def _yb_no_pri(self):
     npyb = YumUtilBase(NAME, VERSION, USAGE)
     npyb.preconf.disabled_plugins = ['priorities']
     npyb.preconf.quiet = True
     npyb.preconf.debuglevel = -1
     npyb.preconf.errorlevel = -1
     opt_prsr = OptionParser()
     npyb.preconf.optparser = opt_prsr
     npyb.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
     npyb.conf.disable_excludes = ['all']
     opts, args = opt_prsr.parse_args([])
     npyb.plugins.setCmdLine(opts, args)
     return npyb
 def _init_yumbase(self, name=NAME, ver=VERSION, usage=USAGE):
     yum_base = YumUtilBase(name, ver, usage)
     yum_base.preconf.disableplugin = []
     yum_base.preconf.quiet = True
     yum_base.preconf.debuglevel = -1
     yum_base.preconf.errorlevel = -1
     yum_base.preconf.plugin_types = (plugins.TYPE_CORE,
     opt_prsr = OptionParser()
     yum_base.preconf.optparser = opt_prsr
     yum_base.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0
     yum_base.conf.disable_excludes = []
     opts, args = opt_prsr.parse_args([])
     # The yum security plugin will crap pants if the plugin
     # cmdline isn't set up:
     yum_base.plugins.setCmdLine(opts, args)
     return yum_base
    fp =file(filename, "w")

def match_repoid(repoid, repo_setopts):
    for i in repo_setopts:
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(repoid, i):
            return True

NAME = 'yum-config-manager'
VERSION = '1.0'
USAGE = 'yum-config-manager [options] [section ...]'


yb = YumUtilBase(NAME, VERSION, USAGE)
logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.cli.yum-config-manager")
yb.preconf.debuglevel = 0
yb.preconf.errorlevel = 0
yb.optparser = yb.getOptionParser()
if hasattr(yb, 'getOptionGroup'): # check if the group option API is available
    group = yb.getOptionGroup()
    group = yb.optparser
group.add_option("--save", default=False, action="store_true",
          help='save the current options (useful with --setopt)')
group.add_option("--enable", default=False, action="store_true",
          help='enable the specified repos (automatically saves)')
group.add_option("--disable", default=False, action="store_true",
          help='disable the specified repos (automatically saves)')
group.add_option("--add-repo", default=[], dest='addrepo', action='append',