Beispiel #1
 def simulate(self, args):
     weight = args.operandValues()[0]
     # The made SP is the same as in the conjugate case: flip coins
     # based on an explicit weight, and maintain sufficient statistics.
     output = TypedPSP(SuffBernoulliOutputPSP(weight),
                       SPType([], t.BoolType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffBernoulliSP(NullRequestPSP(), output))
Beispiel #2
    def simulate(self, args):
        (m0, k0, v0, S0) = args.operandValues()
        m0 = np.mat(m0).transpose()

        d = np.size(m0)
        output = TypedPSP(CMVNOutputPSP(d, m0, k0, v0, S0),
                          SPType([], t.HomogeneousArrayType(t.NumberType())))
        return VentureSPRecord(CMVNSP(NullRequestPSP(), output, d))
Beispiel #3
 def simulate(self, _trace, args):
     (alpha, beta) = args.operandValues()
     madeaux = args.madeSPAux()
     [ctY, ctN] = madeaux.cts()
     new_weight = args.np_prng().beta(a=(alpha + ctY), b=(beta + ctN))
     output = TypedPSP(SuffBernoulliOutputPSP(new_weight),
                       SPType([], t.BoolType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffBernoulliSP(NullRequestPSP(), output),
Beispiel #4
 def simulate(self, args):
     vals = args.operandValues()
     alpha = vals[0]
     os = vals[1] if len(vals) > 1 \
          else [VentureInteger(i) for i in range(len(alpha))]
     if len(os) != len(alpha):
         raise VentureValueError(
             "Set of objects to choose from is the wrong length")
     output = TypedPSP(CDirCatOutputPSP(alpha, os), SPType([], t.AnyType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(
         DirCatSP(NullRequestPSP(), output, alpha, len(alpha)))
Beispiel #5
def fromStackDict(thing):
    # proxy for VentureValue.fromStackDict that handles SPs by unwrapping them
    # TODO: should foreign_sp be a recognized stack dict type?
    # should this become the normal stack representation for SPs?
    if thing is None:
        return None
    elif thing["type"] == "foreign_sp":
        return VentureSPRecord(thing["sp"].sp, thing["aux"])
    elif thing["type"] == "request":
        return Request(thing["value"]["esrs"], thing["value"]["lsrs"])
        return VentureValue.fromStackDict(thing)
Beispiel #6
 def simulate(self, _trace, args):
     madeaux = args.madeSPAux()
     [xsum, ctN] = madeaux.cts()
     (alpha, beta) = args.operandValues()
     new_alpha = alpha + xsum
     new_beta = beta + ctN
     new_mu = args.np_prng().gamma(shape=(alpha + xsum),
                                   scale=1. / new_beta)
     output = TypedPSP(UGammaPoissonOutputPSP(new_mu, new_alpha, new_beta),
                       SPType([], t.CountType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffPoissonSP(NullRequestPSP(), output),
Beispiel #7
 def simulate(self, args):
     vals = args.operandValues()
     (alpha, n) = (float(vals[0]), int(vals[1]))
     os = vals[2] if len(vals) > 2 else [
         VentureInteger(i) for i in range(n)
     if len(os) != n:
         raise VentureValueError(
             "Set of objects to choose from is the wrong length")
     output = TypedPSP(CSymDirCatOutputPSP(alpha, n, os),
                       SPType([], t.AnyType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(DirCatSP(NullRequestPSP(), output, alpha, n))
Beispiel #8
 def simulate(self, args):
     vals = args.operandValues()
     alpha = vals[0]
     n = len(alpha)
     os = vals[1] if len(vals) > 1 else [
         VentureInteger(i) for i in range(n)
     if len(os) != n:
         raise VentureValueError(
             "Set of objects to choose from is the wrong length")
     theta = args.np_prng().dirichlet(alpha)
     output = TypedPSP(UDirCatOutputPSP(theta, os), SPType([], t.AnyType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(DirCatSP(NullRequestPSP(), output, alpha, n))
Beispiel #9
 def simulate(self, _trace, args):
     vals = args.operandValues()
     alpha = vals[0]
     os = vals[1] if len(vals) > 1 \
          else [VentureInteger(i) for i in range(len(alpha))]
     madeaux = args.madeSPAux()
     assert isinstance(madeaux, DirCatSPAux)
     counts = [count + a for (count, a) in zip(madeaux.counts, alpha)]
     newTheta = args.np_prng().dirichlet(counts)
     output = TypedPSP(UDirCatOutputPSP(newTheta, os),
                       SPType([], t.AnyType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(
         DirCatSP(NullRequestPSP(), output, alpha, len(alpha)), madeaux)
Beispiel #10
 def simulate(self, _trace, args):
     vals = args.operandValues()
     (alpha, n) = (float(vals[0]), int(vals[1]))
     os = vals[2] if len(vals) > 2 else [
         VentureInteger(i) for i in range(n)
     madeaux = args.madeSPAux()
     assert isinstance(madeaux, DirCatSPAux)
     counts = [count + alpha for count in madeaux.counts]
     newTheta = args.np_prng().dirichlet(counts)
     output = TypedPSP(USymDirCatOutputPSP(newTheta, os),
                       SPType([], t.AnyType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(DirCatSP(NullRequestPSP(), output, alpha, n),
Beispiel #11
    def commit(self):
        # note that we do not call registerRandomChoice() because it in
        # turn calls registerRandomChoiceInScope()
        for node in self.rcs:

        # this iteration includes "default"
        for (scope, blocks) in self.scopes.iteritems():
            for (block, pnodes) in blocks.iteritems():
                for pnode in pnodes:

        # note that we do not call registerConstrainedChoice() because it
        # in turn calls unregisterRandomChoice()
        for node in self.ccs:

        for node in self.aes:

        for (node, value) in self.values.iteritems():
            assert value is not None
            self.base.setValueAt(node, value)

        for (node, madeSP) in self.madeSPs.iteritems():
            self.base.setMadeSPRecordAt(node, VentureSPRecord(madeSP))

        for (node, esrParents) in self.esrParents.iteritems():
            self.base.setEsrParentsAt(node, esrParents)
        for (node, numRequests) in self.numRequests.iteritems():
            self.base.setNumRequestsAt(node, numRequests)
        for (node, newMadeSPFamilies) in self.newMadeSPFamilies.iteritems():
            self.base.addNewMadeSPFamilies(node, newMadeSPFamilies)
        for (node, newChildren) in self.newChildren.iteritems():
            self.base.addNewChildren(node, newChildren)

        for (node, spaux) in self.madeSPAuxs.iteritems():
            self.base.setMadeSPAuxAt(node, spaux)
Beispiel #12
 def simulate(self, args):
     (mean, covariance) = args.operandValues()
     return VentureSPRecord(GPSP(mean, covariance))
Beispiel #13
 def simulate(self, args):
     (alpha, beta) = args.operandValues()
     output = TypedPSP(CGammaPoissonOutputPSP(alpha, beta),
                       SPType([], t.CountType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffPoissonSP(NullRequestPSP(), output))
Beispiel #14
 def simulate(self, args):
     (alpha, beta) = args.operandValues()
     weight = args.np_prng().beta(a=alpha, b=beta)
     output = TypedPSP(SuffBernoulliOutputPSP(weight),
                       SPType([], t.BoolType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffBernoulliSP(NullRequestPSP(), output))
Beispiel #15
 def simulate(self, args):
     mu = args.operandValues()[0]
     output = TypedPSP(SuffPoissonOutputPSP(mu), SPType([], t.CountType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffPoissonSP(NullRequestPSP(), output))
Beispiel #16
 def simulate(self, args):
     (alpha, beta) = args.operandValues()
     mu = args.np_prng().gamma(shape=alpha, scale=1. / beta)
     output = TypedPSP(UGammaPoissonOutputPSP(mu, alpha, beta),
                       SPType([], t.CountType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffPoissonSP(NullRequestPSP(), output))
Beispiel #17
 def extractValue(self, did):
     ret = self.trace.extractValue(did)
     if ret["type"] == "foreign_sp":
         ret = VentureSPRecord(ret["sp"], ret["aux"]).asStackDict(None)
     return ret
Beispiel #18
 def bindPrimitiveSP(self, name, sp):
     address = addr.builtin_address(name)
     spNode = self.createConstantNode(address, VentureSPRecord(sp))
     processMadeSP(self, spNode, False)
     assert isinstance(self.valueAt(spNode), SPRef)
     self.globalEnv.addBinding(name, spNode)
Beispiel #19
 def simulate(self, args):
     sharedOperatorNode = args.operandNodes[0]
     return VentureSPRecord(
         SP(MSPRequestPSP(sharedOperatorNode), ESRRefOutputPSP()))
Beispiel #20
 def bindPrimitiveSP(self, name, sp):
     # TODO Mess with SPRecords and SPRefs properly
     spVal = VentureSPRecord(sp)
     self.env.addBinding(name, node.Node(None, spVal))
Beispiel #21
 def simulate(self, _trace, args):
     madeaux = args.madeSPAux()
     (p0, T, O) = args.operandValues()
     sp = UncollapsedHMMSP(p0, np.transpose(T), np.transpose(O))
     sp.forwardBackwardSample(madeaux, args.np_prng())
     return VentureSPRecord(sp, madeaux)
Beispiel #22
 def simulate(self, args):
     (p0, T, O) = args.operandValues()
     # Transposition for compatibility with Puma
     sp = UncollapsedHMMSP(p0, np.transpose(T), np.transpose(O))
     return VentureSPRecord(sp)
Beispiel #23
 def simulate(self, args):
     vals = args.operandValues()
     alpha = vals[0]
     d = vals[1] if len(vals) == 2 else 0
     output = TypedPSP(CRPOutputPSP(alpha, d), SPType([], t.AtomType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(CRPSP(NullRequestPSP(), output))
Beispiel #24
 def simulate(self, args):
     (alpha, beta) = args.operandValues()
     output = TypedPSP(CBetaBernoulliOutputPSP(alpha, beta),
                       SPType([], t.BoolType()))
     return VentureSPRecord(SuffBernoulliSP(NullRequestPSP(), output))
Beispiel #25
 def madeSPRecordAt(self, node):
     return VentureSPRecord(self.madeSPAt(node), self.madeSPAuxAt(node))