def save_file(text, parameters, file_name, is_4a5=False): framed_text = varexercise.frame( text, **parameters ) output_tex_files.append(file_name, is_4a5) if options.verbose > 0: message(_('I\'ve opened the file "%s".\n') % file_name) with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.writelines(framed_text)
def main(): """It is the main program.""" if '-help' in sys.argv: print("Use --help, please.") return get_options() if if lang == 'hu': print(hu_help) else: print(__doc__) return message(_('''Have a good work.''')) make_testpapers()
def translate(file): """It makes the given translations. Returns with the names of the generated files. """ change_format_4a5 = _('I changed the format ' 'to %s because of the pagestyles 4a5!') new_files = [] filename = file0 = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] if page == '4a5': if make.format == 'pdflatex': make.format = "pdf" message(change_format_4a5 % "pdf") if make.format == 'dvi': make.format = "ps" message(change_format_4a5 % "ps") if make.format in ['dvi', 'ps', 'pdf']: os.system('latex %s' % filename) new_files.append("%s.dvi" % file0) if make.format in ['ps', 'pdf']: os.system('dvips %s.dvi -o' % file0) new_files.append("" % file0) if make.format in ['pdflatex']: os.system('pdflatex %s' % filename) new_files.append("%s.pdf" % file0) if page == '4a5' and file.is_4a5: os.system('./4a5' % file0) new_files.append("" % file0) os.system('rm' % file0) new_files.remove("" % file0) if make.format == 'pdf': if page == '4a5' and file.is_4a5: os.system('ps2pdf' % file0) new_files.append("%s_4a5.pdf" % file0) else: os.system('ps2pdf' % file0) new_files.append("%s.pdf" % file0) return new_files
def make_testpapers(solution_file=True): books = BookShelf(files.input) codes = get_ordered_codes(exercise_numbers) number_of_variations = variations.num assert isinstance(number_of_variations, int) and number_of_variations >= 0 global exercise_numbers try: variation = varexercise.Variations( exercise_numbers, files.input, number_of_variations ) except CodeNotFoundError: message(_("Not all the exercise codes exists on the books " "that was listed in the test paper.")) return base_name, extension = os.path.splitext(files.output) pagesize, solution_pagesize, list_pagesize = get_pagesize(page) shared_parameters = dict( preamble_file="magyarpreambulum", rhead=header_footer.inst, lfoot=header_footer.course,, definitions=books.definitions(codes) ) solution_text = text = solution_text if number_of_variations == 0 else variation.all() parameters = shared_parameters.copy() parameters.update( doc_type='testpaper', pagesize=pagesize, fontsize=fontsize, lhead=header_footer.title, cfoot=None, ) file_name = "%s.tex" % base_name save_file(text, parameters, file_name, page == '4a5') if solution_file: parameters = shared_parameters.copy() parameters.update( doc_type='plain', pagesize=solution_pagesize, fontsize=fontsize, lhead=header_footer.title + " Megoldás", cfoot='\\thepage', ) file_name = "%s_megold.tex" % base_name save_file(solution_text, parameters, file_name) if not number_of_variations == 0: text = variation.list() if not text: raise ValueError('no variations in TeX source.') else: parameters = shared_parameters.copy() parameters.update( doc_type='plain', fontsize=10, pagesize=list_pagesize, lhead=header_footer.title, cfoot='\\thepage', ) file_name = "%s_list.tex" % base_name save_file(text, parameters, file_name) wrote_files_message = _('I wrote the files:\n %s\n') message(wrote_files_message % output_tex_files) other_output_files = OutputFiles() # Non-tex files. if make.format == '0': make.format = 0 if output_tex_files.list and make.format: message(_('I will translate the files. It will take a while.\n')) for file in output_tex_files.list: new_files = translate(file) other_output_files.extend(new_files) print('\n') message(wrote_files_message % ("%s%s" % (output_tex_files, other_output_files)))
def test_exercise_numbers(): """ It writes the intervals and the not uniq numbers. """ int_codelist = [x for x in books.codelist if isinstance(x, int)] message(_('1. The next files are in this group:')) for file in files.input: print("\t%s" % file) message(_('\n2. Intervals of exercise codes' '(pl. 12..14 means: 12, 13, 14):')) integerlist.print_intervals(int_codelist) message(_('\n3. Not uniq exercise codes I found:')) num = integerlist.print_not_uniq( int_codelist, _('%d times is the code %d!')) if num == 0: message(_('None.')) # If there are bad arguments (which is not integer) # writes them. message(_('\n4. Bad arguments:')) bad_list = books.exercises_with_bad_arguments() if len(bad_list) > 0: for file_name, row, code in bad_list: raise BadCodeException(file_name, row, code) else: message(_('None.')) print()