def bundles(self): """ List of bundles in the vimpyre path """ try: with return [item for item in listdir('.') if path.isdir(item)] except OSError: console('Cannot access your vimpyre path!')
def install(*scripts): """install scripts""" if len(scripts) >= 1: for index in range(0, len(scripts)): bat = Bat(scripts[index]) bat.install() else: console('Please use `vimpyre install <script-name>` and try again!')
def update(*scripts): """update scripts""" if len(scripts) >= 1: for index in range(0, len(scripts)): bat = Bat(scripts[index]) bat.update() else: console('Please use `vimpyre update <script-name>` and try again!')
def browse(*scripts): """browse script's homepage in your web browser""" if len(scripts) >= 1: for index in range(0, len(scripts)): bat = Bat(scripts[index]) bat.open_homepage() else: console('Please use `vimpyre browse <script-name>` and try again!')
def open_homepage(self): console('=> => Send bats to open your browser...') bundle = self._check_name() if type(bundle) == dict and bundle['homepage']:['homepage']) elif bundle: else: console('Sorry, no homepage found for this script.')
def dispatch(action, *scripts): """main function""" if action not in ACTIONS: console('no such action, exit!') sys.exit(1) if action not in NOARG_ACTIONS and not scripts: console('Please give a vim script name and try again!') sys.exit(1) elif action in NOARG_ACTIONS: eval(action + '()') else: scripts = '"' + '", "'.join(scripts) + '"' eval(action + '(%s)' % scripts)
def install(self): console('=> => Send a bat to catch %s' % self.CURR_SCRIPT) try: ret = self._check_name() if ret: fetch_url = self._render_fetch_url(ret) cmd_fetch = 'git clone --depth 1 %s' % fetch_url util.mkdir_p(self.VIMPYRE_PATH) with system(cmd_fetch) else: msg = ('%s not found! Please use `vimpyre search <vim-script>`' ' to check the script name and install again!' % self.CURR_SCRIPT) console(msg) except: self.install_base()
def update_all(self): console('=> => Send bats to update all installed vim-scripts ...') if not self.bundles: console('No vim-scripts! Please use `vimpyre install <vim-scripts>` first!') sys.exit(1) for item in self.bundles: console('=> Update %s ...' % item) with, item)): system('git pull') console('Update all vim-scripts done!')
def update_all(self): console('=> => Send bats to update all installed vim-scripts ...') if not self.bundles: console( 'No vim-scripts! Please use `vimpyre install <vim-scripts>` first!' ) sys.exit(1) for item in self.bundles: console('=> Update %s ...' % item) with, item)): system('git pull') console('Update all vim-scripts done!')
def search(*scripts): """search script""" if len(scripts) > 1: console('Please search one script name!') sys.exit(1) bat = Bat(scripts[0]) rets = console('=> => Send bats to search vim-scripts ...') if rets: for item in rets: if path.isdir(path.join(VIM_PATH, 'vimpyre', item['name'])): console('\033[1m%s\033[m => %s \033[1m[installed]\033[m' % (item['name'], item['description'])) else: console( '\033[1m%s\033[m => %s | last: %s' % (item['name'], item['description'], item['updated_at'])) else: console('No such vim-scripts!')
def list_installed(self): console('=> => Send bats to collect all your vim-scripts') if not self.bundles: console('No vim-scripts found!') sys.exit(1) for bundle in self.bundles: bundle_path = path.join(self.VIMPYRE_PATH, bundle) with if path.isfile(path.join('.git', 'config')): url = subprocess.check_output(['grep', 'url', '.git/config']).decode("utf-8") url = url.replace('\turl = ', '').replace('\n', '') console('\033[1m%s\033[m => %s' % (bundle, url)) else: console('\033[0;31m%s\033[m => %s' % (bundle, 'No git repository!'))
def remove(self): console('=> => Send a bat to bite %s' % self.CURR_SCRIPT) bundle_path = path.join(self.VIMPYRE_PATH, self._filter_script_name()) if path.isdir(bundle_path): shutil.rmtree(bundle_path) console('%s removed!' % self.CURR_SCRIPT) else: console('%s does not exist!' % self.CURR_SCRIPT)
def search(*scripts): """search script""" if len(scripts) > 1: console('Please search one script name!') sys.exit(1) bat = Bat(scripts[0]) rets = console('=> => Send bats to search vim-scripts ...') if rets: for item in rets: if path.isdir(path.join(VIM_PATH, 'vimpyre', item['name'])): console('\033[1m%s\033[m => %s \033[1m[installed]\033[m' % ( item['name'], item['description'])) else: console('\033[1m%s\033[m => %s | last: %s' % ( item['name'], item['description'], item['updated_at'])) else: console('No such vim-scripts!')
def update(self): console('=> => Send a bat to update %s' % self.CURR_SCRIPT) bundle_path = path.join(self.VIMPYRE_PATH, self._filter_script_name()) if path.isdir(bundle_path): with system('git pull') console('%s update done!' % self.CURR_SCRIPT) else: console('%s does not exist!' % self.CURR_SCRIPT)
def list_installed(self): console('=> => Send bats to collect all your vim-scripts') if not self.bundles: console('No vim-scripts found!') sys.exit(1) for bundle in self.bundles: bundle_path = path.join(self.VIMPYRE_PATH, bundle) with if path.isfile(path.join('.git', 'config')): url = subprocess.check_output( ['grep', 'url', '.git/config']).decode("utf-8") url = url.replace('\turl = ', '').replace('\n', '') console('\033[1m%s\033[m => %s' % (bundle, url)) else: console('\033[0;31m%s\033[m => %s' % (bundle, 'No git repository!'))
def install_base(self): """ Install pathogen.vim and create vimpyre directory. >>> bat = Bat() >>> bat.install_base() => => Send a bat to catch pathogen.vim ... Catch done! Please add the following message to your .vimrc: execute pathogen#infect('bundle/{}', 'vimpyre/{}') """ try: console('=> => Send a bat to catch pathogen.vim ...') raw_urlopen = urllib.urlopen(self.pathogen_url) if raw_urlopen.getcode() == 200: util.mkdir_p(self.AUTOLOAD_PATH) util.mkdir_p(self.VIMPYRE_PATH) raw_pathogen = pathogen = path.join(self.AUTOLOAD_PATH, 'pathogen.vim') with open(pathogen, 'w') as f: f.write(raw_pathogen) console('Catch done! Please add the following to your .vimrc:') console("execute pathogen#infect('bundle/{}', 'vimpyre/{}')") else: console('Pathogen vimscript not found in %s' % self.pathogen_url) console('You can change this url with enviroment variable VIM_PATHOGEN_URL') console('Catch fail! Please try again!') except: console('[Unexpected Error] Catch fail! Please try again!')
def remove_all(self): console('=> => Send bats to clean all vimpyre files') try: with for bundle in self.bundles: shutil.rmtree(bundle) console('Remove vimpyre bundles done!') except OSError: console('Could not remove bundles! Please verify permissions of ' 'your bundle directories.') else: console('Please remove %s/pathogen.vim manually!' % self.AUTOLOAD_PATH) console('') console('If you wish to use vimpyre to manage your vim scripts again, you need to use `vimpyre init` first!')
def remove_all(self): console('=> => Send bats to clean all vimpyre files') try: with for bundle in self.bundles: shutil.rmtree(bundle) console('Remove vimpyre bundles done!') except OSError: console('Could not remove bundles! Please verify permissions of ' 'your bundle directories.') else: console('Please remove %s/pathogen.vim manually!' % self.AUTOLOAD_PATH) console('') console( 'If you wish to use vimpyre to manage your vim scripts again, you need to use `vimpyre init` first!' )
def install_base(self): """ Install pathogen.vim and create vimpyre directory. >>> bat = Bat() >>> bat.install_base() => => Send a bat to catch pathogen.vim ... Catch done! Please add the following message to your .vimrc: execute pathogen#infect('bundle/{}', 'vimpyre/{}') """ try: console('=> => Send a bat to catch pathogen.vim ...') raw_urlopen = urllib.urlopen(self.pathogen_url) if raw_urlopen.getcode() == 200: util.mkdir_p(self.AUTOLOAD_PATH) util.mkdir_p(self.VIMPYRE_PATH) raw_pathogen = pathogen = path.join(self.AUTOLOAD_PATH, 'pathogen.vim') with open(pathogen, 'w') as f: f.write(raw_pathogen) console('Catch done! Please add the following to your .vimrc:') console("execute pathogen#infect('bundle/{}', 'vimpyre/{}')") else: console('Pathogen vimscript not found in %s' % self.pathogen_url) console( 'You can change this url with enviroment variable VIM_PATHOGEN_URL' ) console('Catch fail! Please try again!') except: console('[Unexpected Error] Catch fail! Please try again!')