def eccentricity( img, distFunc = "exponential", showPathImage = False, percentageOfPaths = 100, imgSaveName = "" ):

    img = img.astype(numpy.uint8)
    dim = len(img.shape)

    ## Enlarge image by one pixel on each side
    bigShape = []
    for s in img.shape:
        bigShape.append(s + 2)
    bigImg = numpy.ones(bigShape)
    slices = []
    for i in range(dim):
        slices.append(slice(1, bigImg.shape[i]-1))
    bigImg[ slices ] = img
    inside = numpy.where(bigImg==0)
    outside = numpy.where(bigImg==1)

    ## Apply distanceTransform and modify (outside: high values, inside: low values)
    distImage = vigra.filters.distanceTransform2D(bigImg.astype(numpy.float32))
    imgp = distImage.copy()
    # if showPathImage:
    #     imgp = distImage.copy()
    if distFunc == "exponential":
        distImage = numpy.exp(distImage*-gamma)
    elif distFunc == "linear":
        maxDist = distImage.max()
        distImage = maxDist - distImage + 10
    elif distFunc == "inverse":
        w = numpy.where(distImage!=0)
        distImage[w] = 1/distImage[w]
        print "wrong parameters for distFunc in eccentricity"

    ## Distance in the inside between two pixels is 1.0
    #distImage = bigImg.copy().astype(numpy.float32)

    # if len(imgSaveName)>1:
    #     plt.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(distImage, 1, 0))
    #     plt.savefig(imgSaveName+"_dist.png")
    #     #scipy.misc.imsave(imgSaveName+"_dist.png", numpy.swapaxes(distImage, 1, 0))

    ## Set the outside to a very high value

    ## Image copy to draw the paths in
    #imgp = distImage.copy()
    imgp[outside] = 100

    ## Get image graph and its path finder
    gridGraph = vigraph.gridGraph(bigImg.shape[0:dim],False)
    graphShape = []
    for s in distImage.shape:
    edgeWeights = vigra.resize(distImage, graphShape, order=0)
    #edgeWeights = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImage(gridGraph, edgeWeights)
    edgeWeights = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImageCorrected(gridGraph,edgeWeights)
    pathFinder = vigraph.ShortestPathPathDijkstra(gridGraph)

    ## Find borders in img
    if dim == 2:
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelImage(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolume(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
    rag = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph(gridGraph, bigLblImg)
    node = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph.nodeFromId(rag, long( bigLblImg[inside][0] ))
    edges = vigraph._ragFindEdges(rag, gridGraph, rag.affiliatedEdges, bigLblImg, node)

    borderImg = numpy.zeros(bigImg.shape)
    for edge in edges:
        slices = []
        for d in range(dim):
            slices.append( slice(edge[d], edge[d]+1) )
        borderImg[slices] = 1

    ## End points for paths (all points on the border)
    targets = numpy.where(borderImg==1)
    nTargets = len(targets[0])

    ## Find the diameter (longest path)
    eccLength = numpy.empty(nTargets)
    eccTargetPath = {}
    vpIndex = 0
    vpGraphIndex = []
    for d in range(dim):
    vp = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(vpGraphIndex)
    visited = numpy.zeros(nTargets)
    while True:
        visited[vpIndex] = 1, vp)
        eccChanged = False
        for j in range(nTargets):
            targetIndex = []
            for d in range(dim):
            target = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(targetIndex)
            pathLength = pathFinder.distance(target)
            m = max(eccLength[j], pathLength)
            if m > eccLength[j]:
                eccChanged = True
                eccLength[j] = m
                eccTargetPath[j] = pathFinder.path(pathType='coordinates', target=target)
        vpIndex = numpy.argmax(eccLength)
        vpGraphIndex = []
        for d in range(dim):
        vp = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(vpGraphIndex)
        if visited[vpIndex] or not eccChanged:

    ## Find the length of the diameter (non-weighted)
    path = eccTargetPath[vpIndex]
    dMax = 0
    for k in range(1, len(path)):
        diffCount = 0
        for d in range(dim):
            if path[k][d] != path[k-1][d]:
                diffCount += 1
        dMax += numpy.sqrt(diffCount)

    ## Find the midpoint of the diameter
    dMax = dMax/2
    if len(path) == 0:
        path = numpy.empty( (1, 2), numpy.uint8 )
        path[0][0] = targets[0][0]
        path[0][1] = targets[1][0]
    p1 = path[0]
    d1 = 0
    for k in range(1, len(path)):
        p2 = path[k]
        d2 = d1 + numpy.linalg.norm(p2-p1)
        if d2 > dMax:
            if (abs(d2-dMax) < abs(d1-dMax)):
                p1 = p2
        p1 = p2
        d1 = d2

    ## Compute eccentricity from center (p1) to all points on border
    sourceIndex = []
    for d in range(dim):
    source = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(sourceIndex), source)
    maxPathLength = 0
    for j in range(nTargets):
        targetIndex = []
        for d in range(dim):
        target = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(targetIndex)
        pathLength = pathFinder.distance(target)
        maxPathLength = max(maxPathLength, pathLength)
        imgp[targetIndex[0], targetIndex[1]] = 40*pathLength

    imgp[ path[:,0], path[:,1] ] = 12*maxPathLength
    imgp[sourceIndex[0], sourceIndex[1]] = 40*maxPathLength
    plt.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0), interpolation='none')
    if len(imgSaveName)>1:
         scipy.misc.imsave(imgSaveName+".png", numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0))
Beispiel #2
def eccentricity(img,

    img = img.astype(numpy.uint8)
    dim = len(img.shape)

    ## Enlarge image by one pixel on each side
    bigShape = []
    for s in img.shape:
        bigShape.append(s + 2)
    bigImg = numpy.ones(bigShape)
    slices = []
    for i in range(dim):
        slices.append(slice(1, bigImg.shape[i] - 1))
    bigImg[slices] = img
    inside = numpy.where(bigImg == 0)
    outside = numpy.where(bigImg == 1)

    # ## Apply distanceTransform and modify (outside: high values, inside: low values)
    # distImage = vigra.filters.distanceTransform2D(bigImg.astype(numpy.float32))
    # if showPathImage:
    #     imgp = distImage.copy()
    # if distFunc == "exponential":
    #     distImage = numpy.exp(distImage*-gamma)
    # elif distFunc == "linear":
    #     maxDist = distImage.max()
    #     distImage = maxDist - distImage
    # elif distFunc == "inverse":
    #     w = numpy.where(distImage!=0)
    #     distImage[w] = 1/distImage[w]
    # else:
    #     print "wrong parameters for distFunc in eccentricity"

    ## Distance in the inside between two pixels is 1.0
    distImage = bigImg.copy().astype(numpy.float32)
    distImage[inside] = 1.0

    ## Set the outside to a very high value
    distImage[outside] = 10000.0

    ## Image copy to draw the paths in
    imgp = distImage.copy()
    imgp[outside] = 100

    ## Get image graph and its path finder
    gridGraph = vigraph.gridGraph(bigImg.shape[0:dim], False)
    graphShape = []
    for s in distImage.shape:
        graphShape.append(s * 2 - 1)
    edgeWeights = vigra.resize(distImage, graphShape, order=0)
    edgeWeights = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImageCorrected(
        gridGraph, edgeWeights)
    pathFinder = vigraph.ShortestPathPathDijkstra(gridGraph)

    ## Find borders in img
    if dim == 2:
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelImage(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolume(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
    rag = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph(gridGraph, bigLblImg)
    node = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph.nodeFromId(
        rag, long(bigLblImg[inside][0]))
    edges = vigraph._ragFindEdges(rag, gridGraph, rag.affiliatedEdges,
                                  bigLblImg, node)

    # ## Remove duplicates
    # edges_a = numpy.ascontiguousarray(edges)
    # unique_edges = numpy.unique(edges_a.view([('', edges_a.dtype)]*edges_a.shape[1]))
    # edges = unique_edges.view(edges_a.dtype).reshape((unique_edges.shape[0], edges_a.shape[1]))

    borderImg = numpy.zeros(bigImg.shape)
    for edge in edges:
        slices = []
        for d in range(dim):
            slices.append(slice(edge[d], edge[d] + 1))
        borderImg[slices] = 1

    # ## Find borders in img
    # borderImg = numpy.zeros(bigImg.shape)
    # if dim == 2:
    #     for y in range(bigImg.shape[1]-1):
    #         for x in range(bigImg.shape[0]-1):
    #             if bigImg[x,y] == 0:
    #                 if bigImg[x+1,y] == 1 or bigImg[x,y+1] == 1:
    #                     borderImg[x, y] = 1
    #             else:
    #                 if bigImg[x+1,y] == 0:
    #                     borderImg[x+1, y] = 1
    #                 if bigImg[x,y+1] == 0:
    #                     borderImg[x, y+1] = 1
    # else:
    #     for z in range(bigImg.shape[2]-1):
    #         for y in range(bigImg.shape[1]-1):
    #             for x in range(bigImg.shape[0]-1):
    #                 if bigImg[x,y,z] == 0:
    #                     if bigImg[x+1,y,z] == 1 or bigImg[x,y+1,z] == 1 or bigImg[x,y,z+1] == 1:
    #                         borderImg[x, y, z] = 1
    #                 else:
    #                     if bigImg[x+1,y,z] == 0:
    #                         borderImg[x+1,y,z] = 1
    #                     if bigImg[x,y+1,z] == 0:
    #                         borderImg[x,y+1,z] = 1
    #                     if bigImg[x,y,z+1] == 0:
    #                         borderImg[x,y,z+1] = 1

    ## End points for paths (all points on the border)
    targets = numpy.where(borderImg == 1)
    nTargets = len(targets[0])

    ## Indices of start points for paths (random)
    nPoints = int(numpy.ceil(percentageOfPaths * nTargets / 100.0))
    starts = numpy.random.permutation(range(nTargets))[:nPoints]

    ## Compute paths
    maxPaths = []
    maxPathLengths = []
    for i in range(nPoints):
        sourceIndex = []
        for d in range(dim):
        source = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(sourceIndex), source)
        maxPathLength = 0
        for j in range(nTargets):
            targetIndex = []
            for d in range(dim):
            target = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(targetIndex)
            path = pathFinder.path(pathType='coordinates', target=target)
            pathLength = pathFinder.distance(target)
            if pathLength > maxPathLength or maxPathLength == 0:
                maxPathLength = pathLength
                maxPath = path
             sourceIndex[1]] = 3 * maxPathLength * maxPathLength

    if showPathImage:
        val = (imgp.max() + imgp.min()) / 2
        for p in maxPaths:
            imgp[p[:, 0], p[:, 1]] = val
    if showPathImage:
        plt.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0), interpolation='none')
    if len(imgSaveName) > 1:

        scipy.misc.imsave(imgSaveName, numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0))

    return maxPathLengths
def eccentricity(img,

    img = img.astype(numpy.uint8)
    dim = len(img.shape)

    ## Enlarge image by one pixel on each side
    bigShape = []
    for s in img.shape:
        bigShape.append(s + 2)
    bigImg = numpy.ones(bigShape)
    slices = []
    for i in range(dim):
        slices.append(slice(1, bigImg.shape[i] - 1))
    bigImg[slices] = img
    inside = numpy.where(bigImg == 0)
    outside = numpy.where(bigImg == 1)

    ## Apply distanceTransform and modify (outside: high values, inside: low values)
    distImage = vigra.filters.distanceTransform2D(bigImg.astype(numpy.float32))
    imgp = distImage.copy()
    # if showPathImage:
    #     imgp = distImage.copy()
    if distFunc == "exponential":
        distImage = numpy.exp(distImage * -gamma)
    elif distFunc == "linear":
        maxDist = distImage.max()
        distImage = maxDist - distImage + 10
    elif distFunc == "inverse":
        w = numpy.where(distImage != 0)
        distImage[w] = 1 / distImage[w]
        print "wrong parameters for distFunc in eccentricity"

    ## Distance in the inside between two pixels is 1.0
    #distImage = bigImg.copy().astype(numpy.float32)

    # if len(imgSaveName)>1:
    #     plt.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(distImage, 1, 0))
    #     plt.savefig(imgSaveName+"_dist.png")
    #     #scipy.misc.imsave(imgSaveName+"_dist.png", numpy.swapaxes(distImage, 1, 0))

    ## Set the outside to a very high value
    distImage[outside] = 1000.0

    ## Image copy to draw the paths in
    #imgp = distImage.copy()
    imgp[outside] = 100

    ## Get image graph and its path finder
    gridGraph = vigraph.gridGraph(bigImg.shape[0:dim], False)
    graphShape = []
    for s in distImage.shape:
        graphShape.append(s * 2 - 1)
    edgeWeights = vigra.resize(distImage, graphShape, order=0)
    #edgeWeights = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImage(gridGraph, edgeWeights)
    edgeWeights = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImageCorrected(
        gridGraph, edgeWeights)
    pathFinder = vigraph.ShortestPathPathDijkstra(gridGraph)

    ## Find borders in img
    if dim == 2:
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelImage(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolume(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
    rag = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph(gridGraph, bigLblImg)
    node = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph.nodeFromId(
        rag, long(bigLblImg[inside][0]))
    edges = vigraph._ragFindEdges(rag, gridGraph, rag.affiliatedEdges,
                                  bigLblImg, node)

    borderImg = numpy.zeros(bigImg.shape)
    for edge in edges:
        slices = []
        for d in range(dim):
            slices.append(slice(edge[d], edge[d] + 1))
        borderImg[slices] = 1

    ## End points for paths (all points on the border)
    targets = numpy.where(borderImg == 1)
    nTargets = len(targets[0])

    ## Find the diameter (longest path)
    eccLength = numpy.empty(nTargets)
    eccTargetPath = {}
    vpIndex = 0
    vpGraphIndex = []
    for d in range(dim):
    vp = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(vpGraphIndex)
    visited = numpy.zeros(nTargets)
    while True:
        visited[vpIndex] = 1, vp)
        eccChanged = False
        for j in range(nTargets):
            targetIndex = []
            for d in range(dim):
            target = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(targetIndex)
            pathLength = pathFinder.distance(target)
            m = max(eccLength[j], pathLength)
            if m > eccLength[j]:
                eccChanged = True
                eccLength[j] = m
                eccTargetPath[j] = pathFinder.path(pathType='coordinates',
        vpIndex = numpy.argmax(eccLength)
        vpGraphIndex = []
        for d in range(dim):
        vp = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(vpGraphIndex)
        if visited[vpIndex] or not eccChanged:

    ## Find the length of the diameter (non-weighted)
    path = eccTargetPath[vpIndex]
    dMax = 0
    for k in range(1, len(path)):
        diffCount = 0
        for d in range(dim):
            if path[k][d] != path[k - 1][d]:
                diffCount += 1
        dMax += numpy.sqrt(diffCount)

    ## Find the midpoint of the diameter
    dMax = dMax / 2
    if len(path) == 0:
        path = numpy.empty((1, 2), numpy.uint8)
        path[0][0] = targets[0][0]
        path[0][1] = targets[1][0]
    p1 = path[0]
    d1 = 0
    for k in range(1, len(path)):
        p2 = path[k]
        d2 = d1 + numpy.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)
        if d2 > dMax:
            if (abs(d2 - dMax) < abs(d1 - dMax)):
                p1 = p2
        p1 = p2
        d1 = d2

    ## Compute eccentricity from center (p1) to all points on border
    sourceIndex = []
    for d in range(dim):
    source = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(sourceIndex), source)
    maxPathLength = 0
    for j in range(nTargets):
        targetIndex = []
        for d in range(dim):
        target = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(targetIndex)
        pathLength = pathFinder.distance(target)
        maxPathLength = max(maxPathLength, pathLength)
        imgp[targetIndex[0], targetIndex[1]] = 40 * pathLength

    imgp[path[:, 0], path[:, 1]] = 12 * maxPathLength
    imgp[sourceIndex[0], sourceIndex[1]] = 40 * maxPathLength
    plt.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0), interpolation='none')
    if len(imgSaveName) > 1:
        scipy.misc.imsave(imgSaveName + ".png", numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0))
def eccentricity( img, label, distFunc = "exponential", showPathImage = False, percentageOfPaths = 100, imgSaveName = "" ):

    img = img.astype(numpy.uint8)
    dim = len(img.shape)

    ## Enlarge image by one pixel on each side
    bigShape = []
    for s in img.shape:
        bigShape.append(s + 2)
    bigImg = numpy.ones(bigShape)
    slices = []
    for i in range(dim):
        slices.append(slice(1, bigImg.shape[i]-1))
    bigImg[ slices ] = img
    inside = numpy.where(bigImg==0)
    outside = numpy.where(bigImg==1)

    # ## Apply distanceTransform and modify (outside: high values, inside: low values)
    # distImage = vigra.filters.distanceTransform2D(bigImg.astype(numpy.float32))
    # if showPathImage:
    #     imgp = distImage.copy()
    # if distFunc == "exponential":
    #     distImage = numpy.exp(distImage*-gamma)
    # elif distFunc == "linear":
    #     maxDist = distImage.max()
    #     distImage = maxDist - distImage
    # elif distFunc == "inverse":
    #     w = numpy.where(distImage!=0)
    #     distImage[w] = 1/distImage[w]
    # else:
    #     print "wrong parameters for distFunc in eccentricity"

    ## Distance in the inside between two pixels is 1.0
    distImage = bigImg.copy().astype(numpy.float32)

    ## Set the outside to a very high value

    ## Image copy to draw the paths in
    imgp = distImage.copy()
    imgp[outside] = 100

    ## Get image graph and its path finder
    gridGraph = vigraph.gridGraph(bigImg.shape[0:dim],False)
    graphShape = []
    for s in distImage.shape:
    edgeWeights = vigra.resize(distImage, graphShape, order=0)
    edgeWeights = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImageCorrected(gridGraph, edgeWeights)
    pathFinder = vigraph.ShortestPathPathDijkstra(gridGraph)

    ## Find borders in img
    if dim == 2:
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelImage(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
        bigLblImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolume(bigImg.astype(numpy.uint8))
    rag = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph(gridGraph, bigLblImg)
    node = vigraph.GridRegionAdjacencyGraph.nodeFromId(rag, long( bigLblImg[inside][0] ))
    edges = vigraph._ragFindEdges(rag, gridGraph, rag.affiliatedEdges, bigLblImg, node)

    # ## Remove duplicates
    # edges_a = numpy.ascontiguousarray(edges)
    # unique_edges = numpy.unique(edges_a.view([('', edges_a.dtype)]*edges_a.shape[1]))
    # edges = unique_edges.view(edges_a.dtype).reshape((unique_edges.shape[0], edges_a.shape[1]))

    borderImg = numpy.zeros(bigImg.shape)
    for edge in edges:
        slices = []
        for d in range(dim):
            slices.append( slice(edge[d], edge[d]+1) )
        borderImg[slices] = 1

    # ## Find borders in img
    # borderImg = numpy.zeros(bigImg.shape)
    # if dim == 2:
    #     for y in range(bigImg.shape[1]-1):
    #         for x in range(bigImg.shape[0]-1):
    #             if bigImg[x,y] == 0:
    #                 if bigImg[x+1,y] == 1 or bigImg[x,y+1] == 1:
    #                     borderImg[x, y] = 1
    #             else:
    #                 if bigImg[x+1,y] == 0:
    #                     borderImg[x+1, y] = 1
    #                 if bigImg[x,y+1] == 0:
    #                     borderImg[x, y+1] = 1
    # else:
    #     for z in range(bigImg.shape[2]-1):
    #         for y in range(bigImg.shape[1]-1):
    #             for x in range(bigImg.shape[0]-1):
    #                 if bigImg[x,y,z] == 0:
    #                     if bigImg[x+1,y,z] == 1 or bigImg[x,y+1,z] == 1 or bigImg[x,y,z+1] == 1:
    #                         borderImg[x, y, z] = 1
    #                 else:
    #                     if bigImg[x+1,y,z] == 0:
    #                         borderImg[x+1,y,z] = 1
    #                     if bigImg[x,y+1,z] == 0:
    #                         borderImg[x,y+1,z] = 1
    #                     if bigImg[x,y,z+1] == 0:
    #                         borderImg[x,y,z+1] = 1

    ## End points for paths (all points on the border)
    targets = numpy.where(borderImg==1)
    nTargets = len(targets[0])

    ## Indices of start points for paths (random)
    nPoints = int(numpy.ceil(percentageOfPaths * nTargets / 100.0))
    starts = numpy.random.permutation(range(nTargets))[:nPoints]

    ## Compute paths
    maxPaths = []
    maxPathLengths = []
    for i in range(nPoints):
        sourceIndex = []
        for d in range(dim):
        source = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(sourceIndex), source)
        maxPathLength = 0
        for j in range(nTargets):
            targetIndex = []
            for d in range(dim):
            target = gridGraph.coordinateToNode(targetIndex)
            path = pathFinder.path(pathType='coordinates', target=target)
            pathLength = pathFinder.distance(target)
            if pathLength > maxPathLength or maxPathLength == 0:
                maxPathLength = pathLength
                maxPath = path
        imgp[sourceIndex[0], sourceIndex[1]] = 3*maxPathLength*maxPathLength

    if showPathImage:
        val = (imgp.max()+imgp.min())/2
        for p in maxPaths:
            imgp[p[:,0], p[:,1]] = val
    if showPathImage:
        plt.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0), interpolation='none')
    if len(imgSaveName)>1:

        scipy.misc.imsave(imgSaveName, numpy.swapaxes(imgp, 1, 0))

    return maxPathLengths