class HierarchicalSoftmaxCBOW(object):
    def __init__(self, sentences, context=1, hidden=5, concat=False):"starting CBOW training..")
        self.context = context
        self.encoder = Encoder(sentences=sentences)
        self.huffman_encoder = HuffmanEncoder(self.encoder.counter)
        self.encoding_length = self.encoder.encoding_length
        self.hidden_units = hidden
        self.output_units = 1
        self.input_units = context if concat else 1
        self.input2hidden = np.random.rand(
            self.hidden_units, self.input_units * self.encoding_length) * 0.1
        self.hidden2output = np.random.rand(
            self.output_units * self.encoding_length - 1,
            self.hidden_units) * 0.1

        # train model
        word_count = 0
        last_time = time.time()
        for sentence in sentences:
            context_pairs = sentence2contexts(sentence, self.context)
            for w, c in context_pairs:
                self._train(w, c)
                # break
                word_count += 1
                if word_count % 100 == 0:
                    now = time.time()
                    time_spent = 1.0 / (now - last_time) * 100
          "trained on %s words. %s words/sec" %
                                 (word_count, time_spent))
                    last_time = time.time()

    def _train(self, word, context):
        onehot_context = [self.encoder.word2onehot(w) for w in context]
        onehot_word = self.encoder.word2onehot(word)
        t = onehot_word
        x = np.zeros_like(onehot_word)
        for c in onehot_context:
            x += c
        # forward pass
        h = (1.0 / self.context) * self.input2hidden * x
        # probability of target word
        node_ids = self.huffman_encoder.get_internal_node_ids(word)
        huffman_code = self.huffman_encoder.get_code(word)
        indicator_vec = np.matrix(
            [1.0 if e == "1" else 0.0 for e in huffman_code])
        alpha = 0.1
        # dE/dw'h
        dEdw_prime_h = np.empty_like(indicator_vec)
        # dE/dh
        dEdh = np.zeros_like(h)
        for j, idx in enumerate(node_ids):
            dEdw_prime_h[:, j] = (logit(self.hidden2output[idx].T * h) -
                                  indicator_vec[:, j])
            # (equation 52 - 54)
            dEdh_component = np.multiply(dEdw_prime_h[:, j],
            dEdh = dEdh + dEdh_component

            # update w_j_prime (Equation 51)
            self.hidden2output[idx] = self.hidden2output[idx] - np.asarray(
                alpha * dEdw_prime_h[:, j] * h.T)

        dEdw = dEdh * x.T

        # update W' and W
        # self.hidden2output -= alpha*dEdw_prime
        self.input2hidden -= 1.0 / self.context * alpha * dEdw

    def predict(self, context):
        onehot_context = [self.encoder.word2onehot(w) for w in context]
        x = np.zeros_like(onehot_context[0])
        for c in onehot_context:
            x += c
        _, y = self._forward_pass(x)
        return y

    def __getitem__(self, word):
        onehot_word = self.encoder.word2onehot(word)
        return self.input2hidden * onehot_word
class CBOW(object):
    def __init__(self, sentences, context=1, hidden=5, concat=False):"starting CBOW training..")
        self.context = context
        self.encoder = Encoder(sentences=sentences)
        self.encoding_length = self.encoder.encoding_length
        self.hidden_units = hidden
        self.output_units = 1
        self.input_units = context if concat else 1
        self.input2hidden = np.random.rand(
            self.hidden_units, self.input_units * self.encoding_length) * 0.1
        self.hidden2output = np.random.rand(
            self.output_units * self.encoding_length, self.hidden_units) * 0.1

        # train model
        word_count = 0
        last_time = time.time()
        for sentence in sentences:
            context_pairs = sentence2contexts(sentence, self.context)
            for w, c in context_pairs:
                self._train(w, c)
                word_count += 1
                if word_count % 100 == 0:
                    now = time.time()
                    time_spent = 1.0 / (now - last_time) * 100
          "trained on %s words. %s words/sec" %
                                 (word_count, time_spent))
                    last_time = time.time()

    def _forward_pass(self, x):
        h = (1.0 / self.context) * self.input2hidden * x
        return h, softmax(self.hidden2output * h)

    def _backprop(self, x, t, y, h, alpha):
        # e = dE/dz
        e = y - t
        # dE/dw'
        dEdw_prime = e * h.T
        # dE/dh
        dEdh = self.hidden2output.T * e
        dEdw = dEdh * x.T
        # update W' and W
        self.hidden2output -= alpha * dEdw_prime
        self.input2hidden -= 1.0 / self.context * alpha * dEdw

    def _train(self, word, context):
        onehot_context = [self.encoder.word2onehot(w) for w in context]
        onehot_word = self.encoder.word2onehot(word)
        t = onehot_word
        x = np.zeros_like(onehot_word)
        for c in onehot_context:
            x += c
        h, y = self._forward_pass(x)
        alpha = 0.1
        self._backprop(x, t, y, h, alpha)

    def predict(self, context):
        onehot_context = [self.encoder.word2onehot(w) for w in context]
        x = np.zeros_like(onehot_context[0])
        for c in onehot_context:
            x += c
        _, y = self._forward_pass(x)
        return y

    def __getitem__(self, word):
        onehot_word = self.encoder.word2onehot(word)
        return self.input2hidden * onehot_word