Beispiel #1
def create_cone(point, radio, angle, opening, resolution=1):
    # Define the list for the points of the cone-shape polygon
    p = []

    # The fisrt point will be the vertex of the cone
    p.append(vis.Point(point[0], point[1]))

    # Define the start and end of the arc
    start = angle - opening
    end = angle + opening

    for i in range(start, end, resolution):
        # Convert start angle from degrees to radians
        rad = math.radians(i)

        # Calculate the off-set of the first point of the arc
        x = radio * math.cos(rad)
        y = radio * math.sin(rad)

        # Add the off-set to the vertex point
        new_x = point[0] + x
        new_y = point[1] + y

        # Add the first point of the arc to the list
        p.append(vis.Point(new_x, new_y))

    # Add the last point of the arc
    rad = math.radians(end)
    x = radio * math.cos(rad)
    y = radio * math.sin(rad)
    new_x = point[0] + x
    new_y = point[1] + y
    p.append(vis.Point(new_x, new_y))

    return vis.Polygon(p)
Beispiel #2
    def find_shortest_path(self):
        base_energy_start = self.aggregated_power_lower[0][1]
        base_energy_end = self.aggregated_power_lower[-2][1]

        if self.strategy == 'full-empty':
            strategy_state = (1, 0)
        elif self.strategy == 'full-full':
            strategy_state = (1, 1)
        elif self.strategy == 'empty-empty':
            strategy_state = (0, 0)
        elif isinstance(self.strategy, tuple):
            strategy_state = self.strategy
            print('This operation strategy is not supported!')

        self.start_energy = base_energy_start + strategy_state[
            0] * self.battery_capacity * (1 - self.DOD)
        # TODO this is hard coded
        self.end_energy = base_energy_end + strategy_state[
            1] * self.battery_capacity

        start = vis.Point(0, self.start_energy)
        end = vis.Point(self.time - 1, self.end_energy)
        start.snap_to_boundary_of(self.env, self.epsilon)
        start.snap_to_vertices_of(self.env, self.epsilon)
        vis_poly = vis.Visibility_Polygon(start, self.env, self.epsilon)
        shortest_path = self.env.shortest_path(start, end, self.epsilon)
        return shortest_path
Beispiel #3
def get_instance():
    sites = [(600, 550), (300, 400), (50, 100), (800, 100), (950, 980)]
    objects, elements, corners = [], [], []
    wall = [(0, 0), (1000, 0), (1000, 1000), (0, 1000)]
    elements.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in wall]))

    hole1 = [(100, 300), (100, 500), (150, 500), (150, 300)]
    elements.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in hole1]))
    corners += hole1

    hole2 = [(300, 700), (300, 800), (550, 800), (550, 700)]
    elements.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in hole2]))
    corners += hole2

    hole3 = [(700, 300), (700, 650), (850, 650), (850, 300)]
    elements.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in hole3]))
    corners += hole3

    hole4 = [(300, 100), (300, 200), (450, 200), (450, 100)]
    elements.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in hole4]))
    corners += hole4

    env = vis.Environment(elements)
    return sites, objects, env, corners
def visibleVertices(curr_poly_vx, vertex_list_per_poly, orig_poly, j):
    vs = [v for i, v in orig_poly.vertex_list_per_poly[0]]
    pts = list(map(lambda x: vis.Point(x[0], x[1]), vs))
    wall_x = [pt.x() for pt in pts]
    wall_y = [pt.y() for pt in pts]

    def get_vis_form_from_vx_list(vs):
        poly = list(map(lambda x: vis.Point(x[1][0], x[1][1]), vs))
        walls = vis.Polygon(poly)
        return walls

    env_walls = [
        for vxs in orig_poly.vertex_list_per_poly

    # point from which to calculate visibility
    p1 = curr_poly_vx[j][1]
    vp1 = vis.Point(p1[0], p1[1])

    # Create environment, wall will be the outer boundary because
    # is the first polygon in the list. The other polygons will be holes
    env = vis.Environment(env_walls)
    # Necesary to generate the visibility polygon
    vp1.snap_to_boundary_of(env, EPSILON)
    vp1.snap_to_vertices_of(env, EPSILON)
    isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(vp1, env, EPSILON)
    vvs = [(isovist[i].x(), isovist[i].y()) for i in range(isovist.n())]
    if DEBUG:
        print("visibility polygon is:", vvs)
        point_x, point_y = save_print(isovist)
        plt.plot(wall_x, wall_y, 'black')
        plt.plot(point_x, point_y, 'r')
        plt.plot([vp1.x()], [vp1.y()], 'go')
    visibleVertexSet = []
    for poly_vx in vertex_list_per_poly:
        curr_vis_vx = []
        for i in range(len(poly_vx)):
            p = vis.Point(*poly_vx[i][1])
            vp = copy(p).projection_onto_boundary_of(isovist)
            if (vis.distance(vp, p) <
                    EPSILON) and poly_vx[i][0] != curr_poly_vx[j][0]:
        if DEBUG:
            print('vertices', curr_vis_vx, 'visible from', j)
    return visibleVertexSet
Beispiel #5
def environments(epsilon=0.0000001):
    wall_choords = [(0, 0), (700, 0), (700, 900), (0, 900)]
    wall = vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in wall_choords])
    holes_choords = [[(100, 300), (100, 500), (150, 500), (150, 300)],
                     [(300, 300), (300, 500), (400, 550), (400, 300)],
                     [(90, 700), (250, 750), (220, 600), (150, 600)],
                     [(330, 700), (330, 800), (530, 850), (530, 790)],
                     [(230, 50), (250, 90), (390, 90), (390, 50)]]
    holes = []
    for hc in holes_choords:
        holes.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in hc]))

    draw_env(wall_choords, holes_choords)
    env = vis.Environment([wall] + holes)
    return env, vis.Visibility_Graph(env, epsilon)
Beispiel #6
    def visible_area(self, x: float, y: float):
        Computes the visible area from point (x,y)
        :param x: x coordinate of view point
        :param y: y coordinate of view point
        :return: Visibile area from (x,y)
        # Define the point of the "observer"
        observer = vis.Point(x, y)

        # Necessary to generate the visibility polygon
        observer.snap_to_boundary_of(self.env, self.epsilon)
        observer.snap_to_vertices_of(self.env, self.epsilon)

        # Obtain the visibility polygon of the 'observer' in the environment
        # previously defined
        isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, self.env, self.epsilon)

        points = []
        for i in range(isovist.n()):
            points.append((isovist[i].x(), isovist[i].y()))

        poly = Polygon(points)

        return poly
Beispiel #7
 def __get_vis(self):
     poly = []
     for p in self.path.to_polygons():
         poly.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(*v) for v in p[:-1][::-1]]))
     env = vis.Environment(poly)
     vg = vis.Visibility_Graph(env, self.epsilon)
     return env, vg
Beispiel #8
 def filter_points(self,points):
     res_points = []
     for px,py in points:
         vpoint = vis.Point(px,py)
         if vpoint._in(self.environment,EPSILON):
     return res_points
Beispiel #9
def find_obstacles(occ_grid, thresh=125, unknown=0):
    # occ_grid needs to be cv2 object
    # returns list of obstacles (list of polygons)
    # threshold is a little low because I was trying to exclude unknown areas as obstacles
    grid = occ_grid.copy()

    grid[np.where(grid == unknown)] = 255
    thresh_grid = cv2.threshold(grid, thresh, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
    thresh_grid = np.array(thresh_grid, dtype=np.uint8)

    # cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh_grid, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts)

    # set contours as visilibity polygons
    obstacles = []
    for c in cnts:
        points = []
        for p in c:
            points.append(vis.Point(float(p[0][0]), float(p[0][1])))

        obstacle = vis.Polygon(points)

    return obstacles
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self,blocker_polygons,width,height):
        self.environment = vis.Environment()
        for poly in blocker_polygons:
            points = [vis.Point(x,y) for x,y in poly]
            poly = vis.Polygon(points)
            if poly.area() > 0:

def outer(y_up, y_down, x_left, x_right):  ## use arena coordinates

    #list points ccw
    a = vis.Point(x_left, y_size - (y_down - 1))
    b = vis.Point(x_right, y_size - (y_down - 1))
    c = vis.Point(x_right, y_size - (y_up - 1))
    d = vis.Point(x_left, y_size - (y_up - 1))

    # Values for graph
    wall_x = [a.x(), b.x(), c.x(), d.x(), a.x()]
    wall_y = [a.y(), b.y(), c.y(), d.y(), a.y()]

    # Create the outer boundary polygon
    walls = vis.Polygon([a, b, c, d])

    return wall_x, wall_y, walls
Beispiel #12
def paint_cpoint_on_img(img,
                        fov=np.pi / 2):

    # compute end-point for vertex
    links_val = np.rint(compute_links(c_point) * scale).astype(int)
    ee_val = links_val[-1]

    # get orientation of end effector
    ee_orientation = c_point.sum()

    # set visibility triangle
    x1 = ee_val[0] + max_wall * np.cos(ee_orientation + 0.5 * fov)
    y1 = ee_val[1] + max_wall * np.sin(ee_orientation + 0.5 * fov)
    x2 = ee_val[0] + max_wall * np.cos(ee_orientation - 0.5 * fov)
    y2 = ee_val[1] + max_wall * np.sin(ee_orientation - 0.5 * fov)
    vis_tri = Polygon([tuple(ee_val), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)])

    # define observer
    if is_in_bounds(ee_val):
        observer = vis.Point(float(ee_val[0]), float(ee_val[1]))
        observer.snap_to_boundary_of(vis_env, eps)
        observer.snap_to_vertices_of(vis_env, eps)
        isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, vis_env, eps)

        # get environment in points
        point_x, point_y = save_print(isovist)
        if len(point_x) == 0 or len(point_y) == 0:
            print('No points for visibility polygon!')
            return None

        poly = Polygon([(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(point_x, point_y)])
        visilbe_poly = poly.intersection(vis_tri)
        if type(visilbe_poly) == Polygon and len(
                list(visilbe_poly.exterior.coords)) > 0:
            visilbe_poly_pts = np.array(list(
                visilbe_poly.exterior.coords)).reshape((-1, 1, 2)).astype(int)

            # draw visilbe polygon of the observer
            cv2.fillPoly(img, [visilbe_poly_pts], 150)

            # draw obstacles and inspection points
            obstacles.apply(lambda x: cv2.rectangle(img, (x['x'], x['y']), (x[
                'x'] + x['width'], x['y'] + x['length']), 255, -1),
                lambda x: cv2.rectangle(img, (x['x'], x['y']),
                                        (x['x'], x['y']), 100, -1),

    return img
def hole(y_up, y_down, x_left, x_right):  ## use arena coordinates

    #points are listed in cc order
    #list points cw
    a = vis.Point(x_left, y_size - (y_down - 1))
    b = vis.Point(x_left, y_size - (y_up - 1))
    c = vis.Point(x_right, y_size - (y_up - 1))
    d = vis.Point(x_right, y_size - (y_down - 1))

    # values for graph\
    hole_x = [a.x(), b.x(), c.x(), d.x(), a.x()]
    hole_y = [a.y(), b.y(), c.y(), d.y(), a.y()]

    # Create the hole polygon
    hole = vis.Polygon([a, b, c, d])

    return hole_x, hole_y, hole
Beispiel #14
 def __add_sites(self, s, nx_vg, pos, env):
     node = nx_vg.number_of_nodes()
     pos[node] = tuple(s)
     isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(vis.Point(*s), env, self.epsilon)
     for i in xrange(isovist.n()):
         p = isovist[i]
         p.snap_to_vertices_of(env, self.epsilon)
         _p = (p.x(), p.y())
         for k, v in pos.items():
             if _p == v:
                 nx_vg.add_edge(node, k, weight=self.__dist(s, _p))
     return node
Beispiel #15
def construct_environment_demo(power_dataframe, battery_capacity):
    aggregated_power = power_dataframe.cumsum().Power
    aggregated_power_lower = []
    aggregated_power_higher = []
    i = 0
    for power in aggregated_power.tolist():
        aggregated_power_lower.append([i, power])
        aggregated_power_higher.append([i, power + battery_capacity])
        i += 1

    # Construct the upper hole in a reverse order
    aggregated_power_higher.insert(0, aggregated_power_higher[-1])
        1, [aggregated_power_higher[0][0], aggregated_power_higher[1][1]])
    del aggregated_power_higher[-1]

    # Construct the lower hole in the reverse order
        [aggregated_power_lower[-1][0], aggregated_power_lower[0][1]])
    # close the hole
    # aggregated_power_lower.append(aggregated_power_lower[0])

    # Construct the wall list
    wall_list = []
    wall_list.append([aggregated_power_lower[0][0], 0])
    wall_list.append([aggregated_power_lower[-1][0], 0])

    higher_hole_points = [vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in aggregated_power_higher]
    lower_hole_points = [vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in aggregated_power_lower]
    wall_points = [vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in wall_list]

    higher_hole = vis.Polygon(higher_hole_points)

    lower_hole = vis.Polygon(lower_hole_points)

    wall = vis.Polygon(wall_points)
    return wall, higher_hole, lower_hole
    def build_fixed_env(self):
        # Define the points which will be the outer boundary of the environment
        # Must be COUNTER-CLOCK-WISE(ccw)
        # p1 = vis.Point(0-self.epsilon*2.0, 0-self.epsilon*2.0)
        # p2 = vis.Point(self.workspace[0]+self.epsilon*2.0, 0-self.epsilon*2.0)
        # p3 = vis.Point(self.workspace[0]+self.epsilon*2.0, self.workspace[1]+self.epsilon*2.0)
        # p4 = vis.Point(0-self.epsilon*2.0,self.workspace[1]+self.epsilon*2.0)

        p1 = vis.Point(0 - 5, 0 - 5)
        p2 = vis.Point(self.workspace[0] + 5, 0 - 5)
        p3 = vis.Point(self.workspace[0] + 5, self.workspace[1] + 5)
        p4 = vis.Point(0 - 5, self.workspace[1] + 5)

        # Load the values of the outer boundary polygon in order to draw it later
        self.wall_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
        self.wall_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

        # Outer boundary polygon must be COUNTER-CLOCK-WISE(ccw)
        # Create the outer boundary polygon
        walls = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])

        for (obs, boundary) in iter(self.obs.items()):
            xx, yy = boundary.exterior.coords.xy
            hole_x = []
            hole_y = []
            point_array = []

            for i in range(len(xx)):
                point = vis.Point(xx[i], yy[i])
                if i != (len(xx) - 1):
            hole = vis.Polygon(point_array)
            # print('Hole in standard form: ',hole.is_in_standard_form())
Beispiel #17
def vis_graph(poly):
    P = poly_list(poly)
    vis_polygons = []
    for p in P:
        vis_polygons.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in p]))
    env = vis.Environment(vis_polygons)
    vg = vis.Visibility_Graph(env, 0.000001)
    edges = []
    for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(vg.n()), 2):
        if vg(i, j):
            edges.append([[env(i).x(), env(i).y()], [env(j).x(), env(j).y()]])
    plt.gca().add_collection(mc.LineCollection(edges, color='g'))
    print len(edges)
Beispiel #18
 def __collinear(self, o, p, q):
     s1 = vis.Line_Segment(vis.Point(*o), vis.Point(*p))
     if vis.Point(*q).in_relative_interior_of(s1, self.eps):
         return True
     s2 = vis.Line_Segment(vis.Point(*o), vis.Point(*q))
     if vis.Point(*p).in_relative_interior_of(s2, self.eps):
         return True
     return False
Beispiel #19
def visibility_polygon(obsv_x, obsv_y, obstacles):
    # obsv_pt - (px,py), pixel in costmap

    observer = vis.Point(obsv_x, obsv_y)
    env = vis.Environment(obstacles)
    observer.snap_to_boundary_of(env, epsilon)
    observer.snap_to_vertices_of(env, epsilon)

    # get visibility polygon
    isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, env, epsilon)
    if isovist.n() == 0:
        logger.warn('Visibility polygon is empty for ({:.2f},{:.2f})!'.format(
            obsv_x, obsv_y))


    return isovist  # change to isocnt? externally convert to shapely
Beispiel #20
def vis_graph(poly):
    P = poly_list(poly)
    vis_polygons = []
    for p in P:
        vis_polygons.append(vis.Polygon([vis.Point(x, y) for x, y in p]))
    env = vis.Environment(vis_polygons)
    vg = vis.Visibility_Graph(env, 0.000001)

    edges = []
    G = nx.Graph()
    for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(vg.n()), 2):
        if vg(i, j):
            edges.append([[env(i).x(), env(i).y()], [env(j).x(), env(j).y()]])
                           np.array(edges[-1][0]) - np.array(edges[-1][1])))
    plt.gca().add_collection(mc.LineCollection(edges, color='g'))

    s, t = get_st(env)
    sp = [i for i in nx.shortest_path(G, s, t, 'weight')]
    sp_edges = [[[env(i).x(), env(i).y()], [env(j).x(), env(j).y()]]
                for i, j in zip(sp[:-1], sp[1:])]
    plt.gca().add_collection(mc.LineCollection(sp_edges, color='r', lw=2))
    def get_geodesic_target(self,

        holes_array = self.holes_array.copy()
        hole_x_array = self.hole_x_array.copy()
        hole_y_array = self.hole_y_array.copy()

        # start =

        # Define the point of the "observer"
        observer = vis.Point(rob_pos[0], rob_pos[1])

        # Now we define some holes for our environment. A hole blocks the
        # observer vision, it works as an obstacle in his vision sensor.
        # The newly defined holes in this part are tha landmarks that need
        # to be avoided.

        for avoid, dist in avoid_target:
            avoid_x = node_landmark.landmark[avoid][0][0]
            avoid_y = node_landmark.landmark[avoid][0][1]
            dist_buffer = dist + self.epsilon

            if math.sqrt((rob_pos[0] - avoid_x)**2 +
                         (rob_pos[1] - avoid_y)**2) < dist_buffer + 10:
                if math.sqrt((target[0] - avoid_x)**2 +
                             (target[1] - avoid_y)**2) < dist_buffer:
                    return rob_pos
                hole_x = []
                hole_y = []
                point_array = []
                theta = -math.pi
                for i in range(self.discretization + 1):
                    xx = dist_buffer * math.cos(theta) + avoid_x
                    yy = dist_buffer * math.sin(theta) + avoid_y
                    theta = theta - 2 * math.pi / self.discretization
                    pt = vis.Point(round(xx, 2), round(yy, 2))
                    if i != (self.discretization):
                hole = vis.Polygon(point_array)
                # print('Hole in standard form: ',hole.is_in_standard_form())

        # Create environment, wall will be the outer boundary because
        # is the first polygon in the list. The other polygons will be holes
        env = vis.Environment(holes_array)

        # Check if the environment is valid
        # print('Environment is valid : ',env.is_valid(epsilon))

        # Define another point, could be used to check if the observer see it, to
        # check the shortest path from one point to the other, etc.
        end = vis.Point(target[0], target[1])

        # Necesary to generate the visibility polygon
        observer.snap_to_boundary_of(env, self.epsilon)
        observer.snap_to_vertices_of(env, self.epsilon)

        # Obtein the visibility polygon of the 'observer' in the environmente
        # previously define
        isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, env, self.epsilon)

        # Uncomment the following line to obtein the visibility polygon
        # of 'end' in the environmente previously define
        #polygon_vis = vis.Visibility_Polygon(end, env, epsilon)

        # Obtein the shortest path from 'observer' to 'end' and 'end_visible'
        # in the environment previously define
        shortest_path = env.shortest_path(observer, end, self.epsilon)

        route = shortest_path.path()
        path_x = []
        path_y = []
        # print ('Points of Polygon: ')
        for i in range(len(route)):
            x = route[i].x()
            y = route[i].y()


        # Print the length of the path
        print("Shortest Path length from observer to end: ", shortest_path.length())
        # Check if 'observer' can see 'end', i.e., check if 'end' point is in
        # the visibility polygon of 'observer'
        print( "Can observer see end? ", end._in(isovist, self.epsilon))
        # Print the point of the visibility polygon of 'observer' and save them
        # in two arrays in order to draw the polygon later
        point_x, point_y = self.save_print(isovist)

        # Add the first point again because the function to draw, draw a line from
        # one point to the next one and to close the figure we need the last line
        # from the last point to the first one

        if self.plot_images:
            # Set the title
            p.title('VisiLibity Test')

            # Set the labels for the axis
            p.xlabel('X Position')
            p.ylabel('Y Position')

            # Plot the outer boundary with black color
            p.plot(self.wall_x, self.wall_y, 'black')

            # Plot the position of the observer with a green dot ('go')
            p.plot([observer.x()], [observer.y()], 'go')

            # Plot the position of 'end' with a green dot ('go')
            p.plot([end.x()], [end.y()], 'go')

            # Plot the position of 'end_visible' with a green dot ('go')

            # Plot the visibility polygon of 'observer'
            p.plot(point_x, point_y)
            p.plot(path_x, path_y, 'b')

            for i in range(len(hole_x_array)):
                p.plot(hole_x_array[i], hole_y_array[i], 'r')

            # Show the plot
        print("Shortest Path length from observer to end: ", shortest_path.length())

        print ('Points of Polygon: ')
        for i in range(len(route)):
            x = path_x[i]
            y = path_y[i]
            print("%f, %f" %(x,y))
        # NBA_time = ( - start).total_seconds()
        # print('Time for constructing the NBA: {0:.4f} s'.format(NBA_time))
        #If start and goal are within threshold distance then return the start point itself
        if len(path_x) < 2:
            return path_x[0], path_y[0]
        return path_x[1], path_y[1]
Beispiel #22
def save_images_for_path(data_dir, trial_idx, p_zb, scale=50, eps=1e-7):

    max_wall = 200
    fov = np.pi / 2

    files_list = {'obstacles': os.path.join(data_dir, f'test_p_zb_{trial_idx}_{p_zb}_obstacles.csv'),
                'inspection_points': os.path.join(data_dir, f'test_p_zb_{trial_idx}_{p_zb}_inspection_points.csv'),
                'configurations': os.path.join(data_dir, f'test_p_zb_{trial_idx}_{p_zb}_conf'),
                'vertex': os.path.join(data_dir, f'test_p_zb_{trial_idx}_{p_zb}_vertex'),
                'results':os.path.join(data_dir, f'test_search_p_zb_{trial_idx}_{p_zb}_result')}

    # check if test files exist
    broken_files = False
    for file_path in files_list.values():
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
            broken_files = True
    if broken_files:
        print('Broken file')

    # construct image with obstacles
    img = np.zeros((101,101))
    obstacles = (pd.read_csv(files_list['obstacles']) * scale).round(0).astype(int)
    obstacles_columns = obstacles.columns.to_list()
    obstacles['p1'] = obstacles[obstacles_columns].astype(float).apply(lambda x: vis.Point(x['x'],x['y']),axis=1)
    obstacles['p2'] = obstacles[obstacles_columns].astype(float).apply(lambda x: vis.Point(x['x']+x['width'],x['y']),axis=1)
    obstacles['p3'] = obstacles[obstacles_columns].astype(float).apply(lambda x: vis.Point(x['x']+x['width'],x['y']+x['length']),axis=1)
    obstacles['p4'] = obstacles[obstacles_columns].astype(float).apply(lambda x: vis.Point(x['x'],x['y']+x['length']),axis=1)
    obstacles['polygon'] = obstacles.apply(lambda x: vis.Polygon([x['p1'], x['p2'], x['p3'], x['p4']]) ,axis=1)

    # define bounded environment with obstacles
    p1 = vis.Point(0,0)
    p2 = vis.Point(101,0)
    p3 = vis.Point(101,101)
    p4 = vis.Point(0,101)
    walls_poly = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])
    vis_env = vis.Environment([walls_poly] + obstacles['polygon'].to_list())

    # load inspection points csv
    inspection_points = (pd.read_csv(files_list['inspection_points']) * scale).round(0).astype(int)

    # load configuration space csv
    cspace_df = pd.read_csv(files_list['configurations'], delimiter=' ', header=None).drop(columns=[0,6])

    # drop already seen points from inspection points
    with open(files_list['results'],'r') as f:
        line = f.readlines()[-2]
        vertices_idxs = [int(x) for x in line.split(' ')[1:-1]]
        img_copy = img.copy()
        for j in range(0,len(vertices_idxs)-1):

            c_point = cspace_df.iloc[j].to_numpy()

            # compute end-point for vertex
            links_val = np.rint(compute_links(c_point) * scale).astype(int)
            ee_val = links_val[-1]

            # get orientation of end effector
            ee_orientation = c_point.sum()

            # set visibility triangle
            x1 = ee_val[0] + max_wall * np.cos(ee_orientation + 0.5 * fov)
            y1 = ee_val[1] + max_wall * np.sin(ee_orientation + 0.5 * fov)
            x2 = ee_val[0] + max_wall * np.cos(ee_orientation - 0.5 * fov)
            y2 = ee_val[1] + max_wall * np.sin(ee_orientation - 0.5 * fov)
            vis_tri = Polygon([tuple(ee_val), (x1, y1), (x2,y2)])

            # define observer
            if is_in_bounds(ee_val):
                observer = vis.Point(float(ee_val[0]), float(ee_val[1]))
                observer.snap_to_boundary_of(vis_env, eps)
                observer.snap_to_vertices_of(vis_env, eps)
                isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, vis_env, eps)

                # get environment in points
                point_x , point_y  = save_print(isovist)
                if len(point_x ) == 0 or len(point_y) == 0:
                poly = Polygon([(x,y) for (x,y) in zip(point_x, point_y)])
                visilbe_poly = poly.intersection(vis_tri)
                if type(visilbe_poly) == Polygon and len(list(visilbe_poly.exterior.coords)) > 0:
                    visilbe_poly_pts = np.array(list(visilbe_poly.exterior.coords)).reshape((-1,1,2)).astype(int)

                    # draw visilbe polygon of the observer
                    cv2.fillPoly(img_copy, [visilbe_poly_pts], 150)

                    # draw obstacles and inspection points
                    obstacles.apply(lambda x: cv2.rectangle(img_copy, (x['x'], x['y']),  (x['x']+x['width'], x['y']+x['length']), 255, -1), axis=1)
                    inspection_points.apply(lambda x: cv2.rectangle(img_copy, (x['x'], x['y']), (x['x'], x['y']), 100, -1), axis=1)

                    # add sample (x,y)
                    cv2.imwrite(f'sample_path_{trial_idx}_{p_zb}_{j}.png', img_copy)
def testVisilibity():
    # Define an epsilon value (should be != 0.0)
    epsilon = 1e-7

    # Define the points which will be the outer boundary of the environment
    # Must be COUNTER-CLOCK-WISE(ccw)

    p1 = vis.Point(0, 0)
    p2 = vis.Point(700, 0)
    p3 = vis.Point(700, 900)
    p4 = vis.Point(0, 900)

    # Load the values of the outer boundary polygon in order to draw it later
    wall_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
    wall_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

    # Outer boundary polygon must be COUNTER-CLOCK-WISE(ccw)
    # Create the outer boundary polygon
    walls = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])

    # Define the point of the "observer"
    observer = vis.Point(235, 400)

    # Uncomment the following line in order to create a cone polygon
    #walls = create_cone((observer.x(), observer.y()), 500, 270, 30, quality= 3)

    # Walls should be in standard form
    print('Walls in standard form : ', walls.is_in_standard_form())

    # Now we define some holes for our environment. The holes must be inside
    # our outer boundary polygon. A hole blocks the observer vision, it works as
    # an obstacle in his vision sensor.

    # We define some point for a hole. You can add more points in order to get
    # the shape you want.
    # The smalles point should be first
    p2 = vis.Point(100, 300)
    p3 = vis.Point(100, 500)
    p4 = vis.Point(150, 500)
    p1 = vis.Point(150, 300)

    # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later
    hole_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
    hole_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

    # Note: The point of a hole must be in CLOCK-WISE(cw) order.
    # Create the hole polygon
    hole = vis.Polygon([p2, p3, p4, p1])

    # Check if the hole is in standard form
    print('Hole in standard form: ', hole.is_in_standard_form())

    # Define another point of a hole polygon
    # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw)
    p1 = vis.Point(300, 300)
    p2 = vis.Point(300, 500)
    p3 = vis.Point(400, 550)
    p4 = vis.Point(400, 300)

    # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later
    hole1_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
    hole1_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

    # Create the hole polygon
    hole1 = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])

    # Check if the hole is in standard form
    print('Hole in standard form: ', hole1.is_in_standard_form())

    # Define another point of a hole polygon
    # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw)
    p2 = vis.Point(90, 700)
    p3 = vis.Point(250, 750)
    p4 = vis.Point(220, 600)
    p1 = vis.Point(150, 600)

    # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later
    hole2_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
    hole2_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

    # Create the hole polygon
    hole2 = vis.Polygon([p2, p3, p4, p1])

    # Check if the hole is in standard form
    print('Hole in standard form: ', hole2.is_in_standard_form())

    # Define another point of a hole polygon
    # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw)
    p1 = vis.Point(330, 700)
    p2 = vis.Point(330, 800)
    p3 = vis.Point(530, 850)
    p4 = vis.Point(530, 790)

    # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later
    hole3_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
    hole3_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

    # Create the hole polygon
    hole3 = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])

    # Check if the hole is in standard form
    print('Hole in standard form: ', hole3.is_in_standard_form())

    # Define another point of a hole polygon
    # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw)
    p1 = vis.Point(230, 50)
    p2 = vis.Point(250, 90)
    p3 = vis.Point(390, 90)
    p4 = vis.Point(390, 50)

    # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later
    hole4_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
    hole4_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

    # Create the hole polygon
    hole4 = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])

    # Check if the hole is in standard form
    print('Hole in standard form: ', hole4.is_in_standard_form())

    # Create environment, wall will be the outer boundary because
    # is the first polygon in the list. The other polygons will be holes
    env = vis.Environment([walls, hole, hole2, hole1, hole3, hole4])

    # Check if the environment is valid
    print('Environment is valid : ', env.is_valid(epsilon))

    # Define another point, could be used to check if the observer see it, to
    # check the shortest path from one point to the other, etc.
    end = vis.Point(330, 525)

    # Define another point that the 'observer' will see
    end_visible = vis.Point(415, 45)

    # Necesary to generate the visibility polygon
    observer.snap_to_boundary_of(env, epsilon)
    observer.snap_to_vertices_of(env, epsilon)

    # Obtein the visibility polygon of the 'observer' in the environmente
    # previously define
    isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, env, epsilon)

    # Uncomment the following line to obtein the visibility polygon
    # of 'end' in the environmente previously define
    #polygon_vis = vis.Visibility_Polygon(end, env, epsilon)

    # Obtein the shortest path from 'observer' to 'end' and 'end_visible'
    # in the environment previously define
    shortest_path = env.shortest_path(observer, end, epsilon)
    shortest_path1 = env.shortest_path(observer, end_visible, epsilon)

    # Print the length of the path
    print("Shortest Path length from observer to end: ",
    print("Shortest Path length from observer to end_visible: ",

    logger.debug('shortest_path:\n%s', dir(shortest_path))
    logger.debug('shortest_path.set_vertices:\n%s', shortest_path.size())
    # logger.debug('shortest_path.path:\n%s',shortest_path)

    # Check if 'observer' can see 'end', i.e., check if 'end' point is in
    # the visibility polygon of 'observer'
    print("Can observer see end? ", end._in(isovist, epsilon))

    print("Can observer see end_visible? ", end_visible._in(isovist, epsilon))

    # Print the point of the visibility polygon of 'observer' and save them
    # in two arrays in order to draw the polygon later

    logger.debug('isovist: %s', isovist.n())

    point_x, point_y = save_print(isovist)

    # Add the first point again because the function to draw, draw a line from
    # one point to the next one and to close the figure we need the last line
    # from the last point to the first one

    # Set the title
    p.title('VisiLibity Test')

    # Set the labels for the axis
    p.xlabel('X Position')
    p.ylabel('Y Position')

    # Plot the outer boundary with black color
    p.plot(wall_x, wall_y, 'black')

    # Plot the position of the observer with a green dot ('go')
    p.plot([observer.x()], [observer.y()], 'go')

    # Plot the position of 'end' with a green dot ('go')
    p.plot([end.x()], [end.y()], 'go')

    # Plot the position of 'end_visible' with a green dot ('go')
    p.plot([end_visible.x()], [end_visible.y()], 'go')

    # Plot the visibility polygon of 'observer'
    p.plot(point_x, point_y)

    # Plot the hole polygon with red color
    p.plot(hole_x, hole_y, 'r')

    # Plot the hole polygon with red color
    p.plot(hole1_x, hole1_y, 'r')

    # Plot the hole polygon with red color
    p.plot(hole2_x, hole2_y, 'r')

    # Plot the hole polygon with red color
    p.plot(hole3_x, hole3_y, 'r')

    # Plot the hole polygon with red color
    p.plot(hole4_x, hole4_y, 'r')

    # Example of a cone-shape polygon
    cone_point = vis.Point(440, 420)
    # cone=create_cone([cone_point.x(),cone_point.y()],150,0,45,3)
    # cone_x,cone_y=save_print(cone)
    # cone_x.append(cone_x[0])
    # cone_y.append(cone_y[0])
    # p.plot([cone_point.x()],[cone_point.y()],'go')
    # p.plot(cone_x,cone_y)

    # Show the plot
def calculate_solution():
    # The Ilya Constant (TM)
    epsilon = 0.000000001

    # Environment plot (500 x 500 should be enough, right?! *gulps with fear*)
    p1 = vis.Point(50, 50)
    p2 = vis.Point(-50, 50)
    p3 = vis.Point(-50, -50)
    p4 = vis.Point(50, -50)

    # Set up our walls (yay)
    wall_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()]
    wall_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()]

    walls = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4])

    #robot1 = vis.Point(-1,-1)
    #robot2 = vis.Point(4,4)

    #obstacle = vis.Polygon([vis.Point(1,6),vis.Point(1,1),vis.Point(5,1),vis.Point(5,5),vis.Point(3,5),vis.Point(3,3),vis.Point(4,3),vis.Point(4,2),
    #            vis.Point(2,2),vis.Point(2,6),vis.Point(6,6),vis.Point(6,0),vis.Point(0,0),vis.Point(0,6),vis.Point(1,6)][::-1])

    #obstacle_x = [1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 6, 6, 0, 0, 1][::-1]
    #obstacle_y = [6, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 6, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6][::-1]

    robot1 = vis.Point(0, 1)
    robot2 = vis.Point(6, 2)

    obstacle = vis.Polygon([vis.Point(8,1),vis.Point(4,1),vis.Point(4,4),vis.Point(5,2), vis.Point(8,1)])
    obstacle_x = [8, 4, 4, 5, 8]
    obstacle_y = [1, 1, 4, 2, 1]

    obstacle2 = vis.Polygon([vis.Point(1,2), vis.Point(1,4), vis.Point(3,4), vis.Point(3,2), vis.Point(1,2)][::-1])
    obstacle2_x = [1, 1, 3, 3, 1][::-1]
    obstacle2_y = [2, 4, 4, 2, 2][::-1]

    env = vis.Environment([walls, obstacle, obstacle2])

    robot1.snap_to_boundary_of(env, epsilon)
    robot1.snap_to_vertices_of(env, epsilon)

    isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(robot1, env, epsilon)

    shortest_path = env.shortest_path(robot1, robot2, epsilon)

    point_x, point_y = save_print(isovist)


    p.title('Shortest (????) Path')

    p.xlabel('X Position')
    p.ylabel('Y Position')

    p.plot(wall_x, wall_y, 'black')

    p.plot([robot1.x()], [robot1.y()], 'go')

    p.plot([robot2.x()], [robot2.y()], 'go')

    p.plot(obstacle_x, obstacle_y, 'r')
    p.plot(obstacle2_x, obstacle2_y, 'r')
    print "Shortest Path length from observer to end: ", shortest_path.length()

    print "Number of options: ", shortest_path.size()
    polyline = []
    for x in range(0, shortest_path.size()):
        point = shortest_path.getVertex(x)
        print "(", point.x(), ", ", point.y(), ")"
def make_arena_polygon():
    #build center diamond polygon
    #list points cw
    p1 = vis.Point(23, ym - 16)
    p2 = vis.Point(22, ym - 15)
    p3 = vis.Point(22, ym - 13)
    p4 = vis.Point(23, ym - 12)
    p5 = vis.Point(25, ym - 12)
    p6 = vis.Point(26, ym - 13)
    p7 = vis.Point(26, ym - 15)
    p8 = vis.Point(25, ym - 16)

    # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later
    diam_x = [
    diam_y = [

    # Create the hole polygon
    diam = vis.Polygon([p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p1])

    #build the arena
    wall_x, wall_y, walls = outer(
        2, 28, 1, 47)  #y_up, y_down, x_left, x_right, use arena format

    #format y_up, y_down, x_left, x_right, use arena format
    huecos_input = [
        [ym - 6, ym - 7, 1, 7],  #
        [ym - 12, ym - 14, 10, 14],  #
        [ym - 20, ym - 26, 9, 11],  #
        [ym - 5, ym - 7, 21, 27],  #
        [ym - 19, ym - 21, 21, 27],  #
        [ym - 12, ym - 14, 34, 38],
        [ym - 19, ym - 20, 41, 47],  #
        [ym, ym - 6, 37, 39],  #
    huecos = []
    for item in huecos_input:
        huecos.append(hole(item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3]))

    # Create environment, wall will be the outer boundary because
    # is the first polygon in the list. The other polygons will be holes

    arena_poly = vis.Environment([
        walls, huecos[0][2], huecos[1][2], huecos[2][2], huecos[3][2],
        huecos[4][2], huecos[5][2], huecos[6][2], huecos[7][2], diam

    return arena_poly, [[wall_x, wall_y], [huecos[0][0], huecos[0][1]],
                        [huecos[1][0], huecos[1][1]],
                        [huecos[2][0], huecos[2][1]],
                        [huecos[3][0], huecos[3][1]],
                        [huecos[4][0], huecos[4][1]],
                        [huecos[5][0], huecos[5][1]],
                        [huecos[6][0], huecos[6][1]],
                        [huecos[7][0], huecos[7][1]], [diam_x, diam_y]]
Beispiel #26
 def __get_isovist(self, p):
     v = vis.Point(*p)
     v.snap_to_boundary_of(self.env, self.eps)
     v.snap_to_vertices_of(self.env, self.eps)
     return vis.Visibility_Polygon(v, self.env, self.eps)
Beispiel #27
def point_to_vis(point):
    x,y = point
    return vis.Point(x,y)
Beispiel #28
def points_to_vis_points(tupled_points):
    return [vis.Point(x,y) for x,y in tupled_points]
Beispiel #29
def find_cut_space(P, v):
	Generate the cut space at v using Visilibity library.

	epsilon = 0.0000001

	# Using shapely library, compute the cone of bisection
#	shp_polygon = shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(Polygon(*P))
#	shp_cone 	= shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(Polygon(find_cone_of_bisection(P, v)))

	shp_polygon = Polygon(*P)
	#print("Polygon: %s"%shp_polygon)

	cone_of_bisection = find_cone_of_bisection(P, v)
	shp_cone 	= Polygon(find_cone_of_bisection(P, v))
	#print("Cone of bisection: %s"%cone_of_bisection)

	shp_intersection = shp_cone.intersection(shp_polygon)
	#print("Intersection: %s"%shp_intersection)

#	import pylab as p
#	# Plot the polygon itself
#	x, y = shp_polygon.exterior.xy
#	p.plot(x, y)
#	x, y = shp_cone.exterior.xy
#	p.plot(x, y)
#	x, y = shp_intersection.exterior.xy
#	p.plot(x, y)

	# plot the intersection of the cone with the polygon
	#intersection_x, intersection_y = shp_intersection.exterior.xy
	#p.plot(intersection_x, intersection_y)

	#for interior in shp_intersection.interiors:
	#	interior_x, interior_y = interior.xy
	#	p.plot(interior_x, interior_y)

	# Plot the reflex vertex
	#p.plot([observer.x()], [observer.y()], 'go')

	#p.plot(point_x, point_y)

	if shp_intersection.geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
		shp_intersection = shp_intersection[0]
		#print shp_intersection
	elif shp_intersection.geom_type == "GeometryCollection":
		for shape in shp_intersection:
			if shape.geom_type == "Polygon":
				shp_intersection = shape
		#shp_intersection = shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(shp_intersection)	
		shp_intersection = (shp_intersection)	
	#shp_intersection = shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(shp_cone.intersection(shp_polygon))

	#Using the visilibity library, define the reflex vertex
	observer = vis.Point(*v)

	# Define the walls of intersection in Visilibity domain
	# To put into standard form, do this
	exterior_coords = shp_intersection.exterior.coords[:-1]
	x_min_idx, x_min = min(enumerate(exterior_coords), key=itemgetter(1))
	exterior_coords = exterior_coords[7:]+exterior_coords[:7]

	vis_intersection_wall_points = []
	for point in exterior_coords:
	#print 'Walls in standard form : ',vis.Polygon(vis_intersection_wall_points).is_in_standard_form()

	#for i in range(len(vis_intersection_wall_points)):
		#print vis_intersection_wall_points[i].x(), vis_intersection_wall_points[i].y()
		#print point.x(), point.y()

	# Define the holes of intersection in Visilibity domain
	vis_intersection_holes = []
	for interior in shp_intersection.interiors:
		vis_intersection_hole_points = []
		for point in list(interior.coords):

		#print 'Hole in standard form : ',vis.Polygon(vis_intersection_hole_points).is_in_standard_form()

	# Construct a convinient list
	env = []
	for hole in vis_intersection_holes:

	# Construct the whole envrionemt in Visilibity domain
	env = vis.Environment(env)

	# Construct the visible polygon
	observer.snap_to_boundary_of(env, epsilon)
	observer.snap_to_vertices_of(env, epsilon)

	vis_free_space = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, env, epsilon)
	#print vis_free_space.n()

	def save_print(polygon):
	    end_pos_x = []
	    end_pos_y = []
	    for i in range(polygon.n()):
	        x = polygon[i].x()
	        y = polygon[i].y()
	    return end_pos_x, end_pos_y 
	point_x , point_y  = save_print(vis_free_space)

	# At this point, we have visibility polygon.
	# Now we need to find edges of visbility polygon which are on the boundary

	shp_visib = shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(Polygon(zip(point_x, point_y)),-1)
	shp_ls_visib = LineString(shp_visib.exterior.coords[:])
	shp_pl_visib = shp_ls_visib.buffer(0.001)

	shp_ls_exterior = LineString(shp_polygon.exterior)
	shp_ls_interior = []
	for interior in shp_polygon.interiors:

	# Start adding cut space on the exterior
	cut_space = []
	common_items = []
	#common_items = shp_ls_exterior.intersection(shp_ls_visib)
	common_items = shp_ls_exterior.intersection(shp_pl_visib)

	# Filter out very small segments
	if common_items.geom_type == "MultiLineString":
		for item in common_items:
			linestring = item.coords[:]

			# Examine each edge of the linestring
			for i in range(len(linestring)-1):
				edge = linestring[i:i+2]
				edge_ls = LineString(edge)

				if edge_ls.length > 0.02:

	elif common_items.geom_type == "LineString":

		# Examine each edge of the linestring
		linestring = common_items.coords[:]
		for i in range(len(linestring)-1):
			edge = linestring[i:i+2]
			edge_ls = LineString(edge)

			if edge_ls.length > 0.02:

	#print cut_space

	# Start adding cut space on the holes
	for interior in shp_polygon.interiors:
		common_items = interior.intersection(shp_ls_visib)
		if common_items.geom_type == "GeometryCollection":
#			print common_items
			for item in common_items:
				if item.geom_type == "LineString":
		elif common_items.geom_type == "LineString":
		#Point, LineString, GeometryCollection

	#print cut_space

#	import pylab as p
#	# Plot the polygon itself
#	x, y = shp_polygon.exterior.xy
#	p.plot(x, y)
#	# plot the intersection of the cone with the polygon
#	intersection_x, intersection_y = shp_intersection.exterior.xy
#	p.plot(intersection_x, intersection_y)
#	#for interior in shp_intersection.interiors:
#	#	interior_x, interior_y = interior.xy
#	#	p.plot(interior_x, interior_y)
#	# Plot the reflex vertex
#	p.plot([observer.x()], [observer.y()], 'go')
#	p.plot(point_x, point_y)
	#print cut_space
	return cut_space
def a_point(x, y):  #input arena coordinates
    return vis.Point(x, y_size - (y - 1))