Beispiel #1
def test_Variable():
    # Test init fail
    assert_raises(TypeError, Variable)  # no args
    assert_raises(TypeError, Variable, 3)  # wrong type
    assert_raises(TypeError, Variable, "name", "str")  # wrong type
    assert_raises(ValueError, Variable, 'bla bla')  # need correct vtype
    assert_raises(ValueError, Variable, 'uniform b l a')  # too many
    # Test init success
    var = Variable('uniform float bla')  # Finally
    assert_equal(, 'bla')
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'float')
    assert_equal(var.vtype, 'uniform')
    assert var.value is None
    # test assign new value
    var.value = 10.
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'float')  # type is locked; won't change
    # test name-only init
    var = Variable('bla')  # Finally
    assert_equal(, 'bla')
    assert_equal(var.dtype, None)
    assert_equal(var.vtype, None)
    assert var.value is None
    # test assign new value
    var.value = 10
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'int')
    assert_equal(var.vtype, 'uniform')
    assert_equal(var.value, 10)
    # test init with value
    var = Variable('bla', (1, 2, 3))  # Also valid
    assert_equal(, 'bla')
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'vec3')
    assert_equal(var.vtype, 'uniform')
    assert_equal(var.value, (1, 2, 3))
    # Test value
    #var = Variable('uniform float bla', data)  # Also valid
    #assert_equal(var.value, data)
    #var.value = 3
    #assert_equal(var.value, 3)
    # Test repr
    var = Variable('uniform float bla')
    assert_in('uniform float bla', var.compile())
    # Test injection, definition, dependencies
    assert_equal(var.expression({var: 'xxx'}), 'xxx')
    assert_equal(var.definition({var: 'xxx'}, ('120', ''), None),
                 'uniform float xxx;')
    assert_in(var, var.dependencies())
    # Renaming
    var = Variable('uniform float bla')
    assert_equal(, 'bla') = 'foo'
    assert_equal(, 'foo')
Beispiel #2
def test_function_changed():
    ch = []

    class C(object):
        def _dep_changed(self, dep, **kwargs):
    ch_obj = C()

    def assert_changed(*objs):
        assert set(ch) == set(objs)
        while ch:

    fun1 = Function('void main(){$var1; $var2;}')
    fun1._dependents[ch_obj] = None
    fun1['var1'] = 'x'
    fun1['var2'] = 'y'

    fun1['var1'] = 'z'

    # same value; should result in no change events
    fun1['var1'] = 'z'

    fun1['var1'] = 0.5
    var1 = fun1['var1']
    var1._dependents[ch_obj] = None
    assert_changed(fun1) = 'xxx'
    assert_changed(fun1, var1)

    # changing type requires code change
    var1.value = 7
    assert_changed(fun1, var1)

    # changing value (but not type) requires no code changes
    var1.value = 6

    # test variable disconnect
    fun1['var1'] = Variable('var1', 7)
    var2 = fun1['var1']
    var2._dependents[ch_obj] = None
    # assert_changed(fun1)
    # var2 is now connected
    var2.value = (1, 2, 3, 4)
    assert_changed(fun1, var2)
    # ..but var1 no longer triggers fun1.changed
    var1.value = 0.5

    # test expressions
    fun2 = Function('float fn(float x){return $var1 + x;}')
    fun3 = Function('float fn(float x){return $var1 + x;}')
    exp1 = fun2(fun3(0.5))
    fun1['var2'] = exp1

    fun2._dependents[ch_obj] = None
    fun3._dependents[ch_obj] = None
    exp1._dependents[ch_obj] = None

    fun2['var1'] = 'x'
    assert_changed(fun1, fun2, exp1)

    fun3['var1'] = 'x'
    assert_changed(fun1, fun3, exp1)

    # test disconnect
    fun1['var2'] = fun2
    # triggers change
    fun2['var1'] = 0.9
    assert_changed(fun1, fun2, exp1)
    # no longer triggers change
    fun3['var1'] = 0.9
    assert_changed(fun3, exp1)
Beispiel #3
def test_Variable():

    # Test init fail
    assert_raises(TypeError, Variable)  # no args
    assert_raises(TypeError, Variable, 3)  # wrong type
    assert_raises(TypeError, Variable, "name", "str")  # wrong type
    assert_raises(ValueError, Variable, 'bla bla')  # need correct vtype
    assert_raises(ValueError, Variable, 'uniform b l a')  # too many

    # Test init success
    var = Variable('uniform float bla')  # Finally
    assert_equal(, 'bla')
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'float')
    assert_equal(var.vtype, 'uniform')
    assert var.value is None

    # test assign new value
    var.value = 10.
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'float')  # type is locked; won't change

    # test name-only init
    var = Variable('bla')  # Finally
    assert_equal(, 'bla')
    assert_equal(var.dtype, None)
    assert_equal(var.vtype, None)
    assert var.value is None

    # test assign new value
    var.value = 10
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'int')
    assert_equal(var.vtype, 'uniform')
    assert_equal(var.value, 10)

    # test init with value
    var = Variable('bla', (1, 2, 3))  # Also valid
    assert_equal(, 'bla')
    assert_equal(var.dtype, 'vec3')
    assert_equal(var.vtype, 'uniform')
    assert_equal(var.value, (1, 2, 3))

    # Test value
    #var = Variable('uniform float bla', data)  # Also valid
    #assert_equal(var.value, data)
    #var.value = 3
    #assert_equal(var.value, 3)

    # Test repr
    var = Variable('uniform float bla')
    assert_in('uniform float bla', var.compile())

    # Test injection, definition, dependencies
    assert_equal(var.expression({var: 'xxx'}), 'xxx')
    assert_equal(var.definition({var: 'xxx'}), 'uniform float xxx;')
    assert_in(var, var.dependencies())

    # Renaming
    var = Variable('uniform float bla')
    assert_equal(, 'bla') = 'foo'
    assert_equal(, 'foo')
Beispiel #4
def test_function_basics():

    # Test init fail
    assert_raises(TypeError, Function)  # no args
    assert_raises(ValueError, Function, 3)  # need string

    # Test init success 1
    fun = Function('void main(){}')
    assert_equal(, 'main')
    assert len(fun.template_vars) == 0

    # Test init success with template vars
    fun = Function('void main(){$foo; $bar;}')
    assert_equal(, 'main')
    assert len(fun.template_vars) == 2
    assert_in('foo', fun.template_vars)
    assert_in('bar', fun.template_vars)

    # Test setting verbatim expressions
    assert_raises(KeyError, fun.__setitem__, 'bla', '33')  # no such template
    fun['foo'] = '33'
    fun['bar'] = 'bla bla'
    assert_is(type(fun['foo']), TextExpression)
    assert_equal(fun['foo'].expression(None), '33')
    assert_is(type(fun['bar']), TextExpression)
    assert_equal(fun['bar'].expression(None), 'bla bla')

    # Test setting call expressions
    fun = Function('void main(){\n$foo;\n$bar;\n$spam(XX);\n$eggs(YY);\n}')
    trans = Function('float transform_scale(float x) {return x+1.0;}')
    assert_raises(TypeError, trans)  # requires 1 arg 
    assert_raises(TypeError, trans, '1', '2')
    fun['foo'] = trans('2')
    fun['bar'] = trans('3')
    fun['spam'] = trans
    fun['eggs'] = trans
    for name in ['foo', 'bar']:
        assert_is(type(fun[name]), FunctionCall)
        assert_equal(fun[name].function, trans)
        assert_in(trans, fun.dependencies())
    for name in ['spam', 'eggs']:
        assert_equal(fun[name], trans)

    text = fun.compile()
    assert_in('\ntransform_scale(2);\n', text)
    assert_in('\ntransform_scale(3);\n', text)
    assert_in('\ntransform_scale(XX);\n', text)
    assert_in('\ntransform_scale(YY);\n', text)

    # test pre/post assignments
    fun = Function('void main() {some stuff;}')
    fun['pre'] = '__pre__'
    fun['post'] = '__post__'
    text = fun.compile()
    assert text == 'void main() {\n    __pre__\nsome stuff;\n    __post__\n}\n'

    # Test variable expressions
    fun = Function('void main(){$foo; $bar;}')
    fun['foo'] = Variable('uniform float bla')
    fun['bar'] = Variable('attribute float bla')
    assert_is(type(fun['foo']), Variable)
    assert_is(type(fun['bar']), Variable)
    assert_in(fun['foo'], fun.dependencies())
    assert_in(fun['bar'], fun.dependencies())

    # Test special variables
    fun = Function('void main(){$foo; $bar;}')
    variable = Variable('attribute vec3 v_pos')
    varying = Variable('varying vec3 color')
    # These do not work due to index
    assert_raises(TypeError, fun.__setitem__, 3, 3)  # not a string
    assert_raises(KeyError, fun.__setitem__, 'xxx', 3)  # unknown template var
    assert_raises(TypeError, fun.__setitem__, variable, 3)  # only varyings
    # These work
    fun['gl_PointSize'] = '3.0'
    fun[varying] = variable
    # And getting works
    assert_equal(fun['gl_PointSize'].text, '3.0')
    assert_equal(fun[varying], variable)