Beispiel #1
 def balance(self):
     Property responsible for displaying money nicely
     instead of just a Decimal object that could
     have up to 28 points of precision
     return money.to_money(self._balance)
    def test_deposit_always_logs_a_message(self, deposit: Decimal, caplog):

        deposit = money.to_money(deposit)
        machine = VendingMachine()

        # Resetting the log capturing utility because hypothesis won't reset it
    def test_deposit_0_or_less_logs_error_to_user(self, caplog):

        deposit = money.to_money(Decimal("-5"))

        machine = VendingMachine()

        assert "ERROR" in caplog.text
        assert "negative or 0" in caplog.text
Beispiel #4
    def dispense_change(self) -> Decimal:
        Returns the remaining amount to the user

        change = money.to_money(self._balance)

        self._balance = Decimal(0)
        fancy_print(LOG_SUCCESS, f"Dispensed {change}. Have a good day!")

        return change
    def test_deposit_money_logs_success_to_user(self, caplog):

        deposit = money.to_money(Decimal("30"))

        machine = VendingMachine()


        assert "SUCCESS" in caplog.text
        assert "Successfully deposited" in caplog.text
    def test_deposit_money_accepts_positive_amounts(self, deposit: Decimal):
        Test case ensures that any positive amount rounded to the
        nearest cent can be accepted by the vending machine.

        deposit = money.to_money(deposit)

        machine = VendingMachine()


        assert machine.balance == money.add(deposit, deposit)
Beispiel #7
    def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Dumps the core vending machine object to a json
        serializable object to be able to save to disk
        to persist state across CLI commands.

        return {
            "balance": str(money.to_money(self._balance)),
            "items": {
                location: item.to_json()
                for location, item in self.items.items()
            "purchases": [purchase.to_json() for purchase in self.purchases],
Beispiel #8
    def test_purchase_returns_proper_change(self, item: Item,
                                            balance: Decimal):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use,invalid-name,redefined-outer-name
        Testing to ensure that any valid purchase returns proper change
        by the formula ouput = input - price of item.

        Capping largest value at 100k because when a decimal
        gets generated by hypothesis that is larger than decimal's
        size precision, an error gets thrown.

        balance = money.to_money(balance)
        expected_change = money.subtract(balance, item.price)
        # Hypothesis doesn't reset the fixture, so we're going to manually
        # reset the remaining_stock instance variable to make sure
        # we don't hit OutOfStockErrors after a couple tests
        item.remaining_stock = 5

        change = item.purchase(balance)

        assert change == expected_change