Beispiel #1
 def p_arrow_one(self, param, op, body):
     assert ast.isloc(body)
     param = ast.map_value(val.symbol, param)
     return ast.locmerge(param, body, [
         ast.map_value(val.symbol, ast.update_value(op, 'lambda')),
         ast.update_value(param, [param]),
Beispiel #2
 def p_body_do(self, ss, semi, e):
     assert ast.isloc(ss)
     if e is None:
         e = ast.update_value(semi, val.symbol('pass'))
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     do = ast.locmerge(ss, e, val.symbol('do'))
     return ast.locmerge(ss, e, [do] + ss.value + [e])
Beispiel #3
 def p_primary_proc(self, k, po, params, pc, bo, body, bc):
     assert ast.isloc(body)
     return ast.locmerge(k, bc, [
         ast.map_value(val.symbol, ast.update_value(k, 'lambda')),
         ast.locmerge(po, pc, params),
Beispiel #4
 def p_primary_if(self, k, po, p, pc, co, c, cc, ke, ao, a, ac):
     assert ast.isloc(p)
     assert ast.isloc(c)
     assert ast.isloc(a)
     return ast.locmerge(
         k, ac,
         [ast.map_value(val.symbol, ast.update_value(k, 'if')), p, c, a])
Beispiel #5
 def p_arrow_tuple(self, po, params, pc, op, body):
     assert ast.isloc(body)
     return ast.locmerge(po, body, [
         ast.map_value(val.symbol, ast.update_value(op, 'lambda')),
         ast.locmerge(po, pc, params),
Beispiel #6
 def p_primary_paren(self, o, es, c):
     assert isinstance(es, list) and all(map(ast.isloc, es))
     if len(es) == 1:
         [e] = es
         return ast.locmerge(o, c, e.value)
         keyword = ast.update_value(o, val.symbol('values_list'))
         construction = [keyword] + es
         return ast.locmerge(o, c, construction)
Beispiel #7
 def _p_binop(self, l, op, r):
     assert ast.isloc(l)
     assert ast.isloc(r)
     if op.value in operators:
         # Perform operator substitution
         new_op = ast.update_value(op, operators[op.value])
         # Leave it
         new_op = op
     app = [ast.map_value(val.symbol, new_op), l, r]
     return ast.locmerge(l, r, app)
Beispiel #8
 def p_directive_assume(self, k, n, e):
     # Fun fact.  This manipulation (and the similar treatment of
     # observe and predict, here and in the VentureScript parser)
     # breaks an invariant that parsing used to satisfy.  To wit,
     # once upon a time it was the case that the string picked out
     # by the location tags of every node in a parse tree was
     # guaranteed to re-parse to an equal node.  This cannot be the
     # case now, because the 'expr' node constructed here is not
     # parsed from the string, but synthesized based on knowing
     # that its constituents appear in an 'assume' directive.
     expr = [
         ast.update_value(k, val.symbol('assume')),
         ast.map_value(val.symbol, n), e
     return expression_evaluation_instruction(ast.loclist(expr))
Beispiel #9
 def p_applicative_lookup(self, a, o, index, c):
     assert ast.isloc(a)
     assert ast.isloc(index)
     lookup = ast.update_value(o, val.sym('lookup'))
     return ast.locmerge(a, c, [lookup, a, index])
Beispiel #10
 def p_hash_tag_tag_val(self, e, h, tag, colon, value):
     tag_proc = ast.update_value(h, val.symbol('tag'))
     name = locquoted(h, tag, val.quasiquote)
     app = [tag_proc, name, value, e]
     return ast.locmerge(e, value, app)
Beispiel #11
 def p_unary_neg(self, op, e):
     return self._p_binop(ast.update_value(op, val.number(0)), op, e)
Beispiel #12
 def p_statement_letvalues(self, l, po, names, pc, eq, e):
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     assert all(map(ast.isloc, names))
     let = ast.update_value(l, val.symbol('let_values'))
     names = ast.locmerge(po, pc, names)
     return ast.locmerge(let, e, [let, names, e])
Beispiel #13
 def p_hash_tag_tag(self, e, h, tag):
     tag_proc = ast.update_value(h, val.symbol('tag'))
     name = locquoted(h, tag, val.quasiquote)
     value = ast.update_value(h, val.string("default"))
     app = [tag_proc, name, value, e]
     return ast.locmerge(e, tag_proc, app)
Beispiel #14
 def p_directive_infer(self, k, e):
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     i = ast.update_value(k, val.symbol('do'))
     app = [i, e]
     return ast.locmerge(i, e, app)
Beispiel #15
 def p_literal_true(self, t):
     return ast.map_value(val.boolean, ast.update_value(t, True))
Beispiel #16
 def p_directive_observe(self, k, e, eq, e1):
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     assert ast.isloc(e1)
     i = ast.update_value(k, val.symbol('observe'))
     app = [i, e, e1]
     return ast.locmerge(i, e1, app)
Beispiel #17
 def p_path_expression_one(self, slash, s):
     assert ast.isloc(s)
     top = ast.update_value(slash, val.symbol('by_top'))
     intersect = ast.update_value(slash, val.symbol('by_walk'))
     app = [intersect, ast.loclist([top]), s]
     return ast.locmerge(top, s, app)
Beispiel #18
 def p_action_sample(self, k, e):
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     i = ast.update_value(k, val.symbol('sample'))
     app = [i, e]
     return ast.locmerge(i, e, app)
Beispiel #19
 def p_statements_one(self, s):
     assert ast.isloc(s)
     return ast.update_value(s, [s])
Beispiel #20
 def p_action_force(self, k, e1, eq, e2):
     assert ast.isloc(e1)
     assert ast.isloc(e2)
     i = ast.update_value(k, val.symbol('force'))
     app = [i, e1, e2]
     return ast.locmerge(i, e2, app)
Beispiel #21
 def p_do_bind_labelled(self, n, op, l):
     assert ast.isloc(l)
     # XXX Yes, this remains infix, for the macro expander to handle...
     # XXX Convert <~ to <- for the macro expander's sake
     expression = [n, ast.update_value(op, val.symbol("<-")), l]
     return ast.locmerge(n, l, expression)
Beispiel #22
 def p_statement_assign(self, n, eq, e):
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     let = ast.update_value(eq, val.symbol('let'))
     n = ast.map_value(val.symbol, n)
     return ast.locmerge(n, e, [let, n, e])
Beispiel #23
 def p_command_load(self, k, pathname):
     i = ast.update_value(k, 'load')
     return ast.locmerge(i, pathname, {'instruction': i, 'file': pathname})
Beispiel #24
 def p_path_expression_some(self, more, slash, s):
     # XXX Is this just _p_binop with the "slash" operator?
     assert ast.isloc(s)
     intersect = ast.update_value(slash, val.symbol('by_walk'))
     app = [intersect, more, s]
     return ast.locmerge(more, s, app)
Beispiel #25
 def p_command_define(self, k, n, eq, e):
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     i = ast.update_value(k, 'define')
     s = ast.map_value(val.symbol, n)
     instruction = {'instruction': i, 'symbol': s, 'expression': e}
     return ast.locmerge(i, e, instruction)
Beispiel #26
 def p_path_step_tag_val(self, q, tag, eq, value):
     by_tag_value = ast.update_value(q, val.symbol('by_tag_value'))
     name = locquoted(q, tag, val.quasiquote)
     app = [by_tag_value, name, value]
     return ast.locmerge(by_tag_value, value, app)
Beispiel #27
 def p_primary_array(self, o, a, c):
     assert isinstance(a, list)
     construction = [ast.update_value(o, val.symbol('array'))] + a
     return ast.locmerge(o, c, construction)
Beispiel #28
 def p_path_step_star(self, star):
     return ast.update_value(star, [val.symbol('by_star')])
Beispiel #29
 def p_literal_false(self, f):
     return ast.map_value(val.boolean, ast.update_value(f, False))
Beispiel #30
 def p_statement_mutrec(self, l, n, eq, e):
     assert ast.isloc(e)
     let = ast.update_value(l, val.symbol('mutrec'))
     n = ast.map_value(val.symbol, n)
     return ast.locmerge(let, e, [let, n, e])