def enumerate_path(self): return list({ *utils.whereis("hadoop"), "/usr/local/cellar/hadoop/3.2.1/libexec/etc/hadoop/", # homebrew "/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop", # apt, "/etc/hadoop", # apt })
def enumerate_path(self): return list({ *utils.whereis("redis"), "/etc/redis/", # apt & yum "/usr/local/etc/", # homebrew "/etc/", # yum })
class uClientNewStatic(utils.QtileTests): config = ClientNewStaticConfig() def test_minimal(self): a = self.testWindow("one") self.kill(a) if utils.whereis("gkrellm"): def test_gkrellm(self): self.testGkrellm() time.sleep(0.1)
def export_hive_to_file(hive_command, parameters = None, type = 'csv', outputname = None, ftpuser = '******', compress = True): #Create ftpuser if user does not already exist in the system #Default user information and password modifiedUser = ftpuser md5pass = '******' if ftpuser is not 'ftpsecure': modifiedUser, md5pass = systemUser.add(ftpuser) print modifiedUser, md5pass #Check outputname, if None then enter default value outputpath = "/home/" + modifiedUser + "/" + type + "/" if outputname is None: outputname = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) outputname = outputname + "." + type #Check if 'hive' program exist on this system and assign the full path to location location = utils.whereis('hive') if location is not None: process = subprocess.Popen(['hive','-e',hive_command], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) FILE = open(outputpath+outputname,"w") FILE.writelines(parameters + "\n") for line in process.stdout.xreadlines(): FILE.writelines(line.replace('\N','')) FILE.close() process.poll() rtnCode = process.returncode if rtnCode is None: counter = 0 while rtnCode is None or counter == 1000: process.poll() rtnCode = process.returncode counter += 1 if counter == 1000: rtnCode = 7 if int(rtnCode) == 0: print "Export Successfully Finished." if compress: process = subprocess.Popen(['zip', '-j', outputpath + outputname + '.zip',outputpath + outputname], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) outputname = outputname + ".zip" print "File available: " + outputpath + outputname else: print "File available: " + outputpath + outputname else: print "Error: Return Code (" + str(rtnCode) + ")" raise NameError("Export Report was Unsuccessfull with Error Code: " + str(rtnCode) + ". Please forward this error to an administrator") else: #Raise Error raise NameError("Command 'hive' was not found anywhere on the system Path. Please make sure you are running from the Master Node") return outputpath, outputname, modifiedUser, md5pass
def enumerate_path(self): return list({ *utils.whereis("spark"), "/local/spark/etc/spark", # apt, "/etc/spark", # apt })
class ClientNewStaticConfig(_Config): @staticmethod def main(c): def client_new(c): c.static(0) libqtile.hook.subscribe.client_new(client_new) @Xephyr(False, ClientNewStaticConfig()) def test_minimal_(self): a = self.testWindow("one") self.kill(a) if utils.whereis("gkrellm"): @Xephyr(False, ClientNewStaticConfig()) def test_gkrellm(self): self.testGkrellm() time.sleep(0.1) class ToGroupConfig(_Config): @staticmethod def main(c): def client_new(c): c.togroup("d") libqtile.hook.subscribe.client_new(client_new)
import os, sys import subprocess from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, SubElement, Element import logging from optparse import OptionParser from utils import get_or_create_path, whereis logger = logging.getLogger('rawbracket') hdlr = logging.FileHandler('rawbracket.log') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(hdlr) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) EXP = "Exposure" UFRAW_BATCH = whereis('ufraw-batch') ufrawrc = os.path.expanduser("~/.ufrawrc")"reading %s" % (ufrawrc)) tree = ElementTree() tree.parse(ufrawrc) ufraw = tree.getroot() exposure = tree.find(EXP) if exposure is not None: ev = float(exposure.text) else: ev = 0.0 exposure = SubElement(ufraw, EXP) def get_ufraw_conf(ufrawrc):
class ClientNewStaticConfig(_Config): @staticmethod def main(c): import libqtile.hook def client_new(c): c.static(0) libqtile.hook.subscribe.client_new(client_new) @Xephyr(False, ClientNewStaticConfig()) def test_minimal_(self): a = self.testWindow("one") self.kill(a) if utils.whereis("gkrellm"): @Xephyr(False, ClientNewStaticConfig()) def test_gkrellm(self): self.testGkrellm() time.sleep(0.1) class ToGroupConfig(_Config): @staticmethod def main(c): import libqtile.hook def client_new(c): c.togroup("d") libqtile.hook.subscribe.client_new(client_new)