Beispiel #1
def add_the_unit_cell(material, buffer):
    name = material.get_name()
    cell = material.get_cell()
    atoms = material.get_atom_list()

    if cell: return material  # Don't do anything for now

    newname = "%s_cell" % name
    newmaterial = Material(newname)

    if not buffer: buffer = 2.  # Can still set to a small value like 0.01
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = bbox_atoms(atoms, buffer)

    for atom in atoms:
        atno = atom.get_atno()
        xyz = atom.get_position()
        xyznew = array((xyz[0] - xmin, xyz[1] - ymin, xyz[2] - zmin))
        newmaterial.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyznew))

        Cell((xmax - xmin, 0, 0), (0, ymax - ymin, 0), (0, 0, zmax - zmin)))

    opts = getattr(material, "seqquest_options", {})
    if opts: newmaterial.seqquest_options = opts.copy()

    opts = getattr(material, "socorro_options", {})
    if opts: newmaterial.socorro_options = opts.copy()

    return newmaterial
Beispiel #2
def build_the_supercell(material, ass, bss, css):
    if ass == 1 and bss == 1 and css == 1:
        return material

    name = material.get_name()
    cell = material.get_cell()
    atomlist = material.get_atom_list()

    axyz = cell.axyz
    bxyz = cell.bxyz
    cxyz = cell.cxyz

    newname = "%s%d%d%d" % (name, ass, bss, css)
    newmaterial = Material(newname)
    naxyz = ass * axyz
    nbxyz = bss * bxyz
    ncxyz = css * cxyz

    for atom in atomlist:
        atno = atom.get_atno()
        sym = atom.get_symbol()
        xyz = atom.get_position()
        for i in range(ass):
            for j in range(bss):
                for k in range(css):
                    xyznew = xyz + i * axyz + j * bxyz + k * cxyz
                    newmaterial.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyznew, sym))

    newmaterial.set_cell(Cell(naxyz, nbxyz, ncxyz))

    opts = getattr(material, "seqquest_options", {})
    if opts: newmaterial.seqquest_options = opts.copy()

    opts = getattr(material, "socorro_options", {})
    if opts: newmaterial.socorro_options = opts.copy()

    return newmaterial
Beispiel #3
def build_the_slab(material, cleave_dir, depth, vacuum):
    name = material.get_name()
    cell = material.get_cell()
    atomlist = material.get_atom_list()
    if not cleave_dir: cleave_dir = 'C'

    axyz = cell.axyz
    bxyz = cell.bxyz
    cxyz = cell.cxyz

    if depth == 1 and vacuum == 0:
        return material  # do nothing

    newname = "%s_slab" % name
    newmaterial = Material(newname)
    # Replace abc -> uvw (w is the cleave direction) so we can
    # cleave in more general ways:
    if cleave_dir == "C":
        uxyz = axyz
        vxyz = bxyz
        wxyz = cxyz
        idir = 2
    elif cleave_dir == "B":
        uxyz = cxyz
        vxyz = axyz
        wxyz = bxyz
        idir = 1
    elif cleave_dir == "A":
        uxyz = bxyz
        vxyz = cxyz
        wxyz = axyz
        idir = 0

    wlength = sqrt(dot(wxyz, wxyz))
    wscale = (wlength * depth + vacuum) / wlength
    nwxyz = wxyz * wscale

    for atom in atomlist:
        atno = atom.get_atno()
        xyz = atom.get_position()
        for k in range(depth):
            xyznew = xyz + k * wxyz
            xyznew[idir] += vacuum / 2.
            newmaterial.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyznew))
        if abs(xyz[idir]) < 1e-2:  # Periodic image of bottom:
            xyznew = xyz + depth * wxyz
            xyznew[idir] += vacuum / 2.
            newmaterial.add_atom(Atom(atno, xyznew))

    # I can't tell whether I have to do the cyclic permutations here
    #  i.e. output w,u,v in some cases.
    newmaterial.set_cell(Cell(uxyz, vxyz, nwxyz))

    opts = getattr(material, "seqquest_options", {})
    if opts: newmaterial.seqquest_options = opts.copy()

    opts = getattr(material, "socorro_options", {})
    if opts: newmaterial.socorro_options = opts.copy()
    return newmaterial