Beispiel #1
 def random_start(self, fish):
     #move a fish to a random position from off the screen this means it can swim on without anyone noticing
     if random.random() > 0.5:
         fish.pos = self.pos + V(self.dim.x + fish.size, 0)
         fish.pos.y = self.dim.y * random.random()
         fish.pos = self.pos - V(fish.size, 0)
         fish.pos.y = self.dim.y * random.random()
Beispiel #2
	def intersection(self,a,b,c,d):
		a = V(a[0],a[1])
		b = V(b[0],b[1])
		c = V(c[0],c[1])
		d = V(d[0],d[1])
		cd = d-c
		ab = b-a
		u = (a.cross(ab)-c.cross(ab))/cd.cross(ab)
		l = (c.cross(cd)-a.cross(cd))/ab.cross(cd)
		if u>=0 and u<= 1 and l >= 0 and l <= 1:
			return (u * cd + c).get_p()	
			return (0,1000)
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, fsh, time, bounds):
     self.bounds = bounds  #the bounds of the water it might fall into
     self.g = V(0, 120)  #the gravity the fish will fall under
     self.time = time
     self.timel = 2 + random.random()  #the length of the animation
     self.startt = 0  #the time the animation starts
     self.fsh = fsh  #the fish that will be animated
     self.startp = V()  #the start position and velocity
     self.startv = V()
     self.anim = False  #is the fish currently being animated
     self.endscale = 0.5  #the size of the fish at the end of the animation
     self.moved = False  #has the boat been moved
     self.movedt = 0  #the time when the boat has been moved
Beispiel #4
    def seperation(self, fish, minDistance):
        if len(fish) < 1:
            return V()
        distance = 0
        numClose = 0
        distsum = V()
        for boid in fish:
            distance = (self.pos - boid.pos).length()
            if distance < minDistance and distance != 0:
                numClose += 1
                distsum += (boid.pos - self.pos) / distance**2

        if numClose == 0:
            return V()

        return (-distsum / numClose).normalize()
Beispiel #5
    def sharkawarness(self, fish):  #avoid the sharks it can see
        if len(fish) < 1:
            return V()
        distance = 0
        numClose = 0
        distsum = V()
        for boid in fish:
            distance = (self.pos - boid.pos).length()
            if distance < self.per * 2 and distance != 0 and isinstance(
                    boid, Shark):
                numClose += 1
                distsum += (boid.pos - self.pos) / distance**2

        if numClose == 0:
            return V()

        return (-distsum / numClose).normalize()
Beispiel #6
    def seperation(self, fish, minDistance):  #avoid touching other fish
        if len(fish) < 1:  # if there are no fish can't move away from them
            return V()
        count = 0
        distsum = V()
        distance = 0
        for boid in fish:
            #count each fish if they are close enough and aren't the original fish
            distance = (self.pos - boid.pos).length()
            if distance < minDistance and not self is boid and distance != 0:
                count += 1

                distsum += (boid.pos - self.pos) / distance**2
                #add the distance with more ephasis on fish that are closer
        if count == 0:  #check for divide by zero error
            return V()
        return (-distsum /
                count).normalize()  #move away from where the average is
Beispiel #7
 def allign(self, fish):
     if len(fish) < 1:
         return V()  #if there is no fish you can't align to them
     # calculate the average velocities of the other boids
     avg = V()  #store the average velocity
     count = 0  #number of fish around
     for boid in fish:
         #count each fish if they are close enough and aren't the original fish
         if (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per and not self is boid:
             count += 1
             avg += boid.vel
     if count > 0:  #check for divide by zero error
         avg /= count  #take the mean
         #move our velocity towards the others
         return (
             avg).normalize()  #normalize it so only the direction matters
         return V()
Beispiel #8
 def cohesion(self, fish):
     if len(fish) < 1:
         return V(
         )  #if there is no fish then you can't be attracted to them
     # calculate the average distances from the other boids
     com = V()
     count = 0
     for boid in fish:
         #count each fish if they are close enough and arent the original fish
         if (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per and not self is boid:
             com += (boid.pos - self.pos
                     )  # add the vector to this new position
             count += 1
     if count > 0 and com != V():  #check for divide by zero error
         com /= count  #take the mean
         # move our velocity towards the centre of mass
         return com.normalize()  #normalize it so only the direction matter
         return V()
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self, bounds, imgl, imgr, time, die):
     self.die = die  #keep a reference of what to call when the fish dies e.g. its been caught
     self.bounds = bounds  #what are the boundaries of the water
     self.max_vel = 75  #what is the max speed of the fish
     self.imgr = imgr  #what images
     self.imgl = imgl
     self.time = time  #keep track of the time
     self.size = 25  #what is the size of the fish
     self.scale = 1  #what is the scale of the fish image
     self.per = self.size * 3  #how far can the fish see
     self.fixed = False  #is the position of the fish fixed
     self.pos = V(random.random() * bounds.dim.x + bounds.pos.x,
                  random.random() * bounds.dim.y +
                  bounds.pos.y)  #set the position of the fish
     angle = random.random() * math.pi * 2  #angle the fish randomle
     self.vel = V(
         math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)
     ) * 20  #set the velocity in the angle of the direction of the fish
     self.anim = Anim(self, time, bounds)  #add the animation handler
Beispiel #10
    def draw(self, canvas):
        #calculate the angle of the fish from the direction of the velocity
        a = self.vel.angle(V(0, 1))
        if self.vel.x > 0:
            img = self.imgr  #if moving right use the right image
            a = math.pi / 2 - a
            a -= math.pi / 2
            img = self.imgl  #if moving left use the left image

        img.pos = self.pos  #set the image position to the fish position
        old = img.scale  #set the scale of the image
        img.scale = old * self.scale
        img.draw(canvas, rotation=a)  #draw the image
        img.scale = old
Beispiel #11
    def repel(
        self, fish
    ):  #repel fish from the top and bottom so they don't hit the boundary as much
        a = self.pos.y + fish.size
        b = self.pos.y + self.dim.y - fish.size
        r = (b - a) / 2
        p = -(fish.pos.y - r - a) / r
        safe = 0.8
        if abs(p) < safe:
            p = 0
            if p > 0:
                p -= safe
                p += safe

            p *= 1 / (1 - safe)
        return V(0, p)
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, count, dim, time, die): = [
        ]  # a list containing all the fish objects in this school of fish
        self.time = time  # a time object to control when the fish are paused
        self.lastFrameTime = self.time.time()
        addr = os.getcwd()

        #the left and right sprite sheet of the fish to be shared across them to improve performance and fix transparency issue
        self.imgr = SS("file:///" + addr + "/images/right.png", (2, 2),
        self.imgl = SS("file:///" + addr + "/images/left.png", (2, 2),

        #create half of the fish that will be beneanth the sharks -- thanks dave cohen for this idea
        for i in range(int(count / 2)):
                Fsh(Bounds(V(0, 0.325 * dim[1]), V(dim[0], dim[1] * 0.675)),
                    self.imgl, self.imgr, time, die))
        self.shrl = SS("file:///" + addr + "/images/Sharkleft.png", (5, 1),
                       timehand=self.time)  # the shark sprite sheets
        self.shrr = SS("file:///" + addr + "/images/Sharkright.png", (5, 1),

        #create sharks
        for i in range(1):
                Shark(Bounds(V(0, 0.325 * dim[1]), V(dim[0], dim[1] * 0.675)),
                      self.shrl, self.shrr, time, die))

        #the rest of the fish
        for i in range(int(count / 2)):
                Fsh(Bounds(V(0, 0.325 * dim[1]), V(dim[0], dim[1] * 0.675)),
                    self.imgl, self.imgr, time, die))
        t = threading.Thread(target=self.update, args=())
Beispiel #13
 def correct(self, fish):
     #correct the fishes position if it goes out of the bounds of the water.
     return V(self.cord(self.pos.x, self.pos.x + self.dim.x, fish),
              self.cora(self.pos.y, self.pos.y + self.dim.y, fish))