Beispiel #1
def qmult(p0, pvec, q0, qvec):
    Quaternion Multiplications r = p x q
    p0, q0 : {(N,)} array_like 
        Scalar componenet of the quaternion
    pvec, qvec : {(N,3)} array_like
        Vector component of the quaternion
    r0 : {(N,)} array like scalar componenet of the quaternion
    rvec : {(N,3)} array like vector component of the quaternion
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import qmult
    >>> p0, pvec = 0.701057, np.array([-0.69034553,  0.15304592,  0.09229596])
    >>> q0, qvec = 0.987228, np.array([ 0.12613659,  0.09199968,  0.03171637])
    >>> qmult(q0,qvec,p0,pvec)
    (0.76217346258977192, array([-0.58946236,  0.18205109,  0.1961684 ]))
    >>> s0, svec = 0.99879, np.array([ 0.02270747,  0.03430854, -0.02691584])
    >>> t0, tvec = 0.84285, np.array([ 0.19424161, -0.18023625, -0.46837843])
    >>> qmult(s0,svec,t0,tvec)
    (0.83099625967941704, array([ 0.19222498, -0.1456937 , -0.50125456]))
    >>> qmult([p0, s0],[pvec, svec],[q0, t0], [qvec, tvec])
    (array([ 0.76217346,  0.83099626]), array([[-0.59673664,  0.24912539,  0.03053588], [ 0.19222498, -0.1456937 , -0.50125456]]))

    p0, Np = _input_check_Nx1(p0)
    q0, Nq = _input_check_Nx1(q0)
    if (Np != Nq):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    pvec, Np = _input_check_Nx3(pvec)
    if (Np != Nq):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    qvec, Nq = _input_check_Nx3(qvec)
    if (Np != Nq):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of the same dimension')

    if (Np > 1):
        r0 = p0 * q0 - np.sum(pvec * qvec, axis=1)
        r0 = p0 * q0 -, qvec)

    rvec = p0.reshape(Np, 1) * qvec + q0.reshape(Np, 1) * pvec + np.cross(
        pvec, qvec)

    # For only 1-D input, make it into a flat 1-D array
    if (Np == 1):
        rvec = rvec.reshape(3)

    return r0, rvec
Beispiel #2
def ecef2lla(ecef, latlon_unit='deg'):
    Calculate the Latitude, Longitude and Altitude of a point located on earth 
    given the ECEF Coordinates.
    .. [1] Jekeli, C.,"Inertial Navigation Systems With Geodetic
       Applications", Walter de Gruyter, New York, 2001, pp. 24
    ecef : {(N,3)} array like input of ECEF coordinate in X, Y, and Z column, unit is meters
    latlon_unit : {('deg','rad')} specifies the output latitude and longitude unit
    lat : {(N,)} array like latitude in unit specified by latlon_unit
    lon : {(N,)} array like longitude in unit specified by latlon_unit
    alt : {(N,)} array like altitude in meters
    ecef, N = _input_check_Nx3(ecef)
    ecef = ecef.reshape(N, 3)
    x = ecef[:, 0]
    y = ecef[:, 1]
    z = ecef[:, 2]

    lon = np.arctan2(y, x)

    # Iteration to get Latitude and Altitude
    p = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    lat = np.arctan2(z, p * (1 - wgs84._ecc_sqrd))

    err = np.ones(N)
    h = np.zeros(N)
    while (np.max(np.abs(err)) > 1e-10):
        Rew, Rns = earthrad(lat, lat_unit='rad')

        idx = (np.pi / 2 * np.ones(N) - np.abs(lat)) > 1e-3
        # For lat < 90 degrees
        h[idx] = np.divide(p[idx], np.cos(lat[idx])) - Rew[idx]
        # For lat == 90 degrees
        h[~idx] = np.divide(z[~idx], np.sin(
            lat[~idx])) - (1 - wgs84._ecc_sqrd) * Rew[~idx]

        err = np.arctan2(z + wgs84._ecc_sqrd * Rew * np.sin(lat), p) - lat

        lat = lat + err

    if (latlon_unit == 'deg'):
        lat = np.rad2deg(lat)
        lon = np.rad2deg(lon)
    if (N > 1):
        return lat, lon, h
        return lat[0], lon[0], h[0]
Beispiel #3
def quat2dcm(q0, qvec, rotation_sequence='ZYX', output_type='ndarray'):
    Convert a single unit quaternion to one DCM
    q0 : {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)} array_like 
        Scalar componenet of the quaternion
    qvec : {(N,3),(3,N)} array_like 
        Vector component of the quaternion
    rotation_sequence : {'ZYX'}, optional
        Rotation sequences. Default is 'ZYX'.
    output_type : {'ndarray','matrix'}, optional
        Output is either numpy array (default) or numpy matrix.
    C_N2B : direction consine matrix that rotates the vector from the first frame
            to the second frame according to the specified rotation_sequence.
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import quat2dcm
    >>> q0 = 1
    >>> qvec = [0, 0, 0]
    >>> C = quat2dcm(q0,qvec)
    >>> C
    array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  1.]])
    >>> q0 = 0.9811
    >>> qvec = np.array([-0.0151, 0.0858, 0.1730])
    >>> C = quat2dcm(q0,qvec,output_type='matrix')
    >>> C
    matrix([[  9.25570440e-01,   3.36869440e-01,  -1.73581360e-01],
            [ -3.42051760e-01,   9.39837700e-01,   5.75800000e-05],
            [  1.63132160e-01,   5.93160200e-02,   9.84972420e-01]])
    # Input check
    q0, N0 = _input_check_Nx1(q0)
    qvec, Nvec = _input_check_Nx3(qvec)

    if ((N0 != 1) | (Nvec != 1)):
        raise ValueError('Can only process 1 quaternion')

    q1 = qvec[0]
    q2 = qvec[1]
    q3 = qvec[2]
    if (rotation_sequence == 'ZYX'):
        C_N2B = np.zeros((3, 3))

        C_N2B[0, 0] = 2 * q0**2 - 1 + 2 * q1**2
        C_N2B[1, 1] = 2 * q0**2 - 1 + 2 * q2**2
        C_N2B[2, 2] = 2 * q0**2 - 1 + 2 * q3**2

        C_N2B[0, 1] = 2 * q1 * q2 + 2 * q0 * q3
        C_N2B[0, 2] = 2 * q1 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q2

        C_N2B[1, 0] = 2 * q1 * q2 - 2 * q0 * q3
        C_N2B[1, 2] = 2 * q2 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q1

        C_N2B[2, 0] = 2 * q1 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q2
        C_N2B[2, 1] = 2 * q2 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q1
        raise ValueError('rotation_sequence unknown')

    if (output_type == 'matrix'):
        C_N2B = np.asmatrix(C_N2B)

    return C_N2B
Beispiel #4
def quat2angle(q0, qvec, output_unit='rad', rotation_sequence='ZYX'):
    Convert a unit quaternion to the equivalent sequence of angles of rotation
    about the rotation_sequence axes.
    This function can take inputs in either degree or radians, and can also
    batch process a series of rotations (e.g., time series of quaternions).
    By default this function assumes aerospace rotation sequence but can be
    changed using the ``rotation_sequence`` keyword argument.
    q0 : {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)} array_like 
        Scalar componenet of the quaternion
    qvec : {(N,3),(3,N)} array_like 
        Vector component of the quaternion
    rotation_sequence : {'ZYX'}, optional
        Rotation sequences. Default is 'ZYX'.

    rotAngle1, rotAngle2, rotAngle3 : {(N,), (N,1), or (1,N)} array_like
        They are a sequence of angles about successive axes described by
    output_unit : {'rad', 'deg'}, optional
        Rotation angles. Default is 'rad'.
    Convert rotation angles to unit quaternion that transforms a vector in F1 to
    F2 according to
    :math:`v_q^{F2} = q^{-1} \otimes v_q^{F1} \otimes q`
    where :math:`\otimes` indicates the quaternion multiplcation and :math:`v_q^F`
    is a pure quaternion representation of the vector :math:`v_q^F`. The scalar
    componenet of :math:`v_q^F` is zero.
    For aerospace sequence ('ZYX'): rotAngle1 = psi, rotAngle2 = the, 
    and rotAngle3 = phi
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import quat2angle
    >>> q0 = 0.800103145191266
    >>> qvec = np.array([0.4619398,0.3314136,-0.1913417])
    >>> psi, theta, phi = quat2angle(q0,qvec)
    >>> psi
    >>> theta
    >>> phi
    >>> psi, theta, phi = quat2angle(q0,qvec,output_unit='deg')
    >>> psi
    >>> theta
    >>> phi
    >>> q0 = [ 0.96225019,  0.92712639,  0.88162808]
    >>> qvec = np.array([[-0.02255757,  0.25783416,  0.08418598],\
                         [-0.01896854,  0.34362114,  0.14832854],\
                         [-0.03266701,  0.4271086 ,  0.19809857]])
    >>> psi, theta, phi = quat2angle(q0,qvec,output_unit='deg')
    >>> psi
    array([  9.99999941,  19.99999997,  29.9999993 ])
    >>> theta
    array([ 30.00000008,  39.99999971,  50.00000025])
    >>> phi
    array([ -6.06200867e-07,   5.00000036e+00,   1.00000001e+01])
    q0, N0 = _input_check_Nx1(q0)
    qvec, Nvec = _input_check_Nx3(qvec)

    if (N0 != Nvec):
        raise ValueError('Inputs are not of same dimensions')
    if (N0 == 1):
        q1 = qvec[0]
        q2 = qvec[1]
        q3 = qvec[2]
        q1 = qvec[:, 0]
        q2 = qvec[:, 1]
        q3 = qvec[:, 2]

    rotAngle1 = np.zeros(N0)
    rotAngle2 = np.zeros(N0)
    rotAngle3 = np.zeros(N0)

    if (rotation_sequence == 'ZYX'):
        m11 = 2 * q0**2 + 2 * q1**2 - 1
        m12 = 2 * q1 * q2 + 2 * q0 * q3
        m13 = 2 * q1 * q3 - 2 * q0 * q2
        m23 = 2 * q2 * q3 + 2 * q0 * q1
        m33 = 2 * q0**2 + 2 * q3**2 - 1

        rotAngle1 = np.arctan2(m12, m11)
        rotAngle2 = np.arcsin(-m13)
        rotAngle3 = np.arctan2(m23, m33)
        raise ValueError('rotation_sequence unknown')

    if (output_unit == 'deg'):
        rotAngle1 = np.rad2deg(rotAngle1)
        rotAngle2 = np.rad2deg(rotAngle2)
        rotAngle3 = np.rad2deg(rotAngle3)

    return rotAngle1, rotAngle2, rotAngle3
Beispiel #5
def ecef2ned(ecef,
    Transform a vector resolved in ECEF coordinate to its resolution in the NED
    coordinate. The center of the NED coordiante is given by lat_ref, lon_ref,
    and alt_ref.
    ecef : {(N,3)} input vector expressed in the ECEF frame
    lat_ref : Reference latitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    lon_ref : Reference longitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    alt : Reference altitude, unit specified by alt_unit, default in m
    ned : {(N,3)} array like ecef position, unit is the same as alt_unit
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from navpy import ecef2ned
    >>> lat 
    lat_ref, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(lat_ref)
    lon_ref, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(lon_ref)
    alt_ref, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(alt_ref)

    if ((N1 != 1) or (N2 != 1) or (N3 != 1)):
        raise ValueError('Reference Location can only be 1')

    ecef, N = _input_check_Nx3(ecef)

    ecef = ecef.T

    C = np.zeros((3, 3))

    if (latlon_unit == 'deg'):
        lat_ref = np.deg2rad(lat_ref)
        lon_ref = np.deg2rad(lon_ref)
    elif (latlon_unit == 'rad'):
        raise ValueError('Input unit unknown')

    C[0, 0] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[0, 1] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[0, 2] = np.cos(lat_ref)

    C[1, 0] = -np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[1, 1] = np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[1, 2] = 0

    C[2, 0] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[2, 1] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[2, 2] = -np.sin(lat_ref)

    ned =, ecef)
    ned = ned.T

    if (N == 1):
        ned = ned.reshape(3)

    return ned
Beispiel #6
def ned2ecef(ned,
    Transform a vector resolved in NED (origin given by lat_ref, lon_ref, and alt_ref)
    coordinates to its ECEF representation. 

    ned : {(N,3)} input array, units of meters
    lat_ref : Reference latitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    lon_ref : Reference longitude, unit specified by latlon_unit, default in deg
    alt_ref : Reference altitude, unit specified by alt_unit, default in m
    ecef : {(N,3)} array like ned vector, in the ECEF frame, units of meters

    The NED vector is treated as a relative vector, and hence the ECEF representation
    returned is NOT converted into an absolute coordinate.  This means that the 
    magnitude of `ned` and `ecef` will be the same (bar numerical differences).
    >>> import navpy
    >>> ned = [0, 0, 1]
    >>> lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref = 45.0, -93.0, 250.0 # deg, meters
    >>> ecef = navpy.ned2ecef(ned, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)
    >>> print("NED:", ned)
    >>> print("ECEF:", ecef)
    >>> print("Notice that 'down' is not same as 'ecef-z' coordinate.")
    lat_ref, N1 = _input_check_Nx1(lat_ref)
    lon_ref, N2 = _input_check_Nx1(lon_ref)
    alt_ref, N3 = _input_check_Nx1(alt_ref)

    if ((N1 != 1) or (N2 != 1) or (N3 != 1)):
        raise ValueError('Reference Location can only be 1')

    ned, N = _input_check_Nx3(ned)

    ned = ned.T

    C = np.zeros((3, 3))

    if (latlon_unit == 'deg'):
        lat_ref = np.deg2rad(lat_ref)
        lon_ref = np.deg2rad(lon_ref)
    elif (latlon_unit == 'rad'):
        raise ValueError('Input unit unknown')

    C[0, 0] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[0, 1] = -np.sin(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[0, 2] = np.cos(lat_ref)

    C[1, 0] = -np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[1, 1] = np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[1, 2] = 0

    C[2, 0] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.cos(lon_ref)
    C[2, 1] = -np.cos(lat_ref) * np.sin(lon_ref)
    C[2, 2] = -np.sin(lat_ref)

    # C defines transoformation: ned = C * ecef.  Hence used transpose.
    ecef =, ned)
    ecef = ecef.T

    if (N == 1):
        ecef = ecef.reshape(3)

    return ecef