Beispiel #1
def qmult(p0, pvec, q0, qvec):
    Quaternion Multiplications r = p x q
    p0, q0 : {(N,)} array_like 
        Scalar componenet of the quaternion
    pvec, qvec : {(N,3)} array_like
        Vector component of the quaternion
    r0 : {(N,)} array like scalar componenet of the quaternion
    rvec : {(N,3)} array like vector component of the quaternion
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import qmult
    >>> p0, pvec = 0.701057, np.array([-0.69034553,  0.15304592,  0.09229596])
    >>> q0, qvec = 0.987228, np.array([ 0.12613659,  0.09199968,  0.03171637])
    >>> qmult(q0,qvec,p0,pvec)
    (0.76217346258977192, array([-0.58946236,  0.18205109,  0.1961684 ]))
    >>> s0, svec = 0.99879, np.array([ 0.02270747,  0.03430854, -0.02691584])
    >>> t0, tvec = 0.84285, np.array([ 0.19424161, -0.18023625, -0.46837843])
    >>> qmult(s0,svec,t0,tvec)
    (0.83099625967941704, array([ 0.19222498, -0.1456937 , -0.50125456]))
    >>> qmult([p0, s0],[pvec, svec],[q0, t0], [qvec, tvec])
    (array([ 0.76217346,  0.83099626]), array([[-0.59673664,  0.24912539,  0.03053588], [ 0.19222498, -0.1456937 , -0.50125456]]))

    p0, Np = _input_check_Nx1(p0)
    q0, Nq = _input_check_Nx1(q0)
    if (Np != Nq):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    pvec, Np = _input_check_Nx3(pvec)
    if (Np != Nq):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    qvec, Nq = _input_check_Nx3(qvec)
    if (Np != Nq):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    if (Np > 1):
        r0 = p0 * q0 - np.sum(pvec * qvec, axis=1)
        r0 = p0 * q0 -, qvec)

    rvec = p0.reshape(Np, 1) * qvec + q0.reshape(Np, 1) * pvec + np.cross(
        pvec, qvec)

    # For only 1-D input, make it into a flat 1-D array
    if (Np == 1):
        rvec = rvec.reshape(3)

    return r0, rvec
Beispiel #2
def navrate(VN, VE, VD, lat, alt, lat_unit='deg', alt_unit='m', model='wgs84'):
    Calculate navigation/transport rate given VN, VE, VD, lat, and alt.
    Navigation/transport rate is the angular velocity of the NED frame relative
    to the earth ECEF frame. 
    Paul Groves's Notation: :math:`\omega_{EN}^N`, Eq. (5.37), Ch. 5.3, pp. 131
    P. Groves, GNSS, Inertial, and Integrated Navigation Systems, Artech House, 2008
    VN: {(N,)} array like earth relative velocity in the North direction, m/s
    VE: {(N,)} array like earth relative velocity in the East direction, m/s
    VD: {(N,)} array like earth relative velocity in the Down direction, m/s
    lat: {(N,)} array like latitudes, unit specified in lat_unit, default deg
    alt: {(N,)} array like altitudes, unit specified in alt_unit, default m
    rho: {(N,3)} np.array of the transport rate.
    The unit is in rad/seconds.

    lat, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(lat)
    alt, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(alt)
    VN, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(VN)
    VE, N4 = _input_check_Nx1(VE)
    VD, N5 = _input_check_Nx1(VD)

    if ((N1 != N2) or (N2 != N3) or (N1 != N3) or (N1 != N4) or (N4 != N5)):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    Rew, Rns = earthrad(lat, lat_unit=lat_unit)

    rho = np.zeros((N1, 3))

    if (model == 'wgs84'):
        rho[:, 0] = VE / (Rew + alt)
        rho[:, 1] = -VN / (Rns + alt)
        rho[:, 2] = -VE * np.tan(np.deg2rad(lat)) / (Rew + alt)
        raise ValueError('Model unknown')

    if (N1 == 1):
        rho = rho.reshape(3)

    return rho
Beispiel #3
def skew(w, output_type='ndarray'):
    Make a skew symmetric 2-D array
    w : {(3,)} array_like
    C : {(3,3)} skew symmetric representation of w
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import skew
    >>> w = [1, 2, 3]
    >>> skew(w)
    array([[ 0., -3.,  2.],
           [ 3.,  0., -1.],
           [-2.,  1.,  0.]])
    w, N = _input_check_Nx1(np.array(w))
    if (N != 3):
        raise ValueError('Input dimension is not 3')

    C = np.array([[0.0, -w[2], w[1]], [w[2], 0.0, -w[0]], [-w[1], w[0], 0.0]])
    if (output_type != 'ndarray'):
        C = np.matrix(C)

    return C
Beispiel #4
def wrapToPi(e):
    Wraping angle to [-pi,pi] interval
    dum, N = _input_check_Nx1(e)

    ew = np.mod(e + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi

    return ew
Beispiel #5
def lla2ecef(lat, lon, alt, latlon_unit='deg', alt_unit='m', model='wgs84'):
    Convert Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, to ECEF position
    lat : {(N,)} array like latitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    lon : {(N,)} array like longitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    alt : {(N,)} array like altitude, unit specified by alt_unit, default in m
    ecef : {(N,3)} array like ecef position, unit is the same as alt_unit
    lat, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(lat)
    lon, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(lon)
    alt, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(alt)

    if ((N1 != N2) or (N2 != N3) or (N1 != N3)):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    if (model == 'wgs84'):
        Rew, Rns = earthrad(lat, lat_unit=latlon_unit)
        Rew = wgs84.a

    if (latlon_unit == 'deg'):
        lat = np.deg2rad(lat)
        lon = np.deg2rad(lon)

    x = (Rew + alt) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
    y = (Rew + alt) * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
    z = ((1 - wgs84._ecc_sqrd) * Rew + alt) * np.sin(lat)

    ecef = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T

    if (N1 == 1):
        ecef = ecef.reshape(3)

    return ecef
Beispiel #6
def earthrate(lat, lat_unit='deg', model='wgs84'):
    Calculate the earth rotation rate resolved on NED axes 
    given VN, VE, VD, lat, and alt.
    Paul Groves's Notation: :math:`\omega_{IE}^N`, Eq. (2.75), Ch. 2.3, pp. 44
    lat : {(N,)} array like latitudes, unit specified in lat_unit, default deg
    e : {(N,3)} np.array of the earth's rotation rate
        The unit is in rad/seconds.

    [1] P. Groves, GNSS, Inertial, and Integrated Navigation Systems, Artech House, 2008
    if (lat_unit == 'deg'):
        lat = np.deg2rad(lat)
    elif (lat_unit == 'rad'):
        raise ValueError('Input unit unknown')

    lat, N = _input_check_Nx1(lat)

    e = np.zeros((N, 3))
    if (model == 'wgs84'):
        e[:, 0] = wgs84.omega_E * np.cos(lat)
        e[:, 1] = -wgs84.omega_E * np.sin(lat)
        raise ValueError('Model unknown')

    if (N == 1):
        e = e.reshape(3)

    return e
Beispiel #7
def llarate(VN, VE, VD, lat, alt, lat_unit='deg', alt_unit='m'):
    Calculate Latitude, Longitude, Altitude Rate given locally tangent velocity
    VN : {(N,)} array like earth relative velocity in the North direction, m/s
    VE : {(N,)} array like earth relative velocity in the East direction, m/s
    VD : {(N,)} array like earth relative velocity in the Down direction, m/s
    lat : {(N,)} array like latitudes, unit specified in lat_unit, default deg
    alt : {(N,)} array like altitudes, unit specified in alt_unit, default m
    lla_dot : {(N,3)} np.array of latitude rate, longitude rate, altitude rate.
              The unit of latitude and longitude rate will be the same as the 
              unit specified by lat_unit and the unit of altitude rate will be 
              the same as alt_unit
    See Also
    earthrad : called by this method
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import llarate
    >>> llarate(100,0,0,45.0,0) # Moving North at 100 m/s, location is at N45.0
    array([ 0.00089983,  0.        ,  0.        ])
    >>> # That output was in deg/sec
    >>> lat = [np.pi/4, -np.pi/6]
    >>> alt = [100.0, 50]
    >>> VN = [100, 0]
    >>> VE = [0, 100]
    >>> VD = [0, -5]
    >>> llarate(VN,VE,VD,lat,alt,lat_unit='rad')
    array([[  1.57047955e-05,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00],\
           [  0.00000000e+00,   1.80887436e-05,   5.00000000e+00]])
    >>> # That output was in rad/sec
    dim_check = 1
    VN, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(VN)
    VE, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(VE)
    if (N2 != N1):
        dim_check *= 0
    VD, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(VD)
    if (N2 != N1):
        dim_check *= 0
    lat, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(lat)
    if (N2 != N1):
        dim_check *= 0
    alt, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(alt)
    if (N2 != N1):
        dim_check *= 0
    if (dim_check == 0):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    Rew, Rns = earthrad(lat, lat_unit=lat_unit)

    lla_dot = np.zeros((N1, 3))
    if (lat_unit == 'deg'):
        lla_dot[:, 0] = np.rad2deg(VN / (Rns + alt))
        lla_dot[:, 1] = np.rad2deg(VE / (Rew + alt) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat)))
        lla_dot[:, 2] = -VD
    elif (lat_unit == 'rad'):
        lla_dot[:, 0] = VN / (Rns + alt)
        lla_dot[:, 1] = VE / (Rew + alt) / np.cos(lat)
        lla_dot[:, 2] = -VD

    if (N1 == 1):
        lla_dot = lla_dot.reshape(3)

    return lla_dot
Beispiel #8
def quat2dcm(q0, qvec, rotation_sequence='ZYX', output_type='ndarray'):
    Convert a single unit quaternion to one DCM
    q0 : {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)} array_like 
        Scalar componenet of the quaternion
    qvec : {(N,3),(3,N)} array_like 
        Vector component of the quaternion
    rotation_sequence : {'ZYX'}, optional
        Rotation sequences. Default is 'ZYX'.
    output_type : {'ndarray','matrix'}, optional
        Output is either numpy array (default) or numpy matrix.
    C_N2B : direction consine matrix that rotates the vector from the first frame
            to the second frame according to the specified rotation_sequence.
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import quat2dcm
    >>> q0 = 1
    >>> qvec = [0, 0, 0]
    >>> C = quat2dcm(q0,qvec)
    >>> C
    array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  1.]])
    >>> q0 = 0.9811
    >>> qvec = np.array([-0.0151, 0.0858, 0.1730])
    >>> C = quat2dcm(q0,qvec,output_type='matrix')
    >>> C
    matrix([[  9.25570440e-01,   3.36869440e-01,  -1.73581360e-01],
            [ -3.42051760e-01,   9.39837700e-01,   5.75800000e-05],
            [  1.63132160e-01,   5.93160200e-02,   9.84972420e-01]])
    # Input check
    q0, N0 = _input_check_Nx1(q0)
    qvec, Nvec = _input_check_Nx3(qvec)

    if ((N0 != 1) | (Nvec != 1)):
        raise ValueError('Can only process 1 quaternion')

    q1 = qvec[0]
    q2 = qvec[1]
    q3 = qvec[2]
    if (rotation_sequence == 'ZYX'):
        C_N2B = np.zeros((3, 3))

        C_N2B[0, 0] = 2 * q0**2 - 1 + 2 * q1**2
        C_N2B[1, 1] = 2 * q0**2 - 1 + 2 * q2**2
        C_N2B[2, 2] = 2 * q0**2 - 1 + 2 * q3**2

        C_N2B[0, 1] = 2 * q1 * q2 + 2 * q0 * q3
        C_N2B[0, 2] = 2 * q1 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q2

        C_N2B[1, 0] = 2 * q1 * q2 - 2 * q0 * q3
        C_N2B[1, 2] = 2 * q2 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q1

        C_N2B[2, 0] = 2 * q1 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q2
        C_N2B[2, 1] = 2 * q2 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q1
        raise ValueError('rotation_sequence unknown')

    if (output_type == 'matrix'):
        C_N2B = np.asmatrix(C_N2B)

    return C_N2B
Beispiel #9
def quat2angle(q0, qvec, output_unit='rad', rotation_sequence='ZYX'):
    Convert a unit quaternion to the equivalent sequence of angles of rotation
    about the rotation_sequence axes.
    This function can take inputs in either degree or radians, and can also
    batch process a series of rotations (e.g., time series of quaternions).
    By default this function assumes aerospace rotation sequence but can be
    changed using the ``rotation_sequence`` keyword argument.
    q0 : {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)} array_like 
        Scalar componenet of the quaternion
    qvec : {(N,3),(3,N)} array_like 
        Vector component of the quaternion
    rotation_sequence : {'ZYX'}, optional
        Rotation sequences. Default is 'ZYX'.

    rotAngle1, rotAngle2, rotAngle3 : {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)} array_like
        They are a sequence of angles about successive axes described by
    output_unit : {'rad', 'deg'}, optional
        Rotation angles. Default is 'rad'.
    Convert rotation angles to unit quaternion that transforms a vector in F1 to
    F2 according to
    :math:`v_q^{F2} = q^{-1} \otimes v_q^{F1} \otimes q`
    where :math:`\otimes` indicates the quaternion multiplcation and :math:`v_q^F`
    is a pure quaternion representation of the vector :math:`v_q^F`. The scalar
    componenet of :math:`v_q^F` is zero.
    For aerospace sequence ('ZYX'): rotAngle1 = psi, rotAngle2 = the, 
    and rotAngle3 = phi
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import quat2angle
    >>> q0 = 0.800103145191266
    >>> qvec = np.array([0.4619398,0.3314136,-0.1913417])
    >>> psi, theta, phi = quat2angle(q0,qvec)
    >>> psi
    >>> theta
    >>> phi
    >>> psi, theta, phi = quat2angle(q0,qvec,output_unit='deg')
    >>> psi
    >>> theta
    >>> phi
    >>> q0 = [ 0.96225019,  0.92712639,  0.88162808]
    >>> qvec = np.array([[-0.02255757,  0.25783416,  0.08418598],\
                         [-0.01896854,  0.34362114,  0.14832854],\
                         [-0.03266701,  0.4271086 ,  0.19809857]])
    >>> psi, theta, phi = quat2angle(q0,qvec,output_unit='deg')
    >>> psi
    array([  9.99999941,  19.99999997,  29.9999993 ])
    >>> theta
    array([ 30.00000008,  39.99999971,  50.00000025])
    >>> phi
    array([ -6.06200867e-07,   5.00000036e+00,   1.00000001e+01])
    q0, N0 = _input_check_Nx1(q0)
    qvec, Nvec = _input_check_Nx3(qvec)

    if (N0 != Nvec):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of same dimensions')
    if (N0 == 1):
        q1 = qvec[0]
        q2 = qvec[1]
        q3 = qvec[2]
        q1 = qvec[:, 0]
        q2 = qvec[:, 1]
        q3 = qvec[:, 2]

    rotAngle1 = np.zeros(N0)
    rotAngle2 = np.zeros(N0)
    rotAngle3 = np.zeros(N0)

    if (rotation_sequence == 'ZYX'):
        m11 = 2 * q0**2 + 2 * q1**2 - 1
        m12 = 2 * q1 * q2 + 2 * q0 * q3
        m13 = 2 * q1 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q2
        m23 = 2 * q2 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q1
        m33 = 2 * q0**2 + 2 * q3**2 - 1

        rotAngle1 = np.arctan2(m12, m11)
        rotAngle2 = np.arcsin(-m13)
        rotAngle3 = np.arctan2(m23, m33)
        raise ValueError('rotation_sequence unknown')

    if (output_unit == 'deg'):
        rotAngle1 = np.rad2deg(rotAngle1)
        rotAngle2 = np.rad2deg(rotAngle2)
        rotAngle3 = np.rad2deg(rotAngle3)

    return rotAngle1, rotAngle2, rotAngle3
Beispiel #10
def angle2quat(rotAngle1,
    Convert a sequence of rotation angles to an equivalent unit quaternion
    This function can take inputs in either degree or radians, and can also 
    batch process a series of rotations (e.g., time series of Euler angles).
    By default this function assumes aerospace rotation sequence but can be 
    changed using the ``rotation_sequence`` keyword argument.
    rotAngle1, rotAngle2, rotAngle3 : {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)}
        They are a sequence of angles about successive axes described by rotation_sequence.
    input_unit : {'rad', 'deg'}, optional
        Rotation angles. Default is 'rad'.
    rotation_sequence : {'ZYX'}, optional 
        Rotation sequences. Default is 'ZYX'.
    q0 : {(N,)} array like scalar componenet of the quaternion
    qvec : {(N,3)} array like vector component of the quaternion
    Convert rotation angles to unit quaternion that transforms a vector in F1 to
    F2 according to
    :math:`v_q^{F2} = q^{-1} \otimes v_q^{F1} \otimes q`
    where :math:`\otimes` indicates the quaternion multiplcation and :math:`v_q^F`
    is a pure quaternion representation of the vector :math:`v_q^F`. The scalar
    componenet of :math:`v_q^F` is zero.
    For aerospace sequence ('ZYX'): rotAngle1 = psi, rotAngle2 = the,
    and rotAngle3 = phi
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import angle2quat
    >>> psi = 0
    >>> theta = np.pi/4.0
    >>> phi = np.pi/3.0
    >>> q0, qvec = angle2quat(psi,theta,phi)
    >>> q0
    >>> qvec
    array([ 0.46193977,  0.33141357, -0.19134172])
    >>> psi = [10, 20, 30]
    >>> theta = [30, 40, 50]
    >>> phi = [0, 5, 10]
    >>> q0, qvec = angle2quat(psi,theta,phi,input_unit = 'deg')
    >>> q0
    array([ 0.96225019,  0.92712639,  0.88162808])
    >>> qvec
    array([[-0.02255757,  0.25783416,  0.08418598],
           [-0.01896854,  0.34362114,  0.14832854],
           [-0.03266701,  0.4271086 ,  0.19809857]])

    rotAngle1, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(rotAngle1)
    rotAngle2, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(rotAngle2)
    rotAngle3, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(rotAngle3)

    if ((N1 != N2) | (N1 != N3) | (N2 != N3)):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of same dimensions')

    q0 = np.zeros(N1)
    qvec = np.zeros((N1, 3))

    if (input_unit == 'deg'):
        rotAngle1 = np.deg2rad(rotAngle1)
        rotAngle2 = np.deg2rad(rotAngle2)
        rotAngle3 = np.deg2rad(rotAngle3)

    rotAngle1 /= 2.0
    rotAngle2 /= 2.0
    rotAngle3 /= 2.0

    if (rotation_sequence == 'ZYX'):
        q0[:] = np.cos(rotAngle1)*np.cos(rotAngle2)*np.cos(rotAngle3) + \

        qvec[:,0] = np.cos(rotAngle1)*np.cos(rotAngle2)*np.sin(rotAngle3) - \

        qvec[:,1] = np.cos(rotAngle1)*np.sin(rotAngle2)*np.cos(rotAngle3) + \

        qvec[:,2] = np.sin(rotAngle1)*np.cos(rotAngle2)*np.cos(rotAngle3) - \
        raise ValueError('rotation_sequence unknown')

    if (N1 == 1):
        q0 = q0[0]
        qvec = qvec.reshape(3, )
    return q0, qvec
Beispiel #11
def angle2dcm(rotAngle1,
    This function converts Euler Angle into Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM).
    The DCM is described by three sucessive rotation rotAngle1, rotAngle2, and
    rotAngle3 about the axes described by the rotation_sequence.

    The default rotation_sequence='ZYX' is the aerospace sequence and rotAngle1
    is the yaw angle, rotAngle2 is the pitch angle, and rotAngle3 is the roll
    angle. In this case DCM transforms a vector from the locally level
    coordinate frame (i.e. the NED frame) to the body frame.

    This function can batch process a series of rotations (e.g., time series
    of Euler angles).

    rotAngle1, rotAngle2, rotAngle3 : angles {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)}
            They are a sequence of angles about successive axes described by
    input_unit : {'rad', 'deg'}, optional
            Rotation angles. Default is 'rad'.
    rotation_sequence : {'ZYX'}, optional
            Rotation sequences. Default is 'ZYX'.
    output_type : {'ndarray','matrix'}, optional
            Output type. Default is 'ndarray'.

    C : {3x3} Direction Cosine Matrix

    Programmer:    Adhika Lie
    Created:    	 May 03, 2011
    Last Modified: January 12, 2016
    rotAngle1, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(rotAngle1)
    rotAngle2, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(rotAngle2)
    rotAngle3, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(rotAngle3)

    if (N1 != N2 or N1 != N3):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of same dimensions')
    if (N1 > 1 and output_type != 'ndarray'):
        raise ValueError('Matrix output requires scalar inputs')

    R3 = np.zeros((N1, 3, 3))
    R2 = np.zeros((N1, 3, 3))
    R1 = np.zeros((N1, 3, 3))

    if (input_unit == 'deg'):
        rotAngle1 = np.deg2rad(rotAngle1)
        rotAngle2 = np.deg2rad(rotAngle2)
        rotAngle3 = np.deg2rad(rotAngle3)

    R3[:, 2, 2] = 1.0
    R3[:, 0, 0] = np.cos(rotAngle1)
    R3[:, 0, 1] = np.sin(rotAngle1)
    R3[:, 1, 0] = -np.sin(rotAngle1)
    R3[:, 1, 1] = np.cos(rotAngle1)

    R2[:, 1, 1] = 1.0
    R2[:, 0, 0] = np.cos(rotAngle2)
    R2[:, 0, 2] = -np.sin(rotAngle2)
    R2[:, 2, 0] = np.sin(rotAngle2)
    R2[:, 2, 2] = np.cos(rotAngle2)

    R1[:, 0, 0] = 1.0
    R1[:, 1, 1] = np.cos(rotAngle3)
    R1[:, 1, 2] = np.sin(rotAngle3)
    R1[:, 2, 1] = -np.sin(rotAngle3)
    R1[:, 2, 2] = np.cos(rotAngle3)

    if rotation_sequence == 'ZYX':
            # Equivalent to C = for each of N inputs but
            # implemented efficiently in C extension
            C = np.einsum('nij, njk, nkm -> nim', R1, R2, R3)
        except AttributeError:
            # Older NumPy without einsum
            C = np.zeros((N1, 3, 3))
            for i, (R1, R2, R3) in enumerate(zip(R1, R2, R3)):
                C[i] =
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Rotation sequences other than ZYX are not currently implemented')

    if (N1 == 1):
        C = C[0]
    if (output_type == 'matrix'):
        C = np.matrix(C)

    return C
Beispiel #12
def ecef2ned(ecef,
    Transform a vector resolved in ECEF coordinate to its resolution in the NED
    coordinate. The center of the NED coordiante is given by lat_ref, lon_ref,
    and alt_ref.
    ecef : {(N,3)} input vector expressed in the ECEF frame
    lat_ref : Reference latitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    lon_ref : Reference longitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    alt : Reference altitude, unit specified by alt_unit, default in m
    ned : {(N,3)} array like ecef position, unit is the same as alt_unit
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import ecef2ned
    >>> lat 
    lat_ref, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(lat_ref)
    lon_ref, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(lon_ref)
    alt_ref, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(alt_ref)

    if ((N1 != 1) or (N2 != 1) or (N3 != 1)):
        raise ValueError('Reference Location can only be 1')

    ecef, N = _input_check_Nx3(ecef)

    ecef = ecef.T

    C = np.zeros((3, 3))

    if (latlon_unit == 'deg'):
        lat_ref = np.deg2rad(lat_ref)
        lon_ref = np.deg2rad(lon_ref)
    elif (latlon_unit == 'rad'):
        raise ValueError('Input unit unknown')

    C[0, 0] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[0, 1] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[0, 2] = np.cos(lat_ref)

    C[1, 0] = -np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[1, 1] = np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[1, 2] = 0

    C[2, 0] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[2, 1] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[2, 2] = -np.sin(lat_ref)

    ned =, ecef)
    ned = ned.T

    if (N == 1):
        ned = ned.reshape(3)

    return ned
Beispiel #13
def ned2ecef(ned,
    Transform a vector resolved in NED (origin given by lat_ref, lon_ref, and alt_ref)
    coordinates to its ECEF representation. 

    ned : {(N,3)} input array, units of meters
    lat_ref : Reference latitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    lon_ref : Reference longitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    alt_ref : Reference altitude, unit specified by alt_unit, default in m
    ecef : {(N,3)} array like ned vector, in the ECEF frame, units of meters

    The NED vector is treated as a relative vector, and hence the ECEF representation
    returned is NOT converted into an absolute coordinate.  This means that the 
    magnitude of `ned` and `ecef` will be the same (bar numerical differences).
    >>> import navpy
    >>> ned = [0, 0, 1]
    >>> lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref = 45.0, -93.0, 250.0 # deg, meters
    >>> ecef = navpy.ned2ecef(ned, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)
    >>> print("NED:", ned)
    >>> print("ECEF:", ecef)
    >>> print("Notice that 'down' is not same as 'ecef-z' coordinate.")
    lat_ref, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(lat_ref)
    lon_ref, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(lon_ref)
    alt_ref, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(alt_ref)

    if ((N1 != 1) or (N2 != 1) or (N3 != 1)):
        raise ValueError('Reference Location can only be 1')

    ned, N = _input_check_Nx3(ned)

    ned = ned.T

    C = np.zeros((3, 3))

    if (latlon_unit == 'deg'):
        lat_ref = np.deg2rad(lat_ref)
        lon_ref = np.deg2rad(lon_ref)
    elif (latlon_unit == 'rad'):
        raise ValueError('Input unit unknown')

    C[0, 0] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[0, 1] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[0, 2] = np.cos(lat_ref)

    C[1, 0] = -np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[1, 1] = np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[1, 2] = 0

    C[2, 0] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[2, 1] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[2, 2] = -np.sin(lat_ref)

    # C defines transoformation: ned = C * ecef.  Hence used transpose.
    ecef =, ned)
    ecef = ecef.T

    if (N == 1):
        ecef = ecef.reshape(3)

    return ecef