def decompose(self): """Decomposes the matrix into a rotation and scaling part. Returns a tuple (rotation, scaling). The scaling part is given as a vec3, the rotation is still a mat3. """ try: dummy = self.ortho() except ZeroDivisionError: return (mat3(1.0), _vec3(0)) x = dummy.getColumn(0) y = dummy.getColumn(1) z = dummy.getColumn(2) xl = x.length() yl = y.length() zl = z.length() scale = _vec3(xl, yl, zl) x /= xl y /= yl z /= zl dummy.setColumn(0, x) dummy.setColumn(1, y) dummy.setColumn(2, z) if dummy.determinant() < 0.0: dummy.setColumn(0, -x) scale.x = -scale.x return (dummy, scale)
def decompose(self): """Decomposes the matrix into a translation, rotation and scaling part. Returns a tuple (translation, rotation, scaling). The translation and scaling parts are given as vec3's, the rotation is still given as a mat4. """ dummy = self.ortho() dummy.setRow(3, _vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) x = dummy.getColumn(0) y = dummy.getColumn(1) z = dummy.getColumn(2) xl = x.length() yl = y.length() zl = z.length() scale = _vec3(xl, yl, zl) x /= xl y /= yl z /= zl dummy.setColumn(0, x) dummy.setColumn(1, y) dummy.setColumn(2, z) if dummy.determinant() < 0.0: dummy.setColumn(0, -x) scale.x = -scale.x return (_vec3(self.mlist[3], self.mlist[7], self.mlist[11]), dummy, scale)
def lookAt(pos, target, up=_vec3(0, 0, 1)): """Look from pos to target. The resulting transformation moves the origin to pos and rotates so that the z-axis points to target. The y-axis is as close as possible to the up vector. """ pos = _vec3(pos) target = _vec3(target) up = _vec3(up) dir = (target - pos).normalize() up = up.normalize() up -= (up * dir) * dir try: up = up.normalize() except: # We're looking along the up direction, so choose # an arbitrary direction that is perpendicular to dir # as new up. up = dir.ortho() right = up.cross(dir).normalize() return mat4(right.x, up.x, dir.x, pos.x, right.y, up.y, dir.y, pos.y, right.z, up.z, dir.z, pos.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
def rotateVec(self, v): """Return the rotated vector v. The quaternion must be a unit quaternion. This operation is equivalent to turning v into a quat, computing self*v*self.conjugate() and turning the result back into a vec3. """ v = _vec3(v) ww = self.w * self.w xx = self.x * self.x yy = self.y * self.y zz = self.z * self.z wx = self.w * self.x wy = self.w * self.y wz = self.w * self.z xy = self.x * self.y xz = self.x * self.z yz = self.y * self.z return _vec3( ww * v.x + xx * v.x - yy * v.x - zz * v.x + 2 * ((xy - wz) * v.y + (xz + wy) * v.z), ww * v.y - xx * v.y + yy * v.y - zz * v.y + 2 * ((xy + wz) * v.x + (yz - wx) * v.z), ww * v.z - xx * v.z - yy * v.z + zz * v.z + 2 * ((xz - wy) * v.x + (yz + wx) * v.y))
def lookAt(pos, target, up=_vec3(0,0,1)): """Look from pos to target. The resulting transformation moves the origin to pos and rotates so that the z-axis points to target. The y-axis is as close as possible to the up vector. """ pos = _vec3(pos) target = _vec3(target) up = _vec3(up) dir = (target - pos).normalize() up = up.normalize() up -= (up * dir) * dir try: up = up.normalize() except: # We're looking along the up direction, so choose # an arbitrary direction that is perpendicular to dir # as new up. up = dir.ortho() right = up.cross(dir).normalize() return mat4(right.x, up.x, dir.x, pos.x, right.y, up.y, dir.y, pos.y, right.z, up.z, dir.z, pos.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
def rotateVec(self, v): """Return the rotated vector v. The quaternion must be a unit quaternion. This operation is equivalent to turning v into a quat, computing self*v*self.conjugate() and turning the result back into a vec3. """ u = _vec3(v[:3]) ww = self.w*self.w xx = self.x*self.x yy = self.y*self.y zz = self.z*self.z wx = self.w*self.x wy = self.w*self.y wz = self.w*self.z xy = self.x*self.y xz = self.x*self.z yz = self.y*self.z u = (ww*u.x + xx*u.x - yy*u.x - zz*u.x + 2*((xy-wz)*u.y + (xz+wy)*u.z), ww*u.y - xx*u.y + yy*u.y - zz*u.y + 2*((xy+wz)*u.x + (yz-wx)*u.z), ww*u.z - xx*u.z - yy*u.z + zz*u.z + 2*((xz-wy)*u.x + (yz+wx)*u.y)) if isinstance(v, _vec4): return _vec4(u) return _vec3(u)
def decompose(self): """Decomposes the matrix into a translation, rotation and scaling part. Returns a tuple (translation, rotation, scaling). The translation and scaling parts are given as vec3's, the rotation is still given as a mat4. """ dummy = self.ortho() dummy.setRow(3,_vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) dummy.setColumn(3,_vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) x = dummy.getColumn(0) y = dummy.getColumn(1) z = dummy.getColumn(2) xl = x.length() yl = y.length() zl = z.length() scale = _vec3(xl,yl,zl) x/=xl y/=yl z/=zl dummy.setColumn(0,x) dummy.setColumn(1,y) dummy.setColumn(2,z) if dummy.determinant()<0.0: dummy.setColumn(0,-x) scale.x=-scale.x return (_vec3(self.mlist[3], self.mlist[7], self.mlist[11]), dummy, scale)
def ortho(self): """Return a matrix with orthogonal base vectors. Makes the x-, y- and z-axis orthogonal. The fourth column and row remain untouched. """ m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44 = self.mlist x = _vec3(m11, m21, m31) y = _vec3(m12, m22, m32) z = _vec3(m13, m23, m33) xl = x.length() xl*=xl y = y - ((x*y)/xl)*x z = z - ((x*z)/xl)*x yl = y.length() yl*=yl z = z - ((y*z)/yl)*y return mat4( x.x, y.x, z.x, m14, x.y, y.y, z.y, m24, x.z, y.z, z.z, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44)
def decompose(self): """Decomposes the matrix into a rotation and scaling part. Returns a tuple (rotation, scaling). The scaling part is given as a vec3, the rotation is still a mat3. """ try: dummy = self.ortho() except ZeroDivisionError: return (mat3(1.0), _vec3(0)) x = dummy.getColumn(0) y = dummy.getColumn(1) z = dummy.getColumn(2) xl = x.length() yl = y.length() zl = z.length() scale = _vec3(xl,yl,zl) x/=xl y/=yl z/=zl dummy.setColumn(0,x) dummy.setColumn(1,y) dummy.setColumn(2,z) if dummy.determinant()<0.0: dummy.setColumn(0,-x) scale.x=-scale.x return (dummy, scale)
def getColumn(self, idx): """Return a column (as vec3).""" if idx==0: return _vec3(self.mlist[0], self.mlist[3], self.mlist[6]) elif idx==1: return _vec3(self.mlist[1], self.mlist[4], self.mlist[7]) elif idx==2: return _vec3(self.mlist[2], self.mlist[5], self.mlist[8]) else: raise IndexError,"index out of range"
def getColumn(self, idx): """Return a column (as vec3).""" if idx == 0: return _vec3(self.mlist[0], self.mlist[3], self.mlist[6]) elif idx == 1: return _vec3(self.mlist[1], self.mlist[4], self.mlist[7]) elif idx == 2: return _vec3(self.mlist[2], self.mlist[5], self.mlist[8]) else: raise IndexError, "index out of range"
def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a column or an individual element.""" if key==0: return _vec3(self.mlist[0],self.mlist[3],self.mlist[6]) elif key==1: return _vec3(self.mlist[1],self.mlist[4],self.mlist[7]) elif key==2: return _vec3(self.mlist[2],self.mlist[5],self.mlist[8]) elif type(key)==types.TupleType: i,j=key if i<0 or i>2 or j<0 or j>2: raise IndexError, "index out of range" return self.mlist[i*3+j] else: raise IndexError,"index out of range"
def getRow(self, index): """Return a row (as vec3).""" if type(index)==int: if index==0: return _vec3(self.mlist[0], self.mlist[1], self.mlist[2]) elif index==1: return _vec3(self.mlist[3], self.mlist[4], self.mlist[5]) elif index==2: return _vec3(self.mlist[6], self.mlist[7], self.mlist[8]) else: raise IndexError,"index out of range" else: raise TypeError,"index must be an integer"
def getColumn(self, index): """Return a column (as vec3).""" if type(index)==int: if index==0: return _vec3(self.mlist[0], self.mlist[3], self.mlist[6]) elif index==1: return _vec3(self.mlist[1], self.mlist[4], self.mlist[7]) elif index==2: return _vec3(self.mlist[2], self.mlist[5], self.mlist[8]) else: raise IndexError("index out of range") else: raise TypeError("index must be an integer")
def getRow(self, index): """Return a row (as vec3).""" if type(index) == int: if index == 0: return _vec3(self.mlist[0], self.mlist[1], self.mlist[2]) elif index == 1: return _vec3(self.mlist[3], self.mlist[4], self.mlist[5]) elif index == 2: return _vec3(self.mlist[6], self.mlist[7], self.mlist[8]) else: raise IndexError, "index out of range" else: raise TypeError, "index must be an integer"
def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a column or an individual element.""" if key == 0: return _vec3(self.mlist[0], self.mlist[3], self.mlist[6]) elif key == 1: return _vec3(self.mlist[1], self.mlist[4], self.mlist[7]) elif key == 2: return _vec3(self.mlist[2], self.mlist[5], self.mlist[8]) elif type(key) == types.TupleType: i, j = key if i < 0 or i > 2 or j < 0 or j > 2: raise IndexError, "index out of range" return self.mlist[i * 3 + j] else: raise IndexError, "index out of range"
def rotation(angle, axis): """Return rotation matrix. angle must be given in radians. axis should be of type vec3. """ axis = _vec3(axis) sqr_a = axis.x * axis.x sqr_b = axis.y * axis.y sqr_c = axis.z * axis.z len2 = sqr_a + sqr_b + sqr_c k2 = math.cos(angle) k1 = (1.0 - k2) / len2 k3 = math.sin(angle) / math.sqrt(len2) k1ab = k1 * axis.x * axis.y k1ac = k1 * axis.x * axis.z k1bc = k1 * axis.y * axis.z k3a = k3 * axis.x k3b = k3 * axis.y k3c = k3 * axis.z return mat4(k1 * sqr_a + k2, k1ab - k3c, k1ac + k3b, 0.0, k1ab + k3c, k1 * sqr_b + k2, k1bc - k3a, 0.0, k1ac - k3b, k1bc + k3a, k1 * sqr_c + k2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
def __mul__(self, other): T = type(other) # mat3*scalar if T == types.FloatType or T == types.IntType or T == types.LongType: return mat3(map(lambda x, other=other: x * other, self.mlist)) # mat3*vec3 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 = self.mlist return _vec3(m11 * other.x + m12 * other.y + m13 * other.z, m21 * other.x + m22 * other.y + m23 * other.z, m31 * other.x + m32 * other.y + m33 * other.z) # mat3*mat3 if isinstance(other, mat3): m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 = self.mlist n11, n12, n13, n21, n22, n23, n31, n32, n33 = other.mlist return mat3(m11 * n11 + m12 * n21 + m13 * n31, m11 * n12 + m12 * n22 + m13 * n32, m11 * n13 + m12 * n23 + m13 * n33, m21 * n11 + m22 * n21 + m23 * n31, m21 * n12 + m22 * n22 + m23 * n32, m21 * n13 + m22 * n23 + m23 * n33, m31 * n11 + m32 * n21 + m33 * n31, m31 * n12 + m32 * n22 + m33 * n32, m31 * n13 + m32 * n23 + m33 * n33) # unsupported else: raise TypeError, "unsupported operand type for *"
def __rmul__(self, other): T = type(other) # scalar*mat4 if T==types.FloatType or T==types.IntType or T==types.LongType: return mat4(map(lambda x,other=other: other*x, self.mlist)) # vec4*mat4 if isinstance(other, _vec4): m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44 = self.mlist return _vec4(other.x*m11 + other.y*m21 + other.z*m31 + other.w*m41, other.x*m12 + other.y*m22 + other.z*m32 + other.w*m42, other.x*m13 + other.y*m23 + other.z*m33 + other.w*m43, other.x*m14 + other.y*m24 + other.z*m34 + other.w*m44) # vec3*mat4 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44 = self.mlist w = float(other.x*m14 + other.y*m24 + other.z*m34 + m44) return _vec3(other.x*m11 + other.y*m21 + other.z*m31 + m41, other.x*m12 + other.y*m22 + other.z*m32 + m42, other.x*m13 + other.y*m23 + other.z*m33 + m43)/w # mat4*mat4 if isinstance(other, mat4): return self.__mul__(other) # unsupported else: raise TypeError("unsupported operand type for *")
def __rmul__(self, other): T = type(other) # scalar*mat4 if T == types.FloatType or T == types.IntType or T == types.LongType: return mat4(map(lambda x, other=other: other * x, self.mlist)) # vec4*mat4 if isinstance(other, _vec4): m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44 = self.mlist return _vec4( other.x * m11 + other.y * m21 + other.z * m31 + other.w * m41, other.x * m12 + other.y * m22 + other.z * m32 + other.w * m42, other.x * m13 + other.y * m23 + other.z * m33 + other.w * m43, other.x * m14 + other.y * m24 + other.z * m34 + other.w * m44) # vec3*mat4 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44 = self.mlist w = float(other.x * m14 + other.y * m24 + other.z * m34 + m44) return _vec3( other.x * m11 + other.y * m21 + other.z * m31 + m41, other.x * m12 + other.y * m22 + other.z * m32 + m42, other.x * m13 + other.y * m23 + other.z * m33 + m43) / w # mat4*mat4 if isinstance(other, mat4): return self.__mul__(other) # unsupported else: raise TypeError, "unsupported operand type for *"
def rotation(angle, axis): """Return rotation matrix. angle must be given in radians. axis should be of type vec3. """ axis = _vec3(axis) sqr_a = axis.x*axis.x sqr_b = axis.y*axis.y sqr_c = axis.z*axis.z len2 = sqr_a+sqr_b+sqr_c k2 = math.cos(angle) k1 = (1.0-k2)/len2 k3 = math.sin(angle)/math.sqrt(len2) k1ab = k1*axis.x*axis.y k1ac = k1*axis.x*axis.z k1bc = k1*axis.y*axis.z k3a = k3*axis.x k3b = k3*axis.y k3c = k3*axis.z return mat4( k1*sqr_a+k2, k1ab-k3c, k1ac+k3b, 0.0, k1ab+k3c, k1*sqr_b+k2, k1bc-k3a, 0.0, k1ac-k3b, k1bc+k3a, k1*sqr_c+k2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
def __mul__(self, other): T = type(other) # mat3*scalar if T==types.FloatType or T==types.IntType or T==types.LongType: return mat3(map(lambda x,other=other: x*other, self.mlist)) # mat3*vec3 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33 = self.mlist return _vec3(m11*other.x + m12*other.y + m13*other.z, m21*other.x + m22*other.y + m23*other.z, m31*other.x + m32*other.y + m33*other.z) # mat3*mat3 if isinstance(other, mat3): m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33 = self.mlist n11,n12,n13,n21,n22,n23,n31,n32,n33 = other.mlist return mat3( m11*n11+m12*n21+m13*n31, m11*n12+m12*n22+m13*n32, m11*n13+m12*n23+m13*n33, m21*n11+m22*n21+m23*n31, m21*n12+m22*n22+m23*n32, m21*n13+m22*n23+m23*n33, m31*n11+m32*n21+m33*n31, m31*n12+m32*n22+m33*n32, m31*n13+m32*n23+m33*n33) # unsupported else: raise TypeError, "unsupported operand type for *"
def ortho(self): """Return a matrix with orthogonal base vectors. """ m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 = self.mlist x = _vec3(m11, m21, m31) y = _vec3(m12, m22, m32) z = _vec3(m13, m23, m33) xl = x.length() xl *= xl y = y - ((x * y) / xl) * x z = z - ((x * z) / xl) * x yl = y.length() yl *= yl z = z - ((y * z) / yl) * y return mat3(x.x, y.x, z.x, x.y, y.y, z.y, x.z, y.z, z.z)
def ortho(self): """Return a matrix with orthogonal base vectors. """ m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33 = self.mlist x = _vec3(m11, m21, m31) y = _vec3(m12, m22, m32) z = _vec3(m13, m23, m33) xl = x.length() xl*=xl y = y - ((x*y)/xl)*x z = z - ((x*z)/xl)*x yl = y.length() yl*=yl z = z - ((y*z)/yl)*y return mat3( x.x, y.x, z.x, x.y, y.y, z.y, x.z, y.z, z.z)
def toAngleAxis(self): """Return angle (in radians) and rotation axis. >>> q=quat(0.9, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3) >>> angle, axis = q.toAngleAxis() >>> print round(angle,4) 1.2011 >>> print axis (0.8111, 0.3244, 0.4867) """ nself = self.normalize() # Clamp nself.w (since the quat has to be normalized it should # be between -1 and 1 anyway, but it might be slightly off due # to numerical inaccuracies) w = max(min(nself.w,1.0),-1.0) w = math.acos(w) s = math.sin(w) if s<1E-12: return (0.0, _vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)) return (2.0*w, _vec3(nself.x/s, nself.y/s, nself.z/s))
def toAngleAxis(self): """Return angle (in radians) and rotation axis. >>> q=quat(0.9, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3) >>> angle, axis = q.toAngleAxis() >>> print round(angle,4) 1.2011 >>> print axis (0.8111, 0.3244, 0.4867) """ nself = self.normalize() # Clamp nself.w (since the quat has to be normalized it should # be between -1 and 1 anyway, but it might be slightly off due # to numerical inaccuracies) w = max(min(nself.w, 1.0), -1.0) w = math.acos(w) s = math.sin(w) if s < 1E-12: return (0.0, _vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) return (2.0 * w, _vec3(nself.x / s, nself.y / s, nself.z / s))
def ortho(self): """Return a matrix with orthogonal base vectors. Makes the x-, y- and z-axis orthogonal. The fourth column and row remain untouched. """ m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44 = self.mlist x = _vec3(m11, m21, m31) y = _vec3(m12, m22, m32) z = _vec3(m13, m23, m33) xl = x.length() xl *= xl y = y - ((x * y) / xl) * x z = z - ((x * z) / xl) * x yl = y.length() yl *= yl z = z - ((y * z) / yl) * y return mat4(x.x, y.x, z.x, m14, x.y, y.y, z.y, m24, x.z, y.z, z.z, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44)
def __rmul__(self, other): T = type(other) # scalar*mat3 if T==types.FloatType or T==types.IntType or T==types.LongType: return mat3(map(lambda x,other=other: other*x, self.mlist)) # vec3*mat3 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33 = self.mlist return _vec3(other.x*m11 + other.y*m21 + other.z*m31, other.x*m12 + other.y*m22 + other.z*m32, other.x*m13 + other.y*m23 + other.z*m33) # mat3*mat3 if isinstance(other, mat3): return self.__mul__(other) # unsupported else: raise TypeError, "unsupported operand type for *"
def __rmul__(self, other): T = type(other) # scalar*mat3 if T == types.FloatType or T == types.IntType or T == types.LongType: return mat3(map(lambda x, other=other: other * x, self.mlist)) # vec3*mat3 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 = self.mlist return _vec3(other.x * m11 + other.y * m21 + other.z * m31, other.x * m12 + other.y * m22 + other.z * m32, other.x * m13 + other.y * m23 + other.z * m33) # mat3*mat3 if isinstance(other, mat3): return self.__mul__(other) # unsupported else: raise TypeError, "unsupported operand type for *"
def rotation(angle, axis): """Return a rotation matrix.""" axis = _vec3(axis) sqr_a = axis.x*axis.x sqr_b = axis.y*axis.y sqr_c = axis.z*axis.z len2 = sqr_a+sqr_b+sqr_c k2 = math.cos(angle) k1 = (1.0-k2)/len2 k3 = math.sin(angle)/math.sqrt(len2) k1ab = k1*axis.x*axis.y k1ac = k1*axis.x*axis.z k1bc = k1*axis.y*axis.z k3a = k3*axis.x k3b = k3*axis.y k3c = k3*axis.z return mat3( k1*sqr_a+k2, k1ab-k3c, k1ac+k3b, k1ab+k3c, k1*sqr_b+k2, k1bc-k3a, k1ac-k3b, k1bc+k3a, k1*sqr_c+k2)
def fromAngleAxis(self, angle, axis): """Initialize self from an angle (in radians) and an axis and returns self.""" if axis==_vec3(0): self.w = 1.0 self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.z = 0.0 else: angle/=2.0 self.w = math.cos(angle) x, y, z = axis s = math.sin(angle)/math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) self.x = x*s self.y = y*s self.z = z*s dummy = self.normalize() self.w = dummy.w self.x = dummy.x self.y = dummy.y self.z = dummy.z return self
def fromAngleAxis(self, angle, axis): """Initialize self from an angle (in radians) and an axis and returns self.""" if axis == _vec3(0): self.w = 1.0 self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.z = 0.0 else: angle /= 2.0 self.w = math.cos(angle) x, y, z = axis s = math.sin(angle) / math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) self.x = x * s self.y = y * s self.z = z * s dummy = self.normalize() self.w = dummy.w self.x = dummy.x self.y = dummy.y self.z = dummy.z return self
def _fromMat(self, m): """Initialize self from either a mat3 or mat4 and returns self.""" global _epsilon # Jonte: start out by fetching the rotation matrix' rotation vector. angle = 0 cosa = (m[0, 0] + m[1, 1] + m[2, 2] - 1.0) * 0.5 try: angle = math.acos(cosa) except ValueError as e: #print("Got an matrix-to-quaternion error:", e) #print(m) raise #print("Angle is", angle) v = _vec3(m[2, 1] - m[1, 2], m[0, 2] - m[2, 0], m[1, 0] - m[0, 1]) #print("Vector is", v) if v.length() < _epsilon: lEpsilonOne = 1.0 - _epsilon if m[0, 0] >= lEpsilonOne: v.x = 1.0 v.y = 0.0 v.z = 0.0 elif m[1, 1] >= lEpsilonOne: v.x = 0.0 v.y = 1.0 v.z = 0.0 elif m[2, 2] >= lEpsilonOne: v.x = 0.0 v.y = 0.0 v.z = 1.0 else: raise Exception("Uh-uh! Bad matrix!") # Now set the vector. self.fromAngleAxis(angle, v) ## d1,d2,d3 = m[0,0],m[1,1],m[2,2] ## t = d1+d2+d3+1.0 ## if t>_epsilon: ## #print("Probable OK1!") ## s = 0.5/math.sqrt(t) ## self.w = 0.25/s ## self.x = (m[2,1]-m[1,2])*s ## self.y = (m[0,2]-m[2,0])*s ## self.z = (m[1,0]-m[0,1])*s ## else: ## ad1 = d1 ## ad2 = d2 ## ad3 = d3 ## if ad1>=ad2 and ad1>=ad3: ## print("Probable OK2!") ## s = math.sqrt(1.0+d1-d2-d3)*2.0 ## self.x = 0.5/s ## self.y = (m[0,1]+m[1,0])/s ## self.z = (m[0,2]+m[2,0])/s ## self.w = (m[1,2]+m[2,1])/s ## elif ad2>=ad1 and ad2>=ad3: ## s = math.sqrt(1.0+d2-d1-d3)*2.0 ## print("Probable failure!!! s is", s) ## self.x = (m[0,1]+m[1,0])/s ## self.y = 0.5/s ## self.z = (m[1,2]+m[2,1])/s ## self.w = (m[0,2]+m[2,0])/s ## else: ## print("Probable OK3!") ## s = math.sqrt(1.0+d3-d1-d2)*2.0 ## self.x = (m[0,2]+m[2,0])/s ## self.y = (m[1,2]+m[2,1])/s ## self.z = 0.5/s ## self.w = (m[0,1]+m[1,0])/s return self
def __mul__(self, other): """Multiplication. >>> M=mat4(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) >>> print M*2.0 [ 2.0000, 4.0000, 6.0000, 8.0000] [ 10.0000, 12.0000, 14.0000, 16.0000] [ 18.0000, 20.0000, 22.0000, 24.0000] [ 26.0000, 28.0000, 30.0000, 32.0000] >>> print 2.0*M [ 2.0000, 4.0000, 6.0000, 8.0000] [ 10.0000, 12.0000, 14.0000, 16.0000] [ 18.0000, 20.0000, 22.0000, 24.0000] [ 26.0000, 28.0000, 30.0000, 32.0000] >>> print M*M [ 90.0000, 100.0000, 110.0000, 120.0000] [ 202.0000, 228.0000, 254.0000, 280.0000] [ 314.0000, 356.0000, 398.0000, 440.0000] [ 426.0000, 484.0000, 542.0000, 600.0000] >>> print M*_vec3(1,2,3) (0.1765, 0.4510, 0.7255) >>> print _vec3(1,2,3)*M (0.7083, 0.8056, 0.9028) """ T = type(other) # mat4*scalar if T == types.FloatType or T == types.IntType or T == types.LongType: return mat4(map(lambda x, other=other: x * other, self.mlist)) # mat4*vec3 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44 = self.mlist w = float(m41 * other.x + m42 * other.y + m43 * other.z + m44) return _vec3( m11 * other.x + m12 * other.y + m13 * other.z + m14, m21 * other.x + m22 * other.y + m23 * other.z + m24, m31 * other.x + m32 * other.y + m33 * other.z + m34) / w # mat4*vec4 if isinstance(other, _vec4): m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44 = self.mlist return _vec4( m11 * other.x + m12 * other.y + m13 * other.z + m14 * other.w, m21 * other.x + m22 * other.y + m23 * other.z + m24 * other.w, m31 * other.x + m32 * other.y + m33 * other.z + m34 * other.w, m41 * other.x + m42 * other.y + m43 * other.z + m44 * other.w) # mat4*mat4 if isinstance(other, mat4): m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44 = self.mlist n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44 = other.mlist return mat4(m11 * n11 + m12 * n21 + m13 * n31 + m14 * n41, m11 * n12 + m12 * n22 + m13 * n32 + m14 * n42, m11 * n13 + m12 * n23 + m13 * n33 + m14 * n43, m11 * n14 + m12 * n24 + m13 * n34 + m14 * n44, m21 * n11 + m22 * n21 + m23 * n31 + m24 * n41, m21 * n12 + m22 * n22 + m23 * n32 + m24 * n42, m21 * n13 + m22 * n23 + m23 * n33 + m24 * n43, m21 * n14 + m22 * n24 + m23 * n34 + m24 * n44, m31 * n11 + m32 * n21 + m33 * n31 + m34 * n41, m31 * n12 + m32 * n22 + m33 * n32 + m34 * n42, m31 * n13 + m32 * n23 + m33 * n33 + m34 * n43, m31 * n14 + m32 * n24 + m33 * n34 + m34 * n44, m41 * n11 + m42 * n21 + m43 * n31 + m44 * n41, m41 * n12 + m42 * n22 + m43 * n32 + m44 * n42, m41 * n13 + m42 * n23 + m43 * n33 + m44 * n43, m41 * n14 + m42 * n24 + m43 * n34 + m44 * n44) # unsupported else: raise TypeError, "unsupported operand type for *"
def getDiag(self): """Return the diagonal.""" return _vec3(self.mlist[0], self.mlist[4], self.mlist[8])
def fromToRotation(_from, to): """Returns a rotation matrix that rotates one vector into another. The generated rotation matrix will rotate the vector _from into the vector to. _from and to must be unit vectors! This method is based on the code from: Tomas Möller, John Hughes Efficiently Building a Matrix to Rotate One Vector to Another Journal of Graphics Tools, 4(4):1-4, 1999 """ _from = _vec3(_from) to = _vec3(to) EPSILON = 0.000001 e = _from*to f = abs(e) if (f>1.0-EPSILON): # "from" and "to"-vector almost parallel # vector most nearly orthogonal to "from" fx = abs(_from.x) fy = abs(_from.y) fz = abs(_from.z) if (fx<fy): if (fx<fz): x = _vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: x = _vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) else: if (fy<fz): x = _vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) else: x = _vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) u = x-_from v = x-to c1 = 2.0/(u*u) c2 = 2.0/(v*v) c3 = c1*c2*u*v res = mat3() for i in range(3): for j in range(3): res[i,j] = - c1*u[i]*u[j] - c2*v[i]*v[j] + c3*v[i]*u[j] res[i,i] += 1.0 return res else: # the most common case, unless "from"="to", or "from"=-"to" v = _from.cross(to) h = 1.0/(1.0 + e) # optimization by Gottfried Chen hvx = h*v.x hvz = h*v.z hvxy = hvx*v.y hvxz = hvx*v.z hvyz = hvz*v.y m11 = e + hvx*v.x m12 = hvxy - v.z m13 = hvxz + v.y m21 = hvxy + v.z m22 = e + h*v.y*v.y m23 = hvyz - v.x m31 = hvxz - v.y m32 = hvyz + v.x m33 = e + hvz*v.z return mat3(m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33)
def _fromMat(self, m): """Initialize self from either a mat3 or mat4 and returns self.""" global _epsilon # Jonte: start out by fetching the rotation matrix' rotation vector. angle = 0 cosa = (m[0,0] + m[1,1] + m[2,2] - 1.0) * 0.5 try: angle = math.acos(cosa) except ValueError as e: #print("Got an matrix-to-quaternion error:", e) #print(m) raise #print("Angle is", angle) v = _vec3(m[2,1] - m[1,2], m[0,2] - m[2,0], m[1,0] - m[0,1]) #print("Vector is", v) if v.length() < _epsilon: lEpsilonOne = 1.0 - _epsilon if m[0,0] >= lEpsilonOne: v.x = 1.0 v.y = 0.0 v.z = 0.0 elif m[1,1] >= lEpsilonOne: v.x = 0.0 v.y = 1.0 v.z = 0.0 elif m[2,2] >= lEpsilonOne: v.x = 0.0 v.y = 0.0 v.z = 1.0 else: raise Exception("Uh-uh! Bad matrix!") # Now set the vector. self.fromAngleAxis(angle, v) ## d1,d2,d3 = m[0,0],m[1,1],m[2,2] ## t = d1+d2+d3+1.0 ## if t>_epsilon: ## #print("Probable OK1!") ## s = 0.5/math.sqrt(t) ## self.w = 0.25/s ## self.x = (m[2,1]-m[1,2])*s ## self.y = (m[0,2]-m[2,0])*s ## self.z = (m[1,0]-m[0,1])*s ## else: ## ad1 = d1 ## ad2 = d2 ## ad3 = d3 ## if ad1>=ad2 and ad1>=ad3: ## print("Probable OK2!") ## s = math.sqrt(1.0+d1-d2-d3)*2.0 ## self.x = 0.5/s ## self.y = (m[0,1]+m[1,0])/s ## self.z = (m[0,2]+m[2,0])/s ## self.w = (m[1,2]+m[2,1])/s ## elif ad2>=ad1 and ad2>=ad3: ## s = math.sqrt(1.0+d2-d1-d3)*2.0 ## print("Probable failure!!! s is", s) ## self.x = (m[0,1]+m[1,0])/s ## self.y = 0.5/s ## self.z = (m[1,2]+m[2,1])/s ## self.w = (m[0,2]+m[2,0])/s ## else: ## print("Probable OK3!") ## s = math.sqrt(1.0+d3-d1-d2)*2.0 ## self.x = (m[0,2]+m[2,0])/s ## self.y = (m[1,2]+m[2,1])/s ## self.z = 0.5/s ## self.w = (m[0,1]+m[1,0])/s return self
def __mul__(self, other): """Multiplication. >>> M=mat4(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) >>> print M*2.0 [ 2.0000, 4.0000, 6.0000, 8.0000] [ 10.0000, 12.0000, 14.0000, 16.0000] [ 18.0000, 20.0000, 22.0000, 24.0000] [ 26.0000, 28.0000, 30.0000, 32.0000] >>> print 2.0*M [ 2.0000, 4.0000, 6.0000, 8.0000] [ 10.0000, 12.0000, 14.0000, 16.0000] [ 18.0000, 20.0000, 22.0000, 24.0000] [ 26.0000, 28.0000, 30.0000, 32.0000] >>> print M*M [ 90.0000, 100.0000, 110.0000, 120.0000] [ 202.0000, 228.0000, 254.0000, 280.0000] [ 314.0000, 356.0000, 398.0000, 440.0000] [ 426.0000, 484.0000, 542.0000, 600.0000] >>> print M*_vec3(1,2,3) (0.1765, 0.4510, 0.7255) >>> print _vec3(1,2,3)*M (0.7083, 0.8056, 0.9028) """ T = type(other) # mat4*scalar if T==types.FloatType or T==types.IntType or T==types.LongType: return mat4(map(lambda x,other=other: x*other, self.mlist)) # mat4*vec3 if isinstance(other, _vec3): m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44 = self.mlist w = float(m41*other.x + m42*other.y + m43*other.z + m44) return _vec3(m11*other.x + m12*other.y + m13*other.z + m14, m21*other.x + m22*other.y + m23*other.z + m24, m31*other.x + m32*other.y + m33*other.z + m34)/w # mat4*vec4 if isinstance(other, _vec4): m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44 = self.mlist return _vec4(m11*other.x + m12*other.y + m13*other.z + m14*other.w, m21*other.x + m22*other.y + m23*other.z + m24*other.w, m31*other.x + m32*other.y + m33*other.z + m34*other.w, m41*other.x + m42*other.y + m43*other.z + m44*other.w) # mat4*mat4 if isinstance(other, mat4): m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44 = self.mlist n11,n12,n13,n14,n21,n22,n23,n24,n31,n32,n33,n34,n41,n42,n43,n44 = other.mlist return mat4( m11*n11+m12*n21+m13*n31+m14*n41, m11*n12+m12*n22+m13*n32+m14*n42, m11*n13+m12*n23+m13*n33+m14*n43, m11*n14+m12*n24+m13*n34+m14*n44, m21*n11+m22*n21+m23*n31+m24*n41, m21*n12+m22*n22+m23*n32+m24*n42, m21*n13+m22*n23+m23*n33+m24*n43, m21*n14+m22*n24+m23*n34+m24*n44, m31*n11+m32*n21+m33*n31+m34*n41, m31*n12+m32*n22+m33*n32+m34*n42, m31*n13+m32*n23+m33*n33+m34*n43, m31*n14+m32*n24+m33*n34+m34*n44, m41*n11+m42*n21+m43*n31+m44*n41, m41*n12+m42*n22+m43*n32+m44*n42, m41*n13+m42*n23+m43*n33+m44*n43, m41*n14+m42*n24+m43*n34+m44*n44) # unsupported else: raise TypeError("unsupported operand type for *")