def __init__(self): self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow((300, 60), "Fill up Masters") self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12 + 2, 120, 14), "Copy paths from", sizeStyle='small') self.w.master_from = vanilla.PopUpButton( (120, 12, 80, 17), self.GetMasterNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.MasterChangeCallback) self.w.text_2 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 32 + 2, 120, 14), "into selection of", sizeStyle='small') self.w.master_into = vanilla.PopUpButton( (120, 32, 80, 17), self.GetMasterNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.MasterChangeCallback) #self.w.anchor_value.bind( "+", self.ValuePlus1 ) self.w.copybutton = vanilla.Button((-80, 32, -15, 17), "Copy", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCallback) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.copybutton) self.w.master_into.set(1)
def __init__(self): self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow((400, 70), "Steal Metrics Keys") self.w.text_anchor = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12 + 2, 130, 14), "Copy keys from:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.from_font = vanilla.PopUpButton( (150, 12, 150, 17), self.GetFonts(isSourceFont=True), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCheck) self.w.text_value = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12 + 2 + 25, 130, 14), "To selected glyphs in:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.to_font = vanilla.PopUpButton((150, 12 + 25, 150, 17), self.GetFonts(isSourceFont=False), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCheck) self.w.copybutton = vanilla.Button((-80, 12 + 25, -15, 17), "Copy", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.copyKeys) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.copybutton) self.buttonCheck(None)
def __init__( self ): self.listOfMasters = [] self.updateListOfMasters() self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (400, windowHeight), "Steal sidebearings", minSize=(350, windowHeight), maxSize=(650, windowHeight), autosaveName="com.mekkablue.MetricsCopy.mainwindow" ) self.w.text_anchor = vanilla.TextBox( (15, 12+2, 130, 17), "Copy metrics from:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.from_font = vanilla.PopUpButton( (150, 12, -15, 17), self.listOfMasterNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCheck) self.w.text_value = vanilla.TextBox( (15, 12+2+25, 130, 17), "To selected glyphs in:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.to_font = vanilla.PopUpButton( (150, 12+25, -15, 17), self.listOfMasterNames()[::-1], sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCheck) self.w.lsb = vanilla.CheckBox( ( 17, 12+50, 80, 20), "LSB", value=True, callback=self.buttonCheck, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.rsb = vanilla.CheckBox( (97, 12+50, 80, 20), "RSB", value=True, callback=self.buttonCheck, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.width = vanilla.CheckBox( (177, 12+50, 80, 20), "Width", value=False, callback=self.buttonCheck, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.ignoreSuffixes = vanilla.CheckBox( (15+2, 12+75, -15, 20), "Ignore dotsuffix:", value=False, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCheck ) self.w.suffixToBeIgnored = vanilla.EditText( (150, 12+75, -15, 20), ".alt", sizeStyle = 'small') self.w.keepWindowOpen = vanilla.CheckBox( (15+2, 12+100, -15, 20), "Keep this window open", value=False, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.copybutton = vanilla.Button((-80, -32, -15, 17), "Copy", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.copyMetrics) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.copybutton ) if not self.LoadPreferences( ): self.outputError( "Could not load preferences at startup. Will resort to defaults." ) self.w.makeKey() self.buttonCheck( None )
def __init__( self ): self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (330, 170), "Anchor Mover 2.0", minSize=(300,170), maxSize=(1000,170), autosaveName="com.mekkablue.AnchorMover2.mainwindow" ) self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15-1, 12+2, 75, 14), "Move anchor", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.anchor_name = vanilla.PopUpButton((15+75, 12, -110-15-25, 17), self.GetAnchorNames(), sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.button = vanilla.SquareButton((-110-15-20, 12, -110-15, 18), u"↺", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SetAnchorNames ) self.w.text_2 = vanilla.TextBox((-105-15, 12+2, -15, 14), "in selected glyphs:", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.hLine_1 = vanilla.HorizontalLine((15, 40, -15, 1)) self.w.hText_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15-2, 40+12, 20, 14), u"↔", sizeStyle='regular' ) self.w.hText_2 = vanilla.TextBox((15+20, 40+12+2, 20, 14), "to", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.hTarget = vanilla.PopUpButton((15+40, 40+12, -50-15-15-15, 17), [x[0] for x in listHorizontal], sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.hText_3 = vanilla.TextBox((-60-15-15, 40+12+2, -50-15, 14), "+", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.hChange = vanilla.EditText((-60-15, 40+12, -15, 19), "0.0", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.vText_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 70+12, 20, 14), u"↕", sizeStyle='regular' ) self.w.vText_2 = vanilla.TextBox((15+20, 70+12+2, 20, 14), "to", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.vTarget = vanilla.PopUpButton((15+40, 70+12, -50-15-15-15, 17), [y[0] for y in listVertical], sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.vText_3 = vanilla.TextBox((-60-15-15, 70+12+2, -50-15, 14), "+", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.vChange = vanilla.EditText((-60-15, 70+12, -15, 19), "0.0", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.italic = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 110, -15, 18), "Respect italic angle", value=True, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.moveButton = vanilla.Button((-80-15, -20-15, -15, -15), "Move", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.MoveCallback ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.moveButton ) if not self.LoadPreferences( ): print "Error: Could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults."
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 400 windowHeight = 110 windowWidthResize = 300 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Copy glyphs into backup layers", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.CopyGlyphsIntoBackupLayers.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.from_text = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12+2, 130, 14), "Backup layers from:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.from_font = vanilla.PopUpButton((150, 12, -15, 17), self.GetFonts(isSourceFont=True), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCheck) self.w.to_text = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12+2+25, 130, 14), "Into selected glyphs in:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.to_font = vanilla.PopUpButton((150, 12+25, -15, 17), self.GetFonts(isSourceFont=False), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCheck) self.w.suffix_text = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12+50, 130, 14), "Layer name suffix:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.suffix = vanilla.EditText( (150, 12+50, -90, 15+3), "Backup", sizeStyle = 'small') # Run Button: self.w.copybutton = vanilla.Button((-80, 12+50, -15, 17), "Copy", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.CopyGlyphsIntoBackupLayersMain) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.copybutton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Copy glyphs into backup layers' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults") # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 340 windowHeight = 220 windowWidthResize = 300 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Sample String Maker", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.SampleStringMaker.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: linePos, inset, lineHeight = 12, 15, 22 self.w.descriptionText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, -inset, 14), u"Builds group kern strings, adds them to the Sample Texts.", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.scriptText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 45, 14), u"Script:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) self.w.scriptPopup = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+45, linePos, -inset, 17), self.scripts, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.scriptPopup.getNSPopUpButton().setToolTip_("Script for letters, will be ignored for all other categories (e.g., numbers).") linePos += lineHeight self.w.leftCategoryText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 90, 14), u"Left Category:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) self.w.leftCategoryPopup = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+90, linePos, -inset, 17), self.categoryList, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.leftCategoryPopup.getNSPopUpButton().setToolTip_("Category:Subcategory for left side of kern pair.") linePos += lineHeight self.w.rightCategoryText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 90, 14), u"Right Category:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) self.w.rightCategoryPopup = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+90, linePos, -inset, 17), self.categoryList, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) self.w.rightCategoryPopup.getNSPopUpButton().setToolTip_("Category:Subcategory for right side of kern pair.") linePos += lineHeight self.w.includeNonExporting = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), u"Also include non-exporting glyphs", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.includeNonExporting.getNSButton().setToolTip_("Also add glyphs of these categories if they are set to not export.") linePos += lineHeight self.w.excludeText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 150, 14), u"Exclude glyphs containing:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) self.w.excludedGlyphNameParts = vanilla.EditText( (inset+150, linePos, -inset, 19), ".tf, .tosf, ord", callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.excludedGlyphNameParts.getNSTextField().setToolTip_("If the glyph name includes any of these comma-separated fragments, the glyph will be ignored. Always excluded: Ldot, ldot,, Fhook and florin.") linePos += lineHeight self.w.openTab = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), u"Open new tab at first kern string.", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.openTab.getNSButton().setToolTip_("If checked, a new tab will be opened with the first found kern string, and the cursor positioned accordingly, ready for group kerning and switching to the next sample string.") linePos += lineHeight # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-80-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Add", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.SampleStringMakerMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Sample String Maker' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults") # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): self.fontList = AllFonts() self.fontNames = [str(f) for f in self.fontList] self.w = vanilla.Window((300, 220), "Copy Anchors") self.w.fontChoiceTitle0 = vanilla.TextBox((10, 14, -10, 25), "⬇️") self.w.fontChoice0 = vanilla.PopUpButton((40, 10, -10, 25), self.fontNames) self.w.fontChoiceTitle1 = vanilla.TextBox((10, 44, -10, 25), "➡️") self.w.fontChoice1 = vanilla.PopUpButton((40, 40, -10, 25), self.fontNames) if len(self.fontNames) > 1: self.w.fontChoice1.set(1) self.w.glyphTitle = vanilla.TextBox((10, 84, -10, 25), "🔠") self.w.glyphChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton( (40, 80, -10, 25), ["Selected glyphs", "All glyphs"]) self.w.measureTitle = vanilla.TextBox((10, 114, -10, 25), "↔️") self.w.measureChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton( (40, 110, -10, 25), ["Relative to glyph bounds", "Exact copy"]) self.w.clearFist = vanilla.CheckBox((40, 145, -10, 25), "Clear destination anchors first", value=True) self.w.copyButton = vanilla.SquareButton((10, 185, -10, 25), "Copy!", callback=self.copyAnchors)
def __init__(self): self.pageScale = 0.1 # Scale the SVG so that glyphs aren't 1000 ps points in size self.bufferFactor = 3 # The scale of the buffer within the grid (1 = glyphs touch) self.fontList = [] self.fontNameList = [] if not HASDRAWBOT: self.w = vanilla.Window((300, 200), "Import/Export Art") self.w.title = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 25), titleText) self.w.warningBox = vanilla.Box((10, 40, -10, 150)) self.w.warningBox.nodrawbot = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, -10), nodrawbotText) else: self.w = vanilla.Window((300, 780), "Import/Export Art") self.w.title = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 25), titleText) self.w.titleFont = vanilla.TextBox((10, 40, -10, 25), "Source/Destination UFO") self.w.fontChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton((10, 60, -10, 25), self.fontNameList) # Export self.w.exportBox = vanilla.Box((10, 105, -10, 185)) self.w.exportBox.title = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 100), descriptionExport) self.w.exportBox.glyphChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton( (10, 110, -10, 25), ["Selected glyphs", "All glyphs"]) self.w.exportBox.exportButton = vanilla.SquareButton( (10, 140, -10, 25), "Export SVG", callback=self.exportCallback) # Edit self.w.editBox = vanilla.Box((10, 305, -10, 165)) self.w.editBox.title = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 200), descriptionEdit) # Import self.w.importBox = vanilla.Box((10, 485, -10, 285)) self.w.importBox.title = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 190), descriptionImport) self.w.importBox.layerChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton( (10, 210, -10, 25), [ "Into the default foreground layer", "Into a new layer called “import“" ]) self.w.importBox.importButton = vanilla.SquareButton( (10, 240, -10, 25), "Import SVG", callback=self.importCallback) self.w.bind("close", self.closeCallback) self.buildFontList(None) addObserver(self, "buildFontList", "fontDidOpen") addObserver(self, "buildFontList", "newFontDidOpen") addObserver(self, "buildFontList", "fontDidClose")
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 280 windowHeight = 240 windowWidthResize = 100 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Fix Arrow Positioning", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.FixArrowPositioning.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: linePos, inset, lineHeight = 12, 15, 22 self.w.explanation = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, -inset, 14), "Fixes position and spacing of arrows.", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.referenceForHorizontalArrowsText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 130, 14), "Reference for H arrows:", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.referenceForHorizontalArrows = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+130, linePos, -inset, 17), self.hArrows, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.referenceForVerticalArrowsText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 130, 14), "Reference for V arrows:", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.referenceForVerticalArrows = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+130, linePos, -inset, 17), self.vArrows, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.referenceForDiagonalArrowsText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 130, 14), "Reference for D arrows:", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.referenceForDiagonalArrows = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+130, linePos, -inset, 17), self.dArrows, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.suffixText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 70, 14), "Dot suffix:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=False ) self.w.suffix = vanilla.EditText( (inset+70, linePos, -inset, 19), "", sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.verticalPosOfHorizontalArrows = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Fix vertical positioning of horizontal arrows", value=True, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.verticalPosOfDiagonalArrows = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Fix vertical positioning of diagonal arrows", value=True, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.addAndUpdateMetricsKeys = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Add and update metrics keys", value=True, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-80-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Fix", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.FixArrowPositioningMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Fix Arrow Positioning' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults") # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): windowWidth = 200 windowHeight = 240 self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow((50, 50, windowWidth, windowHeight), "CopySidebearings") self.fonts = [(makeDefaultIDString(font), font) for font in AllFonts()] fontNames = [i[0] for i in self.fonts] # dropdowns self.w.sourceUFOText = vanilla.TextBox((15, 15, 90, 22), "Source UFO:", sizeStyle="small") self.w.sourceUFODropDown = vanilla.PopUpButton((15, 30, 170, 20), fontNames) self.w.sourceUFODropDown.set(0) self.w.destinationUFOText = vanilla.TextBox((15, 60, 90, 22), "Destination UFO:", sizeStyle="small") self.w.destinationUFODropDown = vanilla.PopUpButton((15, 75, 170, 20), fontNames) self.w.destinationUFODropDown.set(1) # divider self.w.divider1 = vanilla.HorizontalLine((15, 108, -15, 1)) # glyphs scope area self.w.iconAllGlyphs = vanilla.ImageView((15, 123, 12, 13)) self.w.iconAllGlyphs.setImage(imagePath="../resources/allGlyphs.png") self.w.iconSelGlyphs = vanilla.ImageView((15, 149, 12, 13)) self.w.iconSelGlyphs.setImage( imagePath="../resources/selectedGlyphs.png") self.w.glyphsRadioGroup = vanilla.RadioGroup( (32, 118, -15, 50), ["All Glyphs", "Selected Glyphs"], sizeStyle="small") self.w.glyphsRadioGroup.set(0) # default to all glyphs # divider self.w.divider2 = vanilla.HorizontalLine((15, 176, -15, 1)) # commit button self.w.commitButton = vanilla.Button( (15, 188, -15, 20), "Copy Sidebearings", sizeStyle="small", callback=self._commitButtonCallback) # note self.w.note = vanilla.TextBox((15, 215, -15, 15), "Open output window for results.", sizeStyle="mini", alignment="center") # go go gadget window
def __init__(self): self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (300, 150), "Check anchors' positions" ) #, autosaveName="pl.dadastudio.Test.mainwindow" self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox( (self.leftMargin, self.setLineHeight(0), -15, 14), "Anchor:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.anchor_name = vanilla.PopUpButton( (self.leftMargin + 75, self.setLineHeight(0), -self.leftMargin, 17), self.GetAnchorNames(), callback=self.setHeight, sizeStyle='small') self.w.text_3 = vanilla.TextBox( (self.leftMargin, self.setLineHeight(1), -15, 14), "subCategory", sizeStyle='small') self.w.subCategory_name = vanilla.PopUpButton( (self.leftMargin + 75, self.setLineHeight(1), -self.leftMargin, 17), self.GetSubCategoryNames(), callback=self.setHeight, sizeStyle='small') self.w.text_4 = vanilla.TextBox( (self.leftMargin, self.setLineHeight(2), -15, 14), "Expected Y", sizeStyle='small') self.w.setY = vanilla.EditText( (self.leftMargin + 75, self.setLineHeight(2), -self.leftMargin, 17), text="", sizeStyle='small') self.w.moveButton = vanilla.Button( (-80 - self.leftMargin, -40, -self.leftMargin, -self.leftMargin), "Search", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.MoveCallback) self.w.correctButton = vanilla.Button( (self.leftMargin, -40, 150, -self.leftMargin), "Correct", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.CorrectCallback) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.moveButton) self.w.correctButton.enable(False) self.w.setY.set(str(Font.selectedFontMaster.xHeight))
def __init__(self): windowWidth = 280 windowHeight = 150 windowWidthResize = 0 windowHeightResize = 0 self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (windowWidth, windowHeight), "Copy master into sublayer", minSize=(windowWidth, windowHeight), maxSize=(windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize), autosaveName="com.harbortype.CopyMasterIntoSublayer.mainwindow") self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12 + 2, 120, 14), "Copy paths from:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.masterSource = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 12, -15, 17), self.GetMasterNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=None) self.w.text_2 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 48 + 2, 120, 14), "into the sublayer:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.layerTarget = vanilla.EditText((120, 48 - 1, -15, 18), sizeStyle='small', callback=None) self.w.text_3 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 48 + 22, 120, 14), "of master:", sizeStyle='small') self.w.masterDestination = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 48 + 20, -15, 17), self.GetMasterNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=None) self.w.copybutton = vanilla.Button((-80, -30, -15, -10), "Copy", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.CopyAll) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.copybutton) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print( "Note: 'Copy Master into Sublayer' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults." ) self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 350 windowHeight = 260 windowWidthResize = 100 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Punctuation Unifier", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.PunctuationUnifier.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: linePos, inset, lineHeight = 12, 15, 22 self.w.descriptionText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, -inset, 14), u"Unifies the shapes of the periods in punctuation.", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.periodBaseText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 100, 14), u"Model for period:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) self.w.periodBase = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+100, linePos, -inset, 17), self.periodBase, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.commaBaseText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 100, 14), u"Model for comma:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) self.w.commaBase = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+100, linePos, -inset, 17), self.commaBase, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.scaleToHeight = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), u"Scale to height", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox( (inset-1, linePos+2, 75, 14), "inset", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.popup_1 = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+80, linePos, 50, 17), [str(x) for x in range( 3, 12 )], callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.edit_1 = vanilla.EditText( (inset+80+55, linePos, -inset, 19), "insert text here", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences) linePos += lineHeight # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-80-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Run", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.PunctuationUnifierMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print "Note: 'Punctuation Unifier' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults" # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 280 windowHeight = 155 windowWidthResize = 120 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Copy layer to layer", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.MasterFiller.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12+2, 120, 14), "Copy paths from", sizeStyle='small') self.w.master_from = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 12, -15, 17), self.GetMasterNames(1), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.MasterChangeCallback) # self.w.text_2 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 32+2, 120, 14), "into selection of", sizeStyle='small') # self.w.master_into = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 32, -15, 17), self.GetMasterNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.MasterChangeCallback) self.w.include_components = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 52+2, -100, 20), "Include components", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.include_anchors = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 52+20, -100, 20), "Include anchors", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.include_metrics = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 52+38, -100, 20), "Include metrics", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.keep_window_open = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 52+56, -100, 20), "Keep window open", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.copybutton = vanilla.Button((-80, -30, -15, -10), "Copy", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCallback) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.copybutton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print "Note: 'Copy Layer to Layer' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults." self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 350 windowHeight = 60 windowWidthResize = 500 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "New Tab with OT Class", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.NewTabWithOTClass.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.text = vanilla.TextBox( (15-1, 12+2, 100, 14), "Pick an OT class:", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.classMenu = vanilla.PopUpButton( (15+100, 12, -130, 17), self.currentFontClasses(None), callback=None, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.updateButton = vanilla.Button((-125, 12+1, -100, -15), u"↺", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.populateClassMenu ) # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button((-95, 12+3, -15, -15), "New Tab", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.NewTabWithOTClassMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) self.font = Glyphs.font # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 470 windowHeight = 110 windowWidthResize = 300 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Set in All TTF Autohint Options", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.SetTTFAutohintOptions.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.ttfAutohintOption = vanilla.PopUpButton( (15, 13, 200, 17), availableOptions, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.optionValue = vanilla.EditText( (220, 12, -65-50, 20), "value", callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle = 'small') self.w.explanation = vanilla.TextBox( (15-1, 40, -5, -5), "Adds or sets this option in all TTF Autohint Options parameters in the current font. For fallback-stem-width, use * for entering the respective instance weight value, and idotless for measuring the width of the interpolated dotless i. The Del button removes this TTFA option from all instances.", sizeStyle='small' ) # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button((-60-50, 10, -15-50, 22), "Set", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.SetTTFAutohintOptionsMain ) self.w.delButton = vanilla.Button((-60, 10, -15, 22), "Del", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.RemoveOption ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Set TTF Autohint Options' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults") # enable or disable the edit box self.editValueField() # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): windowWidth = 400 windowHeight = 280 self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "ALL YOUR @BASE BELONG TO US.", # window title autosaveName = "com.Tosche.BatchMetricKey.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.presetText = vanilla.TextBox( ( 12, 13, 55, 17), "Presets:", sizeStyle='regular' ) self.w.presetPopup = vanilla.PopUpButton( (14+58, 13, -15, 17), [str(x) for x in presets], callback=self.setField, sizeStyle='regular' ) self.w.keyTextField = vanilla.EditText( (14, 45, -15, 22), re.sub(" .*", "", presets[0]), sizeStyle = 'regular') self.w.setToText = vanilla.TextBox( ( 12, 78, 50, 17), "Set to:", sizeStyle='regular' ) self.w.applyL = vanilla.CheckBox( ( 12+50, 78, 50, 22), "Left", value=True, sizeStyle='regular') self.w.applyR = vanilla.CheckBox( ( 12+50+50, 78, 56, 22), "Right", value=True, sizeStyle='regular') self.w.avoidNest = vanilla.CheckBox( ( 275, 78, 115, 22), "Adoid Nesting", value=True, sizeStyle='regular') self.w.radioQText = vanilla.TextBox( ( 12, 115, 100, 17), "If there is Q:", sizeStyle='regular' ) self.w.radioQ = vanilla.RadioGroup( (100, 115, 350, 19), ["Use width of O (no key)", "Use RSB of Q"], sizeStyle='regular', isVertical=False) self.w.radioQ.set(0) self.w.line = vanilla.HorizontalLine((12, 190, -10, 1)) self.w.explain = vanilla.TextBox( ( 12, 200, 350, 80), "@base is a glyph without suffix of the selected glyph.\n@base of hsuperior is h\n@Base of a.smcp is A\[email protected] of one.numr is one.smcp", sizeStyle='regular' ) # Run Button: self.w.setButton = vanilla.Button((290, 145, 90, 34), "Set", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.BatchMetricKeyMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.setButton ) # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 400 windowHeight = 120 windowWidthResize = 0 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Variation Interpolator", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.VariationInterpolator.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox( (15-1, 12+2, 40, 14), "Create", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.numberOfInterpolations = vanilla.PopUpButton( (15+45, 12, 50, 17), [str(x) for x in range( 1, 31 )], callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.text_2 = vanilla.TextBox( (15+100, 12+2, -15, 14), "background-interpolation glyphs", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.text_3 = vanilla.TextBox( (15-1, 40+2, 75, 14), "with suffix", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.suffix = vanilla.EditText( (15+65, 40-1, -150, 20), "var", callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle = 'small') self.w.text_4 = vanilla.TextBox( (-145, 40+2, -15, 14), "for selected glyphs.", sizeStyle='small' ) # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button((-100-15, -20-15, -15, -15), "Create", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.VariationInterpolatorMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print "Note: 'Variation Interpolator' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults" # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow((340, 40), "Move anchors") self.w.text_anchor = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12 + 2, 45, 14), "Move", sizeStyle='small') self.w.anchor_name = vanilla.PopUpButton( (50, 12, 80, 17), self.GetAnchorNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.AnchorChangeCallback) self.w.text_value = vanilla.TextBox((135, 12 + 2, 55, 14), "to height", sizeStyle='small') self.w.anchor_value = vanilla.EditText((190, 12, 50, 19), "0.0", sizeStyle='small') self.w.movebutton = vanilla.Button((-80, 12 + 1, -15, 17), "Move", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCallback) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.movebutton) self.AnchorChangeCallback(self)
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 240 windowHeight = 110 windowWidthResize = 300 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Remove Anchors", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.AnchorDeleter.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: linePos, inset, lineHeight = 12, 15, 22 self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox( (inset-1, linePos+2, 80, 14), "Delete anchor", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.updateButton = vanilla.SquareButton( (-inset-20, linePos, -inset, 18), u"↺", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.updateAnchors ) self.w.anchorPopup = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+80, linePos, -inset-25, 17), self.updateAnchors(None), callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.selectedAnchorsOnly = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos, -inset, 20), "In selected glyphs only", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button((-80-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Delete", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.AnchorDeleterMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print "Note: 'Delete Anchors' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults" # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 320 windowHeight = 180 windowWidthResize = 300 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 400 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (windowWidth, windowHeight), # default window size "Find and Replace In Instance Parameters", # window title minSize=(windowWidth, windowHeight), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize=(windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName= "com.mekkablue.FindAndReplaceInInstanceParameters.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15 - 1, 12 + 2, 130, 14), "Replace in parameters", sizeStyle='small') self.w.availableParameters = vanilla.PopUpButton( (145, 12, -15, 17), self.setAvailableParameters(None), callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small') self.w.find = vanilla.TextEditor((15, 40, 100, -50), text="find", callback=self.SavePreferences, checksSpelling=False) self.w.replace = vanilla.TextEditor((110, 40, 100, -50), text="replace", callback=self.SavePreferences, checksSpelling=False) self.windowResize(None) # Run Button: self.w.rescanButton = vanilla.Button( (-200, -20 - 15, -110, -15), "Rescan", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.setAvailableParameters) self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-80 - 15, -20 - 15, -15, -15), "Replace", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.FindAndReplaceInInstanceParametersMain) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.runButton) self.w.bind("resize", self.windowResize) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print( "Note: 'Find and Replace In Instance Parameters' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults" ) # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): # Window 'self.w': edY = 200 txY = 14 spX = 10 spY = 5 btnX = 250 btnY = 20 windowWidth = 350 windowHeight = edY * 2 + spY * 6 + txY * 2 + btnY + 14 self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (windowWidth, windowHeight), # default window size "Analyse Manuscript", # window title autosaveName= "com.Tosche.AnalyseManuscript.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.w.text1 = vanilla.TextBox((spX, spY, -spX, txY), 'Paste your text below...', sizeStyle='small') self.w.dump = vanilla.TextEditor((spX, spY * 2 + txY, -spX, edY), "", callback=self.updateChar) self.w.text2 = vanilla.TextBox((spX, spY * 3 + txY + edY, -spX, txY), "0 Unicode characters", sizeStyle='small') self.w.chars = vanilla.TextEditor( (spX, spY * 4 + txY * 2 + edY, -spX, edY), "", readOnly=True) self.w.chars._textView.setFont_(NSFont.fontWithName_size_("Menlo", 12)) self.w.dump._textView.setAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled_(False) self.w.dump._textView.setAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled_(False) self.w.dump._textView.setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled_(False) self.w.dump._textView.setGrammarCheckingEnabled_(False) self.w.dump._textView.setAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled_(False) # Run Button: self.w.markPopup = vanilla.PopUpButton( (spX, -btnY - spY - 7, 70, -spY - 7), [ "Mark", "Red", "Orange", "Brown", "Yellow", "Light Green", "Dark Green", "Cyan", "Blue", "Purple", "Pink", "Light Grey", "Dark Grey" ], callback=self.markGlyphs) self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-btnX - spX, -btnY - spY - 7, -spX, -spY - 7), "Add missing characters", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.AnalyseManuscriptMain) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.runButton) # Open window and focus on it: menu = menu.setAutoenablesItems_(False) menu.itemAtIndex_(0).setEnabled_(False) divider = NSMenuItem.separatorItem() menu.insertItem_atIndex_(divider, 1) self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 400 windowHeight = 160 windowWidthResize = 1000 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 1000 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( (windowWidth, windowHeight), # default window size "Compare Glyph Info", # window title minSize=(windowWidth, windowHeight), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize=(windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName= "com.mekkablue.CompareGlyphInfo.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: self.linePos, inset, lineHeight = 5, 6, 22 self.w.descriptionText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, self.linePos + 2, 140, 14), "Compare between fonts:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True) self.w.whatToCompare = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset + 140, self.linePos, -160 - inset - 10, 17), thingsToCompare, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.Reload) self.w.whatToCompare.getNSPopUpButton().setToolTip_( "Choose which glyph info to compare between all open fonts.") self.w.ignoreMissingGlyphs = vanilla.CheckBox( (-160 - inset, self.linePos, -inset - 25, 17), "Ignore missing glyphs", value=False, callback=self.Reload, sizeStyle='small') self.w.ignoreMissingGlyphs.getNSButton().setToolTip_( "If activated, will only list glyphs that are present in ALL open fonts." ) self.w.updateButton = vanilla.SquareButton( (-inset - 20, self.linePos, -inset, 18), "↺", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.Reload) self.w.updateButton.getNSButton().setToolTip_( "Reload with currently opened fonts. Useful if you just opened or closed a font, or brought another font forward." ) self.linePos += lineHeight self.Reload() # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): self.currentGlyph = None self.window = None self.fonts = [] self.fontNames = [] self.glyph0 = RGlyph() #None self.glyph1 = RGlyph() #None self.compatibilityReport = None self.interpolatedGlyph = RGlyph() self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow((250, 155), "Interpolation Slider") self.w.title = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 25), "Masters:", sizeStyle="small") self.w.font0 = vanilla.PopUpButton((10, 25, -10, 25), [], callback=self.glyphChanged, sizeStyle="small") self.w.font1 = vanilla.PopUpButton((10, 50, -10, 25), [], callback=self.glyphChanged, sizeStyle="small") self.w.compatibilityText = vanilla.TextBox((-105, 83, 100, 35), u"Compatibility: ⚪️", sizeStyle="small") self.w.line = vanilla.HorizontalLine((5, 110, -5, 1)) self.w.interpValue = vanilla.Slider((10, 120, -10, 25), callback=self.optionsChanged, minValue=0, maxValue=1) self.w.interpValue.set(0.5) self.w.bind("close", self.closed) self.collectFonts() self.glyphChanged(None) addObserver(self, "glyphChanged", "currentGlyphChanged") addObserver(self, "fontsChanged", "newFontDidOpen") addObserver(self, "fontsChanged", "fontDidOpen") addObserver(self, "fontsChanged", "fontDidClose") addObserver(self, "drawBkgnd", "drawBackground") addObserver(self, "drawPreview", "drawPreview")
def __init__(self): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 340 windowHeight = 135 self.w = vanilla.Window( (windowWidth, windowHeight), # default window size "Replace Corners", # window title minSize=(windowWidth, windowHeight), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize=(windowWidth, windowHeight), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName= "com.mekkablue.FindAndReplaceCorners.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) thisFont = Glyphs.font self.corners = self.allCorners(thisFont) # UI elements: margin = 25 self.w.textSearch = vanilla.TextBox((margin + 5, 12 + 2, 80, 18), "Find:") self.w.searchFor = vanilla.PopUpButton((margin + 80, 12, -margin, 22), self.corners) self.w.textReplace = vanilla.TextBox((margin, 32 + 12 + 2, 80, 18), "Replace with:") self.w.replaceBy = vanilla.PopUpButton( (margin + 80, 32 + 12, -margin, 22), self.corners) self.w.replaceButton = vanilla.Button( (-70 - margin, 63 + 12 + 1, -margin, 22), "Replace", callback=self.FindAndReplaceCornersMain) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.replaceButton) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print( "Note: 'Replace Corners' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults" ) # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 340 windowHeight = 240 windowWidthResize = 200 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Copy layer to layer", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.CopyLayerToLayer.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 12+2, 120, 14), "Copy paths from", sizeStyle='small') self.w.fontSource = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 12, -15, 17), self.GetFontNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.FontChangeCallback) self.w.masterSource = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 12+20, -15, 17), self.GetMasterNames("source"), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.MasterChangeCallback) self.w.text_2 = vanilla.TextBox((15, 56+2, 120, 14), "into selection of", sizeStyle='small') self.w.fontTarget = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 56, -15, 17), self.GetFontNames(), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.FontChangeCallback) self.w.masterTarget = vanilla.PopUpButton((120, 56+20, -15, 17), self.GetMasterNames("target"), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.MasterChangeCallback) self.w.includePaths = vanilla.CheckBox((15+150+15, 100+2, 160, 20), "Include paths", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.includeComponents = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 100+2, 160, 20), "Include components", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.includeAnchors = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 100+20, 160, 20), "Include anchors", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.includeMetrics = vanilla.CheckBox((15+150+15, 100+20, 160, 20), "Include metrics", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.copyBackground = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 100+45, 160, 20), "Into background instead", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=False) self.w.keepOriginal = vanilla.CheckBox((15+150+15, 100+45, 160, 20), "Keep target layer content", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=False) self.w.keepWindowOpen = vanilla.CheckBox((15, 100+70, 160, 20), "Keep window open", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences, value=True) self.w.copybutton = vanilla.Button((-80, -30, -15, -10), "Copy", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.buttonCallback) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.copybutton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Copy Layer to Layer' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults.") self.w.makeKey() self.w.masterTarget.set(1)
def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 290 windowHeight = 250 windowWidthResize = 300 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Find Shapeshifting Glyphs", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.FindShapeshiftingGlyphs.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: linePos, inset, lineHeight = 12, 15, 22 self.w.descriptionText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, -inset, 28), u"Reports glyphs that change number of cw/ccw paths (‘shapeshift’) in interpolation.", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) linePos += int(lineHeight*1.7) self.w.text_1 = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 85, 14), "Count paths in", sizeStyle='small' ) self.w.checkInstances = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+85, linePos, -inset, 17), ("constructed instances midway between masters", "all active instances in font", "all active and inactive instances in font"), callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.alsoCheckMasters = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Add masters as instances", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.onlyCheckSelection = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Limit to selected glyphs (otherwise all glyphs)", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.ignoreGlyphsWithoutPaths = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Ignore glyphs without paths", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.ignoreNonexportingGlyphs = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Ignore glyphs that do not export", value=False, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.openTab = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Open found shapeshifters in a new tab", value=True, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.progress = vanilla.ProgressBar((inset, linePos, -inset, 16)) self.w.progress.set(0) # set progress indicator to zero linePos+=lineHeight # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-80-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Find", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.FindShapeshiftingGlyphsMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Find Shapeshifting Glyphs' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults") # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey()
def __init__(self): self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow((150, 45), ".ssXX") self.w.popUpButton = vanilla.PopUpButton( (10, 10, -90, 20), [str(i + 1) for i in range(20)]) self.w.make_button = vanilla.Button((-80, 12, -15, 17), "Create", sizeStyle='small', callback=self.addSuffix)
def __init__(self): self.fontList = AllFonts() self.fontNames = [getFontName(f) for f in self.fontList] self.w = vanilla.Window((300, 200), "Build Rotated Masters") self.w.descriptionText = vanilla.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 50), "Rotate a UFO that has “3D Projection View” glyph depth data. Nine UFO masters and a designSpace file will be created.", sizeStyle="small") self.w.fontChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton((10, 60, -10, 25), self.fontNames) self.w.glyphChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton((10, 90, -10, 25), ["All glyphs", "Selected glyphs"]) self.w.outlineBox = vanilla.CheckBox((10, 125, -10, 25), "Outline Paths", callback=self.outlineChanged) self.w.outlineAmount = NumberEditText((115, 125, 50, 25), "90", allowFloat=False, allowNegative=False, minimum=1) self.w.outlineAmount.enable(False) self.w.unitsTitle = vanilla.TextBox((170, 129, -10, 25), "units") self.w.copyButton = vanilla.SquareButton((10, 165, -10, 25), "Rotate!", callback=self.rotateFont)
def __init__(self): self.debug = False # Glyph and font data self.glyph = None self.LIBKEY = "com.andyclymer.zPosition" self.pointData = {} # dict of x,y,z for each pointID self.tempPath = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] self.tempHTMLPath = self.tempPath + ".html" self.w = vanilla.Window((620, 740), "3D Projection Preview", autosaveName="ProjectionPreview") self.w.bind("resize", self.windowResizedCallback) topHeight = 65 self.w.refreshButton = vanilla.SquareButton( (10, 10, 130, 25), "Reload glyph data", callback=self.refreshPreviewCallback, sizeStyle="small") x = 150 self.w.zoomScaleChoice = vanilla.PopUpButton( (x, 10, 70, 25), ["50%", "75%", "100%", "150%"], sizeStyle="small", callback=self.refreshPreviewCallback) self.w.zoomScaleChoice.set(2) self.w.strokeWidth = vanilla.EditText((x + 90, 10, 40, 25), "90") self.w.strokeWidth.enable(False) self.w.doStrokeBox = vanilla.CheckBox( (x + 140, 10, 100, 25), "Stroke", sizeStyle="small", value=False, callback=self.refreshPreviewCallback) self.w.note = vanilla.TextBox( (10, 43, -10, 25), "Note: Requires an internet connection for the Zdog library to load,", sizeStyle="small") # Web view self.w.webView = WebView.alloc().initWithFrame_(((0, 0), (500, 500))) self.w.scroll = vanilla.ScrollView((10, topHeight, -10, -10), self.w.webView, hasHorizontalScroller=False, hasVerticalScroller=False) self.refreshPreviewCallback(None)