Beispiel #1
 def InputCommand(self, track, gs, climbrate):
     self.command.VelocityControlMode = rtString(b"GS", (c_int*2)(1,2))
     self.command.VTAS = 0
     self.command.GS   = gs*1.94384449   # m/s to kts
     self.command.VerticalControlMode = rtString(b"ROCD", (c_int*2)(1,4))
     self.command.Alt  = 0
     self.command.ROCD = climbrate*196.8503937  # m/s to fpm
     self.command.HeadingControlMode  = rtString(b"GT", (c_int*2)(1,2))
     self.command.Psi  = 0
     self.command.GT   = track
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, idx, home_gps, dt=0.05):
        Initialize a Six-passenger Quadrotor UAM simulation.
        Input arguments are defined in VehicleSimInterface.
        The vehicle starts at the given home_gps location.
        super().__init__(idx, home_gps, dt)
        self.massLevel = 2

        # Define controller gains
        self.gains = SpqGains()
        self.gains.k_VTAS           = 1.5         # airspeed gain (1/s)
        self.gains.gLimit_dVTAS     = 0.5         # max horizontal accel (g's)
        self.gains.k_ROCD           = 2*1.25*0.4  # climbrate gain (2*zeta*wn)
        self.gains.ROCD_max         = 2000        # max climbrate (fpm)
        self.gains.gLimit_dROCD     = 0.15        # max vertical accel (g's)
        self.gains.k_Alt            = 0.4**2*60   # altitude gain (wn^2)
        self.gains.k_deltaPsi       = 0.3         # turn rate gain (1/s)
        self.gains.dPsi_desired_max = 10          # max turn rate command (deg/s)
        self.gains.Phi_desired_max  = 60          # max bank angle (deg)
        self.gains.k_Phi            = 2.0         # bank angle feedback gain
        self.gains.dPhi_max         = 30          # max roll rate (deg/s)
        self.gains.P_MAX            = 2079        # max battery draw (MJ/hr)
        self.gains.usePowerLimitEnforcement = True  # limit accel based on P_MAX

        # Define input command
        self.command = SpqCommand()
        # Velocity contol mode: "GS" or "VTAS"
        self.command.VelocityControlMode = rtString(b"GS", (c_int*2)(1,2))
        self.command.VTAS = 0   # commanded airspeed (kts)
        self.command.GS   = 0   # commanded groundspeed (kts)
        # Vertical contol mode: "Alt" or "ROCD"
        self.command.VerticalControlMode = rtString(b"ROCD", (c_int*2)(1,4))
        self.command.Alt  = 0   # commanded altitude (ft)
        self.command.ROCD = 0   # commanded climb rate (fpm)
        # Vertical contol mode: "Heading" or "GT"
        self.command.HeadingControlMode  = rtString(b"GT", (c_int*2)(1,2))
        self.command.Psi  = 0   # commanded heading (deg CW from North)
        self.command.GT   = 0   # commanded ground track (deg CW from North)

        # Define initial vehicle state
        self.state = SpqState(
            distance = 0,   # horizontal distance from starting point (nm)
            VTAS = 0,       # airspeed (kts)
            Altitude = 0,   # altitude (ft)
            ROCD = 0,       # climb rate (fpm)
            Psi = 0,        # heading (deg CW from North)
            Phi = 0,        # bank angle (deg)
            N_pos = 0,      # distance North from starting point (nm)
            E_pos = 0,      # distance East from starting point (nm)
        self.groundtrack = 0    # current ground track (deg CW from North)

        self.wind_mps = [0, 0]  # wind speed [vn, ve] (m/s)