def raw_analysis(file_bin, analysed_parts, sign_min_size, test_dir, subdiv, manual, sleep, replacing_value=0): # Each part to be analysed will be divided 'subdiv' times if each subdivision is higher than sign_min_size range_list, minimal_range_set = generate_ranges(analysed_parts, subdiv, sign_min_size) if minimal_range_set: # each range is equal or smaller than the minimal signature size option, abort return range_list new_range_list = [] range_file_dict = {} print("[i] Creating %d test files..." % len(range_list), end="") for i, r in enumerate(range_list): filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, "test-%s.bin" % i) range_file_dict[filepath] = r f = open(filepath, "wb") f.write(file_bin[0:r[0]]) f.write(bytes([replacing_value])*(r[1]+1-r[0])) f.write(file_bin[r[1]+1:]) f.close() print("Done") if not manual: time.sleep(sleep) else: _ = input("Press any key to continue...") found_sign = False for filepath, r in range_file_dict.items(): if os.path.exists(filepath): print("[i] Located signature between bytes %d and %d" % (r[0], r[1])) new_range_list.append(r) found_sign = True try: os.remove(filepath) except FileNotFoundError: pass if len(new_range_list) == 0: print("[i] Unable to get a more precise location of the signature, probable a payload containing multiple signatures") return new_range_list elif union(new_range_list) == union(analysed_parts): print("[i] Unable to get a more precise location of the signature") return new_range_list else: return raw_analysis(file_bin, new_range_list, sign_min_size, test_dir, subdiv, manual, sleep)
def crawl_web(seed): # returns index, graph of inlinks tocrawl = [seed] crawled = [] graph = {} # <url>, [list of pages it links to] index = {} while tocrawl: page = tocrawl.pop() if page not in crawled: content = get_page(page) add_page_to_index(index, page, content) outlinks = get_all_links(content) graph[page] = outlinks utils.union(tocrawl, outlinks) crawled.append(page) return index, graph
def holes_filling(input, _): struct_1 = np.array([ [1], [1], [1] ]) struct_2 = np.array([ [1, 1, 1] ]) structure = np.array([ [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0] ]) mask = complementary(input) #iter = 0 X0 = np.zeros(input.shape) while True: d1 = ndimage.binary_dilation(X0, struct_1, border_value=1, mask=mask) d2 = ndimage.binary_dilation(X0, struct_2, border_value=1, mask=mask) X1 = union(d1, d2) if np.array_equal(X0, X1): break X0 = X1 #iter += 1 return complementary(X0)
def line_categoric(datasets, x, y, title, path, yscale='linear', col_map=None): print("Drawing line chart %s" % title) if col_map is None: col_map = make_col_map(datasets) xdatas = [] for name in datasets: xdata = list(map(lambda i: i[x], datasets[name])) xdatas.append(xdata) xdata = utils.union(*xdatas) ypos = np.arange(len(xdata)) for i, name in enumerate(datasets): data = datasets[name] ydata = [] for j in range(len(xdata)): xitem = xdata[j] items = list(filter(lambda i: i[x] == xitem, data)) if len(items) > 0: ydata.append(items[0][y]) else: ydata.append(0) plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '-o', label=name, color=col_map[name]) plt.ylabel(display.axis_case(y)) plt.yscale(yscale) plt.xticks(ypos, xdata, rotation=90) plt.title(title) plt.legend(loc='upper left') savefig(path)
def computeWordOvelap(imgc, word_gt, words, wordsOk, wordsFp): best_match = 0 best_match2 = 0 for det_word in words: try: cv2.rectangle(imgc, (det_word[0], det_word[1]), (det_word[2], det_word[3]), (0, 0, 255)) for gt_box in word_gt: rect_int = utils.intersect( det_word, gt_box ) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(det_word, gt_box)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) ratio2 = int_area / utils.area(gt_box) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio w = det_word best_match2 = ratio2 if best_match2 > 0.3: wordsOk.append(det_word) elif best_match == 0: wordsFp.append(det_word) except: pass return (best_match, best_match2)
def join(self, p1, p2, f, i, j): buckets = defaultdict(set) for ai, aj in self.get_tuples_from_function(f, i, j): buckets[aj].add(ai) image2 = set(frozenset(union(buckets[aj] for aj in s)) for s in p2) image2 = make_partition(image2) # print map(lambda x:map(str, x), image2) # image2 = [[o for o in elems if o not in conflict] for elems in image2] result = [] for s1 in p1: # print " old set:", map(str, s1) if True or not any(o in conflict for o in s1): all = set() for s2 in image2: new = [o for o in s1 if o in s2] if new: # print " new set:", map(str, new) result.append(new) all.update(new) # if len(all) < len(s1): # print " remaining:", map(str, [o for o in s1 if o not in all]) # result.append([o for o in s1 if o not in all]) return result
def QXGen(C, Bd, B, d, l): global genhash if l < lmax: if f(d) > 0: u = utils.union(B, Bd) if (genhash == ""): hash = utils.getHash(u, len(modelCNF.clauses)) else: hash = genhash genhash = "" if (not (hash in cache) ): #evito crear multiples hilos si ya esta en ejecución future = pool.apply_async(callConsistencyCheck, args=([u])) cache.update({hash: future}) #print("Genero: "+str(hash)) if f(C) == 1 and f(Bd) > 0: QXGen(Bd, [], B + [C[0]], [C[0]], l + 1) elif f(C) > 1: if (len(C) > 1): k = int(len(C) / 2) Ca = C[0:k] Cb = C[k:len(C)] else: k = int(len(C[0]) / 2) Ca = [C[0][0:k]] Cb = [C[0][k:len(C[0])]] QXGen(Ca, Cb + Bd, B, Cb, l + 1) if f(Bd) > 0 and f(d) > 0: QXGen([Bd[0]], utils.Diff(Bd, [Bd[0]]), B, [], l + 1)
def computeWordOvelap(imgc, word_gt, words, wordsOk, wordsFp): best_match = 0 best_match2 = 0 for det_word in words: try: cv2.rectangle(imgc, (det_word[0], det_word[1]), (det_word[2], det_word[3]), (0, 0, 255)) for gt_box in word_gt: rect_int = utils.intersect(det_word, gt_box) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(det_word, gt_box)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) ratio2 = int_area / utils.area(gt_box) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio w = det_word best_match2 = ratio2 if best_match2 > 0.3: wordsOk.append(det_word) elif best_match == 0: wordsFp.append(det_word) except: pass return (best_match, best_match2)
def depth_first_pebble(P, v, S): if (P.is_source(v)): P.pebble(v) for u in P.get_parents(v): if (not pebbled(u)): depth_first_pebble(P, u, utils.union(S, P.get_parents(v))) P.pebble(v) P.remove_pebbles(utils.complement1(P.size(), S))
def computeSegmOverlap(gt_rects, segmentations, MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP=0.6): segm2chars = 0 for k in range(len(gt_rects)): gt_rect = gt_rects[k] best_match = 0 best_match_line = 0 if (gt_rect[4] == ',' or gt_rect[4] == '.' or gt_rect[4] == '\'' or gt_rect[4] == ':' or gt_rect[4] == '-') and not evalPunctuation: continue best_match2 = 0 for detId in range(segmentations.shape[0]): rectn = segmentations[detId, :] rect_int = utils.intersect(rectn, gt_rect) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, gt_rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio if ratio > best_match_line and rectn[7] == 1.0: best_match_line = ratio gt_rect[5] = best_match if best_match < MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP: if k < len(gt_rects) - 1: gt_rect2 = gt_rects[k + 1] chars2Rect = utils.union(gt_rect2, gt_rect) rect_int = utils.intersect(rectn, chars2Rect) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, chars2Rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) if ratio > best_match2: if ratio > MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP: segm2chars += 1 best_match2 = ratio gt_rect[5] = ratio gt_rect2[5] = ratio
def narrow_docids(self, idx): m0 = [ decode_array(idx[w]) for w in self.r0 if idx.has_key(w) ] if self.r0 and not m0: return [] m2 = [ decode_array(idx[w]) for w in self.r2 if idx.has_key(w) ] if self.r2 and not m2: return [] if self.r1: try: refs = intersect( decode_array(idx[w]) for w in self.r1 ) except KeyError: return [] refs = union(refs, [ m for m in (m0,m2) if m ]) elif not self.r2: refs = merge(m0) else: refs = union(merge(m0), [m2]) # Now: refs = [ docid1,sentid1, docid2,sentid2, ... ] locs = [ (refs[i], refs[i+1]) for i in xrange(0, len(refs), 2) ] return locs
def narrow_docids(self, idx): m0 = [decode_array(idx[w]) for w in self.r0 if idx.has_key(w)] if self.r0 and not m0: return [] m2 = [decode_array(idx[w]) for w in self.r2 if idx.has_key(w)] if self.r2 and not m2: return [] if self.r1: try: refs = intersect(decode_array(idx[w]) for w in self.r1) except KeyError: return [] refs = union(refs, [m for m in (m0, m2) if m]) elif not self.r2: refs = merge(m0) else: refs = union(merge(m0), [m2]) # Now: refs = [ docid1,sentid1, docid2,sentid2, ... ] locs = [(refs[i], refs[i + 1]) for i in xrange(0, len(refs), 2)] return locs
def computeSegmOverlap(gt_rects, segmentations, MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP = 0.6): segm2chars = 0 for k in range(len(gt_rects)): gt_rect = gt_rects[k] best_match = 0 best_match_line = 0 if (gt_rect[4] == ',' or gt_rect[4] == '.' or gt_rect[4] == '\'' or gt_rect[4] == ':' or gt_rect[4] == '-') and not evalPunctuation: continue best_match2 = 0 for detId in range(segmentations.shape[0]): rectn = segmentations[detId, :] rect_int = utils.intersect( rectn, gt_rect ) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, gt_rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio if ratio > best_match_line and rectn[7] == 1.0 : best_match_line = ratio gt_rect[5] = best_match if best_match < MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP: if k < len(gt_rects) - 1: gt_rect2 = gt_rects[k + 1] chars2Rect = utils.union(gt_rect2, gt_rect) rect_int = utils.intersect( rectn, chars2Rect ) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, chars2Rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) if ratio > best_match2: if ratio > MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP: segm2chars += 1 best_match2 = ratio gt_rect[5] = ratio gt_rect2[5] = ratio
def create_optimistic_partitions(self): self.best_function_partitions = {} def get_partition(t): if t not in self.best_partitions: assert isinstance(t, pddl.types.CompositeType) pnew = sum((get_partition(subt) for subt in t.types), []) self.best_partitions[t] = pnew return self.best_partitions[t] logger.debug("Functions: %s", map(str, self.functions)) for f in self.functions: logger.debug("Function: %s, args: %s, type: %s", f, map(str, f.args), f.type) self.best_function_partitions[f] = {} logger.debug("best function Partiiton: %s", map(str, self.best_function_partitions)) for i, t in enumerate(chain((a.type for a in f.args), [f.type])): if t == pddl.t_boolean: continue p1 = [set(self.problem.get_all_objects(t))] original = set(p1[0]) logger.debug("") logger.debug("start %s %s %s", f, i, t) for j, t2 in enumerate( chain((a.type for a in f.args), [f.type])): if i == j or t2 == pddl.t_boolean: continue logger.debug("inner %s %s", j, t2) p2 = get_partition(t2) logger.debug("%s %s %s", t2, map(lambda x: map(str, x), p1), map(lambda x: map(str, x), p2)) p1 = self.join(p1, p2, f, i, j) used = union(p1) if used < original: p1.append(list(original - used)) self.best_function_partitions[f][i] = p1 logger.debug("%s %s", f, i) for p in p1: logger.debug(map(str, p))
def bar_categoric(datasets, x, y, path, yscale='linear'): title = display.header_case(y) print("Drawing bar chart %s" % title) xdatas = [] for name in datasets: xdata = list(map(lambda i: i[x], datasets[name])) xdatas.append(xdata) xdata = utils.union(*xdatas) ypos = np.arange(len(xdata)) cols = len(datasets) width = (1 - 2 * bar_padding) / cols for i, name in enumerate(datasets): data = datasets[name] ydata = [] for j in range(len(xdata)): xitem = xdata[j] items = list(filter(lambda i: i[x] == xitem, data)) if len(items) > 0: ydata.append(items[0][y]) else: ydata.append(0) offset = i - (cols - 1) / 2 + offset * width, ydata, width=width, align='center', label=name) plt.ylabel(display.axis_case(y)) plt.yscale(yscale) plt.xticks(ypos, xdata, rotation=90) plt.title(title) plt.legend(loc='upper left') savefig(path)
def stripPunc(word, w_type="any"): n_spaces = word.count(" ") if word.isalpha() and len(word) <= 2: return False chars = set(word) for p in chars.intersection(PUNC): if p != "/": word = word.replace(p, "") else: splt = p.split(-1) if splt in union(uniq, gqa_answers) and splt.isalpha(): return splt else: word = word.replace(p, "") if all(map(lambda x: x.isdigit() or x == " ", word)) and w_type is not "number": return False if not word: return False if not chars.intersection(VOWELS): return False return word
def complete_partition(t): if t not in partitions: if isinstance(t, pddl.types.CompositeType): pnew = sum((complete_partition(subt) for subt in t.types), []) partitions[t] = pnew else: # print "Composite" # print "subtypes: ", map(str, get_direct_subypes(t)) pnew = sum((complete_partition(t2) for t2 in get_direct_subypes(t)), []) # print t, map(lambda x:map(str, x), pnew) all = set(self.problem.get_all_objects(t)) used = union(pnew) assert used <= all if used < all: pnew.append(list(all - used)) # print (pnew) # tmp = [] # for p in pnew: # print type(p) # if len(p)>1: # # for el in p: # print el # tmp.append(el) # else: # #el = p.pop() # print "else ", p # pass # #tmp.append(el) # print "tmp ", (tmp), "\n" # print "pnew: ",t, map(lambda x:map(str, x), pnew) partitions[t] = pnew return partitions[t]
def run_batches(model, opt, lr_scheduler, loader, args, timer, training, epoch=None, epoch_fraction=None, logger=None, writer=None): if not training and epoch_fraction != 1: raise ValueError("Must do full epochs for val") if epoch_fraction > 1 or epoch_fraction <= 0: msg = "Invalid epoch_fraction {}.".format(epoch_fraction) msg += " Should satisfy 0 < epoch_fraction <= 1" raise ValueError(msg) model.train(training) client_download = torch.zeros(loader.dataset.num_clients) client_upload = torch.zeros(loader.dataset.num_clients) spe = steps_per_epoch(args.local_batch_size, loader.dataset, args.num_workers) if training: epoch_idxs = epoch * spe losses = [] for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(loader): if batch_idx > 2 and args.do_test and batch_idx < spe - 10: print("skipping ", batch_idx) continue # only carry out an epoch_fraction portion of the epoch if batch_idx > spe * epoch_fraction: break lr_scheduler.step() if lr_scheduler.get_lr() == 0: # hack to get the starting LR right for fedavg opt.step() if args.local_batch_size == -1: expected_num_clients = args.num_workers if torch.unique(batch[0]).numel() < expected_num_clients: # skip if there weren't enough clients left print("SKIPPING BATCH: NOT ENOUGH CLIENTS") continue else: expected_numel = args.num_workers * args.local_batch_size if batch[0].numel() < expected_numel: # skip incomplete batches print("SKIPPING BATCH: NOT ENOUGH DATA") continue loss, download, upload = model(batch) client_download += download client_upload += upload opt.step() loss = np.mean(loss) losses.append(loss) train_time = timer() download_mb = download.sum().item() / (1024 * 1024) upload_mb = upload.sum().item() / (1024 * 1024) batch_stats = { 'train_time': train_time, 'train_loss': loss, 'total_time': timer.total_time, 'down (MiB)': round(download_mb), 'up (MiB)': round(upload_mb), } lr = lr_scheduler.get_lr()[0] writer.add_scalar('training/loss', loss, batch_idx + epoch_idxs) writer.add_scalar('Lr', lr, batch_idx + epoch_idxs) writer.add_scalar('Time/train', train_time, batch_idx + epoch_idxs) summary = union({ 'batch_idx': batch_idx + 1 + epoch_idxs, 'lr': lr }, batch_stats) logger.append(summary) return np.mean(losses), client_download, client_upload else: nlls, accs, ppls = [], [], [] for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(loader): if batch_idx > 5 and args.do_test and batch_idx < spe - 5: print("skipping ", batch_idx) continue nll, acc = model(batch) nll = np.mean(nll) acc = np.mean(acc) nlls.append(nll) accs.append(acc) return np.mean(nlls), np.mean(accs), np.exp(np.mean(nlls))
qid2keep = {} #data to write vqa_number_subset_qids = [] vqa_train_qid2ans = [] vqa_val_qid2ans = [] vqa_trashed_qids = set() vqa_gqa_ans_overlap = set() uniq_ans = set() #data to load uniq_attributes = loadTxt("phase_1/uniq_attrs") uniq_relations = loadTxt("phase_1/uniq_rels") uniq_objects = loadTxt("phase_1/uniq_objs") uniq = union(uniq_attributes, uniq_relations, uniq_objects) gqa_answers = loadTxt("phase_1/gqa_answers") #funcs def stripPunc(word, w_type="any"): n_spaces = word.count(" ") if word.isalpha() and len(word) <= 2: return False chars = set(word) for p in chars.intersection(PUNC): if p != "/": word = word.replace(p, "") else: splt = p.split(-1)
def process_batch(nets, optim, optim2, image_size, args): global it, mean_loss, mean_rec it += 1 # 迭代次数加一 net, net_ctc = nets net = net_ctc = net.blobs['data'].reshape(args.batch_size, 1, image_size[1], image_size[0]) # 把一个batch的输入图片reshape net.reshape() optim2.step(1) im = net.blobs['data'].data[...] # shape [batch_size,1,416,416] draw = np.swapaxes(im, 2, 3) draw = np.swapaxes(draw, 1, 3) im_ctc = np.copy(draw) draw += 1 draw *= 128 draw = np.array(draw, dtype="uint8").copy() if args.debug: grid_step = 16 line = 0 while line < image_size[0]: cv2.line(draw[0], (0, line), (image_size[1], line), (128, 128, 128)) line += grid_step boxes = net.blobs['boxes'].data[...] # shape (4, 1, 500, 15) word_gtob = net.blobs['gt_boxes'].data[...] # shape (4, 6, 1, 6) word_txt = net.blobs['gt_labels'].data[...] # shape (4, 6, 1, 14) lines_gtob = net.blobs['line_boxes'].data[...] # shape (4, 1, 1, 5) lines_txt = net.blobs['line_labels'].data[...] # shape (4, 1, 1, 7) #nms = boxeso[:, 0, 0, 8] == 0 #boxes = boxes[:, :, nms, :] boxes[:, 0, :, 0] *= image_size[0] boxes[:, 0, :, 1] *= image_size[1] normFactor = math.sqrt(image_size[1] * image_size[1] + image_size[0] * image_size[0]) boxes[:, 0, :, 2] *= normFactor boxes[:, 0, :, 3] *= normFactor sum_cost = 0 count = 0 labels_gt = [] labels_det = [] gt_to_detection = {} net_ctc.clear_param_diffs() batch_buckets = [] dummy = {} matched_detections = 0 for bid in range(im.shape[0]): # 遍历batchsize下的每一个样本 o_image = net.layers[0].get_image_file_name(bid) o_image = cv2.imread(o_image, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) cx = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 0) cy = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 1) cmx = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 2) cmy = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 3) o_image = o_image[cy:cmy, cx:cmx] boxes_count = 0 for i in range(0, boxes.shape[2]): det_word = boxes[bid, 0, i] if (det_word[0] == 0 and det_word[1] == 0) or det_word[5] < 0.01: break boxes_count += 1 x = [i for i in range(boxes_count)] #random.shuffle(x) bucket_images = {} batch_buckets.append(bucket_images) word_gto = word_gtob[bid] word_gto_txt = word_txt[bid] gt_count = 0 for gt_no in range(word_gto.shape[0]): gt = word_gto[gt_no, :] gt = gt.reshape(6) gtnum = 1000 * bid + gt_no if gt[5] == -1: #print("ignore gt!") continue gt_count += 1 txt = word_gto_txt[gt_no, :] gtbox = ((gt[0] * image_size[0], gt[1] * image_size[1]), (gt[2] * normFactor, gt[3] * normFactor), gt[4] * 180 / 3.14) gtbox = cv2.boxPoints(gtbox) gtbox = np.array(gtbox, dtype="int") rect_gt = cv2.boundingRect(gtbox) if rect_gt[0] == 0 or rect_gt[ 1] == 0 or rect_gt[0] + rect_gt[2] >= image_size[ 0] or rect_gt[1] + rect_gt[3] >= image_size[1]: continue if gt[3] * normFactor < 3: if args.debug: pass print('too small gt!') continue rect_gt = [rect_gt[0], rect_gt[1], rect_gt[2], rect_gt[3]] rect_gt[2] += rect_gt[0] rect_gt[3] += rect_gt[1] for i in range(0, min(100, boxes_count)): if math.fabs(gt[4] - det_word[4]) > math.pi / 16: continue det_word = boxes[bid, 0, x[i], :] if (det_word[0] == 0 and det_word[1] == 0) or det_word[5] < 0.01: break box = ((det_word[0], det_word[1]), (det_word[2], det_word[3]), det_word[4] * 180 / 3.14) box = cv2.boxPoints(box) if args.debug: boxp = np.array(box, dtype="int") vis.draw_box_points(draw[bid], boxp, color=(0, 255, 0)) box = np.array(box, dtype="int") bbox = cv2.boundingRect(box) bbox = [bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]] bbox[2] += bbox[0] bbox[3] += bbox[1] #rectangle intersection ... inter = intersect(bbox, rect_gt) uni = union(bbox, rect_gt) ratio = area(inter) / float(area(uni)) ratio_gt = area(inter) / float(area(rect_gt)) if ratio_gt < 0.95: continue if ratio < 0.5: continue if not gt_to_detection.has_key(gtnum): gt_to_detection[gtnum] = [0, 0, 0] tupl = gt_to_detection[gtnum] if tupl[0] < ratio: tupl[0] = ratio tupl[1] = x[i] tupl[2] = ratio_gt det_word = boxes[bid, 0, x[i], :] box = ([det_word[0], det_word[1]], [det_word[2], det_word[3]], det_word[4] * 180 / 3.14) boxO = get_obox(im_ctc[bid], o_image, box) boxO = ((boxO[0][0], boxO[0][1]), (boxO[1][0], boxO[1][1]), boxO[2]) norm2, rot_mat = get_normalized_image(o_image, boxO) #norm3, rot_mat = get_normalized_image(im_ctc[bid], ([det_word[0], det_word[1]], [det_word[2] * 1.2, det_word[3] * 1.1], det_word[4] * 180 / 3.14)) if norm2 is None: continue #if norm3 is None: # continue #continue #cv2.imshow('ts', norm2) #cv2.imshow('ts3', norm3) #cv2.waitKey(1) width_scale = 32.0 / norm2.shape[0] width = norm2.shape[1] * width_scale best_diff = width bestb = 0 for b in range(0, len(buckets)): if best_diff > abs(width * 1.3 - buckets[b]): best_diff = abs(width * 1.3 - buckets[b]) bestb = b scaled = cv2.resize(norm2, (buckets[bestb], 32)) scaled = np.asarray(scaled, dtype=np.float) delta = scaled.max() - scaled.min() scaled = (scaled) / (delta / 2) scaled -= scaled.mean() if not bucket_images.has_key(bestb): bucket_images[bestb] = {} bucket_images[bestb]['img'] = [] bucket_images[bestb]['sizes'] = [] bucket_images[bestb]['txt'] = [] bucket_images[bestb]['gt_enc'] = [] dummy[bestb] = 1 else: if args.debug and len(bucket_images[bestb]) > 4: continue elif len(bucket_images[bestb]) > 32: continue gt_labels = [] txt_enc = '' for k in range(txt.shape[1]): if txt[0, k] > 0: if codec_rev.has_key(txt[0, k]): gt_labels.append(codec_rev[txt[0, k]]) else: gt_labels.append(3) txt_enc += unichr(txt[0, k]) else: gt_labels.append(0) if scaled.ndim == 3: scaled = cv2.cvtColor(scaled, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if args.debug: cv2.imshow('scaled', scaled) bucket_images[bestb]['sizes'].append(len(gt_labels)) bucket_images[bestb]['gt_enc'].append(gt_labels) bucket_images[bestb]['txt'].append(txt_enc) bucket_images[bestb]['img'].append(scaled) matched_detections += 1 #and learn OCR for bucket in bucket_images.keys(): imtf = np.asarray(bucket_images[bucket]['img'], dtype=np.float) imtf = np.reshape(imtf, (imtf.shape[0], -1, imtf.shape[1], imtf.shape[2])) #imtf = imtf.reshape((imtf.shape[0], imtf.shape[1], imtf.shape[2], 1)) #imtf = np.swapaxes(imtf,1,3) net_ctc.blobs['data'].reshape(imtf.shape[0], imtf.shape[1], imtf.shape[2], imtf.shape[3]) net_ctc.blobs['data'].data[...] = imtf labels = bucket_images[bucket]['gt_enc'] txt = bucket_images[bucket]['txt'] max_len = 0 for l in range(0, len(labels)): max_len = max(max_len, len(labels[l])) for l in range(0, len(labels)): while len(labels[l]) < max_len: labels[l].append(0) labels = np.asarray(labels, np.float) net_ctc.blobs['label'].reshape(labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]) net_ctc.blobs['label'].data[...] = labels if args.debug: vis.vis_square(imtf[0]) cv2.imshow('draw', draw[0]) cv2.waitKey(5) #optim.step(1) sum_cost += net_ctc.blobs['loss'].data[...] if net_ctc.blobs['loss'].data[...] > 10: #vis.vis_square(imtf[0]) #cv2.imshow('draw', draw[0]) sf = net_ctc.blobs['transpose'].data[...] labels2 = sf.argmax(3) out = utils.print_seq(labels2[:, 0, :]) print(u'{0} --- {1}'.format(out, txt[0])) #cv2.waitKey(5) count += imtf.shape[0] correct_cout = 0 for i in range(len(labels_gt)): det_text = labels_det[i] gt_text = labels_gt[i] if it % 100 == 0: pass #print( u"{0} -- {1}".format(det_text, gt_text).encode('utf8') ) if det_text == gt_text: correct_cout += 1 count = max(count, 1) mean_loss = 0.99 * mean_loss + 0.01 * sum_cost / count mean_rec = mean_rec * 0.99 + 0.01 * correct_cout / float( max(1, len(labels_gt))) #count detection ratio tp = 0 for bid in range(im.shape[0]): word_gto = word_gtob[bid] for gt_no in range(len(word_gto)): gt = word_gto[gt_no] gtnum = 1000 * bid + gt_no if gt_to_detection.has_key(gtnum): tupl = gt_to_detection[gtnum] if tupl[0] > 0.5: tp += 1 loc_recall = tp / float(max(1, gt_count)) if it % 10 == 0: print( '{0} - lr:{1:.3e} ctc:{2:.4f}/{3:.4f} wr:{4:.2f}/{5:.2f}, loc:{6:.2f} {7}' .format(it, 0.0001, sum_cost / count, mean_loss, correct_cout / float(max(1, len(labels_gt))), mean_rec, loc_recall, matched_detections)) if it % snapshot_interval == 0: #optim.snapshot() optim2.snapshot()
def process_batch(nets, optim, optim2, image_size, args): global it, mean_loss, mean_rec net, net_ctc = nets net = net_ctc = net.blobs['data'].reshape(args.batch_size,1,image_size[1],image_size[0]) net.reshape() it += 1 optim2.step(1) im = net.blobs['data'].data[...] draw = np.swapaxes(im,2,3) draw = np.swapaxes(draw,1,3) im_ctc = np.copy(draw) draw += 1 draw *= 128 draw = np.array(draw, dtype="uint8").copy() if args.debug: grid_step = 16 line = 0 while line < image_size[0]: cv2.line(draw[0], (0, line), (image_size[1], line), (128, 128, 128)) line += grid_step boxes = net.blobs['boxes'].data[...] word_gtob = net.blobs['gt_boxes'].data[...] word_txt = net.blobs['gt_labels'].data[...] lines_gtob = net.blobs['line_boxes'].data[...] lines_txt = net.blobs['line_labels'].data[...] #nms = boxeso[:, 0, 0, 8] == 0 #boxes = boxes[:, :, nms, :] boxes[:, 0, :, 0] *= image_size[0] boxes[:, 0, :, 1] *= image_size[1] normFactor = math.sqrt(image_size[1] * image_size[1] + image_size[0] * image_size[0]) boxes[:, 0, :, 2] *= normFactor boxes[:, 0, :, 3] *= normFactor sum_cost = 0 count = 0 labels_gt = [] labels_det = [] gt_to_detection = {} net_ctc.clear_param_diffs() batch_buckets = [] dummy = {} matched_detections = 0 for bid in range(im.shape[0]): o_image = net.layers[0].get_image_file_name(bid) o_image = cv2.imread(o_image, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) cx = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 0) cy = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 1) cmx = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 2) cmy = net.layers[0].get_crop(bid, 3) o_image = o_image[cy:cmy, cx:cmx] boxes_count = 0 for i in range(0, boxes.shape[2]): det_word = boxes[bid, 0, i] if (det_word[0] == 0 and det_word[1] == 0) or det_word[5] < 0.01: break boxes_count += 1 x = [i for i in range(boxes_count)] #random.shuffle(x) bucket_images = {} batch_buckets.append(bucket_images) word_gto = word_gtob[bid] word_gto_txt = word_txt[bid] gt_count = 0 for gt_no in range(word_gto.shape[0]): gt = word_gto[gt_no, :] gt = gt.reshape(6) gtnum = 1000 * bid + gt_no if gt[5] == -1: #print("ignore gt!") continue gt_count += 1 txt = word_gto_txt[gt_no, :] gtbox = ((gt[0] * image_size[0], gt[1] * image_size[1]), (gt[2] * normFactor, gt[3] * normFactor), gt[4] * 180 / 3.14) gtbox = cv2.boxPoints(gtbox) gtbox = np.array(gtbox, dtype="int") rect_gt = cv2.boundingRect(gtbox) if rect_gt[0] == 0 or rect_gt[1] == 0 or rect_gt[0] + rect_gt[2] >= image_size[0] or rect_gt[1] + rect_gt[3] >= image_size[1]: continue if gt[3] * normFactor < 3: if args.debug: #print('too small gt!') vis.draw_box_points(draw[bid], gtbox, color = (255, 255, 0)) cv2.imshow('draw', draw[bid]) continue if args.debug: vis.draw_box_points(draw[bid], gtbox, color = (0, 0, 0), thickness=2) #vis.draw_box_points(draw[bid], gtbox, color = (255, 255, 255)) #cv2.imshow('draw', draw[bid]) rect_gt = [rect_gt[0], rect_gt[1], rect_gt[2], rect_gt[3]] rect_gt[2] += rect_gt[0] rect_gt[3] += rect_gt[1] for i in range(0, min(100, boxes_count)): if math.fabs(gt[4] - det_word[4]) > math.pi / 16: continue det_word = boxes[bid, 0, x[i], :] if (det_word[0] == 0 and det_word[1] == 0) or det_word[5] < 0.01: break box = ((det_word[0], det_word[1]), (det_word[2], det_word[3]), det_word[4] * 180 / 3.14) box = cv2.boxPoints(box) if args.debug: boxp = np.array(box, dtype="int") vis.draw_box_points(draw[bid], boxp, color = (0, 255, 0)) box = np.array(box, dtype="int") bbox = cv2.boundingRect(box) bbox = [bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]] bbox[2] += bbox[0] bbox[3] += bbox[1] #rectangle intersection ... inter = intersect(bbox, rect_gt) uni = union(bbox, rect_gt) ratio = area(inter) / float(area(uni)) ratio_gt = area(inter) / float(area(rect_gt)) if ratio_gt < 0.95: continue if ratio < 0.5: continue if not gt_to_detection.has_key(gtnum): gt_to_detection[gtnum] = [0, 0, 0] tupl = gt_to_detection[gtnum] if tupl[0] < ratio: tupl[0] = ratio tupl[1] = x[i] tupl[2] = ratio_gt det_word = boxes[bid, 0, x[i], :] box = ([det_word[0], det_word[1]], [det_word[2], det_word[3]], det_word[4] * 180 / 3.14) boxO = get_obox(im_ctc[bid], o_image, box) boxO = ((boxO[0][0], boxO[0][1]), (boxO[1][0], boxO[1][1]), boxO[2]) norm2, rot_mat = get_normalized_image(o_image, boxO) #norm3, rot_mat = get_normalized_image(im_ctc[bid], ([det_word[0], det_word[1]], [det_word[2] * 1.2, det_word[3] * 1.1], det_word[4] * 180 / 3.14)) if norm2 is None: continue #if norm3 is None: # continue #continue #cv2.imshow('ts', norm2) #cv2.imshow('ts3', norm3) #cv2.waitKey(1) width_scale = 32.0 / norm2.shape[0] width = norm2.shape[1] * width_scale best_diff = width bestb = 0 for b in range(0, len(buckets)): if best_diff > abs(width * 1.3 - buckets[b]): best_diff = abs(width * 1.3 - buckets[b]) bestb = b scaled = cv2.resize(norm2, (buckets[bestb], 32)) scaled = np.asarray(scaled, dtype=np.float) delta = scaled.max() - scaled.min() scaled = (scaled) / (delta / 2) scaled -= scaled.mean() if not bucket_images.has_key(bestb): bucket_images[bestb] = {} bucket_images[bestb]['img'] = [] bucket_images[bestb]['sizes'] = [] bucket_images[bestb]['txt'] = [] bucket_images[bestb]['gt_enc'] = [] dummy[bestb] = 1 else: if args.debug and len(bucket_images[bestb]) > 4: continue elif len(bucket_images[bestb]) > 32: continue gt_labels = [] txt_enc = '' for k in range(txt.shape[1]): if txt[0, k] > 0: if codec_rev.has_key(txt[0, k]): gt_labels.append( codec_rev[txt[0, k]] ) else: gt_labels.append( 3 ) txt_enc += unichr(txt[0, k]) else: gt_labels.append( 0 ) if scaled.ndim == 3: scaled = cv2.cvtColor(scaled, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if args.debug: cv2.imshow('scaled', scaled) bucket_images[bestb]['sizes'].append(len(gt_labels)) bucket_images[bestb]['gt_enc'].append(gt_labels) bucket_images[bestb]['txt'].append(txt_enc) bucket_images[bestb]['img'].append(scaled) matched_detections += 1 #and learn OCR for bucket in bucket_images.keys(): imtf = np.asarray(bucket_images[bucket]['img'], dtype=np.float) imtf = np.reshape(imtf, (imtf.shape[0], -1, imtf.shape[1], imtf.shape[2])) #imtf = imtf.reshape((imtf.shape[0], imtf.shape[1], imtf.shape[2], 1)) #imtf = np.swapaxes(imtf,1,3) net_ctc.blobs['data'].reshape(imtf.shape[0],imtf.shape[1],imtf.shape[2], imtf.shape[3]) net_ctc.blobs['data'].data[...] = imtf labels = bucket_images[bucket]['gt_enc'] txt = bucket_images[bucket]['txt'] max_len = 0 for l in range(0, len(labels)): max_len = max(max_len, len(labels[l])) for l in range(0, len(labels)): while len(labels[l]) < max_len: labels[l].append(0) labels = np.asarray(labels, np.float) net_ctc.blobs['label'].reshape(labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1]) net_ctc.blobs['label'].data[...] = labels if args.debug: vis.vis_square(imtf[0]) cv2.imshow('draw', draw[0]) cv2.waitKey(5) optim.step(1) sum_cost += net_ctc.blobs['loss'].data[...] if net_ctc.blobs['loss'].data[...] > 10: vis.vis_square(imtf[0]) cv2.imshow('draw', draw[0]) sf = net_ctc.blobs['transpose'].data[...] labels2 = sf.argmax(3) out = utils.print_seq(labels2[:, 0, :]) print(u'{0} - {1}'.format(out, txt[0]) ) cv2.waitKey(5) count += imtf.shape[0] correct_cout = 0 for i in range(len(labels_gt)): det_text = labels_det[i] gt_text = labels_gt[i] if it % 100 == 0: print( u"{0} - {1}".format(det_text, gt_text).encode('utf8') ) if det_text == gt_text: correct_cout += 1 count = max(count, 1) mean_loss = 0.99 * mean_loss + 0.01 * sum_cost / count mean_rec = mean_rec * 0.99 + 0.01 * correct_cout / float(max(1, len(labels_gt))) #count detection ratio tp = 0 for bid in range(im.shape[0]): word_gto = word_gtob[bid] for gt_no in range(len(word_gto)): gt = word_gto[gt_no] gtnum = 1000 * bid + gt_no if gt_to_detection.has_key(gtnum): tupl = gt_to_detection[gtnum] if tupl[0] > 0.5: tp += 1 loc_recall = tp / float(max(1, gt_count)) if args.debug: cv2.imshow('draw', draw[0]) if im.shape[0] > 1: cv2.imshow('draw2', draw[1]) cv2.waitKey(10) if it % 10 == 0: print('{0} - lr:{1:.3e} ctc:{2:.4f}/{3:.4f} wr:{4:.2f}/{5:.2f}, loc:{6:.2f} {7}'.format(it, 0.0001, sum_cost / count, mean_loss, correct_cout / float(max(1, len(labels_gt))), mean_rec, loc_recall, matched_detections)) if it % 1000 == 0: optim.snapshot() optim2.snapshot()
def draw_missed_letters_tile( input_dir='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/ICDAR-Train', color=0, edgeThreshold=13, inter=True, scalingFactor=1.6, segmList=[]): ft = FASTex(process_color=color, edgeThreshold=edgeThreshold) d = input_dir subdirs = [ os.path.join(d, o) for o in os.listdir(d) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d, o)) ] subdirs = np.sort(subdirs) lastDir = '' for dir_name in subdirs: file_name = '{0}/evaluation.npz'.format(dir_name) if not os.path.exists(file_name): continue vars_dict = np.load(file_name) inputDir = vars_dict['inputDir'] lastDir = dir_name if 'letterKeypointHistogram' in vars_dict.keys(): letterKeypointHistogram = vars_dict['letterKeypointHistogram'] letterKeypointHistogram = dict(letterKeypointHistogram.tolist()) print(lastDir) missing_letters = vars_dict['missing_letters'] missing_letters = dict(missing_letters.tolist()) segmDir = '{0}/segmentations'.format(inputDir) segmDir = '/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/evaluation-sets/icdar2013-Test/segmentations' keys = [] ticks = [] values = [] values.append([]) values.append([]) values.append([]) values.append([]) ticks.append([]) ticks.append([]) ticks.append([]) ticks.append([]) listlen = 0 for letter in letterKeypointHistogram.keys(): keys.append(letter) values[0].append(0) ticks[0].append(listlen) values[1].append(0) ticks[1].append(listlen + 0.2) values[2].append(0) ticks[2].append(listlen + 0.4) values[3].append(0) ticks[3].append(listlen + 0.6) for num in letterKeypointHistogram[letter].keys(): values[num][listlen] = letterKeypointHistogram[letter][num] listlen += 1 indices = sorted(range(len(values[0])), key=lambda x: values[0][x]) indices.reverse() border = 15 missLetter = [] imagesMiss = {} for letter in np.asarray(keys)[np.asarray(indices)]: if not missing_letters.has_key(letter): continue arr = missing_letters[letter] for i in range(len(arr)): miss = arr[i] if len(segmList) > 0: base = os.path.basename(miss[0]) if not base in segmList: continue missLetter.append(miss) if imagesMiss.has_key(miss[0]): imagesMiss[miss[0]].append(miss[1]) else: imagesMiss[miss[0]] = [] imagesMiss[miss[0]].append(miss[1]) rowSize = len(imagesMiss.keys()) f, axes = plt.subplots(2, len(imagesMiss.keys())) plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None) figNo = 0 for image in imagesMiss.keys(): if len(imagesMiss.keys()) > 1: ax0 = axes[0][figNo] ax = axes[1][figNo] else: ax0 = axes[figNo] ax = axes[figNo] figNo += 1 if color == 1: img = cv2.imread(image) else: img = cv2.imread(image, 0) baseName = os.path.basename(image) baseName = baseName[:-4] segmImg = '{0}/{1}_GT.bmp'.format(segmDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(segmImg): segmImg = '{0}/gt_{1}.png'.format(segmDir, baseName) segmImg = cv2.imread(segmImg) segmentations = ft.getCharSegmentations(img) keypoints = ft.getLastDetectionKeypoints() if color == 1: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i in range(len(imagesMiss[image])): if i == 0: orBox = imagesMiss[image][0] else: orBox = utils.union(orBox, imagesMiss[image][i]) gt0 = orBox gt = [ gt0[0] - border, gt0[1] - border, gt0[2] + border, gt0[3] + border ] gt[0] = max(0, gt[0]) gt[1] = max(0, gt[1]) gt[2] = min(img.shape[1], gt[2]) gt[3] = min(img.shape[0], gt[3]) zoom = img[gt[1]:gt[3], gt[0]:gt[2]] ax.imshow(zoom, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') ax0.imshow(zoom, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') centers = segmImg[keypoints[:, 1].astype(int), keypoints[:, 0].astype(int)] keypointsInsideMask = centers == (255, 255, 255) keypointsInsideMask = np.invert( np.bitwise_and( np.bitwise_and(keypointsInsideMask[:, 0], keypointsInsideMask[:, 1]), keypointsInsideMask[:, 2])) keypointsInside = keypoints[keypointsInsideMask, :] mask = (keypoints[:, 0] > gt[0]) * (keypoints[:, 0] < gt[2]) * ( keypoints[:, 1] > gt[1]) * (keypoints[:, 1] < gt[3]) kpMask = keypoints[mask] kpMask[:, 0] = kpMask[:, 0] - gt[0] kpMask[:, 1] = kpMask[:, 1] - gt[1] kpMask[:, 7] = kpMask[:, 7] - gt[0] kpMask[:, 8] = kpMask[:, 8] - gt[1] ax.plot(kpMask[:, 0], kpMask[:, 1], 'ro') ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax0.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax0.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) for k in range(kpMask.shape[0]): ax.plot([kpMask[k, 0], kpMask[k, 7]], [kpMask[k, 1], kpMask[k, 8]], 'r-') style = 'rx' if kpMask.shape[1] > 9: for k in range(3): maski = kpMask[:, 9] == k + 1 if k == 1: style = "rv" if k == 2: style = "rs" if k == 4: style = "bo" if k == 5: style = "yo" ax.plot([kpMask[maski, 7]], [kpMask[maski, 8]], style) for i in range(len(imagesMiss[image])): gt0 = imagesMiss[image][i] mask = (keypointsInside[:, 0] > gt[0]) * (keypointsInside[:, 0] < gt[2]) * ( keypointsInside[:, 1] > gt[1]) * (keypointsInside[:, 1] < gt[3]) kpMask = keypointsInside[mask] keypointsInside[:, 0] = keypointsInside[:, 0] - gt[0] keypointsInside[:, 1] = keypointsInside[:, 1] - gt[1] keypointsInside[:, 7] = keypointsInside[:, 7] - gt[0] keypointsInside[:, 8] = keypointsInside[:, 8] - gt[1] ax.plot(keypointsInside[:, 0], keypointsInside[:, 1], 'go') for k in range(keypointsInside.shape[0]): ax.plot([keypointsInside[k, 0], keypointsInside[k, 7]], [keypointsInside[k, 1], keypointsInside[k, 8]], 'g-') ax.set_xlim(0, gt[2] - max(0, gt[0])) ax.set_ylim((gt[3] - max(0, gt[1]), 0)) line = mlines.Line2D(np.array([ gt0[0] - gt[0], gt0[2] - gt[0], gt0[2] - gt[0], gt0[0] - gt[0], gt0[0] - gt[0] ]), np.array([ gt0[1] - gt[1], gt0[1] - gt[1], gt0[3] - gt[1], gt0[3] - gt[1], gt0[1] - gt[1] ]), lw=5., alpha=0.6, color='r') ax0.add_line(line)
def compare_missed_segm( input_dir='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/experiments/segmentation', input_dir2='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/experiments/segmentationg', showPictures=False): ft = FASTex() (ms, dirs) = read_segm_data(input_dir) (ms2, dirs2) = read_segm_data(input_dir2, 'g') ms.extend(ms2) dirs.extend(dirs2) sumHash = {} for j in np.arange(0, len(ms)): missing_segm = ms[j] for image in missing_segm.keys(): arr = missing_segm[image] if not sumHash.has_key(image): sumHash[image] = arr continue for i in range(len(arr)): miss_gt = arr[i] check = sumHash[image] hasGt = False for k in range(len(check)): miss_gt2 = check[k] if miss_gt == miss_gt2: hasGt = True if not hasGt: sumHash[image].append(miss_gt) missing_segm = ms[0] data = [] dataf = [] gt_id = 0 columns = ['Img', 'GT Id'] for image in sumHash.keys(): arr = sumHash[image] f = None for i in range(len(arr)): orValue = False miss_gt = arr[i] row = [] row.append(os.path.basename(image)) row.append(gt_id) gt_id += 1 rowf = [] for j in np.arange(0, len(ms)): if gt_id == 1: columns.append(dirs[j]) msj = ms[j] hasSegmj = True val = 1 if msj.has_key(image): arrj = msj[image] for k in range(len(arrj)): miss_gtj = arrj[k] if miss_gtj == miss_gt: hasSegmj = False val = 0 break row.append(hasSegmj) rowf.append(val) orValue = orValue or hasSegmj if orValue: rowf.append(1) else: rowf.append(0) if showPictures: img = cv2.imread(image) imgg = cv2.imread(image, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if f == None: f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 3)) f.suptitle('Missing segmentation: {0}'.format(image)) ax = axes[0] ax.imshow(img, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') ax = axes[1] ax.imshow(imgg, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') orBox = miss_gt segmentations = ft.getCharSegmentations(imgg) keypoints = ft.getLastDetectionKeypoints() style = 'rx' for k in range(5): maski = keypoints[:, 9] == k + 1 if k == 1: style = "rv" if k == 2: style = "ro" if k == 4: style = "bo" ax.plot(keypoints[maski, 0], keypoints[maski, 1], style) for k in range(keypoints.shape[0]): ax.plot([keypoints[k, 0], keypoints[k, 7]], [keypoints[k, 1], keypoints[k, 8]], 'r-') ax = axes[0] else: orBox = utils.union(orBox, miss_gt) line = mlines.Line2D(np.array([ miss_gt[0], miss_gt[2], miss_gt[2], miss_gt[0], miss_gt[0] ]), np.array([ miss_gt[1], miss_gt[1], miss_gt[3], miss_gt[3], miss_gt[1] ]), lw=5., alpha=0.6, color='r') ax.add_line(line) row.append(orValue) data.append(row) dataf.append(rowf) if f != None: ax = axes[0] ax.set_xlim(orBox[0] - 20, orBox[2] + 20) ax.set_ylim(orBox[3] + 20, orBox[1] - 20) ax = axes[1] ax.set_xlim(orBox[0] - 20, orBox[2] + 20) ax.set_ylim(orBox[3] + 20, orBox[1] - 20) columns.append("OR") data = np.array(data) dataf = np.array(dataf) df = pandas.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns) #print(df) sumCols = dataf.sum(0) sumCols = dataf.shape[0] - sumCols print("Missing Segmentations:") print(sumCols) indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor = indices[1] missing_segm = ms[bestFactor] print("Best factor: {0}".format(dirs[bestFactor])) maskBest = dataf[:, bestFactor] == 0 datafSec = dataf[maskBest, :] sumCols = datafSec.sum(0) sumCols = datafSec.shape[0] - sumCols print("Missing Segmentations 2 best:") print(sumCols) indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor2 = indices[1] print("Best factor 2: {0}, missing segmentations: {1} -> {2}".format( dirs[bestFactor2], datafSec.shape[0], sumCols[indices[1]])) maskBest = datafSec[:, bestFactor2] == 0 dataf3 = datafSec[maskBest, :] sumCols = dataf3.sum(0) sumCols = dataf3.shape[0] - sumCols indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor2 = indices[1] print("Best factor 3: {0}, missing segmentations: {1} -> {2}".format( dirs[bestFactor2], dataf3.shape[0], sumCols[indices[1]]))
def compare_missed_segm(input_dir='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/experiments/segmentation', input_dir2='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/experiments/segmentationg', showPictures = False): ft = FASTex() (ms, dirs) = read_segm_data(input_dir) (ms2, dirs2) = read_segm_data(input_dir2, 'g') ms.extend(ms2) dirs.extend(dirs2) sumHash = {} for j in np.arange(0, len(ms)): missing_segm = ms[j] for image in missing_segm.keys(): arr = missing_segm[image] if not sumHash.has_key(image): sumHash[image] = arr continue for i in range(len(arr)): miss_gt = arr[i] check = sumHash[image] hasGt = False for k in range(len(check)): miss_gt2 = check[k] if miss_gt == miss_gt2: hasGt = True if not hasGt: sumHash[image].append(miss_gt) missing_segm = ms[0] data = [] dataf = [] gt_id = 0 columns = ['Img', 'GT Id'] for image in sumHash.keys(): arr = sumHash[image] f = None for i in range(len(arr)): orValue = False miss_gt = arr[i] row = [] row.append(os.path.basename(image)) row.append(gt_id) gt_id += 1 rowf = [] for j in np.arange(0, len(ms)): if gt_id == 1: columns.append(dirs[j]) msj = ms[j] hasSegmj = True val = 1 if msj.has_key(image): arrj = msj[image] for k in range(len(arrj)): miss_gtj = arrj[k] if miss_gtj == miss_gt: hasSegmj = False val = 0 break row.append(hasSegmj) rowf.append(val) orValue = orValue or hasSegmj if orValue: rowf.append(1) else: rowf.append(0) if showPictures: img = cv2.imread(image) imgg = cv2.imread(image, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if f == None: f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 3)) f.suptitle('Missing segmentation: {0}'.format(image)) ax = axes[0] ax.imshow(img, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') ax = axes[1] ax.imshow(imgg, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') orBox = miss_gt segmentations = ft.getCharSegmentations(imgg) keypoints = ft.getLastDetectionKeypoints() style = 'rx' for k in range(5): maski = keypoints[:, 9] == k + 1 if k == 1: style = "rv" if k == 2: style = "ro" if k == 4: style = "bo" ax.plot(keypoints[maski, 0], keypoints[maski, 1], style) for k in range(keypoints.shape[0]): ax.plot([keypoints[k,0], keypoints[k,7]], [keypoints[k,1], keypoints[k,8]], 'r-') ax = axes[0] else: orBox = utils.union(orBox, miss_gt) line = mlines.Line2D(np.array([miss_gt[0], miss_gt[2], miss_gt[2], miss_gt[0], miss_gt[0]]), np.array([miss_gt[1], miss_gt[1], miss_gt[3], miss_gt[3], miss_gt[1]]), lw=5., alpha=0.6, color='r') ax.add_line(line) row.append(orValue) data.append(row) dataf.append(rowf) if f != None: ax = axes[0] ax.set_xlim(orBox[0] - 20, orBox[2] + 20) ax.set_ylim(orBox[3] + 20, orBox[1] - 20) ax = axes[1] ax.set_xlim(orBox[0] - 20, orBox[2] + 20) ax.set_ylim(orBox[3] + 20, orBox[1] - 20) columns.append("OR") data = np.array(data) dataf = np.array(dataf) df = pandas.DataFrame(data = data, columns=columns) #print(df) sumCols = dataf.sum(0) sumCols = dataf.shape[0] - sumCols print("Missing Segmentations:") print(sumCols) indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor = indices[1] missing_segm = ms[bestFactor] print( "Best factor: {0}".format(dirs[bestFactor]) ) maskBest = dataf[:, bestFactor] == 0 datafSec = dataf[maskBest, :] sumCols = datafSec.sum(0) sumCols = datafSec.shape[0] - sumCols print("Missing Segmentations 2 best:") print(sumCols) indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor2 = indices[1] print( "Best factor 2: {0}, missing segmentations: {1} -> {2}".format(dirs[bestFactor2], datafSec.shape[0], sumCols[indices[1]]) ) maskBest = datafSec[:, bestFactor2] == 0 dataf3 = datafSec[maskBest, :] sumCols = dataf3.sum(0) sumCols = dataf3.shape[0] - sumCols indices = np.argsort(sumCols) bestFactor2 = indices[1] print( "Best factor 3: {0}, missing segmentations: {1} -> {2}".format(dirs[bestFactor2], dataf3.shape[0], sumCols[indices[1]]) )
def preprocess(self, data): print('preprocessing data...') # modify date format data['Date'] = data['Date'].apply(lambda x : datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%d/%m/%y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # average out betting odds data['Hodds'] = np.mean(data[['B365H','BWH','GBH','IWH','LBH','SBH','WHH','SJH','VCH','BSH']],axis=1) data['Dodds'] = np.mean(data[['B365D','BWD','GBD','IWD','LBD','SBD','WHD','SJD','VCD','BSD']],axis=1) data['Aodds'] = np.mean(data[['B365A','BWA','GBA','IWA','LBA','SBA','WHA','SJA','VCA','BSA']],axis=1) # filter columns - meta data @ use_col = ['Date','HomeTeam','AwayTeam','FTHG','FTAG','FTR','HTHG','HTAG','HTR','Referee','HS','AS','HST','AST', 'HC','AC','HF','AF','HY','AY','HR','AR','Hodds','Dodds','Aodds'] data = data[use_col] # accumulate histories # : referenced acc_hist = {'home_wins' : [], 'home_draws' : [], 'home_losses' : [], 'home_goals' : [], 'home_oppos_goals' : [], 'home_shots' : [], 'home_oppos_shots' : [], 'home_shotontarget' : [], 'home_oppos_shotontarget' : [], 'away_wins' : [], 'away_draws' : [], 'away_losses' : [], 'away_goals' : [], 'away_oppos_goals' : [], 'away_shots' : [], 'away_oppos_shots' : [], 'away_shotontarget' : [], 'away_oppos_shotontarget' : [], 'home_oppos_wins' : [], 'home_oppos_draws' : [], 'home_oppos_losses' : [], 'home_fouls' : [], 'home_yellowcards' : [], 'home_redcards' : [], 'home_cornerkicks' : [], 'home_oppos_cornerkicks' : [], 'home_oppos_fouls' : [], 'home_oppos_yellowcards' : [], 'home_oppos_redcards' : [], 'away_fouls' : [], 'away_yellowcards' : [], 'away_redcards' : [], 'away_cornerkicks' : [], 'away_oppos_cornerkicks' : [],'away_oppos_fouls' : [], 'away_oppos_yellowcards' : [], 'away_oppos_redcards' : []} d = 0 for row in data.iterrows() : hometeam = row[1]['HomeTeam'] awayteam = row[1]['AwayTeam'] date = row[1]['Date'] # filter matches with same playing teams temp1 = data[conjunction(data['HomeTeam']==hometeam, data['AwayTeam']==awayteam)] temp2 = data[conjunction(data['HomeTeam']==awayteam, data['AwayTeam']==hometeam)] temp = pd.concat([temp1, temp2], axis=0) history = temp[temp['Date']<date].sort_values(by='Date').tail(self.config.lookback_opp_matches) # if opponent history is too short, continue if len(history) < self.config.lookback_opp_matches : for key in list(acc_hist.keys()) : acc_hist[key].append(np.nan) continue # compute average number of goals scored against opponent in the past N matches with the opponent home = history[history['HomeTeam'] == hometeam] away = history[history['AwayTeam'] == hometeam] home_sum = np.sum(home[['FTHG','FTAG','HS','AS','HST','AST','HC','AC','HF','AF','HY','AY','HR','AR']]) away_sum = np.sum(away[['FTHG','FTAG','HS','AS','HST','AST','HC','AC','HF','AF','HY','AY','HR','AR']]) # filter recent N matches of both home and away home = data[union(data['HomeTeam']==hometeam, data['AwayTeam']==hometeam)] home = home[home['Date']<date].sort_values(by='Date').tail(self.config.lookback_matches) away = data[union(data['HomeTeam']==awayteam, data['AwayTeam']==awayteam)] away = away[away['Date']<date].sort_values(by='Date').tail(self.config.lookback_matches) # if match history is too short, continue if len(home) < self.config.lookback_matches or len(away) < self.config.lookback_matches : for key in list(acc_hist.keys()) : acc_hist[key].append(np.nan) continue home_home_sum = np.sum(home[home['HomeTeam']==hometeam][['FTHG','HS','HST','HC','HF','HY','HR']]) home_away_sum = np.sum(home[home['AwayTeam']==hometeam][['FTAG','AS','AST','AC','AF','AY','AR']]) away_home_sum = np.sum(away[away['HomeTeam']==awayteam][['FTHG','HS','HST','HC','HF','HY','HR']]) away_away_sum = np.sum(away[away['AwayTeam']==awayteam][['FTAG','AS','AST','AC','AF','AY','AR']]) # append computation results to dictionary acc_hist['home_oppos_goals'].append((home_sum['FTHG'] + away_sum['FTAG']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['away_oppos_goals'].append((home_sum['FTAG'] + away_sum['FTHG']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_shots'].append((home_sum['HS'] + away_sum['AS']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['away_oppos_shots'].append((home_sum['AS'] + away_sum['HS']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_shotontarget'].append((home_sum['HST'] + away_sum['AST']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['away_oppos_shotontarget'].append((home_sum['AST'] + away_sum['HST']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_cornerkicks'].append((home_sum['HC'] + away_sum['AC']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['away_oppos_cornerkicks'].append((home_sum['AC'] + away_sum['HC']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_fouls'].append((home_sum['HF'] + away_sum['AF']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['away_oppos_fouls'].append((home_sum['AF'] + away_sum['HF']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_yellowcards'].append((home_sum['HY'] + away_sum['AY']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['away_oppos_yellowcards'].append((home_sum['AY'] + away_sum['HY']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_redcards'].append((home_sum['HR'] + away_sum['AR']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['away_oppos_redcards'].append((home_sum['AR'] + away_sum['HR']) / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_goals'].append((home_home_sum['FTHG'] + home_away_sum['FTAG']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_goals'].append((away_home_sum['FTHG'] + away_away_sum['FTAG']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_shots'].append((home_home_sum['HS'] + home_away_sum['AS']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_shots'].append((away_home_sum['HS'] + away_away_sum['AS']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_shotontarget'].append((home_home_sum['HST'] + home_away_sum['AST']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_shotontarget'].append((away_home_sum['HST'] + away_away_sum['AST']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_cornerkicks'].append((home_home_sum['HC'] + home_away_sum['AC']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_cornerkicks'].append((away_home_sum['HC'] + away_away_sum['AC']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_fouls'].append((home_home_sum['HF'] + home_away_sum['AF']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_fouls'].append((away_home_sum['HF'] + away_away_sum['AF']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_yellowcards'].append((home_home_sum['HY'] + home_away_sum['AY']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_yellowcards'].append((away_home_sum['HY'] + away_away_sum['AY']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_redcards'].append((home_home_sum['HR'] + home_away_sum['AR']) / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_redcards'].append((away_home_sum['HR'] + away_away_sum['AR']) / self.config.lookback_matches) # count ratio of wins / draws / losses in the past N matches of Home vs Away res = [] for r in history.iterrows() : if r[1]['HomeTeam'] == hometeam : res.append(r[1]['FTR']) else : if r[1]['FTR'] == 'A' : res.append('H') elif r[1]['FTR'] == 'H' : res.append('A') else : res.append('D') acc_hist['home_oppos_wins'].append(res.count('H') / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_draws'].append(res.count('D') / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) acc_hist['home_oppos_losses'].append(res.count('A') / self.config.lookback_opp_matches) # count ratio of wins / draws / losses in the past N matches res = [] for r in home.iterrows() : if r[1]['HomeTeam'] == hometeam : res.append(r[1]['FTR']) else : if r[1]['FTR'] == 'A' : res.append('H') elif r[1]['FTR'] == 'H' : res.append('A') else : res.append('D') acc_hist['home_wins'].append(res.count('H') / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_draws'].append(res.count('D') / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['home_losses'].append(res.count('A') / self.config.lookback_matches) res = [] for r in away.iterrows() : if r[1]['HomeTeam'] == awayteam : res.append(r[1]['FTR']) else : if r[1]['FTR'] == 'A' : res.append('H') elif r[1]['FTR'] == 'H' : res.append('A') else : res.append('D') acc_hist['away_wins'].append(res.count('H') / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_draws'].append(res.count('D') / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist['away_losses'].append(res.count('A') / self.config.lookback_matches) acc_hist = pd.DataFrame(acc_hist) data = pd.concat([data, acc_hist], axis=1) data = data.dropna() return data
def evaluate_image(batch, detections, word_gto, iou_th=0.3, iou_th_vis=0.5, iou_th_eval=0.4): ''' Summary : Returns end-to-end true-positives, detection true-positives, number of GT to be considered for eval (len > 2). Description : For each predicted bounding-box, comparision is made with each GT entry. Values of number of end-to-end true positives, number of detection true positives, number of GT entries to be considered for evaluation are computed. Parameters ---------- iou_th_eval : float Threshold value of intersection-over-union used for evaluation of predicted bounding-boxes iou_th_vis : float Threshold value of intersection-over-union used for visualization when transciption is true but IoU is lesser. iou_th : float Threshold value of intersection-over-union between GT and prediction. word_gto : list of lists List of ground-truth bounding boxes along with transcription. batch : list of lists List containing data (input image, image file name, ground truth). detections : tuple of tuples Tuple of predicted bounding boxes along with transcriptions and text/no-text score. Returns ------- tp : int Number of predicted bounding-boxes having IoU with GT greater than iou_th_eval. tp_e2e : int Number of predicted bounding-boxes having same transciption as GT and len > 2. gt_e2e : int Number of GT entries for which transcription len > 2. ''' gt_to_detection = {} tp = 0 tp_e2e = 0 gt_e2e = 0 draw = batch[4][0] normFactor = math.sqrt( draw.shape[1] * draw.shape[1] + draw.shape[0] * draw.shape[0]) # Normalization factor for i in range(0, len(detections)): det = detections[i] boxr = det[0] box = cv2.boxPoints(boxr) # Predicted bounding-box parameters box = np.array( box, dtype="int") # Convert predicted bounding-box to numpy array bbox = cv2.boundingRect(box) bbox = [bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]] bbox[2] += bbox[0] # Convert width to right-coordinate bbox[3] += bbox[1] # Convert height to bottom-coordinate vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color=(255, 0, 0)) det_text = det[1][0] # Predicted transcription for bounding-box #print(det_text) for gt_no in range(len(word_gto)): gt = word_gto[gt_no] txt = gt[5] # GT transcription for given GT bounding-box gtbox = ((gt[0] * draw.shape[1], gt[1] * draw.shape[0]), (gt[2] * normFactor, gt[3] * normFactor), gt[4] * 180 / 3.14) # Re-scaling GT values gtbox = cv2.boxPoints(gtbox) gtbox = np.array(gtbox, dtype="int") rect_gt = cv2.boundingRect(gtbox) rect_gt = [rect_gt[0], rect_gt[1], rect_gt[2], rect_gt[3]] rect_gt[2] += rect_gt[0] # Convert GT width to right-coordinate rect_gt[3] += rect_gt[1] # Convert GT height to bottom-coordinate inter = intersect( bbox, rect_gt) # Intersection of predicted and GT bounding-boxes uni = union(bbox, rect_gt) # Union of predicted and GT bounding-boxes ratio = area(inter) / float(area( uni)) # IoU measure between predicted and GT bounding-boxes # 1). Visualize the predicted-bounding box if IoU with GT is higher than IoU threshold (iou_th) (Always required) # 2). Visualize the predicted-bounding box if transcription matches the GT and condition 1. holds # 3). Visualize the predicted-bounding box if transcription matches and IoU with GT is less than iou_th_vis and 1. and 2. hold if ratio > iou_th: vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color=(0, 128, 0)) if not gt_to_detection.has_key(gt_no): gt_to_detection[gt_no] = [0, 0] if txt.lower() == det_text.lower(): to_cls_x.append( [len(det_text), det[1][1], det[1][2], det[1][3]]) to_cls_y.append(1) vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2) gt[7] = 1 # Change this parameter to 1 when predicted transcription is correct. if ratio < iou_th_vis: vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=2) cv2.imshow('draw', draw) #cv2.waitKey(0) else: to_cls_x.append( [len(det_text), det[1][1], det[1][2], det[1][3]]) to_cls_y.append(0) tupl = gt_to_detection[gt_no] if tupl[0] < ratio: tupl[0] = ratio tupl[1] = i # Count the number of end-to-end and detection true-positives for gt_no in range(len(word_gto)): gt = word_gto[gt_no] txt = gt[5] if len(txt) > 2: gt_e2e += 1 if gt[7] == 1: tp_e2e += 1 if gt_to_detection.has_key(gt_no): tupl = gt_to_detection[gt_no] if tupl[0] > iou_th_eval: # Increment detection true-positive, if IoU is greater than iou_th_eval tp += 1 cv2.imshow('draw', draw) return tp, tp_e2e, gt_e2e
def draw_missed_letters_tile(input_dir='/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/FastTextEval/ICDAR-Train', color = 0, edgeThreshold = 13, inter = True, scalingFactor=1.6, segmList=[]): ft = FASTex(process_color = color, edgeThreshold = edgeThreshold) d=input_dir subdirs = [os.path.join(d,o) for o in os.listdir(d) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d,o))] subdirs = np.sort(subdirs) lastDir = '' for dir_name in subdirs: file_name = '{0}/evaluation.npz'.format(dir_name) if not os.path.exists(file_name): continue vars_dict = np.load(file_name) inputDir = vars_dict['inputDir'] lastDir = dir_name if 'letterKeypointHistogram' in vars_dict.keys(): letterKeypointHistogram = vars_dict['letterKeypointHistogram'] letterKeypointHistogram = dict(letterKeypointHistogram.tolist()) print(lastDir) missing_letters = vars_dict['missing_letters'] missing_letters = dict(missing_letters.tolist()) segmDir = '{0}/segmentations'.format(inputDir) segmDir = '/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/evaluation-sets/icdar2013-Test/segmentations' keys = [] ticks = [] values = [] values.append([]) values.append([]) values.append([]) values.append([]) ticks.append([]) ticks.append([]) ticks.append([]) ticks.append([]) listlen = 0 for letter in letterKeypointHistogram.keys(): keys.append(letter) values[0].append(0) ticks[0].append(listlen) values[1].append(0) ticks[1].append(listlen + 0.2) values[2].append(0) ticks[2].append(listlen + 0.4) values[3].append(0) ticks[3].append(listlen + 0.6) for num in letterKeypointHistogram[letter].keys(): values[num][listlen] = letterKeypointHistogram[letter][num] listlen += 1 indices = sorted(range(len(values[0])),key=lambda x:values[0][x]) indices.reverse() border = 15 missLetter = [] imagesMiss = {} for letter in np.asarray(keys)[np.asarray(indices)]: if not missing_letters.has_key(letter): continue arr = missing_letters[letter] for i in range(len(arr)): miss = arr[i] if len(segmList) > 0: base = os.path.basename(miss[0]) if not base in segmList: continue missLetter.append(miss) if imagesMiss.has_key(miss[0]): imagesMiss[miss[0]].append( miss[1] ) else: imagesMiss[miss[0]] = [] imagesMiss[miss[0]].append( miss[1] ) rowSize = len(imagesMiss.keys()) f, axes = plt.subplots(2, len(imagesMiss.keys())) plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None) figNo = 0 for image in imagesMiss.keys(): if len(imagesMiss.keys()) > 1: ax0 = axes[0][figNo] ax = axes[1][figNo] else: ax0 = axes[figNo] ax = axes[figNo] figNo += 1 if color == 1: img = cv2.imread(image) else: img = cv2.imread(image, 0) baseName = os.path.basename(image) baseName = baseName[:-4] segmImg = '{0}/{1}_GT.bmp'.format(segmDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(segmImg): segmImg = '{0}/gt_{1}.png'.format(segmDir, baseName) segmImg = cv2.imread(segmImg) segmentations = ft.getCharSegmentations(img) keypoints = ft.getLastDetectionKeypoints() if color == 1: img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i in range(len(imagesMiss[image])): if i == 0: orBox = imagesMiss[image][0] else: orBox = utils.union(orBox, imagesMiss[image][i]) gt0 = orBox gt = [gt0[0] - border, gt0[1] - border, gt0[2] + border, gt0[3] + border ] gt[0] = max(0, gt[0]) gt[1] = max(0, gt[1]) gt[2] = min(img.shape[1], gt[2]) gt[3] = min(img.shape[0], gt[3]) zoom = img[gt[1]:gt[3], gt[0]:gt[2]] ax.imshow(zoom, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') ax0.imshow(zoom, cmap=pylab.gray(), interpolation='nearest') centers = segmImg[keypoints[:, 1].astype(int), keypoints[:, 0].astype(int)] keypointsInsideMask = centers == (255, 255, 255) keypointsInsideMask = np.invert(np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(keypointsInsideMask[:, 0], keypointsInsideMask[:, 1]), keypointsInsideMask[:, 2])) keypointsInside = keypoints[keypointsInsideMask, :] mask = (keypoints[:, 0] > gt[0]) * (keypoints[:, 0] < gt[2]) * (keypoints[:, 1] > gt[1]) * (keypoints[:, 1] < gt[3]) kpMask = keypoints[mask] kpMask[:, 0] = kpMask[:, 0] - gt[0] kpMask[:, 1] = kpMask[:, 1] - gt[1] kpMask[:, 7] = kpMask[:, 7] - gt[0] kpMask[:, 8] = kpMask[:, 8] - gt[1] ax.plot(kpMask[:, 0], kpMask[:, 1], 'ro') ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax0.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax0.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) for k in range(kpMask.shape[0]): ax.plot([kpMask[k,0], kpMask[k,7]], [kpMask[k,1], kpMask[k,8]], 'r-') style = 'rx' if kpMask.shape[1] > 9: for k in range(3): maski = kpMask[:, 9] == k + 1 if k == 1: style = "rv" if k == 2: style = "rs" if k == 4: style = "bo" if k == 5: style = "yo" ax.plot([kpMask[maski,7]], [kpMask[maski,8]], style) for i in range(len(imagesMiss[image])): gt0 = imagesMiss[image][i] mask = (keypointsInside[:, 0] > gt[0]) * (keypointsInside[:, 0] < gt[2]) * (keypointsInside[:, 1] > gt[1]) * (keypointsInside[:, 1] < gt[3]) kpMask = keypointsInside[mask] keypointsInside[:, 0] = keypointsInside[:, 0] - gt[0] keypointsInside[:, 1] = keypointsInside[:, 1] - gt[1] keypointsInside[:, 7] = keypointsInside[:, 7] - gt[0] keypointsInside[:, 8] = keypointsInside[:, 8] - gt[1] ax.plot(keypointsInside[:, 0], keypointsInside[:, 1], 'go') for k in range(keypointsInside.shape[0]): ax.plot([keypointsInside[k,0], keypointsInside[k,7]], [keypointsInside[k,1], keypointsInside[k,8]], 'g-') ax.set_xlim(0, gt[2] - max(0, gt[0])) ax.set_ylim((gt[3] - max(0, gt[1]), 0)) line = mlines.Line2D(np.array([gt0[0] - gt[0], gt0[2] - gt[0], gt0[2] - gt[0], gt0[0] - gt[0], gt0[0] - gt[0]]), np.array([gt0[1] - gt[1], gt0[1] - gt[1], gt0[3] - gt[1], gt0[3] - gt[1], gt0[1] - gt[1]]), lw=5., alpha=0.6, color='r') ax0.add_line(line)
try: graph.add_edge((names[i], names[j], dist)) except ValueError: graph.update_edge(names[i], names[j], dist) print(names[i], names[j]) graph.create_adjacency_matrix() return graph imdb, afi, rt, mc, hw = scrape_movies.get_movie_lists() movie_lists = [imdb, afi, rt, mc, hw] union = utils.union(movie_lists) intersection = utils.intersect(movie_lists) ranks = {} counts = {} for movie in union: rank, count = average_rank(movie, movie_lists) ranks[movie], counts[movie] = rank, count top_movies = sorted(ranks, key=ranks.get) with open("movie_lists/aggregate_top_100.txt", "w") as file: for rank, movie in enumerate(top_movies[:100]): file.write(str(rank + 1) + ". " + movie + "\n") union = sorted(union) imdb_ranks = np.zeros((len(union), 1))
def run_words(inputDir, outputDir, invert=False): if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) #images = glob.glob('{0}/*.png'.format('/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/evaluation-sets/MS-text_database')) #images = glob.glob('{0}/*.jpg'.format('/datagrid/personal/TextSpotter/evaluation-sets/neocr_dataset')) images = glob.glob('{0}/*.jpg'.format(inputDir)) images.extend(glob.glob('{0}/*.JPG'.format(inputDir))) images.extend(glob.glob('{0}/*.png'.format(inputDir))) matched_words = 0 word_count = 0 for image in sorted(images): print('Processing {0}'.format(image)) img = cv2.imread(image, 0) imgc = cv2.imread(image) imgproc = img imgKp = np.copy(img) imgKp.fill(0) baseName = os.path.basename(image) baseName = baseName[:-4] workPoint = 0.3 segmentations = ftext.getCharSegmentations( imgproc) #, outputDir, baseName) segmentations = segmentations[:, 0:10] segmentations = np.column_stack([ segmentations, np.zeros((segmentations.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.float) ]) maskDuplicates = segmentations[:, 8] == -1 segmentationsDuplicates = segmentations[maskDuplicates, :] maskNoNei = segmentationsDuplicates[:, 9] > workPoint keypoints = ftext.getLastDetectionKeypoints() imgKp[keypoints[:, 1].astype(int), keypoints[:, 0].astype(int)] = 255 scales = ftext.getImageScales() statc = ftext.getDetectionStat() words = ftext.findTextLines() segmentations[:, 2] += segmentations[:, 0] segmentations[:, 3] += segmentations[:, 1] lineGt = '{0}/gt_{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(lineGt): lineGt = '{0}/{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) lineGt = '{0}/gt_{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) if os.path.exists(lineGt): try: word_gt = utls.read_icdar2013_txt_gt(lineGt) except ValueError: try: word_gt = utls.read_icdar2013_txt_gt(lineGt, separator=',') except ValueError: word_gt = utls.read_icdar2015_txt_gt(lineGt, separator=',') else: lineGt = '{0}/{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) word_gt = utls.read_mrrc_txt_gt(lineGt, separator=',') cw = 0 for detId in range(segmentations.shape[0]): best_match = 0 for gt_box in word_gt: if len(gt_box[4]) == 1: continue if gt_box[4][0] == "#": continue cw += 1 rectn = segmentations[detId, :] rect_int = utils.intersect(rectn, gt_box) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, gt_box)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) rectn[11] = max(ratio, rectn[11]) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio if ratio > 0.7: #print( "Word Match!" ) #cv2.rectangle(imgc, (rectn[0], rectn[1]), (rectn[2], rectn[3]), (0, 255, 0)) #cv2.imshow("ts", imgc) #cv2.waitKey(0) ftext.acummulateCharFeatures(2, detId) if gt_box[5] != -1: matched_words += 1 gt_box[5] = -1 if best_match == 0: ftext.acummulateCharFeatures(0, detId) word_count += cw print("word recall: {0}".format(matched_words / float(word_count)))
def run_evaluation(inputDir, outputDir, invert=False, isFp=False): if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) images = glob.glob('{0}/*.jpg'.format(inputDir)) images.extend(glob.glob('{0}/*.JPG'.format(inputDir))) images.extend(glob.glob('{0}/*.png'.format(inputDir))) segmDir = '{0}/segmentations'.format(inputDir) for image in images: print('Processing {0}'.format(image)) img = cv2.imread(image, 0) imgc = cv2.imread(image) imgproc = img imgKp = np.copy(img) imgKp.fill(0) baseName = os.path.basename(image) baseName = baseName[:-4] workPoint = 0.3 segmentations = ftext.getCharSegmentations( imgproc) #, outputDir, baseName) segmentations = segmentations[:, 0:10] segmentations = np.column_stack([ segmentations, np.zeros((segmentations.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.float) ]) maskDuplicates = segmentations[:, 8] == -1 segmentationsDuplicates = segmentations[maskDuplicates, :] maskNoNei = segmentationsDuplicates[:, 9] > workPoint segmentationsNoNei = segmentationsDuplicates[maskNoNei, :] keypoints = ftext.getLastDetectionKeypoints() imgKp[keypoints[:, 1].astype(int), keypoints[:, 0].astype(int)] = 255 scales = ftext.getImageScales() statc = ftext.getDetectionStat() words = ftext.findTextLines() segmLine = segmentations[segmentations[:, 7] == 1.0, :] segmentations[:, 2] += segmentations[:, 0] segmentations[:, 3] += segmentations[:, 1] if isFp: for detId in range(0, segmentations.shape[0]): ftext.acummulateCharFeatures(0, detId) continue lineGt = '{0}/gt_{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(lineGt): lineGt = '{0}/{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) lineGt = '{0}/gt_{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) if os.path.exists(lineGt): try: word_gt = utls.read_icdar2013_txt_gt(lineGt) except ValueError: try: word_gt = utls.read_icdar2013_txt_gt(lineGt, separator=',') except ValueError: word_gt = utls.read_icdar2015_txt_gt(lineGt, separator=',') else: lineGt = '{0}/{1}.txt'.format(inputDir, baseName) word_gt = utls.read_mrrc_txt_gt(lineGt, separator=',') rWcurrent = 0.0 for gt_box in word_gt: if len(gt_box[4]) == 1: continue best_match = 0 cv2.rectangle(imgc, (gt_box[0], gt_box[1]), (gt_box[2], gt_box[3]), (0, 255, 0)) for det_word in words: rect_int = utils.intersect(det_word, gt_box) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(det_word, gt_box)) if union_area == 0: continue ratio = int_area / float(union_area) det_word[11] = max(det_word[11], ratio) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio rWcurrent += best_match best_match = 0 for detId in range(segmentations.shape[0]): rectn = segmentations[detId, :] rect_int = utils.intersect(rectn, gt_box) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, gt_box)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) rectn[11] = max(ratio, rectn[11]) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio if ratio > 0.7: #print( "Word Match!" ) #tmp = ftext.getSegmentationMask(detId) #cv2.imshow("ts", tmp) #cv2.waitKey(0) ftext.acummulateCharFeatures(2, detId) segmImg = '{0}/{1}_GT.bmp'.format(segmDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(segmImg): segmImg = '{0}/gt_{1}.png'.format(segmDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(segmImg): segmImg = '{0}/{1}.png'.format(segmDir, baseName) segmImg = cv2.imread(segmImg, 0) if invert and segmImg is not None: segmImg = ~segmImg gt_rects = [] miss_rects = [] segmGt = '{0}/{1}_GT.txt'.format(segmDir, baseName) if os.path.exists(segmGt) and False: (gt_rects, groups) = utls.read_icdar2013_segm_gt(segmGt) segmImg = '{0}/{1}_GT.bmp'.format(segmDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(segmImg): segmImg = '{0}/gt_{1}.png'.format(segmDir, baseName) segmImg = cv2.imread(segmImg) else: contours = cv2.findContours(np.copy(segmImg), mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[1] for cont in contours: rect = cv2.boundingRect(cont) rect = [ rect[0], rect[1], rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3], '?', 0, 0 ] gt_rects.append(rect) for detId in range(segmentations.shape[0]): rectn = segmentations[detId, :] for k in range(len(gt_rects)): gt_rect = gt_rects[k] best_match = 0 best_match_line = 0 if (gt_rect[4] == ',' or gt_rect[4] == '.' or gt_rect[4] == '\'' or gt_rect[4] == ':' or gt_rect[4] == '-') and not evalPunctuation: continue minSingleOverlap = MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP if gt_rect[4] == 'i' or gt_rect[4] == '!': minSingleOverlap = 0.5 rect_int = utils.intersect(rectn, gt_rect) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, gt_rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) rectn[10] = max(ratio, rectn[10]) if rectn[9] > workPoint: gt_rect[6] = max(ratio, gt_rect[6]) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio if ratio > best_match_line and rectn[7] == 1.0: best_match_line = ratio if ratio > minSingleOverlap: ftext.acummulateCharFeatures(1, detId) if ratio < minSingleOverlap: if k < len(gt_rects) - 1: gt_rect2 = gt_rects[k + 1] chars2Rect = utils.union(gt_rect2, gt_rect) rect_int = utils.intersect(rectn, chars2Rect) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, chars2Rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) rectn[10] = max(ratio, rectn[10]) if ratio > 0.8: best_match2 = ratio gt_rect[5] = ratio gt_rect2[5] = ratio ftext.acummulateCharFeatures(2, detId) thickness = 1 color = (255, 0, 255) if best_match >= minSingleOverlap: color = (0, 255, 0) if best_match > 0.7: thickness = 2 cv2.rectangle(imgc, (gt_rect[0], gt_rect[1]), (gt_rect[2], gt_rect[3]), color, thickness) if rectn[10] == 0 and rectn[11] == 0: ftext.acummulateCharFeatures(0, detId) '''
def evaluate_image(batch, detections, word_gto, iou_th=0.3, iou_th_vis=0.5, iou_th_eval=0.4): ''' Summary : Returns end-to-end true-positives, detection true-positives, number of GT to be considered for eval (len > 2). Description : For each predicted bounding-box, comparision is made with each GT entry. Values of number of end-to-end true positives, number of detection true positives, number of GT entries to be considered for evaluation are computed. Parameters ---------- iou_th_eval : float Threshold value of intersection-over-union used for evaluation of predicted bounding-boxes iou_th_vis : float Threshold value of intersection-over-union used for visualization when transciption is true but IoU is lesser. iou_th : float Threshold value of intersection-over-union between GT and prediction. word_gto : list of lists List of ground-truth bounding boxes along with transcription. batch : list of lists List containing data (input image, image file name, ground truth). detections : tuple of tuples Tuple of predicted bounding boxes along with transcriptions and text/no-text score. Returns ------- tp : int Number of predicted bounding-boxes having IoU with GT greater than iou_th_eval. tp_e2e : int Number of predicted bounding-boxes having same transciption as GT and len > 2. gt_e2e : int Number of GT entries for which transcription len > 2. ''' gt_to_detection = {} tp = 0 tp_e2e = 0 gt_e2e = 0 draw = batch[4][0] normFactor = math.sqrt(draw.shape[1] * draw.shape[1] + draw.shape[0] * draw.shape[0]) # Normalization factor for i in range(0, len(detections)): det = detections[i] boxr = det[0] box = cv2.boxPoints(boxr) # Predicted bounding-box parameters box = np.array(box, dtype="int") # Convert predicted bounding-box to numpy array bbox = cv2.boundingRect(box) bbox = [bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]] bbox[2] += bbox[0] # Convert width to right-coordinate bbox[3] += bbox[1] # Convert height to bottom-coordinate vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color = (255, 0, 0)) det_text = det[1][0] # Predicted transcription for bounding-box #print(det_text) for gt_no in range(len(word_gto)): gt = word_gto[gt_no] txt = gt[5] # GT transcription for given GT bounding-box gtbox = ((gt[0] * draw.shape[1], gt[1] * draw.shape[0]), (gt[2] * normFactor, gt[3] * normFactor), gt[4] * 180 / 3.14) # Re-scaling GT values gtbox = cv2.boxPoints(gtbox) gtbox = np.array(gtbox, dtype="int") rect_gt = cv2.boundingRect(gtbox) rect_gt = [rect_gt[0], rect_gt[1], rect_gt[2], rect_gt[3]] rect_gt[2] += rect_gt[0] # Convert GT width to right-coordinate rect_gt[3] += rect_gt[1] # Convert GT height to bottom-coordinate inter = intersect(bbox, rect_gt) # Intersection of predicted and GT bounding-boxes uni = union(bbox, rect_gt) # Union of predicted and GT bounding-boxes ratio = area(inter) / float(area(uni)) # IoU measure between predicted and GT bounding-boxes # 1). Visualize the predicted-bounding box if IoU with GT is higher than IoU threshold (iou_th) (Always required) # 2). Visualize the predicted-bounding box if transcription matches the GT and condition 1. holds # 3). Visualize the predicted-bounding box if transcription matches and IoU with GT is less than iou_th_vis and 1. and 2. hold if ratio > iou_th: vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color = (0, 128, 0)) if not gt_to_detection.has_key(gt_no): gt_to_detection[gt_no] = [0, 0] if txt.lower() == det_text.lower(): to_cls_x.append([len(det_text), det[1][1], det[1][2], det[1][3]]) to_cls_y.append(1) vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness=2) gt[7] = 1 # Change this parameter to 1 when predicted transcription is correct. if ratio < iou_th_vis: vis.draw_box_points(draw, box, color = (255, 255, 255), thickness=2) cv2.imshow('draw', draw) #cv2.waitKey(0) else: to_cls_x.append([len(det_text), det[1][1], det[1][2], det[1][3]]) to_cls_y.append(0) tupl = gt_to_detection[gt_no] if tupl[0] < ratio: tupl[0] = ratio tupl[1] = i # Count the number of end-to-end and detection true-positives for gt_no in range(len(word_gto)): gt = word_gto[gt_no] txt = gt[5] if len(txt) > 2: gt_e2e += 1 if gt[7] == 1: tp_e2e += 1 if gt_to_detection.has_key(gt_no): tupl = gt_to_detection[gt_no] if tupl[0] > iou_th_eval: # Increment detection true-positive, if IoU is greater than iou_th_eval tp += 1 cv2.imshow('draw', draw) return tp, tp_e2e, gt_e2e
def train(model, opt, lr_scheduler, train_loader, test_loader, args, writer, loggers=(), timer=None): timer = timer or Timer() total_download = 0 total_upload = 0 if args.eval_before_start: # val test_loss, test_acc, _, _ = run_batches(model, None, None, test_loader, False, args) test_time = timer() print("Test acc at epoch 0: {:0.4f}".format(test_acc)) # ceil in case num_epochs in case we want to do a # fractional number of epochs for epoch in range(math.ceil(args.num_epochs)): if epoch == math.ceil(args.num_epochs) - 1: epoch_fraction = args.num_epochs - epoch else: epoch_fraction = 1 # train train_loss, train_acc, download, upload = run_batches( model, opt, lr_scheduler, train_loader, True, epoch_fraction, args) if train_loss is np.nan: print("TERMINATING TRAINING DUE TO NAN LOSS") return train_time = timer() download_mb = download.sum().item() / (1024 * 1024) upload_mb = upload.sum().item() / (1024 * 1024) total_download += download_mb total_upload += upload_mb # val test_loss, test_acc, _, _ = run_batches(model, None, None, test_loader, False, 1, args) test_time = timer() # report epoch results try: rounded_down = round(download_mb) except: rounded_down = np.nan try: rounded_up = round(upload_mb) except: rounded_up = np.nan epoch_stats = { 'train_time': train_time, 'train_loss': train_loss, 'train_acc': train_acc, 'test_loss': test_loss, 'test_acc': test_acc, 'down (MiB)': rounded_down, 'up (MiB)': rounded_up, 'total_time': timer.total_time, } lr = lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0] summary = union({'epoch': epoch + 1, 'lr': lr}, epoch_stats) for logger in loggers: logger.append(summary) if args.use_tensorboard: writer.add_scalar('Loss/train', train_loss, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Loss/test', test_loss, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Acc/train', train_acc, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Acc/test', test_acc, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Time/train', train_time, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Time/test', test_time, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Time/total', timer.total_time, epoch) writer.add_scalar('Lr', lr, epoch) print("Total Download (MiB): {:0.2f}".format(total_download)) print("Total Upload (MiB): {:0.2f}".format(total_upload)) print("Avg Download Per Client: {:0.2f}".format( total_download / train_loader.dataset.num_clients)) print("Avg Upload Per Client: {:0.2f}".format( total_upload / train_loader.dataset.num_clients)) return summary
def run_evaluation(inputDir, outputDir, process_color = 0, processTest = 0): if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.mkdir(outputDir) edgeThreshold = 14 fastex = FASTex(edgeThreshold = edgeThreshold) modelFile = '/home/busta/outModel.boost' model = cv2.Boost() model.load(modelFile) images = glob.glob('{0}/*.jpg'.format(inputDir)) segmDir = '{0}/segmentations'.format(inputDir) precision = 0; precisionDen = 0 recall = 0 recall05 = 0 recallNonMax = 0 recallDen = 0 wordRecall = 0 wordRecallDen = 0 segm2chars = 0 regionsCount = 0 regionsCountNonMax = 0 missing_segmNonMaxCount = 0 letterKeypointHistogram = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float)) octaveLetterKeypointHistogram = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float)) missing_letters = {} letterHistogram = defaultdict(int) missing_segm = {} missing_segm2 = {} missing_segmNonMax = {} diffMaxOctavesMap = {} diffScoreOctavesMap = {} segmHistogram = [] segmWordHistogram = [] results = [] hist = None histFp = None histDist = None histDistFp = None histDistMax = None histDistMaxWhite = None histDistMaxFp = None hist2dDist =None hist2dDistFp = None hist2dDistScore = None hist2dDistScoreFp = None histDistMaxWhiteFp = None histSegm = np.zeros((256), dtype = np.float) histSegmCount = np.zeros((256), dtype = stat = np.asarray([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=np.float) times = [] gtSegmCount = 0 wordsOk = [] wordsFp = [] keypointsTotal = 0 keypointsTotalInside = 0 orbTime = 0 lineNo = 0 perfectWords = 0; perfectWordsNS = 0; hasSegm = False for image in images: print('Processing {0}'.format(image)) img = cv2.imread(image, 0) imgc = cv2.imread(image) imgcO = cv2.imread(image) if process_color == 1: imgproc = imgc else: imgproc = img baseName = os.path.basename(image) baseName = baseName[:-4] workPoint = 0.3 segmentations = fastex.getCharSegmentations(imgproc, outputDir, baseName) segmentations = segmentations[:, 0:10] segmentations = np.column_stack( [ segmentations , np.zeros( (segmentations.shape[0], 2), dtype = np.float ) ] ) maskDuplicates = segmentations[:, 8] == -1 segmentationsDuplicates = segmentations[maskDuplicates, :] maskNoNei = segmentationsDuplicates[:, 9] > workPoint segmentationsNoNei = segmentationsDuplicates[maskNoNei, :] if segmentations.shape[0] > 0: print( 'Dupl ratio: {0} - {1}/ {2} - {3}'.format(segmentationsDuplicates.shape[0] / float(segmentations.shape[0]), segmentationsDuplicates.shape[0], segmentations.shape[0], segmentationsNoNei.shape[0] ) ) keypoints = fastex.getLastDetectionKeypoints() keypointsTotal += keypoints.shape[0] statc = fastex.getDetectionStat() times.append([ statc[1], statc[2], statc[3], statc[4], statc[5], statc[6], statc[7], statc[8], statc[9], statc[10]]) stat += statc values = img[ keypoints[:, 1].astype(int), keypoints[:, 0].astype(int) ] valuesMax = img[keypoints[:, 6].astype(int), keypoints[:, 5].astype(int)] diffValMax = np.abs(values - valuesMax) regionsCount += segmentations.shape[0] regionsCountNonMax += segmentationsNoNei.shape[0] segmentations[:, 2] += segmentations[:, 0] segmentations[:, 3] += segmentations[:, 1] keypointsOrb = fastex.getLastDetectionOrbKeypoints() orbTime += keypointsOrb[0][9] segmGt = '{0}/{1}_GT.txt'.format(segmDir, baseName) pden = 0 rden = 0 if os.path.exists(segmGt): hasSegm = True (gt_rects, groups) = utls.read_icdar2013_segm_gt(segmGt) segmImg = '{0}/{1}_GT.bmp'.format(segmDir, baseName) if not os.path.exists(segmImg): segmImg = '{0}/gt_{1}.png'.format(segmDir, baseName) segmImg = cv2.imread(segmImg) try: (hist, histFp, histDist, histDistMax, histDistMaxWhite, hist2dDist, hist2dDistScore, histDistFp, histDistMaxFp, histDistMaxWhiteFp, hist2dDistFp, hist2dDistScoreFp, keypointsInside) = collect_histograms(img, segmImg, keypoints, values, diffValMax, keypointsTotalInside, diffMaxOctavesMap, diffScoreOctavesMap, hist, histFp, histDist, histDistMax, histDistMaxWhite, hist2dDist, hist2dDistScore, histDistFp, histDistMaxFp, histDistMaxWhiteFp, hist2dDistFp, hist2dDistScoreFp) except: pass rcurrent = 0 rcurrent05 = 0 rcurrentNonMax = 0 for k in range(len(gt_rects)): gt_rect = gt_rects[k] best_match = 0 best_match_line = 0 if (gt_rect[4] == ',' or gt_rect[4] == '.' or gt_rect[4] == '\'' or gt_rect[4] == ':' or gt_rect[4] == '-') and not evalPunctuation: continue gtSegmCount += 1 rectMask = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and( keypointsInside[:, 0] >= gt_rect[0], keypointsInside[:, 0] <= gt_rect[2]), np.bitwise_and(keypointsInside[:, 1] >= gt_rect[1], keypointsInside[:, 1] <= gt_rect[3])) letterInside = keypointsInside[rectMask, :] #make keypoints histogram if letterInside.shape[0] > 0: octaves = np.unique( letterInside[:, 2]) maxOctave = np.max(octaves) maxOctavePoints = 0 for i in range(int(maxOctave) + 1): octavePoints = letterInside[letterInside[:, 2] == i, :] maxOctavePoints = max(maxOctavePoints, octavePoints.shape[0]) if maxOctavePoints > 0: octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][0] += 1 if maxOctavePoints > 1: octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][1] += 1 if maxOctavePoints > 2: octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][2] += 1 if maxOctavePoints > 3: octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][3] += 1 if letterInside.shape[0] == 0: if not missing_letters.has_key(gt_rect[4]): missing_letters[gt_rect[4]] = [] missing_letters[gt_rect[4]].append( (image, gt_rect) ) if letterInside.shape[0] > 0: letterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][0] += 1 if letterInside.shape[0] > 1: letterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][1] += 1 if letterInside.shape[0] > 2: letterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][2] += 1 if letterInside.shape[0] > 3: letterKeypointHistogram[gt_rect[4]][3] += 1 letterHistogram[gt_rect[4]] += 1 best_match2 = 0 minSingleOverlap = MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP if gt_rect[4] == 'i' or gt_rect[4] == '!': minSingleOverlap = 0.5 for detId in range(segmentations.shape[0]): rectn = segmentations[detId, :] rect_int = utils.intersect( rectn, gt_rect ) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, gt_rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) rectn[10] = max(ratio, rectn[10]) if rectn[9] > workPoint: gt_rect[6] = max(ratio, gt_rect[6]) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio best_segm = segmentations[detId, :] if ratio > best_match_line and rectn[7] == 1.0 : best_match_line = ratio if best_match < minSingleOverlap: if k < len(gt_rects) - 1: gt_rect2 = gt_rects[k + 1] chars2Rect = utils.union(gt_rect2, gt_rect) rect_int = utils.intersect( rectn, chars2Rect ) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, chars2Rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) rectn[10] = max(ratio, rectn[10]) if ratio > best_match2: if ratio > MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP: segm2chars += 1 best_match2 = ratio gt_rect[5] = ratio gt_rect2[5] = ratio thickness = 1 color = (255, 0, 255) if best_match >= minSingleOverlap: color = (0, 255, 0) if best_match > 0.7: thickness = 2 cv2.rectangle(imgc, (gt_rect[0], gt_rect[1]), (gt_rect[2], gt_rect[3]), color, thickness) recall += best_match recallNonMax += gt_rect[6] if best_match >= minSingleOverlap: recall05 += best_match rcurrent05 += best_match else: if not missing_segm.has_key(image): missing_segm[image] = [] missing_segm[image].append(gt_rect) if gt_rect[5] < MIN_SEGM_OVRLAP: if not missing_segm2.has_key(image): missing_segm2[image] = [] missing_segm2[image].append(gt_rect) segm2chars += 1 if gt_rect[6] < minSingleOverlap: if not missing_segmNonMax.has_key(image): missing_segmNonMax[image] = [] missing_segmNonMax[image].append(gt_rect) missing_segmNonMaxCount += 1 rcurrent += best_match rcurrentNonMax += gt_rect[6] recallDen += 1 rden += 1 if best_match > 0 and process_color != 1: val = img[best_segm[5], best_segm[4]] histSegm[val] += best_match histSegmCount[val] += 1 pcurrent = 0 for detId in range(segmentations.shape[0]): best_match = 0 rectn = segmentations[detId, :] for gt_rect in gt_rects: rect_int = utils.intersect( rectn, gt_rect ) int_area = utils.area(rect_int) union_area = utils.area(utils.union(rectn, gt_rect)) ratio = int_area / float(union_area) if ratio > best_match: best_match = ratio precision += best_match pcurrent += best_match precisionDen += 1 pden += 1 if pden == 0: pcurrent = 0 else: pcurrent = pcurrent / pden if rden == 0: rcurrent = 0 rcurrent05 = 0 rcurrentNonMax = 0 else: rcurrent = rcurrent / rden rcurrent05 = rcurrent05 / rden rcurrentNonMax = rcurrentNonMax / rden segmHistogram.append([ segmentations.shape[0], segmentations[segmentations[:, 10] > 0.4].shape[0], segmentations[segmentations[:, 10] > 0.5].shape[0], segmentations[segmentations[:, 10] > 0.6].shape[0], segmentations[segmentations[:, 10] > 0.7].shape[0] ]) segmWordHistogram.append([segmentations.shape[0], segmentations[np.bitwise_or(segmentations[:, 10] > 0.5, segmentations[:, 11] > 0.5 )].shape[0]]) results.append((baseName, rcurrent, pcurrent, rcurrent05)) if precisionDen == 0: pcurrent = 0 else: precision = precision / precisionDen if recallDen == 0: rcurrent = 0 else: recall = recall / recallDen recall05 = recall05 / recallDen recallNonMax = recallNonMax / recallDen wordRecall = wordRecall / max(1, wordRecallDen) try: histSegm = histSegm / max(1, histSegmCount) except ValueError: pass print('Evalation Results:') print( 'recall: {0}, precision: {1}, recall 0.5: {2}, recall NonMax: {3}'.format(recall, precision, recall05, recallNonMax) ) kpTimes = np.histogram(np.asarray(times)[:, 0], bins=20) print('Keypoint Time Histogram: {0}'.format(kpTimes)) print('Detection statistics:') print(stat) for letter in letterKeypointHistogram.keys(): for num in letterKeypointHistogram[letter].keys(): letterKeypointHistogram[letter][num] = letterKeypointHistogram[letter][num] / float(letterHistogram[letter]) for num in octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[letter].keys(): octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[letter][num] = octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[letter][num] / float(letterHistogram[letter]) letterKeypointHistogram[letter] = dict(letterKeypointHistogram[letter]) octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[letter] = dict(octaveLetterKeypointHistogram[letter]) print('Perfect words: {0}'.format(perfectWords)) eval_date = np.savez('{0}/evaluation'.format(outputDir), recall=recall, recall05 = recall05, recallNonMax=recallNonMax, precision=precision, eval_date=eval_date, regionsCount=regionsCount, inputDir = inputDir, hist = hist, histSegm = histSegm, stat=stat, letterKeypointHistogram = dict(letterKeypointHistogram), missing_letters=missing_letters, octaveLetterKeypointHistogram=dict(octaveLetterKeypointHistogram), missing_segm=missing_segm, times=np.asarray(times), histFp = histFp, gtSegmCount = gtSegmCount, wordRecall=wordRecall, histDist=histDist, histDistFp = histDistFp, histDistMax=histDistMax, histDistMaxFp=histDistMaxFp, hist2dDist=hist2dDist, hist2dDistFp=hist2dDistFp, hist2dDistScore=hist2dDistScore, hist2dDistScoreFp=hist2dDistScoreFp, histDistMaxWhite=histDistMaxWhite, histDistMaxWhiteFp=histDistMaxWhiteFp, wordsOk=wordsOk, wordsFp=wordsFp, diffMaxOctavesMap = diffMaxOctavesMap, diffScoreOctavesMap = diffScoreOctavesMap, missing_segm2=missing_segm2, segmHistogram=segmHistogram, segmWordHistogram=segmWordHistogram, regionsCountNonMax=regionsCountNonMax, missing_segmNonMax=missing_segmNonMax) print( "GT segmentations count {0}".format(gtSegmCount) ) print('FasTex Inside {0}/{1} ({2})'.format(keypointsTotalInside, keypointsTotal, keypointsTotalInside / float(keypointsTotal) )) print('FasText time: {0}, Orb time: {1} '.format( np.sum(times, 0)[0], orbTime)) print('2 Chars Segmentation: {0}'.format(segm2chars) ) print('NonMax Regions Count: {0}/{1}'.format(regionsCountNonMax, missing_segmNonMaxCount))