def testAssumedGibbsWithLatent():
#    raise(SkipTest('for quick results.'))
    "Checks an exact proposal with latent randomness"
    ripl = get_ripl()
    ripl.assume("x", "(scope_include (quote X) 0 (normal 0 1.0))", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote Y) 0 (normal (sqrt (* x x)) 1.0))", 10.0)
    MyBimodalExactPosterior = partial(BimodalExactPosterior, mu1=0, sigma1=1.0, sigma2=1.0)
    ripl.register_proposal_program_class("MyBimodalExactPosterior", MyBimodalExactPosterior)
    # Posterior for a is bi-modal with two modes at -5, 5, both with precision 2
    #  ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)")
    proposal_src = """
        [declare {
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh bimodalexact assumed_gibbs 1 1)")
    cdf = (lambda x:(stats.norm(loc=-5, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf(x)+stats.norm(loc=5, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf(x))*0.5)
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "0.5*N(-5,sqrt(0.5))+0.5*N(5,sqrt(0.5))")
Beispiel #2
def testExpon1(seed):
    # Check that exponential distribution is parameterized correctly
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("a", "(expon 4.0)", label="pid")
    observed = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    expon_cdf = lambda x: expon.cdf(x, scale=1. / 4)
    return reportKnownContinuous(expon_cdf, observed)
def testAuxWithoutLatent():
#    raise(SkipTest('for quick results.'))
    "Checks the posterior distribution on a Gaussian given an unlikely observation"
    ripl = get_ripl()
    ripl.assume("a", "(scope_include (quote A) 0 (normal 10.0 1.0))", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote B) 0 (normal a 1.0))", 20.0)
    # fake mu1=9, so that assumed_gibbs is doomed to fail the statistical test
    MyNormalBiasedPosterior = partial(NormalExactPosterior, mu1=9, sigma1=1.0, sigma2=1.0)
    ripl.register_proposal_program_class("MyNormalBiasedPosterior", MyNormalBiasedPosterior)
    # Posterior for a is normal with mean 15, precision 2
    #  ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)")
    proposal_src = """
        [declare {
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh normalbiased aux 1 20)")
    cdf = stats.norm(loc=15, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(15,sqrt(0.5))")
def check_loggamma_ks(shape, seed):
  np_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
  nsamples = default_num_samples()
  log_samples = [simulateLogGamma(shape, np_rng) for _ in xrange(nsamples)]
  samples = np.exp(np.array(log_samples))
  dist = scipy.stats.gamma(shape)
  return reportKnownContinuous(dist.cdf, samples)
Beispiel #5
def checkForceBrush2(infer, seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)")
    ripl.predict("(if (< x 0) (normal 0 1) (normal 100 1))", label="pid")
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=infer)
    cdf = lambda x: 0.5 * stats.norm(loc=0, scale=1).cdf(x) + 0.5 * stats.norm(
        loc=100, scale=1).cdf(x)
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(0,1)/2 + N(100,1)/2")
def testInvGamma1(seed):
    # Check that Gamma is parameterized correctly
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    # samples
    ripl.assume("a", "(inv_gamma 10.0 10.0)", label="pid")
    observed = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    # true CDF
    inv_gamma_cdf = lambda x: invgamma.cdf(x, a=10, scale=10)
    return reportKnownContinuous(inv_gamma_cdf, observed)
def testLaplace1(seed):
    # Test that laplace distribution does what it should
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    # samples
    ripl.assume("a", "(laplace -3 2)", label="pid")
    observed = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    # true CDF
    laplace_cdf = lambda x: laplace.cdf(x, -3, 2)
    return reportKnownContinuous(laplace_cdf, observed)
def testBasicRejection3(seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("p", "(uniform_continuous 0 1)", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(flip p)", "true")
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,
                                 infer="(rejection default all 1)")
    cdf = stats.beta(2, 1).cdf
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "beta(2,1)")
def testPoisson1(seed):
    # Check that Poisson simulates and absorbs without crashing.
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("lambda", "(gamma 1 1)", label="pid")
    #ripl.predict("(poisson lambda)")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    return reportKnownContinuous(
        scipy.stats.gamma(1, scale=1 / 1.0).cdf, predictions, "(gamma 1 1)")
def check_loggamma_ks_quad(shape, seed):
  inf = float('inf')
  np_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
  nsamples = default_num_samples()
  samples = [simulateLogGamma(shape, np_rng) for _ in xrange(nsamples)]
  def pdf(x):
    return exp(logDensityLogGamma(x, shape))
  def cdf(x):
    p, _e = scipy.integrate.quad(pdf, -inf, x)
    return p
  return reportKnownContinuous(np.vectorize(cdf), samples)
Beispiel #11
def testBernoulliIfNormal1(seed):
    # A simple program with bernoulli, if, and normal applications in the brush
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("b", "(bernoulli 0.3)")
    ripl.predict("(if b (normal 0.0 1.0) (normal 10.0 1.0))", label="pid")
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")

    def cdf(x):
        return 0.3 * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=0, scale=1) + \
          0.7 * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=10, scale=1)

    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "0.3*N(0,1) + 0.7*N(10,1)")
Beispiel #12
def testInvWishartPrior2(seed):
  # Confirm that the diagonal elements of an inverse Wishart are an
  # inverse Gamma distribution.

  if inParallel() and backend_name() == "puma":
    raise SkipTest("The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and wishart comes from Lite.")

  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  ripl.assume("s", "(matrix (array (array 2 -1) (array -1 3)))")
  ripl.assume("m", "(inv_wishart s 4.2)")
  ripl.predict("(lookup m (pair 1 1))", label="prediction")

  predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "prediction")
  cdf = scipy.stats.invgamma(a=1.6, scale=1.5).cdf
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
Beispiel #13
def testWishartPrior1(seed):
  # Confirm that the diagonal elements of a Wishart are a chi-squared
  # distribution.

  if inParallel() and backend_name() == "puma":
    raise SkipTest("The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and wishart comes from Lite.")

  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  ripl.assume("s", "(matrix (array (array 2 -1) (array -1 3)))")
  ripl.assume("m", "(wishart s 5)")
  ripl.predict("(lookup m (pair 0 0))", label="prediction")

  predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "prediction")
  cdf = scipy.stats.chi2(df=5, scale=2).cdf
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
Beispiel #14
def testBernoulliIfNormal2(seed):
    # A simple program with bernoulli, if, and an absorbing application of normal
    if not collect_iid_samples():
        raise SkipTest("This test should not pass without reset.")

    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("b", "(bernoulli 0.3)")
    ripl.predict("(normal (if b 0.0 10.0) 1.0)", label="pid")
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")

    def cdf(x):
        return 0.3 * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=0, scale=1) + \
          0.7 * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=10, scale=1)

    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "0.3*N(0,1) + 0.7*N(10,1)")
Beispiel #15
def testModelForkingSmoke(seed):
  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed, persistent_inference_trace=True)
[assume p (beta 1 1)]

[define beta_through_model
  (lambda (a b)
    (do (m <- (fork_model))
        (res <- (in_model m
          (do (repeat (- a 1) (observe (flip p) true))
              (repeat (- b 1) (observe (flip p) false))
              (mh default one %s)
              (sample p))))
        (return (first res))))]
  """ % default_num_transitions_per_sample())
  predictions = [ripl.infer("(beta_through_model 3 2)") for _ in range(default_num_samples())]
  cdf = stats.beta(3,2).cdf
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
Beispiel #16
def testObserveOutputOfIf1(seed):
    # It is natural to want deterministic conditionals in one's error
    # models.  Some cases Venture can handle gracefully.
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("p", "(uniform_continuous 0.0 1.0)", label="pid")
        "x", """
(if (bernoulli p)
    (normal 10.0 1.0)
    (normal 0.0 1.0))
    ripl.observe("x", 11.0)

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    cdf = stats.beta(
        1).cdf  # The observation nearly guarantees the first branch is taken
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "approximately beta(2,1)")
Beispiel #17
def testEval2(seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("p", "(uniform_continuous 0.0 1.0)", label="pid")
    ripl.assume("globalEnv", "(get_current_environment)")
        "expr", """
 ((biplex (bernoulli p)
   (lambda () (normal 10.0 1.0))
   (lambda () (normal 0.0 1.0)))))

    ripl.assume("x", "(eval expr globalEnv)")
    ripl.observe("x", 11.0)

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    cdf = stats.beta(
        1).cdf  # The observation nearly guarantees the first branch is taken
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "approximately beta(2,1)")
Beispiel #18
def testDefaultTrainer():
#    raise(SkipTest('for quick results.'))
    "Train a proposal to inverse a joint Gaussian model, using default (target) trainer"
    ripl = get_ripl()
    ripl.assume("a", "(scope_include (quote A) 0 (normal 0.0 1.0))", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote B) 0 (normal (+ (* a 2) 2) 1.0))", 4.5)
    ripl.register_proposal_program_class("LinearRegressionProposalProgram", LinearRegressionProposalProgram)
    # Posterior for a is normal with mean 1.0, precision 5
    proposal_src = """
        [declare {
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh linreg aux 1 5)")
    cdf = stats.norm(loc=1.0, scale=math.sqrt(0.2)).cdf
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(1.0,sqrt(0.2))")
Beispiel #19
def testCustommhSaveLoad():
#    raise(SkipTest('for quick results.'))
    "Checks the posterior distribution on a Gaussian given an unlikely observation"
    ripl = get_ripl()
    ripl.assume("a", "(scope_include (quote A) 0 (normal 10.0 1.0))", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote B) 0 (normal a 1.0))", 20.0)
    MyNormalExactPosterior = partial(NormalExactPosterior, mu1=10.0, sigma1=1.0, sigma2=1.0)
    ripl.register_proposal_program_class("MyNormalExactPosterior", MyNormalExactPosterior)
    # Posterior for a is normal with mean 15, precision 2
    #  ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)")
    proposal_src_1 = """
        [declare {
    proposal_src_2 = """
        [declare {
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh normalexact2 assumed_gibbs 1 1)")
    cdf = stats.norm(loc=15, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(15,sqrt(0.5))")
Beispiel #20
def testNormalWithObserves2(seed):
  ripl, post_mean, post_std, cdf = setupNormalWithObserves(100, 3.0, seed)
  # The sample distribution is an approximation to cdf with the accuracy
  # controlled by epsilon, the fifth argument.
  predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(subsampled_mh default one 2 3 0.01 true %f false 50)" % post_std)
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(%f,%f^2)" % (post_mean, post_std))
Beispiel #21
def testNormalWithObserves1(seed):
  ripl, post_mean, post_std, cdf = setupNormalWithObserves(100, 3.0, seed)
  predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(subsampled_mh default one 2 3 0.01 false 0 false 50)")
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(%f,%f^2)" % (post_mean, post_std))
Beispiel #22
def checkCDF(expr, cdf, seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.predict(expr, label="pid")
    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, expr)