def on_search_changed(sender, view, widget): search = widget.entry.get_text() idle(delete_all_marks, view) if search and ( len(search) != 1 or ( not search.isdigit() and not search.isalpha() and not search.isspace() ) ): idle(add_mark_task, view, search, is_icase(view), is_regex(view), False)
def load_file(self, filename, line=None): self.buffer.uri = os.path.abspath(filename) self.buffer.encoding = 'utf-8' self.buffer.saveable = True if os.path.exists(self.uri): self.view.window.freeze_updates() self.on_modified_changed_handler.block() self.buffer.begin_not_undoable_action() text = open(filename).read() try: utext = text.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError, e: try: import chardet result = chardet.detect(text) if result['encoding']: utext = text.decode(result['encoding']) self.buffer.encoding = result['encoding'] idle(self.message, 'Automatically selected ' + self.buffer.encoding + 'encoding', 'info', 5000) else: self.buffer.saveable = False utext = 'Is this a text file?' except ImportError: self.buffer.saveable = False utext = str(e) except UnicodeDecodeError, ee: self.buffer.saveable = False utext = str(ee)
def on_search_entry_changed(self, *args): search = self.search_entry.get_text().strip() self.current_search = object() if search: idle(self.fill_filelist, search, self.current_search) else: idle(self.fill_with_dirs)
def on_textview_key_press_event(self, sender, event): if event.keyval != gtk.keysyms.Return: return False cursor = self.editor.cursor line_start = cursor.copy() line_start.set_line(line_start.get_line()) text = line_start.get_text(cursor).strip() if text and text[-1] == ':': end = line_start.copy() end.forward_word_end() end.backward_word_start() ws = line_start.get_text(end) if self.editor.view.get_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs(): tab = u' ' * self.editor.view.get_tab_width() else: tab = u'\t' self.editor.buffer.begin_user_action() self.editor.buffer.insert(cursor, u'\n' + ws + tab) self.editor.buffer.end_user_action() idle(self.editor.view.scroll_mark_onscreen, self.editor.buffer.get_insert()) return True return False
def on_editors_view_cursor_changed(self, *args): pwindow = self.pwindow() if pwindow and pwindow.manager.conf["EDITOR_LIST_SWITCH_ON_SELECT"] and not self.block_cursor: path, _ = self.editors_view.get_cursor() uri, editor = self.model[path][3] if editor and editor(): idle(editor().focus)
def __init__(self, conf, buf=None): self.last_cursor_move = None sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) self.buffer = buf or gtksourceview2.Buffer() self.view = gtksourceview2.View() self.view.set_buffer(self.buffer) sw.add(self.view) self.view.editor_ref = weakref.ref(self) self.ins_mark = self.sb_mark = None self.view.connect('focus-in-event', self.on_focus_in) self.view.connect('focus-out-event', self.on_focus_out) self.widget = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.widget.pack_start(sw) self.widget.show_all() connect_all(self, buffer=self.buffer, view=self.view) if conf['DISABLE_LEFT_CLICK']: weak_connect(self.view, 'button-press-event', self, 'on_button_press_event') self.conf = conf if buf: idle(self.update_view_preferences) idle(self.update_title)
def activate(self, *args): (model, iter) = self.dialogs_view.get_selection().get_selected() if iter: name = model.get_value(iter, 0) prefs.registered_dialogs[name][1](self.editor()) idle(self.hide) else: self.editor().message('You need select item')
def on_entry_activate(sender, editor, widget): idle(hide, editor, widget) try: line = int(sender.get_text()) editor.add_spot() idle(editor.goto_line, line) except ValueError: pass
def show(self, editor): self.tree = None self.editor = weakref.ref(editor) self.search_entry.grab_focus() self.window.set_transient_for(editor.window) self.window.present() idle(self.fill)
def open_file(self, *args): fname, name, root, top = self.get_selected_file() if fname: if os.path.isdir(fname): idle(self.fill_with_dirs, root, os.path.join(top, name), True) else: self.hide() refresh_gui() self.pwindow().open_or_activate(fname)
def activate_func(view, path, entry, is_final): if is_final: pos = get_pos(entry) root, key = get_key(entry) if root[-1] != '/': root += '/' entry.set_text(root + view.get_model()[path][0]) entry.set_position(-1) idle(entry.emit, 'changed')
def job(): try: plugin = handlers[editor] except KeyError: return try: problems = plugin.env.lint(plugin.project_path, editor.utext, editor.uri) except Exception, e: idle(editor.message, str(e), 'error') return
def on_buffer_changed(buffer): if buffer in stop_managers: cursor = get_iter_at_cursor(buffer) sm = stop_managers[buffer] if sm.cursor_in_snippet_range(cursor): if sm.snippet_collapsed(): del stop_managers[buffer] else: idle(sm.replace_inserts) else: del stop_managers[buffer]
def add_job(editor): from threading import Thread from uxie.utils import idle def job(): try: problems = get_problem_list(editor.uri, editor.project_root, editor.snaked_conf["PYLINT_CMD"]) except Exception, e: idle(editor.message, str(e), 5000) return idle(mark_problems, editor, "pylint", problems)
def edit_context(self, ctx): user_snippet_filename = join_to_settings_dir('snaked', 'snippets', ctx + '.snippets') if ctx in self.existing_snippets and \ self.existing_snippets[ctx] != user_snippet_filename: import shutil make_missing_dirs(user_snippet_filename) shutil.copy(self.existing_snippets[ctx], user_snippet_filename) idle(self.hide) e = self.editor().open_file(user_snippet_filename) e.connect('file-saved', on_snippet_saved, ctx)
def close_editor(self, *args): model, pathes = self.editors_view.get_selection().get_selected_rows() for p in pathes: u, e = model[p][3] if e and e(): e().close() refresh_gui() if self.editor_list: idle(self.fill) else: self.hide()
def browse_top(self): if not self.filelist_tree.is_focus(): return False if self.search_entry.get_text(): self.pwindow().emessage('You are not in browse mode', 'warn') return fname, name, root, top = self.get_selected_file() if fname: if not top: self.pwindow().emessage('No way!', 'warn') else: place = os.path.basename(top) idle(self.fill_with_dirs, root, os.path.dirname(top), place)
def get_matcher(view, search, ignore_case, regex, show_feedback=True): flags = re.UNICODE if ignore_case: flags |= re.IGNORECASE if regex: try: return re.compile(unicode(search), flags) except Exception, e: if show_feedback: view.get_toplevel().message('Bad regex: ' + str(e), 'error', 3000, parent=view) if view in active_search_widgets: idle(active_search_widgets[view].entry.grab_focus) return None
def update_editor_settings(self): manager = self.pwindow().manager editor = self.pwindow().get_editor_context() buf = editor.buffer if editor else None if editor: manager.set_buffer_prefs(buf, buf.uri, buf.lang) editor.update_view_preferences() for b in manager.buffers: if b is not buf: idle(manager.set_buffer_prefs, b, b.uri, b.lang) for e in manager.get_editors(): if e is not editor: idle(e.update_view_preferences)
def free_open(self): dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Open file...", None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) dialog.set_current_folder(self.roots[0]) response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: idle(self.pwindow().open_or_activate, dialog.get_filename()) idle(self.hide) dialog.destroy()
def add_lint_job(editor): from threading import Thread from uxie.utils import idle def job(): try: plugin = handlers[editor] except KeyError: return try: problems = plugin.env.lint(plugin.project_path, editor.utext, editor.uri) except Exception, e: idle(editor.message, str(e), 'error') return idle(mark_exact_problems, editor, 'supp-lint', problems)
def run(): import sys, os try: uri = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: uri = os.getcwd() import gtk from .app import App from uxie.utils import idle application = App() idle(, uri) gtk.main()
def toggle_hidden(self): if self.search_entry.get_text(): self.pwindow().emessage('You are not in browse mode', 'warn') return conf = self.pwindow().manager.conf conf['QUICK_OPEN_SHOW_HIDDEN'] = not conf['QUICK_OPEN_SHOW_HIDDEN'] self.pwindow().emessage('Show hidden files' if conf['QUICK_OPEN_SHOW_HIDDEN'] else 'Do not show hidden files', 'info') fname, name, root, top = self.get_selected_file() if fname: idle(self.fill_with_dirs, root, top, name) else: if len(self.filelist): name, top = self.filelist[0] idle(self.fill_with_dirs, root, top)
def on_page_removed(self, note, child, idx): switch_to = None for e in self.editors: if e.widget is child: spot = self.manager.spot_manager.get_last(None, e) if spot: switch_to = note.page_num(spot.editor().widget) break if switch_to is None and idx > 0: switch_to = idx - 1 if switch_to is not None: note.set_current_page(switch_to) refresh_gui() e = self.get_editor_context() if e: idle(e.view.grab_focus)
def activate_editor(self, path): uri, editor = self.model[path][3] if editor and editor(): ce = self.current_editor if ce: ce.add_spot() idle(editor().focus) idle(self.hide) elif uri: ce = self.current_editor if ce: ce.add_spot() idle(self.pwindow().open_or_activate, uri) idle(self.hide)
def mark_occurences(view, search, ignore_case, regex, show_feedback=True): global mark_task_is_in_queue mark_task_is_in_queue = False matcher = get_matcher(view, search, ignore_case, regex, show_feedback) if not matcher: return False count = 0 buf = view.get_buffer() utext = buf.get_text(*buf.get_bounds()).decode('utf-8') for m in matcher.finditer(utext): buf.apply_tag(get_tag(view), *map(buf.get_iter_at_offset, m.span())) count += 1 if count == 1: if show_feedback: idle(view.get_toplevel().message, 'One occurrence is marked', 'done', parent=view) elif count > 1: if show_feedback: idle(view.get_toplevel().message, '%d occurrences are marked' % count, 'done', parent=view) else: if show_feedback: idle(view.get_toplevel().message, 'Text not found', 'warn', parent=view) return False return True
def rename(self): if len(self.model.selection) == 1: dialog = InputDialog('Rename', self.widget.get_toplevel()) fi = self.model[self.model.selection.keys()[0]][2] fname = fi.get_edit_name().decode('utf-8') dialog.entry.set_text(fname) fname_without_extension, sep, _ = fname.rpartition('.') if sep and fname_without_extension: idle(dialog.entry.select_region, 0, len(fname_without_extension)) if == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: newname = dialog.entry.get_text() gfile = self.current_folder.get_child(fi.get_name()) try: gfile.set_display_name(newname) except Exception, e:, 'error') else:'Renamed', 'done') dialog.destroy()
def on_search_entry_changed(self, *args): search = self.search_entry.get_text().strip().lower() idle(self.fill_dialogs, search)
def on_delete_event(self, *args): idle(self.hide) return True
def on_key_press(sender, event, editor, widget): if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape: idle(hide, editor, widget) return True return False