Beispiel #1
"""Voronoi tessellation of a pointcloud on a grid"""
from vedo import dataurl, Points, Grid, voronoi, show

pts0 = Points(dataurl + '').color('k')
pts1 = pts0.clone().smoothLloyd2D()

grid = Grid([14500, 61700], sx=22000, sy=24000, resx=30, resy=30).ps(1)
allpts = pts1.points().tolist() + grid.points().tolist()

msh = voronoi(allpts, method='scipy')

msh.lw(0.1).wireframe(False).cmap('terrain_r', 'VoronoiID', on='cells')
centers = Points(msh.cellCenters(), c='k')

show(msh, pts0, __doc__, axes=dict(digits=3))
Beispiel #2
v += 0.05*np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (n, n))

sy, sx = V.shape
grd = Grid(sx=sx, sy=sy, resx=sx, resy=sy)
formula = r'(u,v)=(D_u\cdot\Delta u -u v v+F(1-u), D_v\cdot\Delta v +u v v -(F+k)v)'
ltx = Latex(formula, s=15, pos=(0,-sy/1.9,0))
print('Du, Dv, F, k, name =', Du, Dv, F, k, name)
settings.useDepthPeeling = False

for step in range(Nsteps):
    for i in range(25):
        Lu = (                  U[0:-2, 1:-1] +
              U[1:-1, 0:-2] - 4*U[1:-1, 1:-1] + U[1:-1, 2:] +
                                U[2:  , 1:-1])
        Lv = (                  V[0:-2, 1:-1] +
              V[1:-1, 0:-2] - 4*V[1:-1, 1:-1] + V[1:-1, 2:] +
                                V[2:  , 1:-1])
        uvv = u*v*v
        u += Du*Lu - uvv + F*(1-u)
        v += Dv*Lv + uvv - (F+k)*v

    grd.cmap('ocean_r', V.ravel(), on='cells', arrayName="escals")
    newpts = grd.points()
    newpts[:,2] = grd.getPointArray('escals')*25 # assign z
    grd.points(newpts) # set the new points
    plt = show(ltx, grd, zoom=1.25, elevation=-.15, bg='linen', interactive=False)
    if plt.escaped: break  # if ESC is hit during loop

Beispiel #3
"""The butterfly effect with cylindrical mirrors and a laser"""
# Original idea from "The Action Lab":
from vedo import Plotter, Grid, Cylinder, merge
from optics_base import Ray, Mirror, Detector  # see file ./

grid = Grid(resx=3, resy=4)  # pick a few points in space to place cylinders
pts = grid.points().tolist() + grid.cellCenters().tolist()

# Create the mirror by merging many (y-scaled) cylinders into a single mesh object
cyls = [
    Cylinder(p, r=0.065, height=0.2, res=720).scale([1, 1.5, 1]) for p in pts
mirror = Mirror(merge(cyls)).color("silver")

# Create a detector surface as a thin cylinder surrounding the mirror
sd = Cylinder(r=1, height=0.3, cap=False).cutWithPlane([0, -0.95, 0],
detector = Detector(sd)

def slider(widget, event):  ### callback to shift the beam along x
    dx = widget.GetRepresentation().GetValue()
    ray = Ray([dx, -1.2, -0.1], direction=(0, 1, 0.02))
    ray.maxiterations = 1000  # max nr. of reflections
    ray.trace([mirror, detector])  # cumpute trajectory
    detector.count().cmap("Reds", on='cells', vmax=10)
    line = ray.asLine().lineWidth(4).c('green5')
    if plt.actors[-1].name == "Line":
        plt.pop()  # remove the last Line
    plt.add(line)  # add the new one