Beispiel #1
# Editing following arguments to bypass command line. = or time.strftime("run%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime())
args.restore = cargs.restore
args.mode = cargs.mode
args.dataset = cargs.dataset
args.datapath = cargs.datapath
args.epochs = cargs.epoch
args.wvclass = cargs.wvclass
args.wvpath = cargs.wvpath
args.out_dir = cargs.out_dir
args.model_dir = cargs.model_dir
args.cache_dir = cargs.cache_dir
args.debug = cargs.debug
args.cache = cargs.cache
args.cuda_num = cargs.cuda
args.cuda = not cargs.cpu

args.disentangle = cargs.disentangle
args.droprate = cargs.droprate
args.hist_len = cargs.hist_len
args.hist_weights = cargs.hist_weights
if args.hist_len != len(args.hist_weights):
    raise ValueError('the hist_len should be equal to the length of weights')
args.hist_weights = np.array(args.hist_weights) / sum(args.hist_weights)

# The following arguments are not controlled by command line.
args.restore_optimizer = False
args.load_exclude_set = []
args.restoreCallback = None