Beispiel #1
    def run_test_dommemstat(case):
        Test virsh command dommemstat related cases

        :param case: test case
        if case == 'disk_caches':
            # Verify dommemstat show right disk cache for RHEL8 guest
            # Update memballoon device
            balloon_dict = {
                k: v
                for k, v in params.items() if k.startswith('membal_')
            libvirt.update_memballoon_xml(vmxml, balloon_dict)

            session = vm.wait_for_login()

            # Get info from virsh dommemstat command
            dommemstat_output = virsh.dommemstat(
                vm_name, debug=True).stdout_text.strip()
            dommemstat = {}
            for line in dommemstat_output.splitlines():
                k, v = line.strip().split(' ')
                dommemstat[k] = v

            # Get info from vm
            meminfo_keys = ['Buffers', 'Cached', 'SwapCached']
            meminfo = {
                k: utils_misc.get_mem_info(session, k)
                for k in meminfo_keys

            # from kernel commit: Buffers + Cached + SwapCached = disk_caches
            tmp_sum = meminfo['Buffers'] + meminfo['Cached'] + meminfo[
  'Buffers %d + Cached %d + SwapCached %d = %d kb',
                         meminfo['Buffers'], meminfo['Cached'],
                         meminfo['SwapCached'], tmp_sum)

            # Compare and make sure error is within allowable range
  'disk_caches is %s', dommemstat['disk_caches'])
            allow_error = int(params.get('allow_error', 15))
            actual_error = (tmp_sum -
                            int(dommemstat['disk_caches'])) / tmp_sum * 100
            logging.debug('Actual error: %.2f%%', actual_error)
            if actual_error > allow_error:
      'Buffers + Cached + SwapCached (%d) '
                          'should be close to disk_caches (%s). '
                          'Allowable error: %.2f%%' %
                          (tmp_sum, dommemstat['disk_caches'], allow_error))
Beispiel #2
def set_vm_for_dump(test, params):
    Update vm mem and image size params to match dump generate and analysed.

    :param test: kvm test object
    :param params: Params object
    host_free_mem = utils_misc.get_mem_info(attr='MemFree')
    host_avail_disk = int(process.getoutput(params["get_avail_disk"]))
    sys_image_size = int(
        float(utils_misc.normalize_data_size(params["image_size"], "G")))
    if host_avail_disk < (host_free_mem // 1024**2) * 1.2 + sys_image_size:
        params["mem"] = (host_avail_disk - sys_image_size) * 0.8 // 2.4 * 1024
    image_size_stg = int(
        float(utils_misc.normalize_data_size(params["mem"] + "M", "G")) * 1.4)
    params["image_size_stg"] = str(image_size_stg) + "G"

    params["force_create_image_stg"] = "yes"
    image_params = params.object_params("stg")
    env_process.preprocess_image(test, image_params, "stg")
Beispiel #3
def run(test, params, env):
    Bind guest node0 and node1 to 2 host nodes, do migration test

    1. Boot src guest with 2 numa node and all bind to 2 host numa nodes
    2. Migration
    3. Check the numa memory size in guest, linux guest only
    4. Check the numa memory policy in dest host

    :param test: QEMU test object
    :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    :param env: Dictionary with test environment
    def get_nodes_size(size_type='MemTotal', session=None):
        Get the node size of each node in host/guest, descending sort with size

        :param size_type: the type of the node size
        :param session: ShellSession object

        :return: a list of tuple include node id and node size(M)
        :rtype: list
        numa_info = NumaInfo(session=session)
        nodes_size = {}
        numa_nodes = numa_info.online_nodes
        for node in numa_nodes:
            node_size = numa_info.online_nodes_meminfo[node][size_type]
            nodes_size[node] = float(normalize_data_size('%s KB' % node_size))
        nodes_size = sorted(nodes_size.items(),
                            key=lambda item: item[1],
        return nodes_size

    host_nodes_size = get_nodes_size(size_type='MemFree')
    mem_devs = params.objects('mem_devs')
    if len(host_nodes_size) < len(mem_devs):
        test.cancel("Host do not have enough nodes for testing!")
    for mem_dev in mem_devs:
        size_mem = params.object_params(mem_dev).get('size_mem')
        size_mem = float(normalize_data_size(size_mem))
        if host_nodes_size[0][1] >= size_mem:
            params['host-nodes_mem_%s' % mem_dev] = str(host_nodes_size[0][0])
            del host_nodes_size[0]
            test.cancel("host nodes do not have enough memory for testing!")

    params['start_vm'] = 'yes'
    env_process.preprocess(test, params, env)
    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    session = vm.wait_for_login()
    # do migration
    mig_timeout = float(params.get("mig_timeout", "3600"))
    mig_protocol = params.get("migration_protocol", "tcp")
    vm.migrate(mig_timeout, mig_protocol, env=env)
    session = vm.wait_for_login()

    os_type = params["os_type"]
    if os_type == 'linux':
        error_context.context("Check the numa memory size in guest",
        # Use 30 plus the gap of 'MemTotal' in OS and '-m' in cli as threshold
        mem_total = get_mem_info(session, 'MemTotal')
        mem_total = float(normalize_data_size('%s KB' % mem_total))
        error_context.context("MemTotal in guest os is %s MB" % mem_total,
        threshold = float(params.get_numeric("mem") - mem_total) + 30
        error_context.context("The acceptable threshold is: %s" % threshold,
        guest_nodes_size = get_nodes_size(size_type='MemTotal',
        guest_nodes_size = dict(guest_nodes_size)
        for nodenr, node in enumerate(params.objects('guest_numa_nodes')):
            mdev = params.get("numa_memdev_node%d" % nodenr)
            if mdev:
                mdev = mdev.split('-')[1]
                size = float(
                    normalize_data_size(params.get("size_mem_%s" % mdev)))
                if abs(size - guest_nodes_size[nodenr]) > threshold:
                        "[Guest]Wrong size of numa node %d: %f. Expected:"
                        " %s" % (nodenr, guest_nodes_size[nodenr], size))

    error_context.context("Check the numa memory policy in dest host",
    qemu_pid = vm.get_pid()
    for mem_dev in mem_devs:
        memdev_params = params.object_params(mem_dev)
        size_mem = memdev_params.get('size_mem')
        size_mem = int(float(normalize_data_size(size_mem, 'K')))
        smaps = process.getoutput("grep -E -B1 '^Size: *%d' /proc/%d/smaps" %
                                  (size_mem, qemu_pid))
        mem_start_pattern = r'(\w+)-\w+\s+\w+-\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+:\w+\s\w+\s+\n'\
                            r'Size:\s+%d' % size_mem
        match =, smaps)
        if not match:
            test.error("Failed to get the mem start address in smaps: %s" %
        mem_start = match.groups()[0]
        numa_maps = process.getoutput("grep %s /proc/%d/numa_maps" %
                                      (mem_start, qemu_pid))
        node_match ='bind:(\d+)', numa_maps)
        if not node_match:
  "Failed to get the bind node in numa_maps: %s" %
        bind_node = node_match.groups()[0]
        expected_node = memdev_params.get('host-nodes_mem')
        if bind_node != expected_node:
  "Host node for memdev %s in numa_maps is %s, while the "
                      "expected is:%s" % (mem_dev, bind_node, expected_node))
Beispiel #4
def run(test, params, env):
    Simple test to check if NUMA options are being parsed properly
    1) Boot vm with different numa nodes
    2) With qemu monitor, check if size and cpus for every node match with cli
    3) In guest os, check if size and cpus for every node match with cli

    :param test: QEMU test object
    :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
    :param env: Dictionary with test environment

    def numa_info_guest():
        The numa info in guest os, linux only

        return: An array of (ram, cpus) tuples, where ram is the RAM size in
                MB and cpus is a set of CPU numbers

        numa_info_guest = NumaInfo(session=session)

        numa_guest = []
        nodes_guest = numa_info_guest.online_nodes
        for node in nodes_guest:
            node_size = numa_info_guest.online_nodes_meminfo[node]['MemTotal']
            node_size = float(normalize_data_size('%s KB' % node_size))
            node_cpus = numa_info_guest.online_nodes_cpus[node]
            node_cpus = set([int(v) for v in node_cpus.split()])
            numa_guest.append((node_size, node_cpus))

        # It is a known WONTFIX issue for x86 and ARM, node info of node0 and
        # node1 is opposite in guest os when vm have 2 nodes
        if (vm_arch in ("x86_64", "i686", "aarch64") and len(numa_guest) == 2):
        return numa_guest

    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    os_type = params["os_type"]
    vm_arch = params["vm_arch_name"]
    session = vm.wait_for_login()

    error_context.context("starting numa_opts test...",

    # Get numa info from monitor
    numa_monitor = vm.monitors[0].info_numa()
    error_context.context("numa info in monitor: %r" % numa_monitor,
    monitor_expect_nodes = params.get_numeric("monitor_expect_nodes")
    if len(numa_monitor) != monitor_expect_nodes:"[Monitor]Wrong number of numa nodes: %d. Expected: %d" %
                  (len(numa_monitor), monitor_expect_nodes))

    if os_type == 'linux':
        # Get numa info in guest os, only for Linux
        numa_guest = numa_info_guest()
        error_context.context("numa info in guest: %r" % numa_guest,
        guest_expect_nodes = int(params.get("guest_expect_nodes",
        if len(numa_guest) != guest_expect_nodes:
  "[Guest]Wrong number of numa nodes: %d. Expected: %d" %
                      (len(numa_guest), guest_expect_nodes))
        # Use 30 plus the gap of 'MemTotal' in OS and '-m' in cli as threshold
        MemTotal = get_mem_info(session, 'MemTotal')
        MemTotal = float(normalize_data_size('%s KB' % MemTotal))
        error_context.context("MemTotal in guest os is %s MB"
                              % MemTotal,
        threshold = float(params.get_numeric("mem") - MemTotal) + 30
        error_context.context("The acceptable threshold is: %s"
                              % threshold,
        numa_guest = numa_monitor

    for nodenr, node in enumerate(numa_guest):
        mdev = params.get("numa_memdev_node%d" % (nodenr))
        if mdev:
            mdev = mdev.split('-')[1]
            size = float(normalize_data_size(params.get("size_%s" % mdev)))
            size = params.get_numeric("mem")

        cpus = params.get("numa_cpus_node%d" % (nodenr))
        if cpus is not None:
            cpus = set([int(v) for v in cpus.split(",")])
            cpus = set([int(v) for v in range(params.get_numeric('smp'))])

        if len(numa_monitor) != 0:
            if size != numa_monitor[nodenr][0]:
      "[Monitor]Wrong size of numa node %d: %f. Expected: %f"
                          % (nodenr, numa_monitor[nodenr][0], size))
            if cpus != numa_monitor[nodenr][1]:
      "[Monitor]Wrong CPU set on numa node %d: %s. Expected: %s"
                          % (nodenr, numa_monitor[nodenr][1], cpus))

        if os_type == 'linux':
            if size - numa_guest[nodenr][0] > threshold:
      "[Guest]Wrong size of numa node %d: %f. Expected: %f"
                          % (nodenr, numa_guest[nodenr][0], size))
            if cpus != numa_guest[nodenr][1]:
      "[Guest]Wrong CPU set on numa node %d: %s. Expected: %s"
                          % (nodenr, numa_guest[nodenr][1], cpus))