Beispiel #1
class Entry(object):
    Represents an Entry in the NetworkTable.
    NEXT_ID = 0

    def __init__(self, name, value, manager, auto_id=True):
        self.MANAGER = manager = name
        # The entries actual value, should be accessed as Entry().value.
        self._value = value
        self.type = get_type(value)
        # The next ID if it's a server, otherwise an UNDEFINED_ID.
        if self.MANAGER.is_server and auto_id:
   = Entry.NEXT_ID
            Entry.NEXT_ID += 1
        # An indicator of whether or not this entry needs to be sent
        # over the network.
        self.dirty = False
        self.sequence_number = SequenceNumber()
        # A socket not to send it over.
        self.ignore = None

    def copy(self):
        "Create a shallow copy of the entry."
        copy = Entry(, self.value, self.MANAGER, False)
        copy.__dict__ = self.__dict__
        return copy

    def _get_value(self):
        "Getter for value."
        return self._value
    def _set_value(self, value):
        "Setter for value, auto dirties and queques the entry."
        self._value = value
        if not(self.dirty):
        if != UNDEFINED_ID:
            self.dirty = True
            self.ignore = None
    # With a property calling Entry().value calls the getter and
    # Entry().value = val calls the setter.
    value = property(_get_value, _set_value)
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, name, value, auto_id=True): = name
     # The entries actual value, should be accessed as Entry().value.
     self._value = value
     self.type = get_type(value)
     # The next ID if it's a server, otherwise an UNDEFINED_ID.
     if IS_SERVER and auto_id: = Entry.NEXT_ID
         Entry.NEXT_ID += 1
     else: = UNDEFINED_ID
     # An indicator of whether or not this entry needs to be sent
     # over the network.
     self.dirty = False
     self.sequence_number = SequenceNumber()
     # A socket not to send it over.
     self.ignore = None
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, **options):
     self._seq_number = SequenceNumber(*self._sequenceRange)
Beispiel #4
class Protocol(object):

    _seq_number = None
    _default_opts = {}

    def _set_options(self, **options):
        opts = self._default_opts.copy()

        # FIXME: This method needs revision
        self._commandRange = options.get('commandRange', (0x20, 0x7f))
        self._sequenceRange = options.get('sequenceRange', (0x20, 0x7f))

    def __init__(self, **options):
        self._seq_number = SequenceNumber(*self._sequenceRange)

    def build_message(self, command, *params):
        Build a message from a command and parameters
        with STX, ETX and BCC marks and next Sequence Number.
        Ready for send as request to the device.
        seq =
        return self.build_message_with_seq(command, seq, *params)

    def build_message_with_seq(self, command, seq, *params):
        Build a message from a command, sequence number and parameters
        see build_message() for more detail. This method is suitable when
        we need to set an explicit sequence number like when we are implementing
        an emulation device.
        if isinstance(seq, int):
            seq = chr(seq)

        if not self._check_sequence_range(seq):
            raise OutOfRangeError("seq %r out of valid range (%x, %x)" % \
                                  (seq, self._sequenceRange[0], self._sequenceRange[1]))

        if not self._check_command_range(seq):
            raise OutOfRangeError("Command %r out of valid range (%x, %x)" % \
                                  (command, self._commandRange[0], self._commandRange[1]))

        params = self.build_params(params)

        msg = symbols.STX + seq + command + params + symbols.ETX
        bcc = self._makeBCC(msg)
        return msg + bcc

    def parse_message(self, message, check_sequence_number=True):
        if not self._checkBCC(message):
            received = message[-4:]
            expected = self._makeBCC(message[:-4])
            raise BadBlockCheckCharacterError("received: %r, expected: %r in message: %r " % \
                    (received, expected, message))

        # Cut off bcc
        message = orig_message = message[:-4]

        head, stx, message = message.partition(symbols.STX)
        if head:
            raise MalformedMessageError("%r isn't the first character in %r" % (stx, orig_message))

        message, etx, tail = message.rpartition(symbols.ETX)
        if tail:
            raise MalformedMessageError("%r isn't the last character in %r" % (etx, orig_message))

        seq_no = message[0]
        if check_sequence_number:
            if seq_no != repr(self._seq_number):
                raise ValueError("Inconsistent sequence number %r, we are waiting for %r" % \
                                 (ord(seq_no), ord(repr(self._seq_number))))
            seq_no = ''

        command = message[1]
        if not self._check_command_range(command):
            raise ValueError("Command %r out of valid range" % command)

        params = self.parse_params(message[2:])

        if seq_no:
            return [ord(seq_no), command] + params
            return [command] + params

    def build_params(self, params):
        "Build a stream with parameters separated by self.FS (FieldSeparator)"
        if not params:
            return ""
        return symbols.FS + symbols.FS.join(params)

    def parse_params(self, s):
        "Return a list of parameters"
        if not s:
            return []
        orig_s = s
        head, fs, s = s.partition(symbols.FS)
        if head:
            raise MalformedMessageError("%r isn't the first character in parameters substring %r" % \
                                        (fs, orig_s))

        return s.split(symbols.FS)

    def _makeBCC(self, s):
        "Return Block Check Character of message"
        return "%.4X" % sum([ord(c) for c in s])

    def _checkBCC(self, message):
        "Return True if Block Check Character its OK, False otherwise"
        return self._makeBCC(message[:-4]) == message[-4:].upper()

    def _check_command_range(self, command):
        assert len(command) == 1, "Command isn't a character"
        return self._commandRange[0] < ord(command) < self._commandRange[1]

    def _check_sequence_range(self, sequence):
        assert len(sequence) == 1, "Sequence isn't a character"
        return self._sequenceRange[0] < ord(sequence) < self._sequenceRange[1]