Beispiel #1
def process_arg(index, arg, expected_arg_typelist, function_name, context):
    if isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, Optional):
        expected_arg_typelist = expected_arg_typelist.typ
    if not isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, tuple):
        expected_arg_typelist = (expected_arg_typelist, )
    vsub = None
    for expected_arg in expected_arg_typelist:
        if expected_arg == 'num_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Num) and get_original_if_0x_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                return arg.n
        elif expected_arg == 'str_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Str) and get_original_if_0x_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                bytez = b''
                for c in arg.s:
                    if ord(c) >= 256:
                        raise InvalidLiteralException(
                            "Cannot insert special character %r into byte array"
                            % c, arg)
                    bytez += bytes([ord(c)])
                return bytez
        elif expected_arg == 'name_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
        elif expected_arg == '*':
            return arg
        elif expected_arg == 'bytes':
            sub = Expr(arg, context).lll_node
            if isinstance(sub.typ, ByteArrayType):
                return sub
            # Does not work for unit-endowed types inside compound types, eg. timestamp[2]
            parsed_expected_type = parse_type(
                ast.parse(expected_arg).body[0].value, 'memory')
            if isinstance(parsed_expected_type, BaseType):
                vsub = vsub or Expr.parse_value_expr(arg, context)
                if is_base_type(vsub.typ, expected_arg):
                    return vsub
                vsub = vsub or Expr(arg, context).lll_node
                if vsub.typ == parsed_expected_type:
                    return Expr(arg, context).lll_node
    if len(expected_arg_typelist) == 1:
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Expecting %s for argument %r of %s" %
            (expected_arg, index, function_name), arg)
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Expecting one of %r for argument %r of %s" %
            (expected_arg_typelist, index, function_name), arg)
Beispiel #2
def concat(expr, context):
    args = [Expr(arg, context).lll_node for arg in expr.args]
    if len(args) < 2:
        raise StructureException("Concat expects at least two arguments", expr)
    for expr_arg, arg in zip(expr.args, args):
        if not isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType) and not is_base_type(arg.typ, 'bytes32') and not is_base_type(arg.typ, 'method_id'):
            raise TypeMismatchException("Concat expects byte arrays or bytes32 objects", expr_arg)
    # Maximum length of the output
    total_maxlen = sum([arg.typ.maxlen if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType) else 32 for arg in args])
    # Node representing the position of the output in memory
    placeholder = context.new_placeholder(ByteArrayType(total_maxlen))
    # Object representing the output
    seq = []
    # For each argument we are concatenating...
    for arg in args:
        # Start pasting into a position the starts at zero, and keeps
        # incrementing as we concatenate arguments
        placeholder_node = LLLnode.from_list(['add', placeholder, '_poz'], typ=ByteArrayType(total_maxlen), location='memory')
        placeholder_node_plus_32 = LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['add', placeholder, '_poz'], 32], typ=ByteArrayType(total_maxlen), location='memory')
        if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
            # Ignore empty strings
            if arg.typ.maxlen == 0:
            # Get the length of the current argument
            if arg.location == "memory":
                length = LLLnode.from_list(['mload', '_arg'], typ=BaseType('num'))
                argstart = LLLnode.from_list(['add', '_arg', 32], typ=arg.typ, location=arg.location)
            elif arg.location == "storage":
                length = LLLnode.from_list(['sload', ['sha3_32', '_arg']], typ=BaseType('num'))
                argstart = LLLnode.from_list(['add', ['sha3_32', '_arg'], 1], typ=arg.typ, location=arg.location)
            # Make a copier to copy over data from that argyument
            seq.append(['with', '_arg', arg,
                                # Change the position to start at the correct
                                # place to paste the next value
                                ['set', '_poz', ['add', '_poz', length]]]])
        elif isinstance(arg.typ, BaseType) and arg.typ.typ == "method_id":
                            ['mstore', ['add', placeholder_node, 32], arg.value * 2**224],
                            ['set', '_poz', ['add', '_poz', 4]]])
                            ['mstore', ['add', placeholder_node, 32], unwrap_location(arg)],
                            ['set', '_poz', ['add', '_poz', 32]]])
    # The position, after all arguments are processing, equals the total
    # length. Paste this in to make the output a proper bytearray
    seq.append(['mstore', placeholder, '_poz'])
    # Memory location of the output
    return LLLnode.from_list(
        ['with', '_poz', 0, ['seq'] + seq], typ=ByteArrayType(total_maxlen), location='memory', pos=getpos(expr), annotation='concat'
Beispiel #3
def raw_log(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    if not isinstance(args[0], ast.List) or len(args[0].elts) > 4:
        raise StructureException("Expecting a list of 0-4 topics as first argument", args[0])
    topics = []
    for elt in args[0].elts:
        arg = Expr.parse_value_expr(elt, context)
        if not is_base_type(arg.typ, 'bytes32'):
            raise TypeMismatchException("Expecting a bytes32 argument as topic", elt)
    if args[1].location == "memory":
        return LLLnode.from_list(["with", "_arr", args[1], ["log" + str(len(topics)), ["add", "_arr", 32], ["mload", "_arr"]] + topics],
                                 typ=None, pos=getpos(expr))
    placeholder = context.new_placeholder(args[1].typ)
    placeholder_node = LLLnode.from_list(placeholder, typ=args[1].typ, location='memory')
    copier = make_byte_array_copier(placeholder_node, LLLnode.from_list('_sub', typ=args[1].typ, location=args[1].location))
    return LLLnode.from_list(
        ["with", "_sub", args[1],
                ["log" + str(len(topics)), ["add", placeholder_node, 32], ["mload", placeholder_node]] + topics]],
    typ=None, pos=getpos(expr))