def update(): ac_vals = parse_file(FILE_AC, RE_AC_ONLINE) bat_vals = parse_file( [FILE_BAT_INFO, FILE_BAT_STATE], [RE_FULL_CAPACITY, RE_REMAINING_CAPACITY, RE_PRESENT_RATE]) bat = '--' ac = '--' color = BAR_NORMAL_COLORS try: lastfull = float(bat_vals['lastfull'][0]) remain = float(bat_vals['remain'][0]) rate = float(bat_vals['rate'][0]) percent = math.floor(remain / lastfull * 100.0 + 0.5) bat = '%d%%' % percent if percent < 25: color = Colors(0xFF0000, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.background, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.border) elif percent < 50: color = Colors(0xFFFF00, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.background, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.border) if ac_vals: ac = '*AC*' elif rate > 0: mins = (3600.0 * (remain / rate)) / 60.0 hours = math.floor(mins / 60.0) mins = math.floor(mins - (hours * 60.0)) ac = '%02d:%02d' % (hours, mins) except Exception, e: logger.exception(e)
def _runTest(self, method, printTestName=False, numberOfAssertionFailed=0): exceptionRaised = False if printTestName: print '\t' + Colors.Cyan(method.__name__) try: if self.args.debug: raw_input( '\tenv is up, attach to any process with gdb and press any button to continue.' ) method() except unittest.SkipTest: print '\t' + Colors.Green('Skipping test') except Exception as err: msg = 'Unhandled exception: %s' % err print '\t' + Colors.Bred(msg) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) exceptionRaised = True isTestFaild = self.currEnv is None or self.currEnv.getNumberOfFailedAssertion( ) > numberOfAssertionFailed or exceptionRaised if isTestFaild: print '\t' + Colors.Bred('Test Failed') self.testsFailed.add(self.currEnv) else: print '\t' + Colors.Green('Test Passed') if self.args.stop_on_failure and isTestFaild: if self.args.interactive_debugger: while self.currEnv.isUp(): time.sleep(1) raw_input('press any button to move to the next test') return self.currEnv.getNumberOfFailedAssertion()
def checkExitCode(self): ret = True if self.masterExitCode != 0: print '\t' + Colors.Bred('bad exit code for serverId %s' % str(self.masterServerId)) ret = False if self.useSlaves and self.slaveExitCode != 0: print '\t' + Colors.Bred('bad exit code for serverId %s' % str(self.slaveServerId)) ret = False return ret
def _assertion(self, checkStr, trueValue, depth=0): basemsg = Colors.Yellow(checkStr) + '\t' + Colors.Gray( self._getCallerPosition(3 + depth)) if trueValue and self.verbose: print '\t' + Colors.Green('✅ (OK):\t') + basemsg elif not trueValue: failureSummary = Colors.Bred('❌ (FAIL):\t') + basemsg print '\t' + failureSummary if self.defaultExitOnFailure: raise TestAssertionFailure('Assertion Failed!') self.assertionFailedSummary.append(failureSummary)
def _downloadEnterpriseBinaries(self): binariesName = 'binaries.tar' print Colors.Yellow('installing enterprise binaries') print Colors.Yellow('creating RLTest working dir: %s' % RLTest_WORKING_DIR) try: shutil.rmtree(RLTest_WORKING_DIR) os.makedirs(RLTest_WORKING_DIR) except Exception: pass print Colors.Yellow('download binaries') args = [ 'wget', RLTest_ENTERPRISE_URL, '-O', os.path.join(RLTest_WORKING_DIR, binariesName) ] self.process = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stdout) self.process.wait() if self.process.poll() != 0: raise Exception('failed to download enterprise binaries from s3') print Colors.Yellow('extracting binaries') debFileName = 'redislabs_%s-%s~%s_amd64.deb' % ( RLTest_ENTERPRISE_VERSION, RLTest_ENTERPRISE_SUB_VERSION, OS_NAME) args = [ 'tar', '-xvf', os.path.join(RLTest_WORKING_DIR, binariesName), '--directory', RLTest_WORKING_DIR, debFileName ] self.process = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stdout) self.process.wait() if self.process.poll() != 0: raise Exception('failed to extract binaries to %s' % self.RLTest_WORKING_DIR) # TODO: Support centos that does not have dpkg command args = [ 'dpkg', '-x', os.path.join(RLTest_WORKING_DIR, debFileName), RLTest_WORKING_DIR ] self.process = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stdout) self.process.wait() if self.process.poll() != 0: raise Exception('failed to extract binaries to %s' % self.RLTest_WORKING_DIR) print Colors.Yellow('finished installing enterprise binaries')
def __init__(self, testName=None, testDescription=None, module=None, moduleArgs=None, env=None, useSlaves=None, shardsCount=None, useAof=None): self.testName = testName if testName else '%s.%s' % ( inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back).__name__, inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name) self.testName = self.testName.replace(' ', '_') if testDescription: print Colors.Gray('\tdescription: ' + testDescription) self.module = module if module else Env.defaultModule self.moduleArgs = moduleArgs if moduleArgs else Env.defaultModuleArgs self.env = env if env else Env.defaultEnv self.useSlaves = useSlaves if useSlaves else Env.defaultUseSlaves self.shardsCount = shardsCount if shardsCount else Env.defaultShardsCount self.useAof = useAof if useAof else Env.defaultUseAof self.verbose = Env.defaultVerbose self.logDir = Env.defaultLogDir self.assertionFailedSummary = [] if Env.RTestInstance.currEnv and self.compareEnvs( Env.RTestInstance.currEnv): self.envRunner = Env.RTestInstance.currEnv.envRunner else: if Env.RTestInstance.currEnv: Env.RTestInstance.currEnv.stop() self.envRunner = self.getEnvByName() try: os.makedirs(self.logDir) except Exception: pass self.start() if self.verbose >= 2: print Colors.Blue('\tenv data:') self.envRunner.printEnvData('\t\t') Env.RTestInstance.currEnv = self if Env.defaultDebug: raw_input( '\tenv is up, attach to any process with gdb and press any button to continue.' )
def update(): lavg = os.getloadavg() color = BAR_NORMAL_COLORS if max(lavg) > 1.5: # yellow text color = Colors(0xFFFF00, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.background, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.border) if max(lavg) > 4.0: # red text color = Colors(0xFF0000, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.background, BAR_NORMAL_COLORS.border) return (color, 'LOAD: %.2f %.2f %.2f' % lavg)
def __init__( self, testName=None, module=None, moduleArgs=None, env=None, useSlaves=None, shardsCount=None, useAof=None, ): self.testName = testName if testName else '%s.%s' % ( inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back).__name__, inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name) self.testNamePrintable = self.testName self.testName = self.testName.replace(' ', '_') print Colors.Cyan(self.testNamePrintable + ':') self.module = module if module else Env.defaultModule self.moduleArgs = moduleArgs if moduleArgs else Env.defaultModuleArgs self.env = env if env else Env.defaultEnv self.useSlaves = useSlaves if useSlaves else Env.defaultUseSlaves self.shardsCount = shardsCount if shardsCount else Env.defaultShardsCount self.useAof = useAof if useAof else Env.defaultUseAof self.verbose = Env.defaultVerbose self.logDir = Env.defaultLogDir self.assertionFailedSummery = [] if Env.RTestInstance.currEnv and self.compareEnvs( Env.RTestInstance.currEnv): self.envRunner = Env.RTestInstance.currEnv.envRunner else: if Env.RTestInstance.currEnv: Env.RTestInstance.currEnv.stop() self.envRunner = self.getEnvByName() try: os.makedirs(self.logDir) except Exception: pass self.start() if self.verbose >= 2: print Colors.Blue('\tenv data:') self.envRunner.printEnvData('\t\t') Env.RTestInstance.currEnv = self
def DisplayInstances(image, boxes, masks, class_ids, class_names, scores): N = boxes.shape[0] if not N: pass else: assert N == masks.shape[-1] == class_ids.shape[0] mask_color = Colors(class_names) for i in range(N): if not np.any(boxes[i]): # Skip this instance. Has no bbox. Likely lost in image cropping or label is not required vehicle continue class_id = class_ids[i] label = class_names[class_id] if label == "car" or label == "bus": y1, x1, y2, x2 = boxes[i] score = scores[i] if scores is not None else None color = mask_color[class_id] caption = "{} {:.3f}".format(label, score) if score else label mask = masks[:, :, i] image = ApplyMask(image, mask, color, alpha=0.5) image = cv2.rectangle(image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color, 2) image = cv2.putText(image, caption, (x1, y1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.5, color, 2) return image
def describe(self, type, url, port, username, password): self.type = type self.url = url self.port = str(port) self.username = username self.password = password self.described = True cc = Colors() print("[INFO] Cloud properly described!"))
def __init__(self, instance): # Create color manager = Colors() # If it's a cloud object if isinstance(instance, Cloud): self.ref = instance #If it's not: else: self.ref = False print("Debug: A Jeiji object can only be used passing a Cloud object instance."))
def read_list(): # path = raw_input('Enter path to BOM: ') path = '/Users/alexfeldman/Documents/Scripts/BOM/tester.txt' ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext == '.txt': with open(path, 'r') as text_file: lines = text_file.readlines() if len(lines): print(Colors.success('Read successfuly')) items = [] Item = namedtuple('Item', 'reference, quantity, value')
def takeEnvDown(self, fullShutDown=False): if self.currEnv: if self.args.env_reuse and not fullShutDown: self.currEnv.flush() else: self.currEnv.stop() if self.args.use_valgrind and self.currEnv and not self.currEnv.checkExitCode( ): print Colors.Bred('\tvalgrind check failure') self.testsFailed.add(self.currEnv) self.currEnv = None
def _assertion(self, checkStr, trueValue, depth=0): if trueValue and self.verbose: print '\t' + Colors.Green('assertion success:\t') + Colors.Yellow( checkStr) + '\t' + Colors.Gray( self._getCallerPosition(3 + depth)) elif not trueValue: FailureSummery = Colors.Bred('assertion faild:\t') + Colors.Yellow( checkStr) + '\t' + Colors.Gray( self._getCallerPosition(3 + depth)) print '\t' + FailureSummery self.assertionFailedSummery.append(FailureSummery)
def _stopProcess(self, role): process = self.masterProcess if role == MASTER else self.slaveProcess serverId = self.masterServerId if role == MASTER else self.slaveServerId if not self._isAlive(process): if not self.has_interactive_debugger: # on interactive debugger its expected that then process will not be alive print '\t' + Colors.Bred('process is not alive, might have crash durring test execution, check this out. server id : %s' % str(serverId)) return try: process.terminate() process.wait() if role == MASTER: self.masterExitCode = process.poll() else: self.slaveExitCode = process.poll() except OSError: pass
def print_field(self): size = len(self.field) border = [i for i in range(size)] print(' |', end=' ') print(*border, sep=' | ', end=' |\n') for i in range(size): print('%2d' % border[i], end=' | ') for j in range(size): symbol = self.field[i][j] if symbol != 'O': color = Colors.get_color(symbol) print(color + symbol + Colors.ENDC, end=' ') else: print(self.field[i][j], end=' ') print('|', end=' ') print()
def debugPrint(self, msg, force=False): if Env.defaultDebugPrints or force: print '\t' + Colors.Bold('debug:\t') + Colors.Gray(msg)
def printEnvData(self, prefix=''): print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'master:') self._printEnvData(prefix + '\t', MASTER) if self.useSlaves: print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'slave:') self._printEnvData(prefix + '\t', SLAVE)
def _printEnvData(self, prefix='', role=MASTER): print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'pid: %d' % (self.getPid(role))) print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'port: %d' % (self.getPort(role))) print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'binary path: %s' % (self.redisBinaryPath)) print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'server id: %d' % (self.getServerId(role))) print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'using debugger: {}'.format(bool(self.debugger))) if self.modulePath: print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'module: %s' % (self.modulePath)) if self.moduleArgs: print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'module args: %s' % (self.moduleArgs)) if self.outputFilesFormat: print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'log file: %s' % (self._getFileName(role, '.log'))) print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'db file name: %s' % self._getFileName(role, '.rdb')) if self.dbDirPath: print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'db dir path: %s' % (self.dbDirPath)) if self.libPath: print Colors.Yellow(prefix + 'library path: %s' % (self.libPath))
def execute(self): self.testsFailed = set() Env.RTestInstance = self if self.args.env_only: Env.defaultVerbose = 2 env = Env(testName='manual test env') if self.args.interactive_debugger: while env.isUp(): time.sleep(1) raw_input('press any button to stop') env.stop() return if self.args.tests_file: self._loadFileTests(self.args.tests_file) else: self._loadTests() done = 0 startTime = time.time() if self.args.interactive_debugger and len(self.tests) != 1: print Colors.Bred( 'only one test can be run on interactive-debugger use --test-name' ) sys.exit(1) while self.tests: with self.envScopeGuard(): test = self.tests.pop(0) if inspect.isclass(test): # checking if there are tests to run methodsToTest = [] for m in dir(test): if self.args.test_name is not None: if self.args.test_name == m: methodsToTest.append(m) elif m.startswith('test') or m.startswith('Test'): methodsToTest.append(m) if len(methodsToTest) == 0: continue try: testObj = test() except unittest.SkipTest: print '\t' + Colors.Green('Skipping test') continue except Exception as err: msg = 'Unhandled exception: %s' % err print '\t' + Colors.Bred(msg) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print '\t' + Colors.Bred('Test Failed') if self.currEnv: self.testsFailed.add(self.currEnv) continue methods = [ getattr(testObj, m) for m in dir(testObj) if callable(getattr(testObj, m)) and ( m.startswith('test') or m.startswith('Test')) ] numberOfAssertionFailed = 0 for m in methods: if self.args.test_name is None or self.args.test_name == m.__name__: numberOfAssertionFailed = self._runTest( m, printTestName=True, numberOfAssertionFailed=numberOfAssertionFailed ) done += 1 elif not inspect.isfunction(test): continue elif len(inspect.getargspec(test).args) > 0: env = Env(testName='%s.%s' % (str(test.__module__), test.func_name)) self._runTest(lambda: test(env)) done += 1 else: self._runTest(test) done += 1 self.takeEnvDown(fullShutDown=True) endTime = time.time() print Colors.Bold('Test Took: %d sec' % (endTime - startTime)) print Colors.Bold( 'Total Tests Run: %d, Total Tests Failed: %d, Total Tests Passed: %d' % (done, len(self.testsFailed), done - len(self.testsFailed))) if len(self.testsFailed) > 0: print Colors.Bold('Faild Tests Summery:') for testFaild in self.testsFailed: print '\t' + Colors.Bold(testFaild.testNamePrintable) testFaild.printFailuresSummery('\t\t') sys.exit(1)
def train(network, num_epochs, train_fn, train_batches, test_fn=None, validation_batches=None, threads=None, early_stop=np.inf, early_stop_acc=False, save_epoch_params=False, callbacks=None, acc_func=onehot_acc, train_acc=False): """ Train a neural network by updating its parameters. Parameters ---------- network : lasagne neural network handle Network to be trained. num_epochs: int Maximum number of epochs to train train_fn : theano function Function that computes the loss and updates the network parameters. Takes parameters from the batch iterators train_batches : batch iterator Iterator that yields mini batches from the training set. Must be able to re-iterate multiple times. test_fn : theano function Function that computes loss and predictions of the network. Takes parameters from the batch iterators. validation_batches : batch iterator Iterator that yields mini batches from the validation set. Must be able to re-iterate multiple times. threads : int Number of threads to use to prepare mini batches. If None, use a single thread. early_stop : int Number of iterations without loss improvement on validation set that stops training. early_stop_acc : boolean Use validation accuracy instead of loss for early stopping. save_epoch_params : str or False Save neural network parameters after each epoch. If False, do not save. If you want to save the parameters, provide a filename with an int formatter so the epoch number can be inserted. callbacks : list of callables List of callables to call after each training epoch. Can be used to k update learn rates or plot data. Functions have to accept the following parameters: current epoch number, lists of per-epoch train losses, train accuracies, validation losses, validation accuracies. The last three lists may be empty, depending on other parameters. acc_func : callable Function to use to compute accuracies. train_acc : boolean Also compute accuracy for training set. In this case, the training loss will be also re-computed after an epoch, which leads to lower train losses than when not using this parameter. Returns ------- tuple of four lists Train losses, trian accuracies, validation losses, validation accuracies for each epoch """ if (test_fn is not None) != (validation_batches is not None): raise ValueError('If test function is given, validation set is ' 'necessary (and vice-versa)!') best_val = np.inf if not early_stop_acc else 0.0 epochs_since_best_val_loss = 0 if callbacks is None: callbacks = [] if callbacks is None: callbacks = [] best_params = get_params(network) train_losses = [] val_losses = [] val_accs = [] train_accs = [] if threads is not None: def threaded(it): return dmgr.iterators.threaded(it, threads) else: def threaded(it): return it for epoch in range(num_epochs): timer = Timer() timer.start('epoch') timer.start('train') try: train_losses.append( avg_batch_loss(threaded(train_batches), train_fn, timer)) except RuntimeError as e: print('Error during training:'), file=sys.stderr) print(, file=sys.stderr) return best_params timer.stop('train') if save_epoch_params: save_params(network, save_epoch_params.format(epoch)) if validation_batches: val_loss, val_acc = avg_batch_loss_acc( threaded(validation_batches), test_fn, acc_func) val_losses.append(val_loss) val_accs.append(val_acc) if train_acc: train_loss, tr_acc = avg_batch_loss_acc( threaded(train_batches), test_fn, acc_func) train_losses[-1] = train_loss train_accs.append(tr_acc) print('Ep. {}/{} {:.1f}s (tr: {:.1f}s th: {:.1f}s)'.format( epoch + 1, num_epochs, timer['epoch'], timer['train'], timer['theano']), end='') print(' tl: {:.6f}'.format(train_losses[-1]), end='') if train_acc: print(' tacc: {:.6f}'.format(tr_acc), end='') if validation_batches: # early stopping cmp_val = val_losses[-1] if not early_stop_acc else -val_accs[-1] if cmp_val < best_val: epochs_since_best_val_loss = 0 best_val = cmp_val best_params = get_params(network) # green output c = else: epochs_since_best_val_loss += 1 # neutral output c = lambda x: x print(c(' vl: {:.6f}'.format(val_losses[-1])), end='') print(c(' vacc: {:.6f}'.format(val_accs[-1])), end='') if epochs_since_best_val_loss >= early_stop: print(Colors.yellow('\nEARLY STOPPING!')) break else: best_params = get_params(network) print('') for cb in callbacks: cb(epoch, train_losses, val_losses, train_accs, val_accs) # set the best parameters found set_params(network, best_params) return train_losses, val_losses, train_accs, val_accs
def saveConfigs(confs): with open(confFileName, 'wb') as out_s: for obj in confs: pickle.dump(obj, out_s) return def loadConfigs(): confs = [] with open(confFileName, 'rb') as in_s: while True: try: obj = pickle.load(in_s) except EOFError: break else: confs.append(obj) return confs try: # print('Loading color scheme configuration.') configurations = loadConfigs() colorScheme = configurations[0] # print('Loaded config file.') except Exception as e: print(f'Cannot load saved configurations: {e}') configurations = None colorScheme = Colors() colorScheme.setScheme()
def __init__(self): cc = Colors() print( "[INFO] Cloud reference created. Waiting for description...")) self.described = False
def __init__(self): parser = CustomArgumentParser( fromfile_prefix_chars=RLTest_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Test Framework for redis and redis module') parser.add_argument('--module', default=None, help='path to the module file') parser.add_argument('--module-args', default=None, help='arguments to give to the module on loading') parser.add_argument( '--env', '-e', default='oss', choices=['oss', 'oss-cluster', 'enterprise', 'enterprise-cluster'], help='env on which to run the test') parser.add_argument('--oss-redis-path', default='redis-server', help='path to the oss redis binary') parser.add_argument('--enterprise-redis-path', default=os.path.join( RLTest_WORKING_DIR, 'opt/redislabs/bin/redis-server'), help='path to the entrprise redis binary') parser.add_argument('--stop-on-failure', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='stop running on failure') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0, help='print more information about the test') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='stop before each test allow gdb attachment') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--test', help='Specify test to run, in the form of "file:test"') parser.add_argument('--tests-dir', default='.', help='directory on which to run the tests') parser.add_argument('--test-name', default=None, help='test name to run') parser.add_argument( '--tests-file', default=None, help='tests file to run (with out the .py extention)') parser.add_argument('--env-only', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='start the env but do not run any tests') parser.add_argument( '--clear-logs', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='deleting the log direcotry before the execution') parser.add_argument('--log-dir', default='./logs', help='directory to write logs to') parser.add_argument('--use-slaves', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='run env with slaves enabled') parser.add_argument('--shards-count', default=1, type=int, help='Number shards in bdb') parser.add_argument('--download-enterprise-binaries', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='run env with slaves enabled') parser.add_argument('--proxy-binary-path', default=os.path.join(RLTest_WORKING_DIR, 'opt/redislabs/bin/dmcproxy'), help='dmc proxy binary path') parser.add_argument( '--enterprise-lib-path', default=os.path.join(RLTest_WORKING_DIR, 'opt/redislabs/lib/'), help='path of needed libraries to run enterprise binaries') parser.add_argument( '--env-reuse', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help= 'reuse exists env, this feature is based on best efforts, if the env can not be reused then it will be taken down.' ) parser.add_argument('--use-aof', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='use aof instead of rdb') parser.add_argument('--debug-print', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='print debug messages') parser.add_argument( '--use-valgrind', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help= 'running redis under valgrind (assuming valgrind is install on the machine)' ) parser.add_argument('--valgrind-suppressions-file', default=None, help='path valgrind suppressions file') parser.add_argument( '--config-file', default=None, help= 'path to configuration file, parameters value will be taken from configuration file,' 'values which was not specified on configuration file will get their value from the command line args,' 'values which was not specifies either on configuration file nor on command line args will be getting their default value' ) parser.add_argument( '--interactive-debugger', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='runs the redis on a debuger (gdb/lldb) interactivly.' 'debugger interactive mode is only possible on a single process and so unsupported on cluste or with slaves.' 'it is also not possible to use valgrind on interactive mode.' 'interactive mode direcly applies: --no-output-catch and --stop-on-failure.' 'it is also implies that only one test will be run (if --inv-only was not specify), an error will be raise otherwise.' ) parser.add_argument('--debugger-args', default=None, help='arguments to the interactive debugger') parser.add_argument( '--no-output-catch', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='all output will be written to the stdout, no log files.') configFilePath = './%s' % RLTest_CONFIG_FILE_NAME if os.path.exists(configFilePath): args = [ '%s%s' % (RLTest_CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX, RLTest_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) ] + sys.argv[1:] else: args = sys.argv[1:] self.args = parser.parse_args(args=args) if self.args.interactive_debugger: if self.args.env != 'oss' and self.args.env != 'enterprise': print Colors.Bred( 'interactive debugger can only be used on non cluster env') sys.exit(1) if self.args.use_valgrind: print Colors.Bred( 'can not use valgrind with interactive debugger') sys.exit(1) if self.args.use_slaves: print Colors.Bred( 'can not use slaves with interactive debugger') sys.exit(1) self.args.no_output_catch = True self.args.stop_on_failure = True if self.args.download_enterprise_binaries: self._downloadEnterpriseBinaries() if self.args.clear_logs: try: shutil.rmtree(self.args.log_dir) except Exception: pass Env.defaultModule = self.args.module Env.defaultModuleArgs = self.args.module_args Env.defaultEnv = self.args.env Env.defaultOssRedisBinary = self.args.oss_redis_path Env.defaultVerbose = self.args.verbose Env.defaultLogDir = self.args.log_dir Env.defaultUseSlaves = self.args.use_slaves Env.defaultShardsCount = self.args.shards_count Env.defaultProxyBinaryPath = self.args.proxy_binary_path Env.defaultEnterpriseRedisBinaryPath = self.args.enterprise_redis_path Env.defaultEnterpriseLibsPath = self.args.enterprise_lib_path Env.defaultUseAof = self.args.use_aof Env.defaultDebugPrints = self.args.debug_print Env.defaultUseValgrind = self.args.use_valgrind Env.defaultValgrindSuppressionsFile = self.args.valgrind_suppressions_file Env.defaultInteractiveDebugger = self.args.interactive_debugger Env.defaultInteractiveDebuggerArgs = self.args.debugger_args Env.defaultNoCatch = self.args.no_output_catch sys.path.append(self.args.tests_dir) self.tests = [] self.currEnv = None
def get_symbols_style(self): symbols_style = {} ocad_symbols = self._of.symbols() ocad_colors = self._of.colors() self.rgb_colors = Colors.convert_cmyk_hash(dict(ocad_colors), icc=True) self.color_index = [data[0] for data in reversed(ocad_colors)] # 0 pozicijoje yra ta kuria reikia nupieshti veliausiai, todel apverciam for symbol_id, symbol in ocad_symbols.items(): #print "symbol_id: ", symbol_id symbol_style = {} symbols_style[symbol_id] = symbol_style #symbol_id = symbol_id.replace(".", "_") color_id = symbol.Color() # reikalinga z-index nustatyti type = symbol.Otp() #print "gavom pslavo koda :", color_id, " simbolis: ", symbol_id, " tipas:"******"518.0": print "518.0 style: ", style if symbol_id == "503.0": print "503.0 style: ", style if symbol_id == "525.0": print "525.0 style: ", style zindex = None #0: Normal; 1: Protected; 2: Hidden if symbol.Status() == 2: # hidden symbol_style["status"] = 2 symbol_style["color"] = self.rgb_colors.get(color_id, (0,0,0)) #self.set_symbol_style(symbol_id, {"color": self.rgb_colors.get(color_id, (0,0,0))}) if color_id in self.color_index: zindex = self.color_index.index(color_id) if zindex== None: print "alert no color!", symbol_id, color_id, self.color_index if type == ocadfile.Line: width = style.LineWidth# or style.DblWidth symbol_style["line-width"] = width/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale if style.DblWidth: # and style.DblFillColor: - color gali buti 0 symbol_style["double-width"] = style.DblWidth/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale symbol_style["double-color"] = self.rgb_colors.get(style.DblFillColor, (0,0,0)) if style.DblFlags: # 0 - fill off, 1 - fill on, 2 - background on? double_zindex = self.color_index.index(style.DblFillColor) symbol_style["double-z-index"] = double_zindex # jeigu nera zindexo - tai nepaisysime #if double_zindex < zindex: # zindex = double_zindex if style.DblLeftWidth: # and style.DblLeftColor: # spalva nesvarbi jeigu nera plocio! ar atvrksciai symbol_style["double-left-width"] = style.DblLeftWidth/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale symbol_style["double-left-color"] = self.rgb_colors.get(style.DblLeftColor, (0,0,0)) double_left_zindex = self.color_index.index(style.DblLeftColor) symbol_style["double-left-z-index"] = double_left_zindex #if double_left_zindex < zindex: # zindex = double_left_zindex if style.DblRightWidth: # and style.DblRightColor: # rusiskuose failuose yra DblRightColor - kuriu neranda index'e! symbol_style["double-right-width"] = style.DblRightWidth/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale symbol_style["double-right-color"] = self.rgb_colors.get(style.DblRightColor, (0,0,0)) double_right_zindex = self.color_index.index(style.DblRightColor) symbol_style["double-right-z-index"] = double_right_zindex #if double_right_zindex < zindex: # zindex = double_right_zindex if style.MainLength: symbol_style["length-main"] = style.MainLength/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale if style.EndLength: symbol_style["length-end"] = style.EndLength/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale if style.MainGap: symbol_style["length-gap"] = style.MainGap/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale if style.nPrimSym and style.nPrimSym > 1: symbol_style["symbol-repeat"] = style.nPrimSym symbol_style["symbol-distance"] = style.PrimSymDist/100.0 * self._prj.map_scale elements = symbol.Elements() if len(elements): shapes = self.create_symbol_data(elements) symbol_style["symbol-data"] = shapes for shape in shapes: new_zindex = shape[2].get("z-index") #if new_zindex < zindex: # randame maziausia z-index'a! # zindex = new_zindex elif type == ocadfile.Point: shapes = self.create_symbol_data(symbol.Elements()) zindex = shapes[0][2].get("z-index") # privalo tureti spalva ir z-index'a tuo paciu ! for shape in shapes[1:]: new_zindex = shape[2].get("z-index") if new_zindex < zindex: # randame maziausia z-index'a! zindex = new_zindex symbol_style["symbol-data"] = shapes elif type in (ocadfile.UnformattedText, ocadfile.FormattedText): symbol_style["font-size"] = style.FontSize/10 symbol_style["font-name"] = style.FontName symbol_style["font-weight"] = cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD if style.Weight == 700 else cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL symbol_style["font-style"] = cairo.FONT_SLANT_ITALIC if style.Italic ==1 else cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL #print "TEXT STYLE:", symbol_id, " -:- ", style symbol_style["z-index"] = zindex return symbols_style
# GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # vim:syntax=python:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab from utils import Colors MODKEY = 'Mod4' # theme FONT = '-artwiz-snap-*-*-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*' NORMAL_COLORS = Colors(0xb6b4b8, 0x1c2636, 0x0f1729) FOCUS_COLORS = Colors(0xffffff, 0x1c2636, 0x0f1729) BAR_NORMAL_COLORS = Colors(0xa0a0a0, 0x505050, 0x404040) BAR_FOCUS_COLORS = Colors(0xffffff, 0x1c2636, 0x0f1729) BORDER = 0 # status bar STATUS_BAR_SEPARATOR = None STATUS_BAR_START = None STATUS_BAR_END = None # dmenu DMENU_FONT = FONT DMENU_NORMAL_COLORS = Colors(0xb6b4b8, 0x1c2636)