def plot_intervals(rf, rate_list, alpha=.75, color=(.0,.5,.0), text_color=(.0,.3,.0), fontsize=12): """ use matplotlib plotting functions to render transparent rectangles on the current figure representing each piece of RateData that will be used in fitting this age-specific rate function """ for r in rate_list: if r.age_end == fields.MISSING: r.age_end = probabilistic_utils.MAX_AGE rate_val = float(r.numerator)/float(r.denominator) x_jitter = 0.*np.random.rand() y_jitter = 0. pl.plot(.5*np.array([(r.age_start+r.age_end+1)]*2)+x_jitter,, color=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=1) pl.plot(np.array([r.age_start, r.age_end+1.]), np.array([rate_val,rate_val]), color=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=5, ) # pl.text(r.age_end+x_jitter, rate_val+y_jitter, # "n=%d" % r.rate_denominator, # color=text_color, alpha=alpha, fontsize=8) view_utils.label_plot('%s (id=%d)' % (rf,, fontsize=fontsize)
def rate_plot(request, path, format='png'): """ use matplotlib plotting functions to render transparent rectangles on the current figure representing each piece of RateData that will be used in fitting this age-specific rate function path is the format param_value-param2_value2-..., where each param is from the list [disease, rate, region, sex, limit] values for region and disease are the id of the object, limit is an int upper-bound on number of rates to plot, and all the other options will do partial name matching """ filter_params = {'limit': '100'} for p in path.split('-'): param, value = p.split('_') if param == 'disease': filter_params['disease__id'] = int(value) elif param == 'rate': filter_params['rate_type__contains'] = value elif param == 'region': filter_params['region__id'] = int(value) elif param == 'sex': filter_params['sex'] = value elif param == 'limit': filter_params['limit'] = value else: raise KeyError limit = int(filter_params.pop('limit')) rates = Rate.objects.filter(**filter_params) view_utils.clear_plot() for r in rates[:limit]: rate_val = float(r.numerator)/float(r.denominator) x_jitter = np.random.rand() y_jitter = 0. if == 'male': color = (0.,0.,.8) elif == 'female': color = (.8,0.,0.) else: color = (0.,.8,0.) text_color = 'black' alpha=.65 pl.plot(np.array([r.age_start, r.age_end+1.])+x_jitter, np.array([rate_val,rate_val])+y_jitter, color=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=5,) pl.text(r.age_end+x_jitter, rate_val+y_jitter, "n=%d" % r.denominator, color=text_color, alpha=alpha, fontsize=6) view_utils.label_plot(path.replace('-', ', ').replace('_', ': ')) return HttpResponse(view_utils.figure_data(format), view_utils.MIMETYPE[format])
def population_plot(request, id, format): pop = get_object_or_404(Population, pk=id) M,C = pop.gaussian_process() x = np.arange(0.,100.,1.) # handle json & csv formats, which are not technically a plot if format in ['json', 'csv']: if format == 'json': data_str = pop.data_json elif format == 'csv': headings = ['Age (years)', 'Population (thousands)'] rows = [[a, p] for a,p in zip(['mesh'],['vals'])] data_str = view_utils.csv_str(headings, rows) return HttpResponse(data_str, view_utils.MIMETYPE[format]) view_utils.clear_plot() pl.plot(x,np.maximum(0.0,M(x))) view_utils.label_plot("%s, %d, %s" % (, pop.year, pl.ylabel('Population (thousands)') return HttpResponse(view_utils.figure_data(format), view_utils.MIMETYPE[format])
def age_specific_rate_function_compare(request, id_str, format='html'): """ display information for comparing multiple age specific rate functions id_str is a comma separate list of asrf ids, and format can be html or a graphics format that is recognized by matplotlib """ asrfs = view_utils.id_str_to_objects(id_str, AgeSpecificRateFunction) if format == 'html': return render_to_response('age_specific_rate_function/compare.html', {'id_str': id_str, 'asrfs': asrfs}) size = request.GET.get('size', default='normal') style = request.GET.get('style', default='overlay') if size == 'small': width = 3 height = 2 elif size == 'full_page': width = 11 height = 8.5 else: width = 6 height = 4 max_rate = .0001 view_utils.clear_plot(width=width,height=height) try: if style == 'overlay': for ii, rf in enumerate(asrfs): plot_fit(rf, 'map', alpha=.75, linewidth=5, label='asrf %d' max_rate = np.max([max_rate] +['map']) pl.axis([0, 100, 0, 1.25*max_rate]) elif style == 'scatter': x, y = [ [ asrfs[ii].fit[fit_type] for fit_type in ['mcmc_mean', 'mcmc_lower_cl', 'mcmc_upper_cl'] ] for ii in [0,1] ] max_x = np.max(x[2]) max_y = np.max(y[2]) max_t = max(max_x, max_y, .00001) xerr = np.abs(np.array(x[1:]) - np.array(x[0])) yerr = np.abs(np.array(y[1:]) - np.array(y[0])) pl.plot([probabilistic_utils.NEARLY_ZERO,1.], [probabilistic_utils.NEARLY_ZERO,1.], linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, color='black', alpha=.75) pl.errorbar(x=x[0], xerr=xerr, y=y[0], yerr=yerr, fmt='bo') pl.axis([0,max_t,0,max_t]) elif style == 'stack': n = asrfs.count() max_t = probabilistic_utils.NEARLY_ZERO for ii in range(n): x = asrfs[ii].fit['mcmc_mean'] max_t = max(np.max(x), max_t) pl.subplot(n, 1, ii+1, frameon=False) pl.plot(x, linewidth=3) if size != 'small': pl.title(asrfs[ii]) pl.axis([0, 100, 0, max_t*1.1]) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1) elif style == 'parallel': for xx in zip(*[['mcmc_mean'] for rf in asrfs ]): pl.plot(xx, linewidth=2, color='blue', alpha=.5) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = pl.axis() pl.vlines(range(len(asrfs)), ymin, ymax, color='black', linestyles='dashed', alpha=.5, linewidth=2) pl.xticks(range(len(asrfs)), [ 'asrf %d' % for rf in asrfs ]) except KeyError: pass #pl.figtext(0.4,0.2, 'No MCMC Fit Found') if size == 'small': pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) else: if style != 'stack' and style != 'parallel': pl.legend() view_utils.label_plot('Comparison of Age-Specific Rate Functions') return HttpResponse(view_utils.figure_data(format), view_utils.MIMETYPE[format])
def age_specific_rate_function_show(request, id_str, format='html'): asrfs = view_utils.id_str_to_objects(id_str, AgeSpecificRateFunction) if format == 'html': return render_to_response('age_specific_rate_function/show.html', view_utils.template_params(asrfs[0], asrfs=asrfs, id_str=id_str, query_str=request.META['QUERY_STRING'])) # handle json & csv formats if format in ['json', 'csv']: if format == 'json': data_str = json.dumps([[,] for rf in asrfs]) elif format == 'csv': headings = {} rows = {} data_str = '' for rf in asrfs: headings[rf] = ['Age (years)', 'MAP Rate (per 1.0)'] rows[rf] = [[a, p] for a,p in zip(['out_age_mesh'],['map'])] data_str += view_utils.csv_str(headings[rf], rows[rf]) return HttpResponse(data_str, view_utils.MIMETYPE[format]) # handle graphics formats cnt = asrfs.count() cols = 2 rows = int(np.ceil(float(cnt) / float(cols))) subplot_width = 6 subplot_height = 4 view_utils.clear_plot(width=subplot_width*cols,height=subplot_height*rows) for ii, rf in enumerate(asrfs): pl.subplot(rows,cols,ii+1) if request.GET.get('bars'): bars_mcmc_fit(rf) #plot_map_fit(rf, alpha=.3) plot_truth(rf) else: plot_intervals(rf, rf.rates.all(), fontsize=12, alpha=.5) plot_intervals(rf, rf.rates.filter(params_json__contains='Rural'), fontsize=12, alpha=.5, color='brown') #plot_normal_approx(rf) plot_map_fit(rf) plot_mcmc_fit(rf) plot_truth(rf) plot_prior(rf) pl.text(0,0,'priors',''), color='black', family='monospace', alpha=.75) view_utils.label_plot('%s (id=%d)' % (rf,, fontsize=10) max_rate = np.max([.0001] + [r.rate for r in rf.rates.all()] +'mcmc_upper_cl', [])) xmin = float(request.GET.get('xmin', default=0.)) xmax = float(request.GET.get('xmax', default=100.)) ymin = float(request.GET.get('ymin', default=0.)) ymax = float(request.GET.get('ymax', default=1.25*max_rate)) pl.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) if ii % cols != 0: pl.ylabel('') #pl.yticks([]) if (ii + cols) < cnt: pl.xlabel('') #pl.xticks([]) return HttpResponse(view_utils.figure_data(format), view_utils.MIMETYPE[format])