Beispiel #1
def fit_stoch(X, y, alpha, w, epochs=500, epsilon=1.0e-5):
    Stochastic gradient descent
    :param X:
    :param y:
    :param alpha:
    :param w:
    :param epochs:
    :param epsilon:
    global logs, logs_stoch
    logs = []
    logs_stoch = []
    idx = list(range(len(X)))
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for i in idx:
            y_hat = predict([X[i]], w)[0]
            loss = y[i] - y_hat
            gradient = vector.mul(loss, X[i])
            w = vector.add(w, vector.mul(alpha, gradient))
            logs_stoch += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
        if vector.norm(gradient) < epsilon:
            print('Gradient', vector.norm(gradient))
        logs += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
    print("Epoch", epoch)
    return w
Beispiel #2
    def solve_collision(self, b1, b2):
        # Changes the direction of non-static moving bodies, and separates overlapping bodies

        def penetration(normal, movable_body, fixed_body):
            if normal.x < -0.0001:
                return abs(movable_body.rect.right() - fixed_body.rect.left())
            elif normal.x > 0.0001:
                return abs(fixed_body.rect.right() - movable_body.rect.left())
            if normal.y < -0.0001:
                return abs( - movable_body.rect.bottom())
                return abs( - fixed_body.rect.bottom())

        if b1.is_static and not (b2.is_static):
            normal = self.calculate_normal(b2, b1)
            pen_distance = penetration(normal, b2, b1)
            b2.rect.position = vector.sum(b2.rect.position, vector.mul(normal, pen_distance))
            b2.direction = vector.reflect(normal, b2.direction)
            return normal
        elif not (b1.is_static) and b2.is_static:
            normal = self.calculate_normal(b1, b2)
            pen_distance = penetration(normal, b1, b2)
            b1.rect.position = vector.sum(b1.rect.position, vector.mul(normal, pen_distance))
            b1.direction = vector.reflect(normal, b1.direction)
            return normal
        elif not (b1.is_static) and not (b2.is_static):
            normal = self.calculate_normal(b1, b2)
            normal_inv = vector.minus(normal)
            pen_distance = penetration(normal, b1, b2)
            b1.rect.set_pos(vector.sum(b1.rect.position, vector.mul(normal, 0.5 * pen_distance)))
            b1.direction = vector.reflect(normal, b1.direction)
            b2.rect.position = vector.sum(b2.rect.position, vector.mul(normal_inv, 0.5 * pen_distance))
            b2.direction = vector.reflect(normal_inv, b2.get_direction())
            return normal
def stoch_descent(X, y, alpha, w):
    Stochastic gradient descent
    :param X:
    :param y:
    :param alpha:
    :param w:
    global logs, logs_stoch
    logs = []
    logs_stoch = []
    idx = list(range(len(X)))
    for epoch in range(1000):
        w_old = w
        for i in idx:
            loss = y[i] -[i], w)
            gradient = vector.mul(loss, X[i])
            w = vector.add(w, vector.mul(alpha, gradient))
            logs_stoch += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
        if vector.norm(vector.sub(w, w_old)) / vector.norm(w) < 1.0e-5:
        logs += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
    print("Epoch", epoch)
    return w
Beispiel #4
def stoch_descent(X, y, alpha, w):
    Stochastic gradient descent
    :param X:
    :param y:
    :param alpha:
    :param w:
    global logs, logs_stoch
    logs = []
    logs_stoch = []
    idx = list(range(len(X)))
    for epoch in range(1000):
        w_old = w
        for i in idx:
            loss = y[i] -[i], w)
            gradient = vector.mul(loss, X[i])
            w = vector.add(w, vector.mul(alpha, gradient))
            logs_stoch += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
        if vector.norm(vector.sub(w, w_old)) / vector.norm(w) < 1.0e-5:
        logs += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
    print("Epoch", epoch)
    return w
Beispiel #5
    def __backward(self, dout):
        dbeta = dout.sum(axis=0)
        dgammax = dout

        dgamma = ve.sum(ve.mul(self.xhat, dgammax), axis=0)
        dxhat = dgammax * self.gamma

        divar = ve.sum(ve.mul(dxhat, self.xmu), axis=0)
        dxmu1 = dxhat * self.ivar

        dsqrtvar = divar * (1 / (self.sqrtvar**2)) * (-1)

        dvar = (1 / ve.sqrt(self.var + 10e-7)) * dsqrtvar * 0.5

        dsq = ve.arange([
            1 for i in range(reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, dout.get_demension()))
        ]).reshape(dout.get_demension()) * (dvar / dout.get_demension()[1])

        dxmu2 = ve.mul(self.xmu, dsq) * 2

        dx1 = dxmu1 + dxmu2
        dmu = ve.sum(dxmu1 + dxmu2, axis=0) * (-1)

        dx2 = ve.arange([
            1 for i in range(reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, dout.get_demension()))
        ]).reshape(dout.get_demension()) * (dmu / dout.get_demension()[1])

        dx = dx1 + dx2

        return dx
Beispiel #6
 def train(self, training_input):
     wrong_predictions = 0
     for input, label in zip([item[1:] for item in training_input], [item[0] for item in training_input]):
         prediction = self.predict(input)
         if prediction != label:
             wrong_predictions += 1
         if label == 0 and prediction == 1:
             self.weights[1:] = vector.sub(self.weights[1:], vector.mul(self.learning_rate, input))
             self.weights[0] -= self.learning_rate
         if label == 1 and prediction == 0:
             self.weights[1:] = vector.add(vector.mul(self.learning_rate, input), self.weights[1:])
             self.weights[0] += self.learning_rate
Beispiel #7
    def update(self, step_time):
        def change_dir_vel(entities, direction, velocity):
            for entity in entities:
                entity.body.direction = direction

        if (self.moving_left or self.moving_right):
            if self.moving_left:
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(-1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(-1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(1, 0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
            change_dir_vel(self.paddles, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
            if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                change_dir_vel(self.balls, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))

        if self.push_balls and self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
            for ball in self.balls:
                if ball.body.is_static:
                    ball.body.is_static = False
            v = Vector2(BALL_VELOCITY_X, BALL_VELOCITY_Y)
            change_dir_vel(self.balls, normalize(v), magnitude(v))
            self.push_balls = False
            self.game_status = GameLayer.GAME_LOOP

        # Remove bricks that have been destroyed
        free_brick_list = []
        for brick in self.bricks:
            if brick.health_points == 0:
        self.bricks = [b for b in self.bricks if free_brick_list.count(b) == 0]

        for paddle in self.paddles:
            # Integrate paddle
            paddle.body.rect.position = sum(
                mul(paddle.body.direction, paddle.body.velocity * step_time))

            # Relocate paddle position to a valid position range
            paddle.body.rect.position.x = utils.clamp(
                paddle.body.rect.position.x, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH)
            paddle.body.rect.position.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT - PADDLE_LINE_SPACING

        for ball in self.balls:
            if ball.body.is_static:
                pos_r = Vector2((PADDLE_WIDTH - BALL_WIDTH) * 0.5,
                ball.body.rect.position = sum(
                    self.paddles[0].body.rect.position, pos_r)
Beispiel #8
    def walls(self, width, height):
        """ Return all the walls which can be used for drawing the maze. """
        maze_width, maze_height = len(self.grid[0]), len(self.grid)

        scalex, scaley = width / maze_width, height / maze_height
        scale = min(scalex, scaley)

        centerx = (width -  scale * (maze_width  - 1)) / 2
        centery = (height - scale * (maze_height - 1)) / 2
        center = (centerx, centery)

        walls = []

        # Draw all the horizontal going walls.
        for y in range(maze_height):
            lines = ''.join(map(str, self.grid[y])).split(str(EMPTY))
            offset = 0
            for line in lines:
                if len(line) > 1:
                    start = add(center, mul((offset, y), scale))
                    end = add(center, mul(((offset + len(line)-1), y), scale))
                    walls.append(Wall(start, end))
                    offset += len(line) + 1
                    offset += 2

        # Draw all the vertical going walls.
        grid_transposed = [list(x) for x in zip(*self.grid)]
        for x in range(maze_width):
            lines = ''.join(map(str, grid_transposed[x])).split(str(EMPTY))
            offset = 0
            for line in lines:
                if len(line) > 1:
                    start = add(center, mul((x, offset), scale))
                    end = add(center, mul((x, (offset + len(line)-1)), scale))
                    walls.append(Wall(start, end))
                    offset += len(line) + 1
                    offset += 2

        return walls
Beispiel #9
    def move(self, move, walls):
        angle_offset = 0
        if move == MOVE_EAST or move == MOVE_WEST:
            angle_offset = 90 if move == MOVE_WEST else -90
        elif move == MOVE_SOUTH:
            angle_offset = -180

        move_vector = atov(self.angle + 30 + angle_offset)
        newpos = add(self.pos, mul(move_vector, Player.AMPLIFIER_MOVE))
        if not intersect_segments(Line(self.pos, newpos), walls):
            self.pos = newpos
            for ray in self.rays: ray.update(newpos)
Beispiel #10
    def update(self, step_time):
        def change_dir_vel(entities, direction, velocity):
            for entity in entities:
                entity.body.direction = direction
        if(self.moving_left or self.moving_right):
            if self.moving_left:
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(-1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(-1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)  
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)    
            change_dir_vel(self.paddles, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
            if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                change_dir_vel(self.balls, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
        if self.push_balls and self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:                  
            for ball in self.balls:
                if ball.body.is_static:
                    ball.body.is_static = False
            v = Vector2(BALL_VELOCITY_X, BALL_VELOCITY_Y) 
            change_dir_vel(self.balls, normalize(v), magnitude(v))
            self.push_balls = False
            self.game_status = GameLayer.GAME_LOOP
        # Remove bricks that have been destroyed
        free_brick_list = []
        for brick in self.bricks:
            if brick.health_points == 0:
        self.bricks = [ b for b in self.bricks if free_brick_list.count(b) == 0 ] 
        for paddle in self.paddles:          
            # Integrate paddle
            paddle.body.rect.position = sum(paddle.body.rect.position,
                                            mul(paddle.body.direction, paddle.body.velocity * step_time))
            # Relocate paddle position to a valid position range
            paddle.body.rect.position.x = utils.clamp(paddle.body.rect.position.x, 0, 
                                                      WINDOW_WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH)
            paddle.body.rect.position.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT - PADDLE_LINE_SPACING

        for ball in self.balls:
            if ball.body.is_static:
                pos_r = Vector2((PADDLE_WIDTH - BALL_WIDTH) * 0.5,  - BALL_HEIGHT)
                ball.body.rect.position = sum(self.paddles[0].body.rect.position, pos_r)
def batch_descent(X, y, alpha, w):
    global logs
    logs = []
    alpha /= len(X)
    for epoch in range(1, 1000):
        loss = vector.sub(y, vector.mul_mat_vec(X, w))
        gradient = vector.mul_mat_vec(vector.transpose(X), loss)
        w_old = w
        w = vector.add(w, vector.mul(alpha, gradient))
        logs += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
        if vector.norm(vector.sub(w, w_old)) / vector.norm(w) < 1.0e-5:
        print("Epoch", epoch)
    return w
Beispiel #12
def batch_descent(X, y, alpha, w):
    Batch gradient descent
    :param X:
    :param y:
    :param alpha:
    :param w:
    global logs
    logs = []
    alpha /= len(X)
    for epoch in range(1, 1000):
        loss = vector.sub(y, vector.mul_mat_vec(X, w))
        gradient = vector.mul_mat_vec(vector.transpose(X), loss)
        w_old = w
        w = vector.add(w, vector.mul(alpha, gradient))
        logs += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
        if vector.norm(vector.sub(w, w_old)) / vector.norm(w) < 1.0e-5:
    print("Epoch", epoch)
    return w
Beispiel #13
def fit_batch(X, y, alpha, w, epochs=500, epsilon=1.0e-5):
    Batch gradient descent
    :param X:
    :param y:
    :param alpha:
    :param w:
    :param epochs:
    :param epsilon:
    global logs
    logs = []
    alpha /= len(X)
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        y_hat = predict(X, w)
        loss = vector.sub(y, y_hat)
        gradient = vector.mul_mat_vec(vector.transpose(X), loss)
        w = vector.add(w, vector.mul(alpha, gradient))
        logs += (w, alpha, sse(X, y, w))
        if vector.norm(gradient) < epsilon:
    print("Epoch", epoch)
    return w
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, size):
     self.walls = generate(10, 10).walls(*size)
     self.player = Player(mul(size, 0.4), size[0])
Beispiel #15
def mul(P, Q):
    w1, v1 = P
    w2, v2 = Q
    return (w1*w2 -, v2),_v.sum(_v.mul(w1, v2), _v.mul(w2, v1), _v.cross(v1, v2)))
Beispiel #16
 def draw(self, surface, color='black', width=1):
     towards = add(self.p1, mul(sub(self.p2, self.p1), Ray.AMPLIFIER_DRAW))
     pygame.draw.line(surface, pygame.Color(color), self.p1, towards, width)
Beispiel #17
 def integrate(self, elapsed_time):
     if not (self.is_static):
         self.rect.position = vector.sum(
             self.rect.position, vector.mul(self.direction, self.velocity * elapsed_time)