def movementPossible(self, playScreen):
        fields = playScreen.playFields
        for row in self._pieces:
            for piece in row:
                if piece is not None:
                    step = piece.steps + 1
                    index = Utils.getFieldIndex(piece, fields)
                    if index is not None:  # Piece has died, apparently
                        y = index[0]
                        x = index[1]

                        # Up
                        for up in range(y, y + step if y + step <= len(fields) else len(fields)):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[up][x], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[up][x].piece is None
                                    or fields[up][x].piece is not None
                                    and fields[up][x].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    return True

                        # Right
                        for right in range(x, x + step if x + step <= len(fields) else len(fields)):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[y][right], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[y][right].piece is None
                                    or fields[y][right].piece is not None
                                    and fields[y][right].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    return True

                        # Left
                        for left in range(x - step if x - step > 0 else 0, x):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[y][left], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[y][left].piece is None
                                    or fields[y][left].piece is not None
                                    and fields[y][left].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    return True

                        # Down
                        for down in range(y - step if y - step > 0 else 0, y):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[down][x], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[down][x].piece is None
                                    or fields[down][x].piece is not None
                                    and fields[down][x].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    return True
        return False
 def handleClick(self, field):
     #if the currentPlayer is a computer, ignore all of this. Also ignore if lockdown is true
     if self.currentPlayer.isComputer or self.lockdown:
     #Firstclick: check if no piece has been selected before and if there is a piece there, and if this piece is his. If all of this is true, then check if he clicked a piece which can move.
     if self.firstSelected is None and field.piece is not None:
         if field.piece.steps > 0 and field.piece.owner is self.currentPlayer:
             self.firstSelected = field
     elif self.firstSelected is not None: 
         if field is self.firstSelected:
             self.firstSelected = None
         elif field.piece is not None and field.piece.owner is self.currentPlayer:
         elif Utils.isLegalMove(self.firstSelected, field, self.playFields): #if the move is legal, execute it
             self.executeMove(self.firstSelected, field)
 def executeMove(self,source, target):
     #check if its a legal move
     if not Utils.isLegalMove(source, target, self.playFields) or self.lockdown:
         return False
     #If the target is an empty field, do it instantly
     if target.piece is None:
         target.piece = source.piece
         source.piece = None
         #If its an AI, delay the game for a bit
         if self.currentPlayer.isComputer:
             self.AIDelayTimer = threading.Timer(self.aiDelay,self._changePlayerTurn)
         target.piece.hidden = False
         source.piece.hidden = False
         self.lockdown = True
         self.lockdownTimer = threading.Timer(self.lockdownTime, self._onLockDownFinish,[source,target])
     return True
    def play(self, playScreen):
        self.isPlaying = True
        fields = playScreen.playFields

        # Choose own move
        playableMoves = {}
        key = 0
        for row in self._pieces:
            for piece in row:
                if piece is not None:
                    step = piece.steps + 1
                    index = Utils.getFieldIndex(piece, fields)
                    if index is not None:  # Piece has died, apparently
                        y = index[0]
                        x = index[1]

                        # Up
                        for up in range(y, y + step if y + step <= len(fields) else len(fields)):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[up][x], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[up][x].piece is None
                                    or fields[up][x].piece is not None
                                    and fields[up][x].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    playableMoves[key] = moveDTO(x, y, x, up)
                                    key += 1

                        # Right
                        for right in range(x, x + step if x + step <= len(fields) else len(fields)):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[y][right], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[y][right].piece is None
                                    or fields[y][right].piece is not None
                                    and fields[y][right].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    playableMoves[key] = moveDTO(x, y, right, y)
                                    key += 1

                        # Left
                        for left in range(x - step if x - step > 0 else 0, x):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[y][left], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[y][left].piece is None
                                    or fields[y][left].piece is not None
                                    and fields[y][left].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    playableMoves[key] = moveDTO(x, y, left, y)
                                    key += 1

                        # Down
                        for down in range(y - step if y - step > 0 else 0, y):
                            if Utils.isLegalMove(fields[y][x], fields[down][x], fields):
                                if (
                                    fields[down][x].piece is None
                                    or fields[down][x].piece is not None
                                    and fields[down][x].piece.owner is not piece.owner
                                    playableMoves[key] = moveDTO(x, y, x, down)
                                    key += 1

        if len(playableMoves) > 0:

            # -1 = Don't do anything
            # 0 = Random
            # 1 = Enemy in range
            # 2 = Known enemy in range
            # 3 = Weaker known enemy in range

            movesScore = {}
            for move in playableMoves.keys():
                movesScore[move] = 0

                sourceY = playableMoves[move].sourceY
                sourceX = playableMoves[move].sourceX
                targetY = playableMoves[move].targetY
                targetX = playableMoves[move].targetX

                sourcePiece = fields[sourceY][sourceX].piece
                targetPiece = fields[targetY][targetX].piece

                if targetPiece is not None:
                    movesScore[move] += 1  # 1

                    if targetPiece in self.knownPieces:
                        print "------------------- Target is a bomb -------------------"
                        movesScore[move] += 1  # 2

                        # If target is a bomb
                        if targetPiece.type is "B":
                            print "------------------- Target is a bomb -------------------"
                            if sourcePiece.type is 3:
                                print str(sourcePiece.type) + " is dismantling bomb"
                                movesScore[move] += 2  # 4
                                print str(sourcePiece.type) + " is not attacking bomb"
                                movesScore[move] = -1

                        # If target is not a bomb
                            print "------------------- Target is not a bomb -------------------"
                            # If source is stronger than target, set highest priority
                            if targetPiece.type < sourcePiece.type:
                                print str(sourcePiece.type) + " is stronger than " + str(targetPiece.type)
                                movesScore[move] += 1  # 3

                            # If source is a spy and target is a marshall, set highest priority
                            elif sourcePiece.type is 1 and targetPiece.type is 10:
                                print str(sourcePiece.type) + " is capturing " + str(targetPiece.type)
                                movesScore[move] += 3  # 5

                            # Else do nothing
                                print str(sourcePiece.type) + " is not doing anything"
                                movesScore[move] = 1

            print ""

            highestScore = max(movesScore.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1]
            highestMoves = []

            for score in movesScore:
                if movesScore[score] is highestScore:

            highestMove = playableMoves[choice(highestMoves)]

                fields[highestMove.sourceY][highestMove.sourceX], fields[highestMove.targetY][highestMove.targetX]

            attackedField = fields[highestMove.targetY][highestMove.targetX]
            if attackedField is not None:

            # Draw movement line
            glColor3f(1, 0, 1)
                fields[highestMove.sourceY][highestMove.sourceX].x, fields[highestMove.sourceY][highestMove.sourceX].y
                fields[highestMove.targetY][highestMove.targetX].x, fields[highestMove.targetY][highestMove.targetX].y
