def read_metadata(filename): try: m = VarietyMetadata(filename) info = {} for k in [ "sourceName", "sourceLocation", "sourceURL", "sourceType", "imageURL", "author", "authorURL" ]: if "Xmp.variety." + k in m: info[k] = _u(m["Xmp.variety." + k]) try: info['sfwRating'] = int(m['Xmp.variety.sfwRating']) except: pass try: info['author'] = _u(m['Xmp.dc.creator'][0]) except: pass try: info['headline'] = _u(m['Iptc.Application2.Headline'][0]) except: pass try: info['description'] = _u(m.get_comment()) except: pass try: info['extraData'] = json.loads(m['Xmp.variety.extraData']) except: pass try: info['keywords'] = map(_u, m['Iptc.Application2.Keywords']) except: try: info['keywords'] = map(_u, m['Xmp.dc.subject']) except: pass return info except Exception, e: # could not read metadata inside file, try reading json metadata instead try: with + '.metadata.json', encoding='utf8') as f: return json.loads( except Exception: return None
def read_metadata(filename): try: m = VarietyMetadata(filename) info = {} for k in ["sourceName", "sourceLocation", "sourceURL", "sourceType", "imageURL", "author", "authorURL"]: if "Xmp.variety." + k in m: info[k] = _u(m["Xmp.variety." + k]) try: info['sfwRating'] = int(m['Xmp.variety.sfwRating']) except: pass try: info['author'] = _u(m['Xmp.dc.creator'][0]) except: pass try: info['headline'] = _u(m['Iptc.Application2.Headline'][0]) except: pass try: info['description'] = _u(m.get_comment()) except: pass try: info['extraData'] = json.loads(m['Xmp.variety.extraData']) except: pass try: info['keywords'] = map(_u, m['Iptc.Application2.Keywords']) except: try: info['keywords'] = map(_u, m['Xmp.dc.subject']) except: pass return info except Exception, e: # could not read metadata inside file, try reading json metadata instead try: with + '.metadata.json', encoding='utf8') as f: return json.loads( except Exception: return None
def browse(self, widget=None): try: self.chooser = Gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Choose a folder"), parent=self.button.get_toplevel(), action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER, buttons=[ _("Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, _("OK"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK ]) self.chooser.set_filename(self.folder) self.chooser.set_select_multiple(False) self.chooser.set_local_only(False) if == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: self.set_folder(_u(self.chooser.get_filename())) try: if self.on_change: self.on_change() except Exception: logger.exception( lambda: "Exception during FolderChooser on_change:") finally: if self.chooser: try: self.chooser.destroy() self.chooser = None except Exception: logger.exception( lambda: "Exception during FolderChooser destroying:")
def on_click(self, thumbs_window, file, widget, event): file = _u(file) def _resume_scrolling(menu=None): thumbs_window.resume_scrolling() thumbs_window.pause_scrolling() if event.button == 1: if self.is_showing("history"): index = [info["eventbox"] for info in thumbs_window.all].index(widget) self.parent.move_to_history_position(index) else: self.parent.set_wallpaper(file) _resume_scrolling() else: menu = self.create_menu(file) def _compute_position(*args, **kwargs): x, y = event.get_root_coords()[0], event.get_root_coords()[1] h = menu.get_preferred_height()[1] return x, y - h if y - h >= 40 else y, True menu.connect("deactivate", _resume_scrolling) menu.popup(None, None, _compute_position, None, 0, event.time)
def on_click(self, thumbs_window, file, widget, event): file = _u(file) def _resume_scrolling(menu=None): thumbs_window.resume_scrolling() thumbs_window.pause_scrolling() if event.button == 1: if self.is_showing("history"): index = [info["eventbox"] for info in thumbs_window.all].index(widget) self.parent.move_to_history_position(index) else: self.parent.set_wallpaper(file) _resume_scrolling() else: menu = self.create_menu(file) def _compute_position(a, b, event=event): x, y = event.get_root_coords()[0], event.get_root_coords()[1] h = menu.get_preferred_height()[1] return x, y - h if y - h >= 40 else y, True menu.connect("deactivate", _resume_scrolling) menu.popup(None, None, _compute_position, None, 0, event.time)
def browse(self, widget=None): try: self.chooser = Gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Choose a folder"), parent=self.button.get_toplevel(), action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER, buttons=[_("Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, _("OK"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK]) self.chooser.set_filename(self.folder) self.chooser.set_select_multiple(False) self.chooser.set_local_only(False) if == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: self.set_folder(_u(self.chooser.get_filename())) try: if self.on_change: self.on_change() except Exception: logger.exception(lambda: "Exception during FolderChooser on_change:") finally: if self.chooser: try: self.chooser.destroy() self.chooser = None except Exception: logger.exception(lambda: "Exception during FolderChooser destroying:")
def gtk_to_fcmatch_font(gtk_font_name): fd = Pango.FontDescription(gtk_font_name) family = _u(fd.get_family()) size = gtk_font_name[gtk_font_name.rindex(' '):].strip() rest = gtk_font_name.replace(family, '').strip().replace(' ', ':') return family + ":" + rest, size