def search_in_two_tables(self, table, table2, rel1, rel2, search_col, mods, values): col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys = self.get_col_info(table) col_names2, col_types2, pkeys2, fkeys2 = self.get_col_info(table2) try: self.connect() psycopg2.sql.SQL( "SELECT * FROM public.{0} JOIN public.{1} ON public.{0}.{2} = public.{1}.{3} WHERE {4};" ).format( psycopg2.sql.Identifier(table), psycopg2.sql.Identifier(table2), psycopg2.sql.SQL(rel1), psycopg2.sql.SQL(rel2), psycopg2.sql.SQL(" AND ".join([ (c + "=%s" if m[1] == '' else "(" + c + " BETWEEN " + v[1].split()[0] + " AND " + v[1].split()[1] + ")") for c, m, v in zip(search_col, mods, values) ]))), tuple([v[1] for m, v in zip(mods, values) if m[1] != 'r'])) data = view.print_table(col_names + col_names2, col_types + col_types2, pkeys + pkeys2, fkeys + fkeys2, data) except (Exception, ps2.Error) as e: view.error(e) finally: self.close()
def run(): while True: choice = view.welcome_menu() if choice == "1": #Create an account username = view.get_username() pin = view.get_pin() balance = view.amount() new_account = Account(username) = pin new_account.balance = balance main_menu(new_account) elif choice == "2": #login username = view.get_username() pin = view.get_pin() account = Account.login(username, pin) if not account: view.error() else: main_menu(account) elif choice == "3": #exit return else: view.bad_input()
def insert(self, table, sels): try: self.connect() self.session.add(self.base.classes[table](**dict(sels))) self.session.commit() except Exception as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def connect(self): try: = ps2.connect(, port=self.port, database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password) = except (Exception, ps2.Error) as e: view.error(e) controller.selection()
def connect(self): try: self.engine = sqlal.create_engine('postgresql://'+self.user+':' + self.password+'@'':'+self.port+'/'+self.database) self.meta = sqlal.MetaData() self.meta.reflect(self.engine) self.base = automap_base(metadata=self.meta) self.base.prepare() self.session = Session(self.engine) except Exception as e: view.error(e) controller.selection()
def full_text_search(self, table, text_col, txt, search_mode=1): col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys = self.get_col_info(table) try: self.connect() data = self.session.execute(text("SELECT * FROM public.\"{}\" WHERE {} (to_tsvector({}) @@ to_tsquery('{}'));" .format(table, ("NOT" if search_mode == 1 else ""), text_col, ('|' if search_mode == 1 else '&').join(txt)))).fetchall() view.print_table(col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys, data) except Exception as e: view.error(e) finally: self.close()
def select_all(self, table): col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys = self.get_col_info(table) try: self.connect() qr = self.session.query(self.base.classes[table]).limit(1000) data = [[getattr(q, c) for c in col_names] for q in qr] view.print_table(col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys, data) except Exception as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def update(self, table, sels, where): try: self.connect() qr = self.session.query(self.base.classes[table]).filter(text(where)).all() for tq in qr: for cs,cv in sels: setattr(tq, cs, cv) self.session.commit() except Exception as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def delete(self, table, where): try: self.connect() qr = self.session.query( self.base.classes[table]).filter(text(where)).all() for tq in qr: self.session.delete(tq) self.session.commit() except Exception as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def delete(self, table, where): try: self.connect() psycopg2.sql.SQL("DELETE FROM {} {};").format( psycopg2.sql.Identifier(table), (psycopg2.sql.SQL("WHERE " + where) if where else psycopg2.sql.SQL("")))) except (Exception, ps2.Error) as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def select_all(self, table): col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys = self.get_col_info(table) try: self.connect() psycopg2.sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM public.{};").format( psycopg2.sql.Identifier(table))) data = view.print_table(col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys, data) except (Exception, ps2.Error) as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def search_in_two_tables(self, table, table2, rel1, rel2, search_col, mods, values): col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys = self.get_col_info(table) col_names2, col_types2, pkeys2, fkeys2 = self.get_col_info(table2) try: self.connect() data = self.session.execute( text("SELECT * FROM public.\"{0}\" JOIN public.\"{1}\" ON public.\"{0}\".{2} = public.\"{1}\".{3} WHERE {4};" .format(table, table2, rel1, rel2, " AND ".join([(c+"=:"+c if m[1] == '' else "("+c+" BETWEEN "+v[1].split()[0]+" AND "+v[1].split()[1]+")") for c, m, v in zip(search_col, mods, values)]))), dict([(c, v[1]) for c, m, v in zip(search_col, mods, values) if m[1] != 'r'])).fetchall() view.print_table(col_names+col_names2, col_types+col_types2, pkeys+pkeys2, fkeys+fkeys2, data) except Exception as e: view.error(e) finally: self.close()
def update(self, table, sels, where): try: self.connect() psycopg2.sql.SQL("UPDATE public.{} SET {} {};").format( psycopg2.sql.Identifier(table), psycopg2.sql.SQL(", ".join([s[0] + "=%s" for s in sels])), (psycopg2.sql.SQL("WHERE " + where) if where else psycopg2.sql.SQL(""))), tuple([s[1] for s in sels])) except (Exception, ps2.Error) as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def insert(self, table, sels): try: self.connect() psycopg2.sql.SQL( "INSERT INTO public.{} ({}) VALUES ({});").format( psycopg2.sql.Identifier(table), psycopg2.sql.SQL(", ".join([s[0] for s in sels])), psycopg2.sql.SQL(", ".join( ["%s" for i in range(len(sels))]))), tuple([s[1] for s in sels])) except (Exception, ps2.Error) as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def gen_random(self, table, gen_len): col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys = self.get_col_info(table) self.delete(table, '') try: self.connect() self.session.execute(text("INSERT INTO public.\"{}\" (SELECT {} FROM generate_series(1, {}));" .format(table, ", ".join(["(SELECT {} FROM public.\"{}\" ORDER BY RANDOM()+generate_series LIMIT 1)" .format([f[2] for f in fkeys if f[0] == c][0], [f[1] for f in fkeys if f[0] == c][0]) if c in [f[0] for f in fkeys] else (("generate_series" if 'INTEGER' in t or 'NUMERIC' in t else "generate_series::text") if c in pkeys else (("NOW()+(random()*(interval '90 days'))+'30 days'" if 'TIMESTAMP' in t else ("cast(random()::int as boolean)" if t == 'BOOLEAN' else ("SUBSTRING(md5(random()::text),1,5)" if 'TEXT' in t or 'VARCHAR' in t else "(random()*1000000)::int"))))) for c, t in zip(col_names, col_types)]), gen_len))) self.session.commit() except Exception as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def gen_random(self, table, gen_len): col_names, col_types, pkeys, fkeys = self.get_col_info(table) self.delete(table, '') try: self.connect() psycopg2.sql.SQL( "INSERT INTO public.{} (SELECT {} FROM generate_series(1, {}));" ).format( psycopg2.sql.Identifier(table), psycopg2.sql.SQL(", ".join([(psycopg2.sql.SQL( "(SELECT {} FROM public.{} ORDER BY RANDOM()+generate_series LIMIT 1)" ).format( psycopg2.sql.SQL([f[2] for f in fkeys if f[0] == c][0]), psycopg2.sql.Identifier([ f[1] for f in fkeys if f[0] == c ][0])).as_string( if c in [ f[0] for f in fkeys ] else ( ("generate_series" if t in ['integer', 'numeric'] else "generate_series::text") if c in pkeys else (("NOW()+(random()*(interval '90 days'))+'30 days'" if 'timestamp' in t else ("cast(random()::int as boolean)" if t == 'boolean' else ("SUBSTRING(md5(random()::text),1,5)" if t in ['text', 'character varying' ] else "(random()*1000)::int"))) ))) for c, t in zip(col_names, col_types)])), psycopg2.sql.SQL(gen_len))) except (Exception, ps2.Error) as e: view.error(e) controller.selection() finally: self.close()
def showProjectPath(): current_project = ProjectExplorer.ProjectTree.instance().currentProject() if current_project: else: view.error("Please open a project")
while True: choice = view.main_menu() if choice.upper() == 'C': view.add_class() subject = input('Subject: ') room = int(input('Room number: ')) t_id = int(input('Teacher ID: ')) capacity = int(input('Class capaciiy: ')) c_id = int(input('Class ID: ')) success = model.add_class(subject,room,t_id,capacity,c_id) if success: view.success('Class') else: view.error() elif choice.upper() == 'T': view.add_teacher() first = input('First name: ') last = input('Last name: ') homeroom = int(input('Homeroom number: ')) subj = input('Subject: ') phone = input('Phone number: ') tenure = input('Tenure (1/0): ') age = int(input('Age: ')) email = input('Email: ') t_id = int(input('Teacher ID: ')) success = model.add_teacher(first,last,homeroom,subj,phone, tenure,age,email,t_id) if success:
## $QT_END_LICENSE$ ## ############################################################################# # This example demonstrates how to work with the current # project. It also includes a dependency on a plugin # that can be disabled. import sys, view # When importing optional bindings, we can warn the user in case things go south try: from PythonExtension.QtCreator import ProjectExplorer except ImportError: view.error( "The extension \"projects\" could not be loaded, since it depends on a disabled plugin." ) raise Exception("Dependencies missing") # Now we can assume, that ProjectExplorer was imported def showProjectPath(): current_project = ProjectExplorer.ProjectTree.instance().currentProject() if current_project: else: view.error("Please open a project") helpMenu = QtCreator.Core.ActionManager.actionContainer( "QtCreator.Menu.Window")
return a, b while True: ######### # INPUT # ######### view.welcome() filename = view.get_file_read( 'Por favor insira o nome do arquivo de texto contendo os dados (com a extensao): ' ) if filename == '': view.error('Nome de arquivo vazio') if not os.path.isfile(filename): col1_name = view.get_file_creation( 'Insira o nome da primeira coluna: ') col2_name = view.get_file_creation('Insira o nome da segunda coluna: ') sep = view.get_file_creation_nc( ('Insira o(s) caractere(s) separador(es) desejado (ex: virgula, ' 'ponto e virgula, dois pontos, etc): ')) print() col_1 = [ float(x) for x in view.get_input(( 'Insira os valores numericos da coluna "' + col1_name + '", ' 'separados pelo(s) caractere(s) escolhido(s): ')).split(sep)