Beispiel #1
    def ProcessDataSource(self: Any, source: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Prepare to diff the provided data source."""

        source["hash"] = Utility.MD5(self, source["url"])
        source["older"] = {}
        source["old"] = {}
        source["new"] = {}

        older: Dict[str, Any] = source["older"]
        old: Dict[str, Any] = source["old"]
        new: Dict[str, Any] = source["new"]

        format: str = source["contentType"].upper()
        allowRevert: bool = source.get("allowRevert", True)

        if format == "JSON":
            source["ext"] = "json"
            source["filename"] = source["hash"] + "." + source["ext"]

            old["gist"] = Utility.GetGist(self, source["filename"])
            new["raw"] = Utility.FormatJSON(self, Utility.GET(self, source["url"]))

            if old["gist"] is False:
            elif (new["raw"] is not None) and (old["gist"] is not None):
                if allowRevert is False:
                    older["raw"] = Utility.FormatJSON(
                        Utility.GetGistRaw(self, old["gist"], source["filename"], 1),

                old["raw"] = Utility.FormatJSON(
                    self, Utility.GetGistRaw(self, old["gist"], source["filename"])

                SitRep.DiffJSON(self, source)
            elif (new["raw"] is not None) and (old["gist"] is None):
                Utility.CreateGist(self, source)
        elif format == "IMAGE":
            source["ext"] = "txt"
            source["filename"] = source["hash"] + "." + source["ext"]

            old["gist"] = Utility.GetGist(self, source["filename"])
            new["raw"] = Utility.Base64(
                self, Utility.GET(self, source["url"], raw=True)

            if old["gist"] is False:
            elif (new["raw"] is not None) and (old["gist"] is not None):
                if allowRevert is False:
                    older["raw"] = Utility.GetGistRaw(
                        self, old["gist"], source["filename"], 1

                old["raw"] = Utility.GetGistRaw(self, old["gist"], source["filename"])

                SitRep.DiffImage(self, source)
            elif (new["raw"] is not None) and (old["gist"] is None):
                Utility.CreateGist(self, source)
        elif format == "TEXT":
            source["ext"] = source.get("fileType", "txt")
            source["filename"] = source["hash"] + "." + source["ext"]

            old["gist"] = Utility.GetGist(self, source["filename"])
            new["raw"] = Utility.GET(self, source["url"])

            if old["gist"] is False:
            elif (new["raw"] is not None) and (old["gist"] is not None):
                if allowRevert is False:
                    older["raw"] = Utility.GetGistRaw(
                        self, old["gist"], source["filename"], 1

                old["raw"] = Utility.GetGistRaw(self, old["gist"], source["filename"])

                SitRep.DiffText(self, source)
            elif (new["raw"] is not None) and (old["gist"] is None):
                Utility.CreateGist(self, source)
            logger.error(f"Data source with content type {format} is not supported")
Beispiel #2
    def DiffText(self: Any, source: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Diff the provided text data source."""

        filename: str = source["filename"]
        url: str = source["url"]
        allowRevert: bool = source.get("allowRevert", True)

        older: Dict[str, Any] = source["older"]
        old: Dict[str, Any] = source["old"]
        new: Dict[str, Any] = source["new"]

        if allowRevert is False:
            older["hash"] = Utility.MD5(self, older["raw"])

        old["hash"] = Utility.MD5(self, old["raw"])
        new["hash"] = Utility.MD5(self, new["raw"])

        if old["hash"] == new["hash"]:
  "No difference found in {filename} ({url})")

        elif (allowRevert is False) and (older["hash"] == new["hash"]):
  "Ignored revert found in {filename} ({url})")


        diff: Iterator[str] = Differ().compare(
            old["raw"].splitlines(), new["raw"].splitlines()

        desc: str = ""
        additions: int = 0
        deletions: int = 0

        for line in diff:
            if line.startswith("+ "):
                additions += 1
                desc += f"{line}\n"
            elif line.startswith("- "):
                deletions += 1
                desc += f"{line}\n"

        desc = Utility.Truncate(self, desc, 4048, split="\n")
        source["urlTrim"] = Utility.Truncate(self, url, 256)

        success: bool = SitRep.Notify(
                "title": source["urlTrim"],
                "description": f"```diff\n{desc}```",
                "url": url,
                "filename": source["filename"],
                "additions": f"{additions:,}",
                "deletions": f"{deletions:,}",
                "diffUrl": source["old"]["gist"].html_url + "/revisions",

        # Ensure no changes go without notification
        if success is True:
            Utility.UpdateGist(self, source)