class FileUploadField(Group): def __init__(self, dimensions, storage=NullStorage()): = storage super(FileUploadField, self).__init__(dimensions) self.choose_file_button = Button((0, 3, 100, 17), "Choose File", sizeStyle="small", callback=self.choose_file) self.remove_file_button = Button((-60, 3, 60, 17), "Remove", sizeStyle="small", callback=self.remove_file) self.filepath_label = TextBox((18, 3, -70, 20), "") self.filepath_button = ImageButton((0, 3, -70, 20), "", callback=self.reveal_file) self.filepath_button.getNSButton().setTransparent_(True) self.filetype_image = ImageView((0, 4, 16, 16)) self.filepath = def choose_file(self, sender): filepath = getFile("Choose a .txt or .pdf document to use as a license", "Select License", fileTypes=("txt", "md", "pdf")) if filepath is not None:[0]) self.filepath = filepath[0] def remove_file(self, sender): self.filepath = None def reveal_file(self, sender): workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() workspace.selectFile_inFileViewerRootedAtPath_(self.filepath, os.path.dirname(self.filepath)) @property def filename(self): if self.filepath is not None: return os.path.basename(self.filepath) else: return "" @property def filepath(self): return self._filepath @filepath.setter def filepath(self, value): self._filepath = value selected = value is not None and value is not '' icon = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFile_(self._filepath) selected) self.filepath_label.set(WhiteText(self.filename)) self.filetype_image.setImage(imageObject=icon)
def __init__(self, dimensions, font, applicants, recipients, after_approve=None): super(ApplicantList, self).__init__(dimensions) _, _, width, height = self.getPosSize() self.recipients = recipients self.applicants = applicants self.font = font self.after_approve = after_approve self.border = DashedRectangle((0, 0, width, height)) self.activate_registry_button = CenteredButton(width, height, 190, 24, "Activate Registration Page", callback=self.activate) self.label = TextBox((0, 0, -0, 22), "Applicants") self.list = List((0, 23, 0, -34), applicants) self.approve_applicant_button = Button((0, -24, 90, 24), "Approve", callback=self.approve_applicant) self.open_registration_page_button = Button((-150, -20, 150, 17), "Open Registration Page", callback=self.open_registration_page, sizeStyle="small") self.activated = font.lib.has_key('pm.ghostlines.ghostlines.registry_token')
def __init__(self, dimensions, storage=NullStorage()): = storage super(FileUploadField, self).__init__(dimensions) self.choose_file_button = Button((0, 3, 100, 17), "Choose File", sizeStyle="small", callback=self.choose_file) self.remove_file_button = Button((-60, 3, 60, 17), "Remove", sizeStyle="small", callback=self.remove_file) self.filepath_label = TextBox((18, 3, -70, 20), "") self.filepath_button = ImageButton((0, 3, -70, 20), "", callback=self.reveal_file) self.filepath_button.getNSButton().setTransparent_(True) self.filetype_image = ImageView((0, 4, 16, 16)) self.filepath =
class ModalDialog(_Window): nsWindowLevel = NSModalPanelWindowLevel def __init__(self, posSize, title=None, okText="OK", cancelText="Cancel", okCallback=None, cancelCallback=None): if title is None: title = '' super(ModalDialog, self).__init__(posSize, title, minSize=None, maxSize=None, textured=False, autosaveName=None, closable=False) self._window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowCloseButton).setHidden_(True) self._window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowZoomButton).setHidden_(True) self._window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowMiniaturizeButton).setHidden_(True) # self._okCallback = okCallback self._cancelCallback = cancelCallback # self._bottomLine = HorizontalLine((10, -50, -10, 1)) self._okButton = Button((-85, -35, 70, 20), okText, callback=self._internalOKCallback) self._cancelButton = Button((-165, -35, 70, 20), cancelText, callback=self._internalCancelCallback) self.setDefaultButton(self._okButton) self._cancelButton.bind('.', ['command']) if len(posSize) == 2: def open(self): super(ModalDialog, self).open() NSApp().runModalForWindow_(self.getNSWindow()) def close(self): super(ModalDialog, self).close() NSApp().stopModal() @python_method def _internalOKCallback(self, sender): self.close() if self._okCallback is not None: self._okCallback(self) @python_method def _internalCancelCallback(self, sender): self.close() if self._cancelCallback is not None: self._cancelCallback(self)
def setup(self): self.list = UpdateList((20, 20, -20, -60), editCallback=self.update_interface, refreshCallback=self.update_interface) self.updated_at_text = UpdatedTimeTextBox((120, -38, -20, 20), sizeStyle="small") self.update_button = UpdateButton((-160, -42, 140, 20), callback=self.in_thread.install_updates) self.refresh_button = Button((20, -42, 90, 20), "Refresh", callback=self.in_thread.update_list) if env.environment == 'production': self.update_interface()
def __init__(self): self.window = w = Window((400, 400), "Test Geometry", minSize=(100, 100)) w.button = Button((10, 10, 120, 20), "call SetPosSize", callback=self.setFrameCallback) w.x = SimpleRect((10, 40, -120, -120)) = SimpleRect((20, 20, -20, 40)) w.x.left = SimpleRect((40, 40, 40, -40)) w.x.right = SimpleRect((-80, 40, 40, -40)) w.x.lefttop = SimpleRect((10, 10, 50, 20)) w.x.righttop = SimpleRect((-60, 10, 50, 20)) w.x.bottom = SimpleRect((20, -60, -20, 40)) w.x.leftbottom = SimpleRect((10, -30, 50, 20)) w.x.rightbottom = SimpleRect((-60, -30, 50, 20)) w.x.middle = SimpleRect((70, 70, -70, -70)) w.x.middle.deep = SimpleRect((20, 10, -20, -10)) w.extra = SimpleRect((-110, 10, -10, -120)) w.y = SimpleRect((10, -110, -10, -20)) w.y.z = SimpleRect((10, 10, -10, -10)) w.y.z.q = SimpleRect((10, 10, -10, -10))
def __init__(self, glyph): # if glyph is None, show a message # store the glyph and initial move values as object attributes self.w = FloatingWindow((200, 64), "move "+str(labelslider)) for labelslider in BuildLabelsList(f): # create a floating window # add a slider for moving in the x axis self.g = glyph self.moveX = 0 self.label= labelslider self.w.labelslider = Slider( (10, 10, -10, 22), value=0, maxValue=100, minValue=-100, callback=self.adjust) # open the window self.w.button = Button((15, -35, -15, 20), "Done")
def __init__(self): self.w = Window((300, 400), "SliderTest", autosaveName="SliderTestttt") # self.w.slider1 = SliderPlus((10, 10, -10, 50), "Slider 1", 0, 50, 100) # self.w.slider2 = SliderPlus((10, 60, -10, 50), "Slider 2", 0, 50, 100) info = [("abcd", "The alphabet"), ("xyz ", "The alphabet part 2"), ("wdth", "Width"), ("wght", "Weight")] self.sliderInfo = {} for tag, label in info: self.sliderInfo[tag] = (label, 0, 50, 100) self.w.sliderGroup = SliderGroup(300, self.sliderInfo, continuous=True, callback=self.sliderGroupCallback) self.w.mutateButton = Button((10, -40, 80, 20), "Mutate", callback=self.mutateCallback)
def __init__(self, posSize, title=None, okText="OK", cancelText="Cancel", okCallback=None, cancelCallback=None): if title is None: title = '' super(ModalDialog, self).__init__(posSize, title, minSize=None, maxSize=None, textured=False, autosaveName=None, closable=False) self._window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowCloseButton).setHidden_(True) self._window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowZoomButton).setHidden_(True) self._window.standardWindowButton_(NSWindowMiniaturizeButton).setHidden_(True) # self._okCallback = okCallback self._cancelCallback = cancelCallback # self._bottomLine = HorizontalLine((10, -50, -10, 1)) self._okButton = Button((-85, -35, 70, 20), okText, callback=self._internalOKCallback) self._cancelButton = Button((-165, -35, 70, 20), cancelText, callback=self._internalCancelCallback) self.setDefaultButton(self._okButton) self._cancelButton.bind('.', ['command']) if len(posSize) == 2:
def __init__(self): NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().registerDefaults_({"ToucheWindowHeight":340}) self.windowHeight = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().integerForKey_("ToucheWindowHeight") self.minWindowHeight = 340 if self.windowHeight < self.minWindowHeight: self.windowHeight = self.minWindowHeight self.closedWindowHeight = 100 self.w = FloatingWindow((180, self.windowHeight), u'Touché!', minSize=(180,340), maxSize=(250,898)) self.w.bind("resize", self.windowResized) self.isResizing = False p = 10 w = 160 # options self.w.options = Group((0, 0, 180, 220)) buttons = { "checkSelBtn": {"text": "Check selected glyphs", "callback": self.checkSel, "y": p}, } for button, data in buttons.iteritems(): setattr(self.w.options, button, Button((p, data["y"], w - 22, 22), data["text"], callback=data["callback"], sizeStyle="small")) self.w.options.zeroCheck = CheckBox((p, 35, w, 20), "Ignore zero-width glyphs", value=True, sizeStyle="small") self.w.options.progress = ProgressSpinner((w - 8, 13, 16, 16), sizeStyle="small") # results self.w.results = Group((0, 220, 180, -0)) textBoxes = {"stats": -34, "result": -18} for box, y in textBoxes.iteritems(): setattr(self.w.results, box, TextBox((p, y, w, 14), "", sizeStyle="small")) # list and preview self.w.outputList = List((0,58,-0,-40), [{"left glyph": "", "right glyph": ""}], columnDescriptions=[{"title": "left glyph", "width": 90}, {"title": "right glyph"}], showColumnTitles=False, allowsMultipleSelection=False, enableDelete=False, selectionCallback=self.showPair) self.w.outputList._setColumnAutoresizing() self._resizeWindow(False)
def buildMenu(self): """Builds buttons at top. TODO: put in a group. """ x = 4 y = 4 w = 100 h = 24 self.window.proof = Button((x, y, w, h), 'Proof', sizeStyle='small', callback=self.proofCallback) x += 110 self.window.selectFont = PopUpButton((x, y, w, h), self.FONTS, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.setFontCallback) x += 110
def __init__(self): self.doMarkGlyphs = 0 self.doOverwrite = 1 self.sourceFontList = AllFonts() self.destinationFontList = AllFonts() self.source_font = self.sourceFontList[0] self.destination_fonts = None self.glyphs = None self.mark = NSColor.redColor() sl = [] for f in self.sourceFontList: if != None: fn = else: fn = "None" if != None: fs = else: fs = "None" sl.append(fn+" "+fs) ## create a window self.w = Window((700, 500), "Copy Glyphs", minSize=(700, 500)) self.w.sourceTitle = TextBox((15, 20, 200, 20), "Source Font:") self.w.sourceFont = PopUpButton((15, 42, -410, 20), sl, callback=self.sourceCallback) self.w.glyphs = GlyphCollectionView((16, 70, -410, -65), initialMode="list", enableDelete=False, allowDrag=False, selectionCallback=self.glyphCallback) self._sortGlyphs(self.source_font) self.w.desTitle = TextBox((-400, 20, 200, 20), "Destination Fonts:") self.w.destinationFonts = FontList((-400, 42, -15, -115), self.destinationFontList, selectionCallback=self.desCallback) self.w.overwrite = CheckBox((-395, -105, 130, 22), "Overwrite glyphs", callback=self.overwriteCallback, value=self.doOverwrite) self.w.markGlyphs = CheckBox((-395, -84, 100, 22), "Mark Glyphs", callback=self.markCallback, value=self.doMarkGlyphs) self.w.copyButton = Button((-115, -40, 100, 20), 'Copy Glyphs', callback=self.copyCallback) self.w.line = HorizontalLine((10, -50, -10, 1)) self._checkSelection() self._updateDest() ## open the window
def __init__(self): item_height = 24.0 margin = 10 w_width = 350.0 w_height = (item_height * 5) + margin next_y = margin col_1_width = w_width - (margin * 2) item_height = 24 self.get_prefs('SlantComponentPositions.pref') self.w = Window((w_width, w_height), "Slant Angle") self.w.slant_angle_text = TextBox( (margin, next_y + 2, col_1_width, item_height), "Slant Angle:", sizeStyle='regular') next_y += item_height self.w.slant_angle = EditText( (margin, next_y, col_1_width, item_height), self.prefs.get('slant_angle', '')) next_y += item_height + margin self.w.slant_all_layers = CheckBox( (margin, next_y, col_1_width, item_height), "Slant All Layers", value=int(self.prefs.get('slant_all_layers')), sizeStyle='regular') next_y += item_height + margin self.w.makeitso = Button( (w_width / 4.0, next_y, col_1_width / 2.0, item_height), 'Slant Components', callback=self.makeitso) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.makeitso)
def _warning(self, sender, warning, prefKey): if self.prefs.get(prefKey): self.warning = Sheet((400, 140), self.w) self.warning.img = ImageView((10, 10, 60, 60)) self.warning.img.setImage(imageNamed=NSImageNameCaution) self.warning.txt = TextBox((70, 10, -10, -40), "Warning\n" + warning) callback = partial(self._changePref, key=prefKey, value=not self.prefs.get(prefKey)) self.warning.check = CheckBox((70, 80, -10, 20), "Always show this warning", value=self.prefs.get(prefKey), callback=callback) self.warning.closeButton = Button((10, 110, -10, 20), "I understand", callback=self._closeWarning) self.warning.setDefaultButton(self.warning.closeButton) self.w.list.enable(False)
def __init__(self): super(VFB2UFO, self).__init__() self.w = FloatingWindow((PLUGIN_WIDTH, 2), PLUGIN_TITLE) self.jumpingY = MARGIN_VER # options button self.w.optionsPopUp = PopUpButton( (MARGIN_HOR, self.jumpingY, NET_WIDTH, vanillaControlsSize['PopUpButtonRegularHeight']), self.inputOptions, callback=self.optionsPopUpCallback) self.jumpingY += vanillaControlsSize[ 'PopUpButtonRegularHeight'] + MARGIN_HOR # suffix option self.w.suffixRadio = RadioGroup( (MARGIN_HOR, self.jumpingY, NET_WIDTH, vanillaControlsSize['ButtonRegularHeight'] * 2), ["From VFB to UFO", "From UFO to VFB"], callback=self.suffixRadioCallback) self.w.suffixRadio.set(0) self.w.suffixRadio.enable(False) self.jumpingY += vanillaControlsSize[ 'ButtonRegularHeight'] * 2 + MARGIN_HOR # convert button self.w.convertButton = Button( (MARGIN_HOR, self.jumpingY, NET_WIDTH, vanillaControlsSize['ButtonRegularHeight']), 'Choose file and convert', callback=self.convertButtonCallback) self.jumpingY += vanillaControlsSize['ButtonRegularHeight'] + MARGIN_HOR self.w.resize(PLUGIN_WIDTH, self.jumpingY) self.setUpBaseWindowBehavior()
class ApplicantList(Group): def __init__(self, dimensions, font, applicants, recipients, after_approve=None): super(ApplicantList, self).__init__(dimensions) _, _, width, height = self.getPosSize() self.recipients = recipients self.applicants = applicants self.font = font self.after_approve = after_approve self.border = DashedRectangle((0, 0, width, height)) self.activate_registry_button = CenteredButton(width, height, 190, 24, "Activate Registration Page", callback=self.activate) self.label = TextBox((0, 0, -0, 22), "Applicants") self.list = List((0, 23, 0, -34), applicants) self.approve_applicant_button = Button((0, -24, 90, 24), "Approve", callback=self.approve_applicant) self.open_registration_page_button = Button((-150, -20, 150, 17), "Open Registration Page", callback=self.open_registration_page, sizeStyle="small") self.activated = font.lib.has_key('pm.ghostlines.ghostlines.registry_token') def open_registration_page(self, *args): response = Ghostlines('v0.1').registry(self.font.lib['pm.ghostlines.ghostlines.registry_token']) registry = response.json()['url']) def approve_applicant(self, *args): selected_applicants = [self.list[i] for i in self.list.getSelection()] for applicant in selected_applicants: Ghostlines('v0.1').approve(self.font.lib['pm.ghostlines.ghostlines.registry_token'], applicant) self.after_approve(applicant) self.fetch() def activate(self, *args): response = Ghostlines('v0.1').enable_applicants({ 'font_name':, 'designer': }) registry = response.json() self.font.lib['pm.ghostlines.ghostlines.registry_token'] = registry['token'] self.activated = True def fetch(self): if self.font.lib.has_key('pm.ghostlines.ghostlines.registry_token'): response = Ghostlines('v0.1').registry(self.font.lib['pm.ghostlines.ghostlines.registry_token']) registry = response.json() applicant_emails = [r['email_address'] for r in registry['applicants'] if not r['approved_at']] self.list.set(applicant_emails) @property def activated(self): return self._activated @activated.setter def activated(self, value): self._activated = value value) value) return self.activated
def _selectionCallback(self, sender): try: if not self.w.list.getSelection(): # Application did not finish loading yet pass else: # Get job name self.selected.clear() job = sender.get()[self.w.list.getSelection()[0]] self.selected['name'] = job['name'] self.valueGroups = [] # Get job path and file location item = self.pathList.titleOfSelectedItem() if 'User' in item: import getpass username = getpass.getuser() user = username path = '/Users/%s/Library/Launch' % username elif 'Global' in item: user = '******' path = '/Library/Launch' elif 'System' in item: user = '******' path = '/System/Library/Launch' if 'Agents' in item: path += 'Agents/' else: path += 'Daemons/' self.selected['path'] = path self.selected['file'] = str(self.selected['path'].replace( ' ', '\ ')) + job['name'].replace(' ', '\ ') + '.plist' f = open(self.selected['file'], "r") self.selected['raw'] = str( self.selected['short'] = ( self.selected['name'][:32] + '…') if len( self.selected['name']) > 32 else self.selected['name'] # Get status if job['image'] == NSImage.imageNamed_(NSImageNameStatusNone): status = None else: status = 'Available' self.selected['status'] = status index = sender.getSelection()[0] relativeRect = sender.getNSTableView().rectOfRow_(index) self.pop = Popover((300, 100)) self.pop.tabs = Tabs((20, 40, -20, -20), ["Editor", "Raw View"]) self.pop.tabs._nsObject.setTabViewType_(NSNoTabsNoBorder) self.pop.tabBtn = SegmentedButton( (10, 10, -10, 20), [dict(title="Editor"), dict(title="Raw View")], callback=self._segmentPressed, selectionStyle='one') self.pop.tabBtn.set(0) self.edit = self.pop.tabs[0] self.rawEdit = self.pop.tabs[1] self.rawEdit.editor = TextEditor((0, 0, -0, -45), text=self.selected['raw']) self.selected['dict'] = self.selected['name']) # TODO: Add stackview to scrollview as group # Waiting for merge into master: self.edit.stack = VerticalStackGroup((0, 0, -0, -45)) for idx, (key, value) in enumerate( sorted(self.selected['dict'].items())): group = ValueGroup((0, 0, -0, -0), sender=self, key=key, value=value, idx=idx) self.valueGroups.append(group) self.edit.stack.addView( self.valueGroups[idx], 300, self.valueGroups[idx].getPosSize()[3]) = Button((20, -50, -20, 40), "Save", callback=self._savePlist), preferredEdge='right', relativeRect=relativeRect) except: pass
def __init__(self): self.locations = [ 'User Agents', 'Global Agents', 'Global Daemons', 'System Agents', 'System Daemons' ] self.listItems = [] self.selected = {} # Preferences self.homedir = os.path.expanduser('~') self.prefsFolder = self.homedir + "/Library/Preferences/" self.prefsFile = "de.nelsonfritsch.unicron.plist" if os.path.isfile(self.prefsFolder + self.prefsFile): self.prefs = self._loadPrefs(self) else: self.prefs = dict(showSystemWarning=True, windowStyle='System') self._savePrefs(self) # Preferences Window self.prefsWindow = Window((300, 105), 'Preferences') self.styles = ['System', 'Light', 'Dark'] self.prefsWindow.styleTxt = TextBox((10, 10, -10, 20), "Window Style:") = PopUpButton((30, 35, -10, 20), self.styles, callback=self.prefsSetStyle) self.prefsWindow.restore = Button((10, 75, -10, 20), 'Restore Warnings', callback=self.prefsRestoreWarnings) # Main Window minsize = 285 self.w = Window((minsize, 400), 'Unicron', closable=True, fullSizeContentView=True, titleVisible=False, minSize=(minsize, minsize), maxSize=(600, 1200), autosaveName="UnicronMainWindow") self.pathList = NSPopUpButton.alloc().initWithFrame_( ((0, 0), (160, 20))) self.pathList.addItemsWithTitles_(self.locations) refreshIcon = NSImage.alloc().initWithSize_((32, 32)) sourceImage = NSImage.imageNamed_(NSImageNameRefreshTemplate) w, h = sourceImage.size() if w > h: diffx = 0 diffy = w - h else: diffx = h - w diffy = 0 maxSize = max([w, h]) refreshIcon.lockFocus() sourceImage.drawInRect_fromRect_operation_fraction_( NSMakeRect(diffx, diffy + 4, 22, 22), NSMakeRect(0, 0, maxSize, maxSize), NSCompositeSourceOver, 1) refreshIcon.unlockFocus() refreshIcon.setTemplate_(True) toolbarItems = [ dict(itemIdentifier="Daemons", label="Daemons", toolTip="Daemon Group", view=self.pathList, callback=self.populateList), dict(itemIdentifier="image", label="Image", imageObject=refreshIcon, callback=self.populateList), ] self.w.addToolbar("Unicron Toolbar", toolbarItems=toolbarItems, displayMode="icon") self.w.blend = Group((0, 0, 0, 0), blendingMode='behindWindow') self.listColumnDescriptions = [{ 'title': '', 'key': 'image', 'width': 25, 'typingSensitive': True, 'allowsSorting': True, 'cell': ImageListCell() }, { 'title': 'Name', 'key': 'name', 'typingSensitive': True, 'allowsSorting': True, }] self.rowHeight = 20 self.w.list = List((0, 37, -0, 0), items=self.listItems, columnDescriptions=self.listColumnDescriptions, showColumnTitles=True, allowsEmptySelection=True, allowsMultipleSelection=False, autohidesScrollers=True, drawFocusRing=False, rowHeight=self.rowHeight, selectionCallback=self._selectionCallback, menuCallback=self._menuCallback) self.w.list._nsObject.setBorderType_(NSNoBorder) self.w.statusbar = Group((0, -26, 0, 0), blendingMode='behindWindow') self.w.statusbar.border = HorizontalLine((0, 0, 0, 1)) self.w.counter = TextBox((16, -20, -16, 15), '', alignment='center', sizeStyle='small') self.populateList(self) self.w.rowIndicator = Group((0, 0, 0, 10)) self.prefsSetStyle(self)
def __init__(self): self.w = FloatingWindow((self._width + 2 * self._frame, self._height), self._title) # ---------- # text boxes # ---------- textBoxY = self._padding self.w.steps_label = TextBox( (self._col_0, textBoxY, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), 'Steps', alignment='right') if rfVersion >= 3.4: self.w.steps_text = NumberEditText( (self._col_1, textBoxY - 2, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), self.steps, callback=self.angleCallback, allowFloat=False, allowNegative=False, allowEmpty=False, minimum=1, decimals=0, continuous=True) else: self.w.steps_text = EditText( (self._col_1, textBoxY - 2, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), self.steps, callback=self.angleCallback, continuous=True) textBoxY += (self._row) self.w.xValue_label = TextBox( (self._col_0, textBoxY, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), 'x', alignment='right') if rfVersion >= 3.4: self.w.xValue_text = NumberEditText( (self._col_1, textBoxY - 2, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), self.xValue, callback=self.xCallback, allowFloat=True, decimals=0) else: self.w.xValue_text = EditText( (self._col_1, textBoxY - 2, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), self.xValue, callback=self.xCallback) textBoxY += (self._row) self.w.yValue_label = TextBox( (self._col_0, textBoxY, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), 'y', alignment='right') if rfVersion >= 3.4: self.w.yValue_text = NumberEditText( (self._col_1, textBoxY - 2, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), self.yValue, callback=self.yCallback, allowFloat=True, decimals=0) else: self.w.yValue_text = EditText( (self._col_1, textBoxY - 2, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), self.yValue, callback=self.yCallback) textBoxY += (self._row) self.w.angle_label = TextBox( (self._col_0, textBoxY, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), 'Angle', alignment='right') self.w.angleResult = TextBox( (self._col_1, textBoxY, self._col_width, self._lineHeight), u'%s°' % self.niceAngleString(self.angle)) textBoxY += (self._row) textBoxY += (self._row * .25) self.w.line = HorizontalLine( (self._gutter, textBoxY, -self._gutter, 0.5)) textBoxY += (self._row * .25) self.w.lock_checkbox = CheckBox( (self._col_1 - 25, textBoxY, -self._gutter, self._lineHeight), 'Lock Center', value=self.lock, callback=self.lockCallback) textBoxY += (self._row) self.w.rounding_checkbox = CheckBox( (self._col_1 - 25, textBoxY, -self._gutter, self._lineHeight), 'Round Result', value=self.rounding, callback=self.roundingCallback) textBoxY += (self._row) # ------- # buttons # ------- self.w.color = ColorWell( (self._col_0, textBoxY, -self._gutter, 2 * self._lineHeight), color=getExtensionDefaultColor( '%s.%s' % (rotatorDefaults, 'color'), self._color), callback=self.colorCallback) textBoxY += (self._row) self.w.buttonRotate = Button( (self._col_0, -30, -self._gutter, self._lineHeight), 'Rotate', callback=self.rotateCallback) self.setUpBaseWindowBehavior() addObserver(self, 'updateOrigin', 'mouseDragged') addObserver(self, 'drawRotationPreview', 'drawBackground') addObserver(self, 'drawSolidPreview', 'drawPreview') self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.buttonRotate)
def addInterface(self, notification): self.window = notification['window'] # self.cleanup(self.window) # CONTAINER xywh = (margin, -55, -margin, height) self.sbui = CanvasGroup(xywh, delegate=CanvasStuff(self.window)) # LEFT x, y, w, h = xywh = (0, -height, dfltLwidth, height) this = self.sbui.L = Group(xywh) # text input xywh = (x, y + 3, width * 1.5, height * .75) this.Ltext = EditText(xywh, placeholder='angledLeftMargin', sizeStyle='mini', continuous=False, callback=self.setSB) # quick mod buttons xywh = (x + width * 1.5 + (gap * 1), y, width, height) this.Lminus = Button(xywh, iconminus, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setLminus) this.Lminus.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Adjust LSB -' + str(unit)) xywh = (x + width * 2.5 + (gap * 2), y, width, height) this.Lplus = Button(xywh, iconplus, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setLplus) this.Lplus.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Adjust LSB +' + str(unit)) xywh = (x + width * 3.5 + (gap * 3), y, width, height) this.Lround = Button(xywh, iconround, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setLround) this.Lround.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Round LSB to ' + str(unit)) xywh = (x + width * 4.5 + (gap * 4), y, width, height) this.Lright = Button(xywh, iconcopyR, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setLright) this.Lright.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Copy Right Value') # stylize this.Ltext.getNSTextField().setBezeled_(False) this.Ltext.getNSTextField().setBackgroundColor_(NSColor.clearColor()) self.flatButt(this.Lminus) self.flatButt(this.Lplus) self.flatButt(this.Lround) self.flatButt(this.Lright) # RIGHT x, y, w, h = xywh = (-dfltRwidth, y, dfltRwidth, h) this = self.sbui.R = Group(xywh) # text input xywh = (-x - width * 1.5, y + 3, width * 1.5, height * .75) this.Rtext = EditText(xywh, placeholder='angledRightMargin', sizeStyle='mini', continuous=False, callback=self.setSB) # quick mod buttons xywh = (-x - width * 5.5 - (gap * 4), y, width, height) this.Rleft = Button(xywh, iconcopyL, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setRleft) this.Rleft.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Copy Left Value') xywh = (-x - width * 4.5 - (gap * 3), y, width, height) this.Rround = Button(xywh, iconround, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setRround) this.Rround.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Round RSB to ' + str(unit)) xywh = (-x - width * 3.5 - (gap * 2), y, width, height) this.Rminus = Button(xywh, iconminus, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setRminus) this.Rminus.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Adjust RSB -' + str(unit)) xywh = (-x - width * 2.5 - (gap * 1), y, width, height) this.Rplus = Button(xywh, iconplus, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setRplus) this.Rplus.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Adjust RSB +' + str(unit)) # stylize this.Rtext.getNSTextField().setBezeled_(False) this.Rtext.getNSTextField().setBackgroundColor_(NSColor.clearColor()) this.Rtext.getNSTextField().setAlignment_(NSTextAlignmentRight) self.flatButt(this.Rminus) self.flatButt(this.Rplus) self.flatButt(this.Rround) self.flatButt(this.Rleft) # CENTER winX, winY, winW, winH = self.window.getVisibleRect() winW = winW - margin * 5 x, y, w, h = xywh = ((winW / 2) - (dfltCwidth / 2), y, dfltCwidth, h) this = self.sbui.C = Group(xywh) x = 0 # text input c = (dfltCwidth / 2) xywh = (c - (width * .75), y + 3, width * 1.5, height * .75) this.Ctext = EditText(xywh, placeholder='width', sizeStyle='mini', continuous=False, callback=self.setSB) # quick mod buttons xywh = (c - (width * .75) - width * 2 - (gap * 2), y, width, height) this.Ccenter = Button(xywh, iconcenter, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setCcenter) this.Ccenter.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Center on Width') xywh = (c - (width * .75) - width - (gap * 1), y, width, height) this.Cround = Button(xywh, iconround, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setCround) this.Cround.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Round Width to ' + str(unit)) xywh = (c + (width * .75) + (gap * 1), y, width, height) this.Cminus = Button(xywh, iconminus, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setCminus) this.Cminus.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Adjust Width -' + str(2 * unit)) xywh = (c + (width * .75) + width + (gap * 2), y, width, height) this.Cplus = Button(xywh, iconplus, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setCplus) this.Cplus.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Adjust Width +' + str(2 * unit)) # stylize this.Ctext.getNSTextField().setBezeled_(False) this.Ctext.getNSTextField().setBackgroundColor_(NSColor.clearColor()) this.Ctext.getNSTextField().setAlignment_(NSTextAlignmentCenter) self.flatButt(this.Cminus) self.flatButt(this.Cplus) self.flatButt(this.Cround) self.flatButt(this.Ccenter) # hide # make it real self.sbWatcherInitialize() self.window.addGlyphEditorSubview(self.sbui) self.updateValues() self.buildMatchBase() windowViewManger[self.window] = self.sbui
def buildMatchBase(self, notification=None): self.newheight = height try: g = self.window.getGlyph() f = g.font # remove old buttons for i in range(10): if hasattr(self.sbui.L, 'buttobj_%s' % i): delattr(self.sbui.L, 'buttobj_%s' % i) delattr(self.sbui.R, 'buttobj_%s' % i) delattr(self.sbui.C, 'buttobj_%s' % i) # add button for each component self.uniquecomponents = [] for c in g.components: if c.baseGlyph not in self.uniquecomponents: self.uniquecomponents.append(c.baseGlyph) for i, c in enumerate(self.uniquecomponents): row = i + 1 yy = -height * (row + 1) - 3 xywh = (0, yy, width * 5.5 + (gap * 4), height) buttobj = Button(xywh, c, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setLmatch) setattr(self.sbui.L, 'buttobj_%s' % i, buttobj) this = getattr(self.sbui.L, 'buttobj_%s' % i) this.getNSButton().setAlignment_(NSTextAlignmentLeft) this.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Match LSB of ' + c) xywh = (-width * 5.5 - (gap * 4), yy, width * 5.5 + (gap * 4), height) buttobj = Button(xywh, c, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setRmatch) setattr(self.sbui.R, 'buttobj_%s' % i, buttobj) this = getattr(self.sbui.R, 'buttobj_%s' % i) this.getNSButton().setAlignment_(NSTextAlignmentRight) this.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Match RSB of ' + c) xywh = ((dfltLwidth / 2) - (width * 2.75 + (gap * 2)), yy, width * 5.5 + (gap * 4), height) buttobj = Button(xywh, c, sizeStyle='mini', callback=self.setCmatch) setattr(self.sbui.C, 'buttobj_%s' % i, buttobj) this = getattr(self.sbui.C, 'buttobj_%s' % i) this.getNSButton().setToolTip_('Match Width of ' + c) for i, c in enumerate(self.uniquecomponents): try: this = getattr(self.sbui.L, 'buttobj_%s' % i) # hide if hidden if self.showButtons == False: # check if metrics match base glyphs if int(f[c].angledLeftMargin) == int(g.angledLeftMargin): self.flatButt(this, True) else: self.flatButt(this) this = getattr(self.sbui.R, 'buttobj_%s' % i) if self.showButtons == False: if int(f[c].angledRightMargin) == int(g.angledRightMargin): self.flatButt(this, True) else: self.flatButt(this) this = getattr(self.sbui.C, 'buttobj_%s' % i) if self.showButtons == False: if f[c].width == g.width: self.flatButt(this, True) else: self.flatButt(this) except Exception as e: return # change height of canvas to fit buttons self.newheight = height * (len(self.uniquecomponents) + 2) newy = -55 - height * (len(self.uniquecomponents)) self.sbui.setPosSize((margin, newy, -margin, self.newheight)) self.sbui.L.setPosSize((0, 0, dfltLwidth, self.newheight)) self.sbui.R.setPosSize( (-dfltRwidth, 0, dfltRwidth, self.newheight)) winX, winY, winW, winH = self.window.getVisibleRect() winW = winW - margin * 5 offsetcenter = (winW / 2) - (width * 2.25) self.sbui.C.setPosSize( (offsetcenter, 0, width * 5 + 12, self.newheight)) except Exception as e: return
def __init__(self, posSize, isSidebearingsActive, areGroupsShown, areCollisionsShown, isKerningDisplayActive, areVerticalLettersDrawn, isCorrectionActive, isMetricsActive, isColorsActive, callback): super(GraphicsManager, self).__init__(posSize) self.isKerningDisplayActive = isKerningDisplayActive self.areVerticalLettersDrawn = areVerticalLettersDrawn self.areGroupsShown = areGroupsShown self.areCollisionsShown = areCollisionsShown self.isSidebearingsActive = isSidebearingsActive self.isCorrectionActive = isCorrectionActive self.isMetricsActive = isMetricsActive self.isColorsActive = isColorsActive self.callback = callback self.ctrlWidth, self.ctrlHeight = posSize[2], posSize[3] jumping_Y = 0 self.ctrlCaption = TextBox((0, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth, vanillaControlsSize['TextBoxRegularHeight']), 'Display options:') jumping_Y = vanillaControlsSize['TextBoxRegularHeight'] + MARGIN_VER/2. indent = 16 self.showKerningCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show kerning', value=self.isKerningDisplayActive, callback=self.showKerningCheckCallback) self.showKerningHiddenButton = Button((0,self.ctrlHeight+40,0,0), 'hidden kerning button', callback=self.showKerningHiddenButtonCallback) # self.showKerningHiddenButton.bind('k', ['command']) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showGroupsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show groups', value=self.areGroupsShown, callback=self.showGroupsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showCollisionsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show pair collision', value=self.areCollisionsShown, callback=self.showCollisionsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showSidebearingsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show sidebearings', value=self.isSidebearingsActive, callback=self.showSidebearingsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showCorrectionCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show corrections amount', value=self.isCorrectionActive, callback=self.showCorrectionCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showColorsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show color bars', value=self.isColorsActive, callback=self.showColorsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showMetricsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show metrics', value=self.isMetricsActive, callback=self.showMetricsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.verticalLettersCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show vertical letters', value=self.areGroupsShown, callback=self.verticalLettersCheckCallback)
class GraphicsManager(Group): previousState = None def __init__(self, posSize, isSidebearingsActive, areGroupsShown, areCollisionsShown, isKerningDisplayActive, areVerticalLettersDrawn, isCorrectionActive, isMetricsActive, isColorsActive, callback): super(GraphicsManager, self).__init__(posSize) self.isKerningDisplayActive = isKerningDisplayActive self.areVerticalLettersDrawn = areVerticalLettersDrawn self.areGroupsShown = areGroupsShown self.areCollisionsShown = areCollisionsShown self.isSidebearingsActive = isSidebearingsActive self.isCorrectionActive = isCorrectionActive self.isMetricsActive = isMetricsActive self.isColorsActive = isColorsActive self.callback = callback self.ctrlWidth, self.ctrlHeight = posSize[2], posSize[3] jumping_Y = 0 self.ctrlCaption = TextBox((0, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth, vanillaControlsSize['TextBoxRegularHeight']), 'Display options:') jumping_Y = vanillaControlsSize['TextBoxRegularHeight'] + MARGIN_VER/2. indent = 16 self.showKerningCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show kerning', value=self.isKerningDisplayActive, callback=self.showKerningCheckCallback) self.showKerningHiddenButton = Button((0,self.ctrlHeight+40,0,0), 'hidden kerning button', callback=self.showKerningHiddenButtonCallback) # self.showKerningHiddenButton.bind('k', ['command']) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showGroupsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show groups', value=self.areGroupsShown, callback=self.showGroupsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showCollisionsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show pair collision', value=self.areCollisionsShown, callback=self.showCollisionsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showSidebearingsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show sidebearings', value=self.isSidebearingsActive, callback=self.showSidebearingsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showCorrectionCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show corrections amount', value=self.isCorrectionActive, callback=self.showCorrectionCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showColorsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show color bars', value=self.isColorsActive, callback=self.showColorsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.showMetricsCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show metrics', value=self.isMetricsActive, callback=self.showMetricsCheckCallback) jumping_Y += vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight'] self.verticalLettersCheck = CheckBox((indent, jumping_Y, self.ctrlWidth-indent, vanillaControlsSize['CheckBoxRegularHeight']), 'show vertical letters', value=self.areGroupsShown, callback=self.verticalLettersCheckCallback) def set(self, isKerningDisplayActive, areVerticalLettersDrawn, areGroupsShown, areCollisionsShown, isSidebearingsActive, isCorrectionActive, isMetricsActive, isColorsActive): # update attributes self.isKerningDisplayActive = isKerningDisplayActive self.areVerticalLettersDrawn = areVerticalLettersDrawn self.areGroupsShown = areGroupsShown self.areCollisionsShown = areCollisionsShown self.isSidebearingsActive = isSidebearingsActive self.isCorrectionActive = isCorrectionActive self.isMetricsActive = isMetricsActive self.isColorsActive = isColorsActive # aligning controls self.showKerningCheck.set(self.isKerningDisplayActive) self.showGroupsCheck.set(self.areGroupsShown) self.showCollisionsCheck.set(self.areCollisionsShown) self.showSidebearingsCheck.set(self.isSidebearingsActive) self.showCorrectionCheck.set(self.isCorrectionActive) self.showColorsCheck.set(self.isColorsActive) self.showMetricsCheck.set(self.isMetricsActive) self.verticalLettersCheck.set(self.areVerticalLettersDrawn) def get(self): return (self.isKerningDisplayActive, self.areVerticalLettersDrawn, self.areGroupsShown, self.areCollisionsShown, self.isSidebearingsActive, self.isCorrectionActive, self.isMetricsActive, self.isColorsActive) def switchControls(self, value): self.showKerningCheck.enable(value) self.showSidebearingsCheck.enable(value) self.showGroupsCheck.enable(value) self.showCorrectionCheck.enable(value) self.showMetricsCheck.enable(value) self.showColorsCheck.enable(value) self.showCollisionsCheck.enable(value) self.verticalLettersCheck.enable(value) def showKerningCheckCallback(self, sender): self.isKerningDisplayActive = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self) def showGroupsCheckCallback(self, sender): self.areGroupsShown = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self) def verticalLettersCheckCallback(self, sender): self.areVerticalLettersDrawn = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self) def showCollisionsCheckCallback(self, sender): self.areCollisionsShown = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self) def showKerningHiddenButtonCallback(self, sender): self.isKerningDisplayActive = not self.isKerningDisplayActive self.showKerningCheck.set(self.isKerningDisplayActive) self.callback(self) def showSidebearingsCheckCallback(self, sender): self.isSidebearingsActive = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self) def showCorrectionCheckCallback(self, sender): self.isCorrectionActive = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self) def showMetricsCheckCallback(self, sender): self.isMetricsActive = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self) def showColorsCheckCallback(self, sender): self.isColorsActive = bool(sender.get()) self.callback(self)
return data def show(self): def documentWindowToFront(self, sender=None): self.w.makeKey() def do(sender): controller = getController() controller.runCode() # runt je script opnieuw. def getController(): document = AppKit.NSDocumentController.sharedDocumentController().currentDocument() print document if not document: raise DrawBotError("There is no document open") controller = document.vanillaWindowController try: controller._variableController.buildUI(variables) except: controller._variableController = VariableController(variables, controller.runCode, document) return controller w = Window((978, 388, 400, 400), 'Test Vanilla in DrawBot') w.button = Button((10, 10, 150, 30), 'Do', callback=do) w.checkbox = CheckBox((10, 150, 150, 30), 'Check', callback=do)
class UpdatesTab(BaseTab, ThreadedObject): title = "Updates" image = "toolbarScriptReload" identifier = "updates" def setup(self): self.list = UpdateList((20, 20, -20, -60), editCallback=self.update_interface, refreshCallback=self.update_interface) self.updated_at_text = UpdatedTimeTextBox((120, -38, -20, 20), sizeStyle="small") self.update_button = UpdateButton((-160, -42, 140, 20), callback=self.in_thread.install_updates) self.refresh_button = Button((20, -42, 90, 20), "Refresh", callback=self.in_thread.update_list) if env.environment == 'production': self.update_interface() def activate(self): self.set_default_button(self.update_button) self.in_thread.update_list() @progress.each('installable') @progress.tick('repositoryWillDownload', 'Downloading {repository.repo}') @progress.tick('extensionWillInstall', 'Installing {}') def install_updates(self, sender=None): for extension in self.installable: extension.update() self.update_list(force=True) def update_list(self, force=False): if self.list.is_refreshing: return None try: self.update_progress = Overlay("Checking for updates...", (20, 20, -20, -60), opacity=0.6, offset=90) self.refresh_button.enable(False) self.list.refresh(force=force) self.enable() except UpdateList.ConnectionError: self.disable("Couldn't connect to the internet...") finally: del self.update_progress self.refresh_button.enable(True) def update_interface(self, sender=None): self.updated_at_text.update() self.update_button.update(len(self.list.selected)) def disable(self, *args, **kwargs): self.list.enable(False) super(UpdatesTab, self).disable(*args, **kwargs) def enable(self, *args, **kwargs): self.list.enable(True) super(UpdatesTab, self).enable(*args, **kwargs) @property def installable(self): return self.list.selected
class ApplicantList(Group): columns = [{ "title": "Name", "key": "name", "editable": False }, { "title": "Email Address", "key": "email_address", "editable": False }] def __init__(self, dimensions, applicant_roster, font_family_id, after_approve=None): super(ApplicantList, self).__init__(dimensions) _, _, width, height = self.getPosSize() self.applicant_roster = applicant_roster self.family_id = font_family_id self.after_approve = after_approve self.border = DashedRectangle((0, 0, width, height)) self.enable_registry_button = CenteredButton(width, height, 190, 24, "Create Application Form", callback=self.enable) self.label = TextBox((0, 0, -0, 22), "Applicants", sizeStyle="small") self.list = List((0, 23, 0, -34), [], columnDescriptions=self.columns) self.approve_applicant_button = Button((0, -24, 90, 24), "Approve", callback=self.approve_applicant) self.open_registration_page_button = Button( (-150, -20, 150, 17), "Open Application Form", callback=self.open_registration_page, sizeStyle="small") self.enabled = self.applicant_roster is not None def open_registration_page(self, *args):['url']) def approve_applicant(self, *args): selected_applicants = [self.list[i] for i in self.list.getSelection()] for applicant in selected_applicants: token = AppStorage("accessToken").retrieve() Ghostlines('v1', token=token).approve_applicant(applicant["id"]) self.after_approve() self.fetch() def enable(self, *args): token = AppStorage("accessToken").retrieve() response = Ghostlines('v1', token=token).enable_applicants_v1(self.family_id) json = response.json() if response.status_code == 201: self.applicant_roster = json self.enabled = True else: ErrorMessage("Could not enable applicants", json["errors"]).open() def fetch(self): if self.enabled: token = AppStorage("accessToken").retrieve() response = Ghostlines('v1', token=token).applicant_roster(self.family_id) self.applicant_roster = response.json() self.set(self.applicant_roster["applicants"]) def set(self, applicants): unapproved = [a for a in applicants if a["approved_at"] is None] self.list.set(unapproved) @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value): self._enabled = value value) value) return self.enabled
def __init__(self): u""" Initialize the window and open it. """ self.w = view = Window((AppC.WINDOW_WIDTH, AppC.WINDOW_HEIGHT), "Xierpa 3", closable=True, minSize=(200, 200), maxSize=(1600, 1000)) siteLabels = self.getSiteLabels() #y = len(siteLabels)*20 y = 10 bo = 25 # Button offset view.optionalSites = PopUpButton((10, y, 150, 24), siteLabels, sizeStyle='small', callback=self.selectSiteCallback) #view.optionalSites = RadioGroup((10, 10, 150, y), siteLabels, # callback=self.selectSiteCallback, sizeStyle='small') self.w.optionalSites.set(0) y = y + 32 view.openSite = Button((10, y, 150, 20), 'Open site', callback=self.openSiteCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += bo self.w.saveSite = Button((10, y, 150, 20), 'Save HTML+CSS', callback=self.saveSiteCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += bo view.openCss = Button((10, y, 150, 20), 'Open CSS', callback=self.openCssCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += bo #view.openSass = Button((10, y, 150, 20), 'Open SASS', callback=self.openSassCallback, sizeStyle='small') #y += bo view.openDocumentation = Button( (10, y, 150, 20), 'Documentation', callback=self.openDocumentationCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += bo view.openAsPhp = Button((10, y, 150, 20), 'Open as PHP', callback=self.openAsPhpCallback, sizeStyle='small') #view.makeSite = Button((10, y+95, 150, 20), 'Make site', callback=self.makeSiteCallback, sizeStyle='small') view.forceCss = CheckBox((180, 10, 150, 20), 'Force make CSS', sizeStyle='small', value=True) view.doIndent = CheckBox((180, 30, 150, 20), 'Build indents', sizeStyle='small', value=True) view.forceCopy = CheckBox((180, 50, 150, 20), 'Overwrite files', sizeStyle='small', value=True) view.isOnline = CheckBox((180, 70, 150, 20), 'Online', sizeStyle='small', value=True, callback=self.isOnlineCallback) view.console = EditText((10, -200, -10, -10), sizeStyle='small') # Path defaults y = 20 view.mampRootLabel = TextBox((300, y, 100, 20), 'MAMP folder', sizeStyle='small') view.mampRoot = EditText((400, y, -10, 20), self.C.PATH_MAMP, sizeStyle='small') y += bo view.exampleRootLabel = TextBox((300, y, 100, 20), 'Root folder', sizeStyle='small') view.exampleRoot = EditText((400, y, -10, 20), self.C.PATH_EXAMPLES, sizeStyle='small') # Scripting y += bo view.script = TextEditor((300, y, -10, -240)) view.runScript = Button((500, -230, 150, -210), 'Run script', callback=self.runScriptCallback, sizeStyle='small') view.script.set(self.EXAMPLE_SCRIPT)
def __init__(self): # Preferences self._drawing = getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_DRAW, True) self._fill = getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_FILL, True) self._stroke = getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_STROKE, True) self._points = getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_POINTS, True) self._fillColor = getExtensionDefaultColor(self.DEFAULTKEY_FILLCOLOR, self.FALLBACK_FILLCOLOR) self._strokeColor = getExtensionDefaultColor(self.DEFAULTKEY_STROKECOLOR, self.FALLBACK_STROKECOLOR) self._pointsColor = getExtensionDefaultColor(self.DEFAULTKEY_POINTSCOLOR, self.FALLBACK_POINTSCOLOR) self._alignment = getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_ALIGNMENT, 0) self._kerning = getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_KERNING, 1) self._floating = getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_FLOATING, 1) # User preferences self._onCurvePointsSize = getDefault("glyphViewOncurvePointsSize") # typo, should be: OnCurve self._offCurvePointsSize = getDefault("glyphViewOffCurvePointsSize") self._strokeWidth = getDefault("glyphViewStrokeWidth") w, h = 400, 195 x = y = 10 self.initAllFonts() self.w = FloatingWindow((w, h), "Overlay UFOs") self.w.draw = CheckBox((x, y, 95, 18), "Draw", callback=self.drawCallback, value=self._drawing, sizeStyle="small") x += 60 self.w.fill = CheckBox((x, y, 95, 18), "Fill", callback=self.fillCallback, value=self._fill, sizeStyle="small") x += 40 self.w.fillColor = ColorWell((x, y, 45, 20), callback=self.fillColorCallback, color=self._fillColor) x += 60 self.w.stroke = CheckBox((x, y, 95, 18), "Stroke", callback=self.strokeCallback, value=self._stroke, sizeStyle="small") x += 60 self.w.strokeColor = ColorWell((x, y, 45, 20), callback=self.strokeColorCallback, color=self._strokeColor) x += 60 self.w.points = CheckBox((x, y, 95, 18), "Points", callback=self.pointsCallback, value=self._points, sizeStyle="small") x += 60 self.w.pointsColor = ColorWell((x, y, 45, 20), callback=self.pointsColorCallback, color=self._pointsColor) x, y = 10, 40 self.w.alignText = TextBox((x, y, 250, 15), "Alignment:", sizeStyle="small") y += 18 self.w.alignment = RadioGroup((x, y, 80, 55), ['Left', 'Center', 'Right'], isVertical=True, callback=self.alignmentCallback, sizeStyle="small") self.w.alignment.set(self._alignment) y += 62 self.w.kerning = CheckBox((x, y, 100, 10), "Show kerning", callback=self.kerningCallback, value=self._kerning, sizeStyle="mini") y += 18 self.w.floating = CheckBox((x, y, 100, 10), "Floating Window", callback=self.floatingCallback, value=self._floating, sizeStyle="mini") y += 25 self.w.resetDefaults = Button((x, y, 85, 14), "Reset settings", callback=self.resetSettingsCallback, sizeStyle="mini") x, y = 110, 40 self.w.fontList = List((x, y, 240, 55), self.getFontItems(), columnDescriptions=self.getListDescriptor(), showColumnTitles=False, selectionCallback=None, doubleClickCallback=self.fontListCallback, allowsMultipleSelection=True, allowsEmptySelection=True, drawVerticalLines=False, drawHorizontalLines=True, drawFocusRing=False, rowHeight=16 ) y += 55 self.w.hiddenFontList = List((x, y, 240, 55), self.getHiddenFontItems(), columnDescriptions=self.getListDescriptor(), showColumnTitles=False, selectionCallback=None, doubleClickCallback=self.hiddenFontListCallback, allowsMultipleSelection=True, allowsEmptySelection=True, drawVerticalLines=False, drawHorizontalLines=True, drawFocusRing=False, rowHeight=16 ) self._selectionChanging = False self.w.fontList.setSelection([]) # unselect y += 65 self.w.contextLeft = EditText((x, y, 90, 20), callback=self.contextCallback, continuous=True, placeholder="Left", sizeStyle="small") self.w.contextCurrent = EditText((x+95, y, 50, 20), callback=self.contextCallback, continuous=True, placeholder="?", sizeStyle="small") self.w.contextRight = EditText((x+150, y, 90, 20), callback=self.contextCallback, continuous=True, placeholder="Right", sizeStyle="small") x, y = 360, 100 self.w.addFonts = Button((x, y, 30, 20), "+", callback=self.addHiddenFontsCallback, sizeStyle="regular") y += 25 self.w.removeFonts = Button((x, y, 30, 20), unichr(8722), callback=self.removeHiddenFontsCallback, sizeStyle="regular") # Observers addObserver(self, "fontDidOpen", "fontDidOpen") addObserver(self, "fontWillClose", "fontWillClose") # fontDidClose? addObserver(self, "draw", "drawInactive") addObserver(self, "draw", "draw") # Prepare and open window self.setWindowLevel() self.setUpBaseWindowBehavior()
def populateWindow(self): y = 10 x = 10 self.w.italicAngleLabel = TextBox((x, y + 4, 100, 22), 'Italic Angle', sizeStyle="small") x += 100 self.w.italicAngle = EditText((x, y, 40, 22), '', sizeStyle="small", callback=self.calcItalicCallback) y += 30 x = 10 self.w.crossHeightLabel = TextBox((x, y + 4, 95, 22), 'Cross Height', sizeStyle="small") x += 100 self.w.crossHeight = EditText((x, y, 40, 22), '', sizeStyle="small", callback=self.calcItalicCallback) x += 50 self.w.crossHeightSetUC = Button((x, y, 65, 22), 'Mid UC', sizeStyle="small", callback=self.calcItalicCallback) x += 75 self.w.crossHeightSetLC = Button((x, y, 65, 22), 'Mid LC', sizeStyle="small", callback=self.calcItalicCallback) y += 30 x = 10 self.w.italicSlantOffsetLabel = TextBox((x, y + 4, 100, 22), 'Italic Slant Offset', sizeStyle="small") x += 100 self.w.italicSlantOffset = EditText((x, y, 40, 22), '', sizeStyle="small", callback=self.calcItalicCallback) x += 60 y += 30 x = 10 self.w.refresh = Button((x, y, 140, 22), u'Values from Current', callback=self.refresh, sizeStyle="small") y += 30 self.w.fontSelection = RadioGroup((x, y, 120, 35), ['Current Font', 'All Fonts'], sizeStyle="small") self.w.fontSelection.set(0) x += 160 self.w.glyphSelection = RadioGroup( (x, y, 120, 55), ['Current Glyph', 'Selected Glyphs', 'All Glyphs'], sizeStyle="small") self.w.glyphSelection.set(0) y += 60 x = 10 self.w.setInFont = Button((x, y, 140, 22), 'Set Font Italic Values', sizeStyle="small", callback=self.setInFontCallback) x += 160 self.w.italicize = Button((x, y, 140, 22), 'Italicize Glyphs', sizeStyle="small", callback=self.italicizeCallback) y += 25 self.w.makeReferenceLayer = CheckBox( (x, y, 145, 22), 'Make Reference Layer', value=getExtensionDefault(self.DEFAULTKEY_REFERENCE, False), sizeStyle="small", callback=self.makeReferenceLayerCallback) x = 10 self.refresh() if self.getItalicAngle() == 0 and CurrentFont() is not None: self.setCrossHeight((CurrentFont().info.capHeight or 0) / 2)
def __init__(self, font): self.font = font self.recipients = FontRecipients(self.font) self.applicants = [] self.note_draft_storage = LibStorage(self.font.lib, "release_notes_draft") self.email_storage = LibStorage(self.font.lib, "designer_email_address") self.license_storage = LibStorage(self.font.lib, "license_filepath") self.window.banner_background = Background((0, -40, 0, 40), 1) self.window.upgrade_tip = TextBox( (15, -30, -15, 22), WhiteText( "Ghostlines is out of Beta. If you have an account, upgrade:")) self.window.upgrade_button = Button((-205, -31, 185, 22), "Migrate from Beta", callback=self.migrate, sizeStyle="small") self.window.background = Background((0, 0, -0, 235)) self.window.attribution = AttributionText((15, 15, -15, 22), font) self.window.send_button = CounterButton( (-215, 12, 200, 24), ("Send Release to All", "Send Release to {}"), callback=self.send) self.window.notes_field_label = TextBox((15, 52, -15, 22), WhiteText("Release Notes")) self.window.notes_field = NotesEditor( (15, 75, -15, 80), draft_storage=self.note_draft_storage) self.window.email_address_field_label = TextBox( (15, 170, 270, 22), WhiteText("Contact Email Included in Release")) self.window.email_address_field = EmailAddressField( (15, 193, 270, 22), storage=self.email_storage) self.window.license_field_label = TextBox((-285, 170, -15, 22), WhiteText("License")) self.window.license_field = FileUploadField( (-285, 193, -15, 22), storage=self.license_storage) self.window.recipients_label = TextBox((-285, 250, -15, 22), "Subscribers") self.window.recipients = List( (-285, 273, 270, -89), self.recipients, selectionCallback=self.update_send_button) self.window.recipients.setSelection([]) self.window.recipients_tip = TextBox((-200, -73, 185, 14), "cmd+click to select subset", alignment="right", sizeStyle="small") self.window.add_recipient_button = Button((-285, -79, 30, 24), "+", callback=self.add_recipient) self.window.remove_recipient_button = Button( (-246, -79, 30, 24), "-", callback=self.remove_recipient) self.window.applicants = ApplicantList( (15, 250, 270, 235), self.font, self.applicants, self.recipients, after_approve=self.add_approved_applicant) self.window.bind("became main", self.fetch_applicants) self.window.setDefaultButton(self.window.send_button)
def __init__(self, proofGroup): """ Initialize inspector with proofGroup data. proofGroup is a dictionary passed in by ProofDrawer(). """ self.proofGroup = proofGroup self.editedProofGroup = {} left = 10 row = 10 textboxWidth = 92 leftEditText = left + 95 pointSizes = ["6", "8", "10", "12", "14", "18",\ "21", "24", "36", "48", "60", "72"] self.w = FloatingWindow( (400, 275), "Edit Proof Group: %s" % self.proofGroup["name"]) self.w.groupName = TextBox((left, row + 2, textboxWidth, 20), "Group name:", alignment="right") self.w.groupNameEdit = EditText((leftEditText, row, -10, 22), self.proofGroup["name"]) row += 33 self.w.typeSize = TextBox((left, row + 2, textboxWidth, 20), "Type size (pt):", alignment="right") self.w.typeSizeEdit = ComboBox((leftEditText, row, 55, 22), pointSizes, continuous=True, callback=self._checkFloat) self.w.typeSizeEdit.set(self.proofGroup["typeSize"]) self.w.leading = TextBox((leftEditText + 80, row + 2, 60, 22), "Leading:") self.w.leadingEdit = ComboBox((leftEditText + 139, row, 55, 22), pointSizes, continuous=True, callback=self._checkFloat) self.w.leadingEdit.set(self.proofGroup["leading"]) row += 33 self.w.contents = TextBox((left, row, textboxWidth, 20), "Contents:", alignment="right") self.w.contentsEdit = TextEditor( (leftEditText, row, -10, 150), "\n".join(self.proofGroup["contents"])) self.w.contentsEdit.getNSTextView().setFont_(monoFont) row += 160 self.w.cancelButton = Button((leftEditText, row, 138, 20), "Cancel", callback=self.cancelCB) leftEditText += 147 self.w.okButton = Button((leftEditText, row, 138, 20), "OK", callback=self.okCB) self.w.setDefaultButton(self.w.okButton) self.w.bind("close", self._postCloseEvent)
def build_ui(self, useFloatingWindow=True): self.methods = { 0: "balance", 1: "free", 2: "hobby", } self.methodNames = [ "Balance", "Adjust:", "Hobby:", ] height = 108 width = 200 sliderX = 76 if useFloatingWindow: self.paletteView = FloatingWindow( posSize=(width, height), title="Curve EQ", minSize=(width, height + 16), maxSize=(1000, height + 16), ) else: self.paletteView = Window((width, height)) = Group((0, 0, width, height)) y = 8 = RadioGroup( (8, y, -8, -36), titles=self.methodNames, callback=self._changeMethod, sizeStyle="small", ) y += 22 = Slider( (sliderX, y, -8, 17), callback=self._changeCurvatureFree, minValue=0.5, maxValue=1.0, value=0.75, # Will be replaced by saved value sizeStyle="small", ) y += 25 = Slider( (sliderX, y, -8, 17), tickMarkCount=5, callback=self._changeTension, minValue=0.5, maxValue=1.0, sizeStyle="small", ) if useFloatingWindow: y = height - 32 = Button( (8, y, -8, 25), "Equalize Selected", callback=self._eqSelected, sizeStyle="small", )
def buildUI(self, api): u"""Build the app UI from the api-parameters, answered the publication self._doc.""" self.w.buildButton = Button((-100, -30, 90, 20), 'Build',
def __init__(self, font, document=None): self.font = font self.note_draft_storage = LibStorage(self.font.lib, "releaseNotesDraft") self.license_storage = LibStorage(self.font.lib, "licenseFilepath") self.family_id_storage = LibStorage(self.font.lib, "fontFamilyId") self.subscribers = self.font_family["subscribers"] if document is not None: self.window.assignToDocument(document) self.window.background = Background((301, -52, 299, 52), alpha=0.05) self.window.release_info = Group((315, 15, 270, -15)) self.window.release_info.font_name_label = TextBox((0, 0, -0, 22), "Font Name", sizeStyle="small") self.window.release_info.font_name = TextBox((0, 19, -0, 22), self.font_family["name"]) self.window.release_info.font_author_label = TextBox((0, 60, -0, 22), "Designer", sizeStyle="small") self.window.release_info.font_author = TextBox( (0, 79, -0, 22), self.font_family["designer_name"]) self.window.release_info.version_label = TextBox((0, 120, -0, 22), "Version Number", sizeStyle="small") self.window.release_info.version = TextBox((0, 139, -0, 22), self.font_version) self.window.release_info.notes_field_label = TextBox((0, 176, -0, 22), "Release Notes", sizeStyle="small") self.window.release_info.notes_field = NotesEditor( (0, 198, -0, 175), draft_storage=self.note_draft_storage) self.window.release_info.license_field_label = TextBox( (0, 393, -0, 22), "Attach License", sizeStyle="small") self.window.release_info.license_field = FileUploadField( (0, 410, -0, 22), storage=self.license_storage) self.window.release_info.send_button = CounterButton( (0, -24, -0, 24), ("Send Release to All", "Send Release to {}"), callback=self.send) self.window.release_subscriber_divider = VerticalLine((300, 0, 1, -0)) self.window.subscriber_info = Group((15, 15, 270, -15)) self.window.subscriber_info.subscribers_label = TextBox( (0, 0, -0, 22), "Subscribers", sizeStyle="small") self.window.subscriber_info.subscribers = List( (0, 22, -0, 205), self.subscribers, columnDescriptions=[{ "title": "Name", "key": "name", "editable": False }, { "title": "Email Address", "key": "email_address", "editable": False }], selectionCallback=self.update_send_button) self.window.subscriber_info.subscribers.setSelection([]) self.window.subscriber_info.subscribers_tip = TextBox( (0, 238, -0, 14), "cmd+click to select subset", alignment="right", sizeStyle="small") self.window.subscriber_info.show_subscriber_sheet_button = Button( (0, 233, 30, 24), "+", callback=self.show_subscriber_sheet) self.window.subscriber_info.remove_subscriber_button = Button( (40, 233, 30, 24), "-", callback=self.remove_subscriber) self.window.subscriber_info.applicants = \ ApplicantList((0, 280, 270, 210), self.font_family["applicant_roster"], self.family_id_storage.retrieve(), after_approve=self.refresh_subscribers) self.window.release_releases_divider = VerticalLine((600, 0, 1, -0)) self.window.releases_info = Group((615, 15, 270, -15)) self.window.releases_info.log_label = TextBox((0, 0, -0, 22), "Releases", sizeStyle="small") self.window.releases_info.log = \ ReleaseLog((0, 22, -0, -0), self.font_family["releases"][::-1], columnDescriptions=[ { "title": "Created", "key": "created_at", "editable": False }, { "title": "Version", "key": "version", "editable": False, "width": 50 }, { "title": "# subs.", "key": "subscriber_count", "editable": False, "width": 50 } ]) self.resize_window_for_releases() self.window.bind("became main", self.fetch_applicants)
script = 'fill(random(), random(), random())\nrect(10+random()*100, 10+random()*100, 200, 300)' newDrawing() namespace = DrawBotNamespace(_drawBotDrawingTool, _drawBotDrawingTool._magicVariables) _drawBotDrawingTool._addToNamespace(namespace) # Creates a new standard output, catching all print statements and tracebacks. stdout = StdOutput(output, outputView=outputWindow.outputView) stderr = StdOutput(output, isError=True, outputView=outputWindow.outputView) # Calls DrawBot's ScriptRunner with above parameters. ScriptRunner(script, None, namespace=namespace, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) _drawBotDrawingTool._drawInContext(context) pdfDocument = _drawBotDrawingTool.pdfImage() if __name__ == '__main__': w = Window((10, 10, 400, 200), 'Window') w.button = Button((20, 20, 100, 30), 'Hit', callback=hitCallback) outputWindow = Window((500, 10, 400, 300), minSize=(1, 1), closable=True) outputWindow.outputView = OutPutEditor((0, 0, -0, -0), readOnly=True)
class SliderGroup(Group): _callback = weakrefCallbackProperty() def __init__(self, width, sliderInfo, continuous=True, callback=None): super().__init__((0, 0, width, 0)) self._callback = callback self._continuous = continuous self._tags = [] self.setSliderInfo(sliderInfo) def _breakCycles(self): self._callback = None super()._breakCycles() def setSliderInfo(self, sliderInfo): savedState = self.get() # clear all subviews for attr, value in list(self.__dict__.items()): if isinstance(value, VanillaBaseObject): delattr(self, attr) margin = 10 y = margin self._tags = [] self._defaultValues = {} for tag, (label, minValue, defaultValue, maxValue) in sliderInfo.items(): self._tags.append(tag) self._defaultValues[tag] = defaultValue attrName = f"slider_{tag}" slider = SliderPlus((margin, y, -margin, 40), label, minValue, defaultValue, maxValue, continuous=self._continuous, callback=self._sliderChanged) setattr(self, attrName, slider) y += 50 self.resetAllButton = Button((10, y, 120, 25), "Reset all axes", self._resetAllButtonCallback) self.resetAllButton.enable(False) y += 35 posSize = (0, 0, self.getPosSize()[2], y) self.setPosSize(posSize) self._updateState(savedState) def _sliderChanged(self, sender): self.resetAllButton.enable(True) callCallback(self._callback, self) def _resetAllButtonCallback(self, sender): self.resetAllButton.enable(False) for tag in self._tags: attrName = f"slider_{tag}" slider = getattr(self, attrName) slider.set(self._defaultValues[tag]) callCallback(self._callback, self) def get(self): state = {} for tag in self._tags: attrName = f"slider_{tag}" slider = getattr(self, attrName) value = slider.get() if value is not None: if len(self._defaultValues[tag] ) != 1 or value not in self._defaultValues[tag]: state[tag] = value return state def _updateState(self, state): for tag, value in state.items(): attrName = f"slider_{tag}" slider = getattr(self, attrName, None) if slider is not None: slider.set(value) def set(self, state): if state: self.resetAllButton.enable(True) for tag in self._tags: attrName = f"slider_{tag}" slider = getattr(self, attrName) value = state.get(tag) if value is None: value = self._defaultValues[tag] slider.set(value)
def populateWindow(self): """ The UI """ self.fillColor = getExtensionDefault(DEFAULTKEY_FILLCOLOR, FALLBACK_FILLCOLOR) self.strokeColor = getExtensionDefault(DEFAULTKEY_STROKECOLOR, FALLBACK_STROKECOLOR) self.contextBefore = self.contextAfter = "" # Populating the view can only happen after the view is attached to the window, # or else the relative widths go wrong. self.w.add = Button((-40, 3, 30, 22), "+", callback=self.addCallback) self.w.reset = Button((-40, 30, 30, 22), chr(8634), callback=self.resetCallback) # Flag to see if the selection list click is in progress. We are resetting the selection # ourselves, using the list "buttons", but changing that selection will cause another # list update, that should be ignored. self._selectionChanging = False x = y = 4 self.w.fontList = List( (C2, y, 250, -65), self._getFontItems(), selectionCallback=self.fontListCallback, drawFocusRing=False, enableDelete=False, allowsMultipleSelection=False, allowsEmptySelection=True, drawHorizontalLines=True, showColumnTitles=False, columnDescriptions=self._getPathListDescriptor(), rowHeight=16, ) self.w.fill = CheckBox( (x, y, 60, 22), "Fill", sizeStyle=CONTROLS_SIZE_STYLE, value=True, callback=self.fillCallback, ) y += L - 3 self.w.stroke = CheckBox( (x, y, 60, 22), "Stroke", sizeStyle=CONTROLS_SIZE_STYLE, value=False, callback=self.strokeCallback, ) y += L defaultColor = getExtensionDefault(DEFAULTKEY_FILLCOLOR, FALLBACK_FILLCOLOR) self.w.color = ColorWell( (x, y, 60, 22), color=NSColor.colorWithCalibratedRed_green_blue_alpha_( *defaultColor), callback=self.colorCallback, ) y += LL + 5 self.w.alignText = TextBox((x, y, 90, 50), "Alignment", sizeStyle=CONTROLS_SIZE_STYLE) y += L self.w.align = RadioGroup( (x, y, 90, 50), ["Left", "Center", "Right"], isVertical=True, sizeStyle=CONTROLS_SIZE_STYLE, callback=self.alignCallback, ) self.w.align.set(0) self.w.viewCurrent = CheckBox( (C2, -60, 150, 22), "Always View Current", sizeStyle=CONTROLS_SIZE_STYLE, value=False, callback=self.viewCurrentCallback, ) self.w.contextBefore = GlyphNamesEditText( (C2, -30, 85, 20), callback=self.contextEditCallback, continuous=True, sizeStyle="small", placeholder="Left Context", ) self.w.contextBefore.title = "contextBefore" self.w.contextCurrent = GlyphNamesEditText( (C2 + 95, -30, 60, 20), callback=self.contextEditCallback, continuous=True, sizeStyle="small", ) self.w.contextCurrent.title = "contextCurrent" self.w.contextAfter = GlyphNamesEditText( (C2 + 165, -30, 85, 20), callback=self.contextEditCallback, continuous=True, sizeStyle="small", placeholder="Right Context", ) self.w.contextAfter.title = "contextAfter"
def __init__(self): padding = 10 lineHeight = 20 buttonHeight = 20 width = 123 height = lineHeight * 6 + buttonHeight * 4 + padding * 9 self.w = FloatingWindow((width, height), title='spacing') x = y = padding self.w.makeGroupButton = Button((x, y, -padding, buttonHeight), 'make group', callback=self.makeGroupCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += buttonHeight + padding self.w.side = RadioGroup((x, y, -padding, lineHeight), ['left', 'right'], isVertical=False, callback=self.updateViewsCallback, sizeStyle='small') self.w.side.set(0) y += lineHeight + padding self.w.copySpacingButton = Button((x, y, -padding, buttonHeight), 'copy margin', callback=self.copySpacingCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += buttonHeight + padding self.w.useBeam = CheckBox((x, y, -padding, lineHeight), 'use beam', callback=self.useBeamCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += lineHeight self.w.allLayers = CheckBox((x, y, -padding, lineHeight), 'all layers', callback=self.updateViewsCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += lineHeight + padding self.w.opacityLabel = TextBox((x, y, -padding, lineHeight), 'opacity:', sizeStyle='small') y += lineHeight self.w.opacity = Slider((x, y, -padding, lineHeight), value=0.4, minValue=0.0, maxValue=0.9, callback=self.updateViewsCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += lineHeight + padding self.w.exportButton = Button((x, y, -padding, buttonHeight), 'export…', callback=self.exportCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += buttonHeight + padding self.w.importButton = Button((x, y, -padding, buttonHeight), 'import…', callback=self.importCallback, sizeStyle='small') y += buttonHeight + padding self.w.verbose = CheckBox((x, y, -padding, lineHeight), 'verbose', value=True, sizeStyle='small') self.setUpBaseWindowBehavior() addObserver(self, "drawGlyphsInGroup", "spaceCenterDraw") self.w.getNSWindow().setTitlebarAppearsTransparent_(True)