def test_table_3(self):

        - "count frequency" is False
        - file extension not on "pathname"
        - there are several IndexedPiece objects
        test_wm = WorkflowManager([])
        test_wm.settings(None, 'count frequency', False)
        test_wm._result = [mock.MagicMock(spec_set=pandas.DataFrame) for _ in range(5)]
        test_wm._data = ['boop' for _ in range(len(test_wm._result))]
        top_x = None
        threshold = None
        pathname = 'test_path'

        test_wm._make_table('CSV', pathname, top_x, threshold)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        test_wm._make_table('Excel', pathname, top_x, threshold)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        test_wm._make_table('Stata', pathname, top_x, threshold)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        test_wm._make_table('HTML', pathname, top_x, threshold)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        for i in range(len(test_wm._result)):
            test_wm._result[i].to_csv.assert_called_once_with('{}-{}{}'.format(pathname, i, '.csv'))
            test_wm._result[i].to_excel.assert_called_once_with('{}-{}{}'.format(pathname, i, '.xlsx'))
            test_wm._result[i].to_stata.assert_called_once_with('{}-{}{}'.format(pathname, i, '.dta'))
            test_wm._result[i].to_html.assert_called_once_with('{}-{}{}'.format(pathname, i, '.html'))
 def test_load_1(self):
     # that "get_data" is called correctly on each thing
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._data = [mock.MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece) for _ in xrange(5)]
     for mock_piece in test_wc._data:
 def test_lilypond_1b(self):
     """error conditions: if the lengths are different, (but 'count frequency' is okay)"""
     test_wm = WorkflowManager(['fake piece'])
     test_wm._data = ['fake IndexedPiece']
     test_wm._result = ['fake results', 'more fake results', 'so many fake results']
     test_wm.settings(None, 'count frequency', False)
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as run_err:
     self.assertEqual(WorkflowManager._COUNT_FREQUENCY_MESSAGE, run_err.exception.args[0])
 def test_lilypond_1a(self):
     """error conditions: if 'count frequency' is True (but the lengths are okay)"""
     test_wm = WorkflowManager(['fake piece'])
     test_wm._data = ['fake IndexedPiece']
     test_wm._result = ['fake results']
     # test twice like this to make sure (1) the try/except will definitely catch something, and
     # (2) we're not getting hit by another RuntimeError, of which there could be many
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as run_err:
     self.assertEqual(WorkflowManager._COUNT_FREQUENCY_MESSAGE, run_err.exception.args[0])
 def test_lilypond_1b(self):
     # error conditions: if the lengths are different, (but 'count frequency' is okay)
     test_wm = WorkflowManager(['fake piece'])
     test_wm._data = ['fake IndexedPiece']
     test_wm._result = ['fake results', 'more fake results', 'so many fake results']
     test_wm.settings(None, 'count frequency', False)
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, test_wm._make_lilypond, ['paths'])
     except RuntimeError as the_err:
         self.assertEqual(WorkflowManager._COUNT_FREQUENCY_MESSAGE, the_err.message)
 def test_run_off_rep_5(self, mock_off, mock_rep):
     # run neither indexer; input a dict
     # setup
     workm = WorkflowManager(['', '', ''])
     workm._data = [None, MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece), None]
     workm.settings(1, 'offset interval', 0)
     workm.settings(1, 'filter repeats', False)
     in_val = {'b': 43, 'a': 42, 'c': 44}
     # run
     actual = workm._run_off_rep(1, in_val)
     # test
     self.assertSequenceEqual(in_val, actual)
     self.assertEqual(0, workm._data[1].get_data.call_count)
 def test_run_off_rep_1(self):
     """run neither indexer"""
     # setup
     workm = WorkflowManager(['', '', ''])
     workm._data = [None, MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece), None]
     workm.settings(1, 'offset interval', 0)
     workm.settings(1, 'filter repeats', False)
     in_val = 42
     # run
     actual = workm._run_off_rep(1, in_val)
     # test
     self.assertEqual(in_val, actual)
     self.assertEqual(0, workm._data[1].get_data.call_count)
 def test_histogram_1(self, mock_call, mock_gdf, mock_join):
     # with specified pathname; last experiment was intervals with 20 pieces; self._result is DF
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._previous_exp = u'intervals'
     test_wc._data = [1 for _ in xrange(20)]
     test_wc._result = MagicMock(spec=pandas.DataFrame)
     path = u'pathname!'
     actual = test_wc._make_histogram(path)
     self.assertEqual(0, mock_gdf.call_count)
     expected_args = [u'Rscript', u'--vanilla', mock_join.return_value,
                      path + u'.dta', path + u'.png', u'int', u'20']
     self.assertEqual(path + u'.png', actual)
     self.assertEqual(1, mock_join.call_count)
 def test_run_off_rep_3(self, mock_off, mock_rep):
     # run repeat indexer
     # setup
     workm = WorkflowManager(['', '', ''])
     workm._data = [None, MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece), None]
     workm._data[1].get_data.return_value = 24
     workm.settings(1, 'offset interval', 0)
     workm.settings(1, 'filter repeats', True)
     in_val = 42
     # run
     actual = workm._run_off_rep(1, in_val)
     # test
     self.assertEqual(workm._data[1].get_data.return_value, actual)
     workm._data[1].get_data.assert_called_once_with([mock_rep], {}, in_val)
 def test_histogram_3(self, mock_call, mock_gdf, mock_join):
     # test_ouput_6, plus top_x and threshold
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._previous_exp = u'n-grams'
     test_wc._data = [1]
     test_wc._shared_settings[u'n'] = 14
     test_wc._result = MagicMock(spec=pandas.Series)
     path = u'test_output/output_result'
     actual = test_wc._make_histogram(top_x=420, threshold=1987)
     mock_gdf.assert_called_once_with(u'freq', 420, 1987)
     expected_args = [u'Rscript', u'--vanilla', mock_join.return_value,
                      path + u'.dta', path + u'.png', u'14', u'1']
     self.assertEqual(path + u'.png', actual)
     self.assertEqual(1, mock_join.call_count)
 def test_histogram_2(self, mock_call, mock_gdf, mock_join):
     # with unspecified pathname; last experiment was 14-grams with 1 piece; self._result is S
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._previous_exp = u'n-grams'
     test_wc._data = [1]
     test_wc._shared_settings[u'n'] = 14
     test_wc._result = MagicMock(spec=pandas.Series)
     path = u'test_output/output_result'
     actual = test_wc._make_histogram()
     mock_gdf.assert_called_once_with(u'freq', None, None)
     expected_args = [u'Rscript', u'--vanilla', mock_join.return_value,
                      path + u'.dta', path + u'.png', u'14', u'1']
     self.assertEqual(path + u'.png', actual)
     self.assertEqual(1, mock_join.call_count)
 def test_run_off_rep_3(self):
     """run repeat indexer"""
     # setup
     workm = WorkflowManager(['', '', ''])
     workm._data = [None, MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece), None]
     workm._data[1].get_data.return_value = 24
     workm.settings(1, 'offset interval', 0)
     workm.settings(1, 'filter repeats', True)
     in_val = 42
     exp_analyzers = [repeat.FilterByRepeatIndexer]
     # run
     actual = workm._run_off_rep(1, in_val)
     # test
     self.assertEqual(workm._data[1].get_data.return_value, actual)
     workm._data[1].get_data.assert_called_once_with(exp_analyzers, {}, in_val)
 def test_output_2(self, mock_lily):
     # ensure output() calls _make_lilypond() as required
     # 1: prepare
     lily_path = u'the_path'
     mock_lily.return_value = lily_path
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._previous_exp = u'intervals'
     test_wc._data = [1 for _ in xrange(20)]
     test_wc._result = MagicMock(spec=pandas.DataFrame)
     path = u'pathname!'
     expected_args = [path]
     # 2: run
     actual = test_wc.output('LilyPond', path)
     # 3: check
     self.assertEqual(lily_path, actual)
 def test_run_off_rep_6(self, mock_off, mock_rep):
     # run offset indexer with is_horizontal set to True
     # setup
     workm = WorkflowManager(['', '', ''])
     workm._data = [None, MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece), None]
     workm._data[1].get_data.return_value = 24
     workm.settings(1, 'offset interval', 0.5)
     workm.settings(1, 'filter repeats', False)
     in_val = 42
     # run
     actual = workm._run_off_rep(1, in_val, True)
     # test
     self.assertEqual(workm._data[1].get_data.return_value, actual)
                                                     {'quarterLength': 0.5, 'method': None},
 def test_output_5(self, mock_table):
     """ensure output() calls export() as required"""
     # 1: prepare
     export_path = 'the_path'
     mock_table.return_value = export_path
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._previous_exp = 'intervals'
     test_wc._data = [1 for _ in range(20)]
     test_wc._result = MagicMock(spec=pandas.DataFrame)
     path = 'pathname!'
     expected_args = ['Excel', path, None, None]
     # 2: run
     actual = test_wc.output('Excel', path)
     # 3: check
     self.assertEqual(export_path, actual)
 def test_run_off_rep_4(self, mock_off, mock_rep):
     # run offset and repeat indexer
     # setup
     workm = WorkflowManager(['', '', ''])
     workm._data = [None, MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece), None]
     workm._data[1].get_data.return_value = 24
     workm.settings(1, 'offset interval', 0.5)
     workm.settings(1, 'filter repeats', True)
     in_val = 42
     # run
     actual = workm._run_off_rep(1, in_val)
     # test
     self.assertEqual(workm._data[1].get_data.return_value, actual)
     self.assertEqual(2, workm._data[1].get_data.call_count)
     workm._data[1].get_data.assert_any_call([mock_off], {'quarterLength': 0.5}, in_val)
     workm._data[1].get_data.assert_any_call([mock_rep], {}, workm._data[1].get_data.return_value)
 def test_run_off_rep_4(self):
     """run offset and repeat indexer"""
     # setup
     workm = WorkflowManager(['', '', ''])
     workm._data = [None, MagicMock(spec=IndexedPiece), None]
     workm._data[1].get_data.return_value = 24
     workm.settings(1, 'offset interval', 0.5)
     workm.settings(1, 'filter repeats', True)
     in_val = 42
     exp_an_off = [offset.FilterByOffsetIndexer]
     exp_an_rep = [repeat.FilterByRepeatIndexer]
     # run
     actual = workm._run_off_rep(1, in_val)
     # test
     self.assertEqual(workm._data[1].get_data.return_value, actual)
     self.assertEqual(2, workm._data[1].get_data.call_count)
     workm._data[1].get_data.assert_any_call(exp_an_off, {'quarterLength': 0.5}, in_val)
     workm._data[1].get_data.assert_any_call(exp_an_rep, {}, workm._data[1].get_data.return_value)
 def test_output_1b(self, mock_histo):
     # ensure output() calls _make_histogram() as required (with 'R histogram' instruction)
     # 1: prepare
     histo_path = u'the_path.svg'
     mock_histo.return_value = histo_path
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._previous_exp = u'intervals'
     test_wc._data = [1 for _ in xrange(20)]
     test_wc._result = MagicMock(spec=pandas.DataFrame)
     path = u'pathname!'
     top_x = 20
     threshold = 10
     expected_args = [path, top_x, threshold]
     # 2: run
     actual = test_wc.output('R histogram', path, top_x, threshold)
     # 3: check
     self.assertEqual(histo_path, actual)
 def test_histogram_4(self, mock_call, mock_gdf, mock_join):
     # test_output_4() but the subprocess thing fails
     def raiser(*args):
         raise CalledProcessError(u'Bach!', 42, u'CPE')
     mock_call.side_effect = raiser
     test_wc = WorkflowManager([])
     test_wc._previous_exp = u'intervals'
     test_wc._data = [1 for _ in xrange(20)]
     test_wc._result = MagicMock(spec=pandas.DataFrame)
     path = u'pathname!'
     expected_msg = u'Error during call to R: CPE (return code: Bach!)'
     actual = None
     except RuntimeError as run_e:
         actual = run_e
     self.assertEqual(expected_msg, actual.message)
     self.assertEqual(0, mock_gdf.call_count)
     expected_args = [u'Rscript', u'--vanilla', mock_join.return_value,
                      path + u'.dta', path + u'.png', u'int', u'20']
     self.assertEqual(1, mock_join.call_count)