontent_raw or keyword_ascii in cellcontent_ascii:
                if counter < counter_max:
                    htmlmessage += _('\nRow {}: ').format(counter+1)
                    for datapoint in row:
                        htmlmessage += '{} | '.format(datapoint)
                    htmlmessage += '\n'
                    counter += 1
                    break # prevent multiple subsequent cell matches appending identical rows
                    # count row matches only beyond the limit, to avoid over-long message
                    counter += 1

    if counter > counter_max:
        htmlmessage += _('\n{0} rows found. Only returning first {1}.').format(counter, counter_max)
        if counter_max == 5:
            htmlmessage += _('\nHint: Use <b>/bot lookup <{0} {1}</b> to view {0} rows').format(counter_max*2, keyword)

    if counter == 0:
        htmlmessage += _('No match found')

    return htmlmessage
Beispiel #5
def lookup(bot, event, *args):
    """find keywords in a specified spreadsheet"""

    if not bot.get_config_suboption(event.conv_id, 'spreadsheet_enabled'):
        yield from bot.coro_send_message(event.conv, _("Spreadsheet function disabled"))

    if not bot.get_config_suboption(event.conv_id, 'spreadsheet_url'):
        yield from bot.coro_send_message(event.conv, _("Spreadsheet URL not set"))

    spreadsheet_url = bot.get_config_suboption(event.conv_id, 'spreadsheet_url')
    table_class = "waffle" # Name of table class to search. Note that 'waffle' seems to be the default for all spreadsheets

    if args[0].startswith('<'):
        counter_max = int(args[0][1:]) # Maximum rows displayed per query
        keyword = ' '.join(args[1:])
        counter_max = 5
        keyword = ' '.join(args)

    htmlmessage = _('Results for keyword <b>{}</b>:<br />').format(keyword)

    logger.debug("{0} ({1}) has requested to lookup '{2}'".format(event.user.full_name, event.user.id_.chat_id, keyword))

    html = urllib.request.urlopen(spreadsheet_url).read()

    keyword_raw = keyword.strip().lower()
    keyword_ascii = unicode_to_ascii(keyword_raw)

    data = []

    counter = 0

    # Adapted from
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    soup = BeautifulSoup(str(html, 'utf-8'), 'html.parser')
    table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class':table_class})
    table_body = table.find('tbody')

    rows = table_body.find_all('tr')

    for row in rows:
        col = row.find_all('td')
        cols = [ele.text.strip() for ele in col]
        data.append([ele for ele in cols if ele]) # Get rid of empty values

    for row in data:
        for cell in row:
            cellcontent_raw = str(cell).lower().strip()
            cellcontent_ascii = unicode_to_ascii(cellcontent_raw)

            if keyword_raw in cellcontent_raw or keyword_ascii in cellcontent_ascii:
                if counter < counter_max:
                    htmlmessage += _('<br />Row {}: ').format(counter+1)
                    for datapoint in row:
                        htmlmessage += '{} | '.format(datapoint)
                    htmlmessage += '<br />'
                    counter += 1
                    break # prevent multiple subsequent cell matches appending identical rows
                    # count row matches only beyond the limit, to avoid over-long message
                    counter += 1

    if counter > counter_max:
        htmlmessage += _('<br />{0} rows found. Only returning first {1}.').format(counter, counter_max)
        if counter_max == 5:
            htmlmessage += _('<br />Hint: Use <b>/devilbot lookup <{0} {1}</b> to view {0} rows').format(counter_max*2, keyword)

    if counter == 0:
        htmlmessage += _('No match found')

    yield from bot.coro_send_message(event.conv, htmlmessage)