Beispiel #1
def _sha3(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    sub = args[0]
    # Can hash literals
    if isinstance(sub, bytes):
        return LLLnode.from_list(bytes_to_int(sha3(sub)), typ=BaseType('bytes32'), pos=getpos(expr))
    # Can hash bytes32 objects
    if is_base_type(sub.typ, 'bytes32'):
        return LLLnode.from_list(
            ['seq', ['mstore', MemoryPositions.FREE_VAR_SPACE, sub], ['sha3', MemoryPositions.FREE_VAR_SPACE, 32]], typ=BaseType('bytes32'),
    # Copy the data to an in-memory array
    if sub.location == "memory":
        # If we are hashing a value in memory, no need to copy it, just hash in-place
        return LLLnode.from_list(
            ['with', '_sub', sub, ['sha3', ['add', '_sub', 32], ['mload', '_sub']]], typ=BaseType('bytes32'),
    elif sub.location == "storage":
        lengetter = LLLnode.from_list(['sload', ['sha3_32', '_sub']], typ=BaseType('num'))
        raise Exception("Unsupported location: %s" % sub.location)
    placeholder = context.new_placeholder(sub.typ)
    placeholder_node = LLLnode.from_list(placeholder, typ=sub.typ, location='memory')
    copier = make_byte_array_copier(placeholder_node, LLLnode.from_list('_sub', typ=sub.typ, location=sub.location))
    return LLLnode.from_list(
        ['with', '_sub', sub, ['seq', copier, ['sha3', ['add', placeholder, 32], lengetter]]], typ=BaseType('bytes32'),
Beispiel #2
def raw_call(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    to, data = args
    gas, value, outsize = kwargs['gas'], kwargs['value'], kwargs['outsize']
    if context.is_constant:
        raise ConstancyViolationException(
            "Cannot make calls from a constant function", expr)
    if value != zero_value:
        enforce_units(value.typ, get_keyword(expr, 'value'),
                      BaseType('num', {'wei': 1}))
    placeholder = context.new_placeholder(data.typ)
    placeholder_node = LLLnode.from_list(placeholder,
    copier = make_byte_array_copier(placeholder_node, data)
    output_placeholder = context.new_placeholder(ByteArrayType(outsize))
    output_node = LLLnode.from_list(output_placeholder,
    z = LLLnode.from_list([
        'seq', copier,
                'call', gas, to, value, ['add', placeholder_node, 32],
                ['mload', placeholder_node], ['add', output_node, 32], outsize
        ], ['mstore', output_node, outsize], output_node
    return z
Beispiel #3
def raw_log(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    if not isinstance(args[0], ast.List) or len(args[0].elts) > 4:
        raise StructureException("Expecting a list of 0-4 topics as first argument", args[0])
    topics = []
    for elt in args[0].elts:
        arg = Expr.parse_value_expr(elt, context)
        if not is_base_type(arg.typ, 'bytes32'):
            raise TypeMismatchException("Expecting a bytes32 argument as topic", elt)
    if args[1].location == "memory":
        return LLLnode.from_list(["with", "_arr", args[1], ["log" + str(len(topics)), ["add", "_arr", 32], ["mload", "_arr"]] + topics],
                                 typ=None, pos=getpos(expr))
    placeholder = context.new_placeholder(args[1].typ)
    placeholder_node = LLLnode.from_list(placeholder, typ=args[1].typ, location='memory')
    copier = make_byte_array_copier(placeholder_node, LLLnode.from_list('_sub', typ=args[1].typ, location=args[1].location))
    return LLLnode.from_list(
        ["with", "_sub", args[1],
                ["log" + str(len(topics)), ["add", placeholder_node, 32], ["mload", placeholder_node]] + topics]],
    typ=None, pos=getpos(expr))
Beispiel #4
def _RLPlist(expr, args, kwargs, context):
    # Second argument must be a list of types
    if not isinstance(args[1], ast.List):
        raise TypeMismatchException("Expecting list of types for second argument", args[1])
    if len(args[1].elts) == 0:
        raise TypeMismatchException("RLP list must have at least one item", expr)
    if len(args[1].elts) > 32:
        raise TypeMismatchException("RLP list must have at most 32 items", expr)
    # Get the output format
    _format = []
    for arg in args[1].elts:
        if isinstance(arg, ast.Name) and == "bytes":
            subtyp = ByteArrayType(args[0].typ.maxlen)
            subtyp = parse_type(arg, 'memory')
            if not isinstance(subtyp, BaseType):
                raise TypeMismatchException("RLP lists only accept BaseTypes and byte arrays", arg)
            if not is_base_type(subtyp, ('num', 'num256', 'bytes32', 'address', 'bool')):
                raise TypeMismatchException("Unsupported base type: %s" % subtyp.typ, arg)
    output_type = TupleType(_format)
    output_placeholder_type = ByteArrayType((2 * len(_format) + 1 + get_size_of_type(output_type)) * 32)
    output_placeholder = context.new_placeholder(output_placeholder_type)
    output_node = LLLnode.from_list(output_placeholder, typ=output_placeholder_type, location='memory')
    # Create a decoder for each element in the tuple
    decoder = []
    for i, typ in enumerate(_format):
        # Decoder for bytes32
        if is_base_type(typ, 'bytes32'):
                    ['assert', ['eq', ['mload', ['add', output_node, ['mload', ['add', output_node, 32 * i]]]], 32]],
                    ['mload', ['add', 32, ['add', output_node, ['mload', ['add', output_node, 32 * i]]]]]],
            typ, annotation='getting and checking bytes32 item'))
        # Decoder for address
        elif is_base_type(typ, 'address'):
                    ['assert', ['eq', ['mload', ['add', output_node, ['mload', ['add', output_node, 32 * i]]]], 20]],
                         ['mload', ['add', 20, ['add', output_node, ['mload', ['add', output_node, 32 * i]]]]],
                         ['mload', MemoryPositions.ADDRSIZE]]],
            typ, annotation='getting and checking address item'))
        # Decoder for bytes
        elif isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType):
                ['add', output_node, ['mload', ['add', output_node, 32 * i]]],
            typ, location='memory', annotation='getting byte array'))
        # Decoder for num and num256
        elif is_base_type(typ, ('num', 'num256')):
            bytez = LLLnode.from_list(
                ['add', output_node, ['mload', ['add', output_node, 32 * i]]],
            typ, location='memory', annotation='getting and checking %s' % typ.typ)
            decoder.append(byte_array_to_num(bytez, expr, typ.typ))
        # Decoder for bools
        elif is_base_type(typ, ('bool')):
            # This is basically a really clever way to test for a length-prefixed one or zero. We take the 32 bytes
            # starting one byte *after* the start of the length declaration; this includes the last 31 bytes of the
            # length and the first byte of the value. 0 corresponds to length 0, first byte 0, and 257 corresponds
            # to length 1, first byte \x01
                ['with', '_ans', ['mload', ['add', 1, ['add', output_node, ['mload', ['add', output_node, 32 * i]]]]],
                    ['seq', ['assert', ['or', ['eq', '_ans', 0], ['eq', '_ans', 257]]], ['div', '_ans', 257]]],
            typ, annotation='getting and checking bool'))
            raise Exception("Type not yet supported")
    # Copy the input data to memory
    if args[0].location == "memory":
        variable_pointer = args[0]
    elif args[0].location == "storage":
        placeholder = context.new_placeholder(args[0].typ)
        placeholder_node = LLLnode.from_list(placeholder, typ=args[0].typ, location='memory')
        copier = make_byte_array_copier(placeholder_node, LLLnode.from_list('_ptr', typ=args[0].typ, location=args[0].location))
        variable_pointer = ['with', '_ptr', args[0], ['seq', copier, placeholder_node]]
        raise Exception("Location not yet supported")
    # Decode the input data
    initial_setter = LLLnode.from_list(
            ['with', '_sub', variable_pointer,
                ['pop', ['call',
                         1500 + 400 * len(_format) + 10 * len(args),
                         LLLnode.from_list(RLP_DECODER_ADDRESS, annotation='RLP decoder'),
                         ['add', '_sub', 32],
                         ['mload', '_sub'],
                         64 * len(_format) + 32 + 32 * get_size_of_type(output_type)]]],
            ['assert', ['eq', ['mload', output_node], 32 * len(_format) + 32]]],
    # Shove the input data decoder in front of the first variable decoder
    decoder[0] = LLLnode.from_list(['seq', initial_setter, decoder[0]], typ=decoder[0].typ, location=decoder[0].location)
    return LLLnode.from_list(["multi"] + decoder, typ=output_type, location='memory', pos=getpos(expr))