def run(self): inp = TextInput() mfiles = [fn for fn in os.listdir(tut_dir) if not fn.startswith('.')] choices = [ (first(f.split('.')), f) for f in mfiles ] while True: Tutorial(
def getScreen(stdscr): return Screen(stdscr, 8, 4, [Text(1, 2, 'Register')], [[TextInput(2, 2, "Name")], [TextInput(3, 2, "ShortDsc")], [TextInput(4, 2, "Desc")], [TextInput(5, 2, "Value")], [TextInput(6, 2, "Category")], [AddButton(7, 1, "Add"), BackButton(7, 3, "Back")]])
def run(self): inp = TextInput() mfiles = [fn for fn in os.listdir(tut_dir) if not fn.startswith('.')] choices = [(first(f.split('.')), f) for f in mfiles] while True: Tutorial(
def run(self): # allow entering of multiple (up to 10) locations pattern = "%s? loc%s" % (mark_key, " loc?"*9) self.textinput = TextInput(pattern, board, singlechar_cmds=True) while True: board.draw() self.make_move()
def getScreen(stdscr): return Screen( stdscr, 8, 4, [Text(1, 2, 'Register')], [[TextInput(2, 2, "Username")], [TextInput(3, 2, "Password")], [TextInput(4, 2, "First")], [TextInput(5, 2, "Last")], [TextInput(6, 2, "Role")], [RegisterButton(7, 1, "Register"), BackButton(7, 3, "Back")]])
def run(self): self.textinput = TextInput("loc %d", board) while True: board.draw() loc, val = self.get_move() board[loc] = Number(val) sudoku.check_end()
def run(self): self.textinput = TextInput(board=board) for p in cycle(players.keys()): board.draw() tile = board.ai_move(p) if p in ai_players else self.get_move(p) tile.increment(p) bblocks.check_end(p)
def run(self): # board is only used to check if location is within range (using board.valid()) self.textinput = TextInput(board=first(players).board) for player in cycle(players): bship.draw() tile = self.ai_move(player) if else self.get_move(player) tile.hit() bship.check_end(player.enemy())
def run(self): cmdpat = "%d?" cmdpat = cmdpat + " (%s)" % sjoin(commands.keys(), '|') pattern = cmdpat + (" %s?" % cmdpat) * (max_cmds - 1) self.textinput = TextInput(pattern, board, accept_blank=True, singlechar_cmds=True) while True: board.draw() for unit in players + robots: cprog = self.create_program if unit.player else unit.create_program unit.program = unit.program or cprog() unit.go()
def run(self): moves = board.get_valid_moves player = rndchoice(players) player = first(players) self.textinput = TextInput(board=board) while True: board.draw() move = player.get_random_move() if else self.get_move(player) player.make_move(move) # give next turn to enemy OR end game if no turns left, FALLTHRU: current player keeps the turn if moves(player.enemy()) : player = player.enemy() elif not moves(player) : versi.game_end()
def run(self): self.textinput = TextInput("(r|p|s)") scores = [0, 0] while True: choice1, choice2 = (self.get_move(p) for p in players) if choice1 != choice2: winplayer = 1 if (choice1 + choice2 in wins) else 0 scores[winplayer] += 1 print(status % (players[0], scores[0], players[1], scores[1], choice1, choice2)) sleep(pause_time)
class Test(object): def run(self): moves = 'd'*2 + 'r'*18 + 'u'*11 + 'l'*17 moves = 'r'*9 + 'l'*8 moves = 'r'*30 + 'l'*30 for move in moves: board.draw() player.move(move, wrap) return #### self.textinput = TextInput(("%hd %hd %s", randcmd)) while True: words.display() cmd = self.textinput.getinput() if first(cmd) == randcmd : words.randreveal() else : self.reveal_letter( *cmd ) words.check_end() def reveal_letter(self, *cmd): try : words.guess(*cmd) except IndexError : print(self.textinput.invalid_move)
class BasicInterface(object): def run(self): cmdpat = "%d?" cmdpat = cmdpat + " (%s)" % sjoin(commands.keys(), '|') pattern = cmdpat + (" %s?" % cmdpat) * (max_cmds - 1) self.textinput = TextInput(pattern, board, accept_blank=True, singlechar_cmds=True) while True: board.draw() print(", ".join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in commands.items())) for unit in players + robots: if unit.player: cprog = self.create_program else: cprog = unit.create_program unit.program = unit.program or cprog() unit.go() def create_program(self): while True: try: program = self.textinput.getinput() or ['r'] return rgame.expand_program(program) except (KeyError, IndexError): print(self.textinput.invalid_inp)
class BasicInterface(object): def run(self): """ Run main game loop. If more than one valid move is available to the human player, let him make the choice with `get_move()`. """ def offer_choice(): return bool(not and len(valid_moves) > 1) self.textinput = TextInput('%hd') pchar = first(p for p in player_chars if p not in ai_players) if pchar: print("You are playing:", pchar) for player in cycle(players): race.draw() movedist = dice.rollsum() valid_moves = race.valid_moves(player, movedist) getmove = self.get_move if offer_choice() else rndchoice race.move(*getmove(valid_moves)) player.check_end() def get_move(self, valid_moves): """Get player's choice of move.""" moves = [space] * (length + 6) for n, (loc, _) in enumerate1(valid_moves): moves[loc] = n print(sjoin(moves)) while True: try: return valid_moves[ self.textinput.getval() ] except IndexError: print(self.textinput.invalid_move)
def run(self): """ Run main game loop. If more than one valid move is available to the human player, let him make the choice with `get_move()`. """ def offer_choice(): return bool(not and len(valid_moves) > 1) self.textinput = TextInput('%hd') pchar = first(p for p in player_chars if p not in ai_players) if pchar: print("You are playing:", pchar) for player in cycle(players): race.draw() movedist = dice.rollsum() valid_moves = race.valid_moves(player, movedist) getmove = self.get_move if offer_choice() else rndchoice race.move(*getmove(valid_moves)) player.check_end()
def run(self): moves = 'd'*2 + 'r'*18 + 'u'*11 + 'l'*17 moves = 'r'*9 + 'l'*8 moves = 'r'*30 + 'l'*30 for move in moves: board.draw() player.move(move, wrap) return #### self.textinput = TextInput(("%hd %hd %s", randcmd)) while True: words.display() cmd = self.textinput.getinput() if first(cmd) == randcmd : words.randreveal() else : self.reveal_letter( *cmd ) words.check_end()
class BasicInterface(object): def run(self): self.textinput = TextInput("loc %d", board) while True: board.draw() loc, val = self.get_move() board[loc] = Number(val) sudoku.check_end() def get_move(self): while True: cmd = self.textinput.getinput() if sudoku.valid_move(*cmd) : return cmd else : print(self.textinput.invalid_move)
class Test(object): def run(self): self.textinput = TextInput(board=board) for p in cycle(players.keys()): board.draw() tile = board.ai_move(p) if p in ai_players else self.get_move(p) tile.increment(p) bblocks.check_end(p) def get_move(self, player): while True: loc = self.textinput.getloc() if board.valid_move(player, board[loc]): return board[loc] else: print(self.textinput.invalid_move)
class BasicInterface(object): def run(self): # board is only used to check if location is within range (using board.valid()) self.textinput = TextInput(board=first(players).board) for player in cycle(players): bship.draw() tile = self.ai_move(player) if else self.get_move(player) tile.hit() bship.check_end(player.enemy()) def get_move(self, player): """Get user command and return the tile to attack.""" return player.enemy().board[self.textinput.getloc()] def ai_move(self, player): """Very primitive 'AI', always hits a random location.""" return player.enemy().board.random_unhit()
class BasicInterface(object): def run(self): # allow entering of multiple (up to 10) locations pattern = "%s? loc%s" % (mark_key, " loc?"*9) self.textinput = TextInput(pattern, board, singlechar_cmds=True) while True: board.draw() self.make_move() def make_move(self): cmd = self.textinput.getinput() mark = bool(first(cmd) == mark_key) if mark: cmd.pop(0) for loc in cmd: tile = board[loc] tile.toggle_mark() if mark else board.reveal(tile) mines.check_end(tile)
class RockPaperScissors(object): def run(self): self.textinput = TextInput("(r|p|s)") scores = [0, 0] while True: choice1, choice2 = (self.get_move(p) for p in players) if choice1 != choice2: winplayer = 1 if (choice1 + choice2 in wins) else 0 scores[winplayer] += 1 print(status % (players[0], scores[0], players[1], scores[1], choice1, choice2)) sleep(pause_time) def get_move(self, player): if player in ai_players: return randchoice(moves) else: return self.textinput.getval()
class BasicInterface(object): def run(self): moves = board.get_valid_moves player = rndchoice(players) player = first(players) self.textinput = TextInput(board=board) while True: board.draw() move = player.get_random_move() if else self.get_move(player) player.make_move(move) # give next turn to enemy OR end game if no turns left, FALLTHRU: current player keeps the turn if moves(player.enemy()) : player = player.enemy() elif not moves(player) : versi.game_end() def get_move(self, player): while True: loc = self.textinput.getloc() if board.valid_move(player, loc) : return loc else : print(self.textinput.invalid_move)
def run(self): player.look() while True: cmd = TextInput("(a|s|w|d|p|i|m|l)").getval() getattr(player, commands[cmd])()
from os.path import exists from textwrap import wrap from time import sleep from copy import copy from utils import TextInput, Container, shuffled, getitem, nl, space width = 78 screensep = 30 border = Container(tl='╭', tr='╮', bl='╰', br='╯', horiz='─', vertical='│') cards_fn = "cards.txt" question = " Did you get it right (Y/n)? " status = "\n %d right out of %d (%d%%)\n" sep = "--" textinput = Container(question=TextInput(accept_blank=True, prompt=question), pause=TextInput(accept_blank=True)) class Card(object): def __init__(self, card): front, back = card.split(sep, 1) self.front = front.strip() self.back = back.strip() def draw(self, status_msg): print(nl * screensep) print(status_msg) textinput.pause.getinput()
def getScreen(stdscr): return Screen( stdscr, 5, 4, [Text(1, 2, 'Search')], [[TextInput(2, 2, "Category")], [TextInput(3, 2, "Name")], [SearchResultsButton(4, 1, "Search"), BackButton(4, 3, "Back")]])
def getScreen(stdscr): return Screen( stdscr, 5, 4, [Text(1, 2, 'Login')], [[TextInput(2, 2, "Username")], [TextInput(3, 2, "Password")], [LoginButton(4, 1, "Login"), BackButton(4, 3, "Back")]])