def __init__(self, scalenode, shapenode): d = [] = d self._scalenode = scalenode self._shapenode = shapenode wt = scalenode.get_world_transform() v0 = wt * vec4(1, 0, 0, 0) v1 = wt * vec4(0, 1, 0, 0) v2 = wt * vec4(0, 0, 1, 0) nv0 = v0.normalize() nv1 = v1.normalize() nv2 = v2.normalize() d0, d1, d2 = map(lambda x, y: math.fabs(x * y), [nv0, nv0, nv1], [nv1, nv2, nv2]) if d0 > 0.1 or d1 > 0.1 or d2 > 0.1: print("Error: scale for physical shape '%s' is not orthogonal!" % scalenode.getFullName()) print(nv0, nv1, nv2) print(d0, d1, d2) print(wt) sys.exit(21) check_orthonormal = True if shapenode.nodetype == "polyCube": self.type = "box" check_orthonormal = False scale = scalenode.get_world_scale() x = shapenode.getAttrValue("w", "w", None, default=1.0) y = shapenode.getAttrValue("h", "h", None, default=1.0) z = shapenode.getAttrValue("d", "d", None, default=1.0) d += list(map(lambda x, y: x * y, [x, y, z], scale)) elif shapenode.nodetype == "polySphere": self.type = "sphere" d.append( shapenode.getAttrValue("r", "r", None, default=1.0) * v0.length()) else: print( "Error: primitive physics shape type '%s' on node '%s' is unknown." % (shapenode.nodetype, shapenode.getFullName())) sys.exit(22) if check_orthonormal: if math.fabs(v0.length() - v1.length()) > 0.1 or math.fabs( v0.length() - v2.length()) > 0.1 or math.fabs(v1.length() - v2.length()) > 0.1: print( "Error: scale for physical shape '%s' is not orthonormal!" % scalenode.getFullName()) sys.exit(21)
def dowrite(self): self._listchildmeshes() filename = self.basename+".class" with self._fileopenwrite(filename) as f: self.f = f meshptrs = [] physidx = 0 for m in self.meshes: def _getparentphys(m): ph = None mesh = m while mesh and not ph: for phys in self.bodies: meshes = list(filter(None, [ch == mesh for ch in phys.childmeshes])) if len(meshes) == 1: if not ph: ph = phys else: print("Error: both phys %s and %s has mesh refs to %s." % (ph.getFullName(), phys.getFullName(), mesh.getFullName())) print(ph.childmeshes, meshes) sys.exit(3) elif len(meshes) > 1: print("Error: phys %s has multiple mesh children refs to %s." % (phys.getFullName(), mesh.getFullName())) sys.exit(3) mesh = mesh.getParent() if not ph: print("Warning: mesh %s is not attached to any physics object!" % m.getFullName()) return ph phys = _getparentphys(m) if not phys: continue phys.writecount = 1 m.writecount += 1 tm = m.get_world_transform() tp = phys.get_world_transform() tmt, tmr, _ = tm.decompose() tpt, tpr, _ = tp.decompose() q = quat(tpr.inverse()).normalize() p = tmt-tpt p = q.toMat4() * vec4(p[:]) q = quat(tpr.inverse() * tmr).normalize() p = p[0:3] t = self._normalizexform(q[:]+p[:]) physidx = self.bodies.index(phys) meshptrs += [(CHUNK_CLASS_PHYS_MESH, PhysMeshPtr(physidx, m.meshbasename, t, m.mat))] data = ( CHUNK_CLASS, ( (CHUNK_CLASS_PHYSICS, self.basename), (CHUNK_CLASS_MESH_LIST, meshptrs), ) ) #pprint.pprint(data) self._writechunk(data) self._addfeat("class:classes", 1) self._verifywritten("physics->mesh links", self.meshes) self._addfeat("file:files", 1)
def __init__(self, scalenode, shapenode): d = [] = d self._scalenode = scalenode self._shapenode = shapenode wt = scalenode.get_world_transform() v0 = wt*vec4(1,0,0,0) v1 = wt*vec4(0,1,0,0) v2 = wt*vec4(0,0,1,0) nv0 = v0.normalize() nv1 = v1.normalize() nv2 = v2.normalize() d0, d1, d2 = map(lambda x,y: math.fabs(x*y), [nv0, nv0, nv1], [nv1, nv2, nv2]) if d0 > 0.1 or d1 > 0.1 or d2 > 0.1: print("Error: scale for physical shape '%s' is not orthogonal!" % scalenode.getFullName()) print(nv0, nv1, nv2) print(d0, d1, d2) print(wt) sys.exit(21) check_orthonormal = True if shapenode.nodetype == "polyCube": self.type = "box" check_orthonormal = False scale = scalenode.get_world_scale() x = shapenode.getAttrValue("w", "w", None, default=1.0) y = shapenode.getAttrValue("h", "h", None, default=1.0) z = shapenode.getAttrValue("d", "d", None, default=1.0) d += list(map(lambda x,y: x*y, [x,y,z], scale)) elif shapenode.nodetype == "polySphere": self.type = "sphere" d.append(shapenode.getAttrValue("r", "r", None, default=1.0)*v0.length()) else: print("Error: primitive physics shape type '%s' on node '%s' is unknown." % (shapenode.nodetype, shapenode.getFullName())) sys.exit(22) if check_orthonormal: if math.fabs(v0.length()-v1.length()) > 0.1 or math.fabs(v0.length()-v2.length()) > 0.1 or math.fabs(v1.length()-v2.length()) > 0.1: print("Error: scale for physical shape '%s' is not orthonormal!" % scalenode.getFullName()) sys.exit(21)
def _writeshape(self, shape): # Write all general parameters first. types = {"capsule":1, "cylinder":2, "sphere":3, "box":4, "mesh":5} self._writeint(types[shape.type]) node = shape.getnode() totalmass = self._gettotalmass() self._writefloat(float(node.get_fixed_attribute("mass"))) friction = float(node.get_fixed_attribute("friction")) if self.config["type"] == "dynamic": friction *= totalmass / 1000.0 self._writefloat(friction) bounce = node.get_fixed_attribute("bounce") self._writefloat(float(bounce)) if options.options.verbose: print("Writing shape %s friction=%f, bounce=%f." % (node.getName(), friction, bounce)) rootindex = -1 if not node.phys_root else self.bodies.index(node.phys_root) self._writeint(rootindex) jointtype = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint", True) jointvalue = joints[jointtype] #print(node.getName(), "is jointed by type", jointvalue) if jointtype: self._addfeat("joint:joints", 1) self._writeint(jointvalue) is_affected_by_gravity = 1 if node.get_fixed_attribute("affected_by_gravity") else 0 if options.options.verbose and is_affected_by_gravity: print("Writing shape %s as affected by gravity." % node.getName()) self._writeint(is_affected_by_gravity) type_body, type_trigger, type_position = 1, 2, 3 if node.getName().startswith("phys_trig_"): phys_type = type_trigger if options.options.verbose: print("Writing shape %s as trigger." % node.getName()) elif node.getName().startswith("phys_pos_"): phys_type = type_position if options.options.verbose: print("Writing shape %s as position." % node.getName()) else: phys_type = type_body self._writeint(phys_type) # Write joint parameters. parameters = [0.0]*16 #print("Total mass:", totalmass) parameters[0] = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_spring_constant", True, 0.0) * totalmass parameters[1] = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_spring_damping", True, 0.0) * totalmass ir = node.getabsirot() yaw = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_yaw", True, 0.0)*math.pi/180 pitch = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_pitch", True, 0.0)*math.pi/180 if options.options.verbose and jointvalue >= 2: print("Joint %s euler angles are %s, damping is %f." % (node.getName(), (yaw, pitch), parameters[1])) parameters[2:4] = yaw, pitch joint_min, joint_max = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_stops", True, [0.0,0.0]) if jointtype == "slider": parameters[4:6] = joint_min, joint_max else: parameters[4:6] = math.radians(joint_min), math.radians(joint_max) mp = node.get_world_pivot_transform() mt = node.get_world_transform() wp = mp * vec4(0,0,0,1) wt = mt * vec4(0,0,0,1) #j = wt-wp j = wp-wt j = ir * j if node.is_phys_root and node.xformparent == node.getphysmaster(): j = node._pointup_adjust_mat() * j j -= self.physrootpos #print(node.getName(), "\n", mp, "\n", mt, "\n", wp, "\n", wt, "\n", ir, "\n", j) parameters[6:9] = j[:3] parameters[9] = node.get_fixed_attribute("impact_factor", True, 1.0) parameters[10] = 1.0 if node.get_fixed_attribute("collide_with_self", True, False) else 0.0 detachable = any(node == mesh.get_mesh_parentphys(self.bodies) for mesh in self.meshes) if options.options.verbose: print('%s %s detachable.' % (node.getFullName(), 'is' if detachable else 'is not')) parameters[11] = 1.0 if detachable else 0.0 if options.options.verbose: print("%s parameters:" % node.getName(), parameters) for x in parameters: self._writefloat(float(x)) # Write connecor type (may hook other stuff, may get hooked by hookers :). connectors = node.get_fixed_attribute("connector_types", True) if connectors: if not type(connectors) == list and not type(connetors) == tuple: print("Error: connector_types for '%s' must be a list." % node.getFullName()) sys.exit(19) self._writeint(len(connectors)) for c in connectors: self._writeint(connector_types[c]) else: self._writeint(0) # Write material. material = node.get_fixed_attribute("material") if options.options.verbose: print("Writing physical material", material); self._writestr(material) # Write shape data (dimensions of shape). scale = node.get_fixed_attribute("scale", default=1) = [type(x)(scale*x) for x in] if options.options.verbose: print("Writing shape %s with rootindex %i: %s (scale=%f)." % (node.getName(), rootindex, str(, scale)) if node == self.bodies[0]: shape.adjustmesh(self.physrootpos) for x in self._writenumber(x) self._addfeat("physical geometry:physical geometries", 1)
def dowrite(self): self._listchildmeshes() filename = self.basename + ".class" with self._fileopenwrite(filename) as f: self.f = f meshptrs = [] physidx = 0 for m in self.meshes: def _getparentphys(m): ph = None mesh = m while mesh and not ph: for phys in self.bodies: meshes = list( filter(None, [ch == mesh for ch in phys.childmeshes])) if len(meshes) == 1: if not ph: ph = phys else: print( "Error: both phys %s and %s has mesh refs to %s." % (ph.getFullName(), phys.getFullName(), mesh.getFullName())) print(ph.childmeshes, meshes) sys.exit(3) elif len(meshes) > 1: print( "Error: phys %s has multiple mesh children refs to %s." % (phys.getFullName(), mesh.getFullName())) sys.exit(3) mesh = mesh.getParent() if not ph: print( "Warning: mesh %s is not attached to any physics object!" % m.getFullName()) return ph phys = _getparentphys(m) if not phys: continue phys.writecount = 1 m.writecount += 1 tm = m.get_world_transform() tp = phys.get_world_transform() tmt, tmr, _ = tm.decompose() tpt, tpr, _ = tp.decompose() q = quat(tpr.inverse()).normalize() p = tmt - tpt p = q.toMat4() * vec4(p[:]) q = quat(tpr.inverse() * tmr).normalize() p = p[0:3] t = self._normalizexform(q[:] + p[:]) physidx = self.bodies.index(phys) meshptrs += [(CHUNK_CLASS_PHYS_MESH, PhysMeshPtr(physidx, m.meshbasename, t, m.mat))] data = (CHUNK_CLASS, ( (CHUNK_CLASS_PHYSICS, self.basename), (CHUNK_CLASS_MESH_LIST, meshptrs), )) #pprint.pprint(data) self._writechunk(data) self._addfeat("class:classes", 1) self._verifywritten("physics->mesh links", self.meshes) self._addfeat("file:files", 1)
def _writeshape(self, shape): # Write all general parameters first. types = {"capsule": 1, "sphere": 2, "box": 3} self._writeint(types[shape.type]) node = shape.getnode() totalmass = self._gettotalmass() self._writefloat(float(node.get_fixed_attribute("mass"))) friction = node.get_fixed_attribute("friction") * totalmass / 1000.0 self._writefloat(friction) self._writefloat(float(node.get_fixed_attribute("bounce"))) rootindex = -1 if not node.phys_root else self.bodies.index( node.phys_root) self._writeint(rootindex) joints = { None: 1, "exclude": 1, "suspend_hinge": 2, "hinge2": 3, "hinge": 4, "ball": 5, "universal": 6 } jointtype = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint", True) jointvalue = joints[jointtype] #print(node.getName(), "is jointed by type", jointvalue) if jointtype: self._addfeat("joint:joints", 1) self._writeint(jointvalue) self._writeint( 1 if node.get_fixed_attribute("affected_by_gravity") else 0) # Write joint parameters. parameters = [0.0] * 16 #print("Total mass:", totalmass) parameters[0] = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_spring_constant", True, 0.0) * totalmass parameters[1] = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_spring_damping", True, 0.0) * totalmass ir = node.getabsirot() yaw = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_yaw", True, 0.0) * math.pi / 180 pitch = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_pitch", True, 0.0) * math.pi / 180 ## m = mat4.identity() ## m.setMat3(mat3.fromEulerXZY(0, pitch, yaw)) ## v = ir * m * vec4(0,0,1,0) ## # Project onto XY plane. ## xyv = vec3(v[:3]) ## xyv[2] = 0 ## if xyv.length() < 1e-12: ## yaw = 0 ## if v[2] < 0: ## pitch = math.pi ## else: ## pitch = 0 ## else: ## xyv = xyv.normalize() ## # Yaw is angle of projection on the XY plane. ## if xyv.length(): ## yaw = math.asin(xyv.y/xyv.length()) ## else: ## yaw = 0 ## v = v.normalize() ## v = vec3(v[:3]) ## pitch = math.asin(v*xyv) if options.options.verbose and jointvalue >= 2: print("Joint %s euler angles are: %s." % (node.getName(), (yaw, pitch))) parameters[2:4] = yaw, pitch joint_min, joint_max = node.get_fixed_attribute( "joint_angles", True, [0.0, 0.0]) parameters[4:6] = math.radians(joint_min), math.radians(joint_max) mp = node.get_world_pivot_transform() mt = node.get_world_transform() wp = mp * vec4(0, 0, 0, 1) wt = mt * vec4(0, 0, 0, 1) j = wp - wt j = ir * j parameters[6:9] = j[:3] for x in parameters: self._writefloat(float(x)) # Write connecor type (may hook other stuff, may get hooked by hookers :). connectors = node.get_fixed_attribute("connector_types", True) if connectors: if not type(connectors) == list and not type(connetors) == tuple: print("Error: connector_types for '%s' must be a list." % node.getFullName()) sys.exit(19) self._writeint(len(connectors)) connector_types = {"connector_3dof": 1, "connectee_3dof": 2} for c in connectors: self._writeint(connector_types[c]) else: self._writeint(0) # Write shape data (dimensions of shape). if options.options.verbose: print("Writing shape %s with rootindex %i." % (node.getName(), rootindex)) for x in self._writefloat(math.fabs(x)) self._addfeat("physical geometry:physical geometries", 1)
def _writeshape(self, shape): # Write all general parameters first. types = {"capsule":1, "sphere":2, "box":3} self._writeint(types[shape.type]) node = shape.getnode() totalmass = self._gettotalmass() self._writefloat(float(node.get_fixed_attribute("mass"))) friction = node.get_fixed_attribute("friction") * totalmass / 1000.0 self._writefloat(friction) self._writefloat(float(node.get_fixed_attribute("bounce"))) rootindex = -1 if not node.phys_root else self.bodies.index(node.phys_root) self._writeint(rootindex) joints = {None:1, "exclude":1, "suspend_hinge":2, "hinge2":3, "hinge":4, "ball":5, "universal":6} jointtype = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint", True) jointvalue = joints[jointtype] #print(node.getName(), "is jointed by type", jointvalue) if jointtype: self._addfeat("joint:joints", 1) self._writeint(jointvalue) self._writeint(1 if node.get_fixed_attribute("affected_by_gravity") else 0) # Write joint parameters. parameters = [0.0]*16 #print("Total mass:", totalmass) parameters[0] = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_spring_constant", True, 0.0) * totalmass parameters[1] = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_spring_damping", True, 0.0) * totalmass ir = node.getabsirot() yaw = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_yaw", True, 0.0)*math.pi/180 pitch = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_pitch", True, 0.0)*math.pi/180 ## m = mat4.identity() ## m.setMat3(mat3.fromEulerXZY(0, pitch, yaw)) ## v = ir * m * vec4(0,0,1,0) ## # Project onto XY plane. ## xyv = vec3(v[:3]) ## xyv[2] = 0 ## if xyv.length() < 1e-12: ## yaw = 0 ## if v[2] < 0: ## pitch = math.pi ## else: ## pitch = 0 ## else: ## xyv = xyv.normalize() ## # Yaw is angle of projection on the XY plane. ## if xyv.length(): ## yaw = math.asin(xyv.y/xyv.length()) ## else: ## yaw = 0 ## v = v.normalize() ## v = vec3(v[:3]) ## pitch = math.asin(v*xyv) if options.options.verbose and jointvalue >= 2: print("Joint %s euler angles are: %s." % (node.getName(), (yaw, pitch))) parameters[2:4] = yaw, pitch joint_min, joint_max = node.get_fixed_attribute("joint_angles", True, [0.0,0.0]) parameters[4:6] = math.radians(joint_min), math.radians(joint_max) mp = node.get_world_pivot_transform() mt = node.get_world_transform() wp = mp * vec4(0,0,0,1) wt = mt * vec4(0,0,0,1) j = wp-wt j = ir * j parameters[6:9] = j[:3] for x in parameters: self._writefloat(float(x)) # Write connecor type (may hook other stuff, may get hooked by hookers :). connectors = node.get_fixed_attribute("connector_types", True) if connectors: if not type(connectors) == list and not type(connetors) == tuple: print("Error: connector_types for '%s' must be a list." % node.getFullName()) sys.exit(19) self._writeint(len(connectors)) connector_types = {"connector_3dof":1, "connectee_3dof":2} for c in connectors: self._writeint(connector_types[c]) else: self._writeint(0) # Write shape data (dimensions of shape). if options.options.verbose: print("Writing shape %s with rootindex %i." % (node.getName(), rootindex)) for x in self._writefloat(math.fabs(x)) self._addfeat("physical geometry:physical geometries", 1)
def __init__(self, scalenode, shapenode): d = [] = d self._scalenode = scalenode self._shapenode = shapenode scalenode.pointup = False wt = scalenode.get_world_transform() v0 = wt*vec4(1,0,0,0) v1 = wt*vec4(0,1,0,0) v2 = wt*vec4(0,0,1,0) nv0 = v0.normalize() nv1 = v1.normalize() nv2 = v2.normalize() d0, d1, d2 = map(lambda x,y: math.fabs(x*y), [nv0, nv0, nv1], [nv1, nv2, nv2]) global disable_ortho_check if not disable_ortho_check and (d0 > 0.1 or d1 > 0.1 or d2 > 0.1): print("Error: scale for physical shape '%s' is not orthogonal!" % scalenode.getFullName()) print(nv0, nv1, nv2) print(d0, d1, d2) print(wt) sys.exit(21) check_orthonormal = True if shapenode.nodetype == "polyCube": self.type = "box" check_orthonormal = False scale = scalenode.get_world_scale() x = shapenode.getAttrValue("w", "w", None, default=1.0) y = shapenode.getAttrValue("h", "h", None, default=1.0) z = shapenode.getAttrValue("d", "d", None, default=1.0) d += list(map(lambda x,y: x*y, [x,y,z], scale)) elif shapenode.nodetype == "polySphere": self.type = "sphere" d.append(shapenode.getAttrValue("r", "r", None, default=1.0)*v0.length()) elif shapenode.nodetype == "polyCylinder": self.type = "cylinder" scalenode.pointup = True r = shapenode.getAttrValue("r", "r", None, default=1.0)*v0.length() h = shapenode.getAttrValue("h", "h", None, default=2.0)*v0.length() d += [r, h] elif shapenode.nodetype == "mesh": self.type = "mesh" vtx = shapenode.get_fixed_attribute("rgvtx") tri = shapenode.get_fixed_attribute("rgtri") d += [len(vtx)//3, len(tri)//3] d += list(map(lambda x: float(x), vtx)) d += list(map(lambda x: int(x), tri)) else: print("Error: primitive physics shape type '%s' on node '%s' is unknown." % (shapenode.nodetype, shapenode.getName())) sys.exit(22) override_shapetype = scalenode.get_fixed_attribute("override_shapetype", optional=True) if override_shapetype: self.type = override_shapetype if self.type == "capsule": r = shapenode.getAttrValue("r", "r", None, default=1.0)*v0.length() # Reduce height by the radius in each end, so it won't bulge out. h = shapenode.getAttrValue("h", "h", None, default=2.0)*v0.length() - 2*r if r <= 0 or h <= 0: print("Error: the %s shape is used as a capsule for %s, and must have a greater height than radius*2. (r=%f, h=%f)" % (shapenode.nodetype, scalenode.getFullName(), r, h)) d[-1] = h if not disable_ortho_check and check_orthonormal: if math.fabs(v0.length()-v1.length()) > 0.1 or math.fabs(v0.length()-v2.length()) > 0.1 or math.fabs(v1.length()-v2.length()) > 0.1: print("Error: scale for physical shape '%s' is not orthonormal!" % scalenode.getFullName()) print(v0, v1, v2) print(scalenode, scalenode.get_world_transform()) print(disable_ortho_check) sys.exit(21)