def main():
    # ===== Vehicle parameters =====
    l_f = 1.25
    l_r = 1.40

    dt = 0.02

    m = 1300
    l_f = l_f
    l_r = l_r
    width = 1.78
    length = 4.25
    turning_circle = 10.4
    C_d = 0.34
    A_f = 2.0
    C_roll = 0.015

    vehicle = vehicle_dynamics.Vehicle_Dynamics(m=m,

    # ===== Initial state =====
    # States  : [x; y; v; yaw]
    # Actions : [steer; accel]
    x = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [np.deg2rad(0)]])  #  [X; Y; V; Yaw]
    u = np.array([[0 * math.pi / 180], [0.0]])  #  [steer; accel]

    # Reference state
    xr = np.array([[10.0], [10.0], [10.0],
                   [np.deg2rad(90)]])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]

    # ===== Simulation Setup =====
    nx = x.shape[0]
    nu = u.shape[0]

    sim_time = 1000
    sim_tic = np.linspace(0, sim_time, sim_time)
    states_plot = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))
    actions_plot = np.zeros((nu, sim_time))

    states_nonlinear_plot = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))
    states_nonlinear_plot[:, 0] = x.T

    # Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(x, u)

    for i in range(sim_time):
        print("===================== nsim :", i, "=====================")

        # timestamp
        tic = time.time()

        if i >= 0.5 * sim_time:
            xr = np.array([[10.0], [10.0], [10.0],
                           [np.deg2rad(90)]])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]

        # ===== Get System matrices =====
        # using current state and past action
        Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(x, u)

        # ===== PID Control ===== #
        # p_steer = 5.0
        # error_yaw = vehicle_dynamics.normalize_angle(xr[2] - x[2])

        # # Steer control
        # u[0] = p_steer * error_yaw
        # if u[0] >= np.deg2rad(15):
        #     u[0] = np.deg2rad(15)
        # if u[0] <= -np.deg2rad(15):
        #     u[0] = -np.deg2rad(15)

        # # Speed control
        # p_accel = 10.0
        # error_vx = xr[3] - x[3]
        # u[1] = p_accel * error_vx
        # if u[1] >= 1:
        #     u[1] = 1
        # if u[1] <= -3:
        #     u[1] = -3

        u[0] = np.deg2rad(10)
        u[1] = 1

        # Plot
        print("x :", x[0], "y :", x[1], "v :", x[2], "yaw :", x[3])
        print("steer :", u[0], "accel :", u[1])

        plt.plot(states_plot[0, :], states_plot[1, :], "-b", label="Drived")
        plt.plot(states_nonlinear_plot[0, :],
                 states_nonlinear_plot[1, :],
                 label="Non linear")
        plot_car(x[0], x[1], x[3], steer=u[0])  # plotting w.r.t. rear axle.
        # plt.plot(x_pred, y_pred, "r")
        # plt.plot(X_pred_last, Y_pred_last, ".r")

        # Update States
        x_next = np.matmul(Ad, x) + np.matmul(Bd, u) + gd
        x_next_nonlinear = vehicle.update_kinematic_model(x, u)

        x_next[3] = vehicle_dynamics.normalize_angle(x_next[3])
        print("x_next :", x_next)
        states_plot[:, i] = x.T
        actions_plot[:, i] = u.T
        states_nonlinear_plot[:, i] = x_next_nonlinear.T

        x = x_next
ax3.set_title("X-Y plot")

ax1.plot(TT, UU[0,:])
ax2.plot(TT, UU[1,:])
ax3.plot(XX[0,:], XX[1,:])
ax3.plot(XX_front_axle[0,:], XX_front_axle[1,:], color='red')
ax3.plot(XX_rear_axle[0,:], XX_rear_axle[1,:], color='blue')


plot_car(XX_rear_axle[0,-1], XX_rear_axle[1,-1], XX[2,-1], UU[0,-1]) # vehicle at final state

# Figure 3
fig3 = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig3.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax2 = fig3.add_subplot(1,2,2)

ax1.set_title("Front Slip angle")
ax2.set_title("Rear Slip angle")

ax1.plot(TT, XX_alpha[0,:])
ax2.plot(TT, XX_alpha[1,:])

def main():
    # ===== Vehicle parameters =====
    l_f = 1.25
    l_r = 1.40

    dt = 0.02

    m = 1300
    width = 1.78
    length = 4.25
    turning_circle = 10.4
    C_d = 0.34
    A_f = 2.0
    C_roll = 0.015

    vehicle = vehicle_models.Vehicle_Kinematics(
        l_f=l_f, l_r=l_r, dt=dt)  # Vehicle Kinematic Model

    # ========== MPC parameters ==========
    N = 100  # Prediction horizon

    # ========== Initialization ==========
    # Path
    path_x = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5)
    # path_y = np.ones(int(100/0.5))*5
    path_y = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5) * 0.0 - 5.0

    # Initial state
    # States  : [x; y; v; yaw]
    # Actions : [steer; accel]
    x = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [20.0], [np.deg2rad(0)]])  #  [X; Y; V; Yaw]
    u = np.array([[0 * math.pi / 180], [0.01]])  #  [steer; accel]

    x0 = x
    u0 = u
    x_vec = np.squeeze(x, axis=1)  # (N,) shape for QP solver, NOT (N,1).

    nx = x.shape[0]
    nu = u.shape[0]

    # ========== Initialize Predictive States and Controls ==========
    u_noise = np.zeros((nu, 1))
    mu_steer = 0.0
    sigma_steer = np.deg2rad(1)
    mu_accel = 0.0
    sigma_accel = 0.1

    pred_u = np.zeros((nu, N + 1))
    for i in range(N):
        # u_noise[0] = np.random.normal(mu_steer, sigma_steer, 1)
        # u_noise[1] = np.random.normal(mu_accel, sigma_accel, 1)
        # pred_u[:,i] = np.transpose(u0 + u_noise)
        pred_u[:, i] = np.transpose(u0)
    pred_u[:, -1] = pred_u[:, -2]  # append last pred_u for N+1

    pred_x = np.zeros((nx, N + 1))
    pred_x[:, 0] = x0.T
    x_k = np.copy(
        x0)  # if x_k = x0, x0 would be changed by update kinematic model
    for i in range(0, N):
        x_k1 = vehicle.update_kinematics_model(x_k, pred_u[:, i])
        pred_x[:, i + 1] = x_k1.T
        x_k = x_k1
        # pred_x[:,i+1] = x0.T

    # ========== Constraints ==========
    umin = np.array([-np.deg2rad(15), -3.])  # u : [steer, accel]
    umax = np.array([np.deg2rad(15), 1.])
    xmin = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -100.,
                     -2 * np.pi])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
    xmax = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, 100., 2 * np.pi])

    # ========== Objective function ==========
    # MPC weight matrix
    Q = sparse.diags([10.0, 10.0, 100.0, 10.0])  # weight matrix for state
    # QN = Q
    QN = sparse.diags([100.0, 100.0, 1000.0,
                       100.0])  # weight matrix for terminal state
    R = sparse.diags([1000, 100])  # weight matrix for control input
    # R_before = 10*sparse.eye(nu)                    # weight matrix for control input

    # ========== Simulation Setup ==========
    sim_time = 1000
    plt_tic = np.linspace(0, sim_time, sim_time)
    plt_states = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))
    plt_actions = np.zeros((nu, sim_time))

    for i in range(sim_time):
        tic = time.time()
        print("===================== sim_time :", i, "=====================")

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics

        # Reference states
        Xr, _ = reference_search(path_x, path_y, pred_x, dt, N)
        plt.plot(pred_x[0, :], pred_x[1, :], "y")

        print("x_vec :", x_vec)
        print("pred_x[:,0] :", pred_x[:, 0])

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics
        Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list = [], [], []
        for ii in range(N):
            Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(pred_x[:, ii],
                                                      pred_u[:, ii])

        # ========== Constraints ==========
        umin = np.array([-np.deg2rad(15), -3.])  # u : [steer, accel]
        umax = np.array([np.deg2rad(15), 1.])
        xmin = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -100.,
                         -2 * np.pi])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
        xmax = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, 100., 2 * np.pi])

        # Solve MPC
        # res = mpc(Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, xmin, xmax, umin, umax)
        # if i <= -1:
        #     res = mpc(Ad_list[0], Bd_list[0], gd_list[0], x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, xmin, xmax, umin, umax)
        # else:
        #     res = mpc__(Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, xmin, xmax, umin, umax)
        res = mpc__(Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, xmin,
                    xmax, umin, umax)

        # Check solver status
        if != 'solved':
            print('OSQP did not solve the problem!')
            # raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

        # Apply first control input to the plant
        ctrl = res.x[-N * nu:-(N - 1) * nu]
        toc = time.time()
        print("ctrl :", ctrl)

        # Predictive States and Actions
        sol_state = res.x[:-N * nu]
        sol_action = res.x[-N * nu:]

        for ii in range((N + 1) * nx):
            if ii % nx == 0:
                pred_x[0, ii // nx] = sol_state[ii]
            elif ii % nx == 1:
                pred_x[1, ii // nx] = sol_state[ii]
            elif ii % nx == 2:
                pred_x[2, ii // nx] = sol_state[ii]
            else:  # ii % 4 == 3:
                pred_x[3, ii // nx] = sol_state[ii]

        for jj in range((N) * nu):
            if jj % nu == 0:
                pred_u[0, jj // nu] = sol_action[jj]
            else:  # jj % nu == 1
                pred_u[1, jj // nu] = sol_action[jj]
        pred_u[:, -1] = pred_u[:, -2]  # append last control

        # Plot
        print("Current   x :", x[0], "y :", x[1], "v :", x[2], "yaw :", x[3])
        # print("Reference x :", xr[0], "y :", xr[1], "v :", xr[2], "yaw :", xr[3])
        print("Reference x :", Xr[0, 0], "y :", Xr[1, 0], "v :", Xr[2, 0],
              "yaw :", Xr[3, 0])
        print("steer :", u[0], "accel :", u[1])

        print("Process time :", toc - tic)

        plt.plot(plt_states[0, :i], plt_states[1, :i], "-b",
                 label="Drived")  # plot from 0 to i
        plt.plot(x0[0], x0[1], "*g", label="Initial")
        plot_car(x[0], x[1], x[3], steer=u[0])  # plotting w.r.t. rear axle.
        plt.plot(pred_x[0, :], pred_x[1, :], "r")
        plt.plot(path_x, path_y, label="Path")
        plt.plot(Xr[0, :], Xr[1, :], "g")

        # Update States
        u = np.expand_dims(ctrl, axis=1)  # from (N,) to (N,1)
        x_next = np.matmul(Ad_list[0], x) + np.matmul(Bd_list[0],
                                                      u) + gd_list[0]

        plt_states[:, i] = x.T
        plt_actions[:, i] = u.T

        x = x_next
        x_vec = np.squeeze(x, axis=1)  # (N,) shape for QP solver, NOT (N,1).

        # Update Predictive States and Actions
        temp_pred_x = pred_x
        temp_pred_u = pred_u
        # index 0
        pred_x[:, 0] = x_next.T
        pred_u[:, 0] = temp_pred_u[:, 1]  # before u.T
        # index 1 ~ N-2
        for ii in range(0, N - 2):
            pred_x[:, ii + 1] = temp_pred_x[:, ii + 2]
            pred_u[:, ii + 1] = temp_pred_u[:, ii + 2]
        # index N-1
        pred_x[:, -2] = temp_pred_x[:, N]
        pred_u[:, -2] = temp_pred_u[:, N - 1]

        # index N
        # append last state using last A, B matrix and last pred state
        # append last control with last pred control
        last_state = np.expand_dims(temp_pred_x[:, N],
                                    axis=1)  # from (N,) to (N,1)
        last_control = np.expand_dims(temp_pred_u[:, N - 1], axis=1)
        pred_x[:, -1] = np.transpose(
            vehicle.update_kinematics_model(last_state, last_control))
        pred_u[:, -1] = pred_u[:, N - 1]
def main():
    # ===== Vehicle parameters =====
    l_f = 1.25
    l_r = 1.40

    dt = 0.05

    m = 1300
    width = 1.78
    length = 4.25
    turning_circle = 10.4
    C_d = 0.34
    A_f = 2.0
    C_roll = 0.015

    vehicle = vehicle_models.Vehicle_Dynamics(m=m,
    # ========== MPC parameters ==========
    N = 30  # Prediction horizon
    Q = sparse.diags([100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 50.0, 50.0,
                      50.0])  # weight matrix for state
    QN = sparse.diags([1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 500.0, 500.0,
                       500.0])  # weight matrix for terminal state
    R = sparse.diags([50, 50])  # weight matrix for control input

    # ========== Constraints ==========
    del_umin = np.array(
        [-np.deg2rad(2.0), -0.5]
    )  # del_u / tic (not del_u / sec) => del_u/sec = del_u/tic * tic/sec = del_u/tic * 20(Hz)
    del_umax = np.array([np.deg2rad(2.0),
                         0.5])  # 15 * 14 deg = 210 deg (steering wheel).
    xmin_tilda = np.array([
        -np.inf, -np.inf, -2 * np.pi, -100., -30., -0.5 * np.pi,
        -np.deg2rad(15), -3.
    ])  # (x_min, u_min)
    xmax_tilda = np.array([
        np.inf, np.inf, 2 * np.pi, 100., 30., 0.5 * np.pi,
        np.deg2rad(15), 1.
    ])  # (x_max, u_max)

    # ========== Initialization ==========
    # Path
    path_x = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5)
    path_y = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5) * 0.5 + 5

    # Initial state
    # States  : [X; Y; Yaw; V_x; V_y; Yaw_rate]
    # Actions : [steer; accel]
    x0 = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [np.deg2rad(0)], [15.0], [0.0],
                   [np.deg2rad(0)]])  # [X; Y; Yaw; V_x; V_y; Yaw_rate]
    u0 = np.array([[0 * math.pi / 180], [0.0]])  # [steer; accel]

    del_u0 = np.array([[0 * math.pi / 180], [0.0]])  # [del steer; del accel]

    nx = x0.shape[0]
    nu = u0.shape[0]

    # for Incremental MPC
    x0_tilda = np.vstack([x0, u0])

    x_tilda = np.copy(x0_tilda)
    x_tilda_vec = np.squeeze(x_tilda, axis=1)

    # ========== Initialial guess states and controls ==========
    x_tilda_k = np.copy(x0_tilda)
    del_u_k = np.copy(del_u0)

    pred_del_u = np.zeros((nu, N + 1))
    for i in range(N):
        pred_del_u[:, i] = del_u_k.T
    pred_del_u[:, -1] = pred_del_u[:, -2]

    pred_x_tilda = np.zeros((nx + nu, N + 1))
    pred_x_tilda[:, 0] = x_tilda_k.T
    for i in range(0, N):
        x_k = x_tilda_k[:-nu]  # decompose to xk, uk
        u_k = x_tilda_k[-nu:]
        Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_dynamics_model(x_k, u_k)
        x_k1 = np.matmul(Ad, x_k) + np.matmul(Bd, u_k) + gd  # calc next state
        u_k1 = u_k + np.expand_dims(pred_del_u[:, i],
                                    axis=1)  # calc next action
        x_tilda_k1 = np.vstack([x_k1, u_k1])  # compose x tilda
        pred_x_tilda[:, i + 1] = x_tilda_k1.T
        x_tilda_k = x_tilda_k1

    # ========== Simulation Setup ==========
    sim_time = 1000
    plt_tic = np.linspace(0, sim_time, sim_time)
    plt_states = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))
    plt_actions = np.zeros((nu, sim_time))

    # x = np.copy(x0)

    for i in range(sim_time):
        tic = time.time()
        print("===================== sim_time :", i, "=====================")
        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics
        # Reference states
        # Xr, _ = reference_search(path_x, path_y, pred_x, dt, N)
        Xr, _ = reference_search(path_x, path_y, pred_x_tilda[:-nu, :], dt, N)

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics
        Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list = [], [], []
        for ii in range(N):
            # Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_dynamics_model(pred_x[:,ii], pred_u[:,ii])
            Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_dynamics_model(pred_x_tilda[:-nu, ii],
                                                    pred_x_tilda[-nu:, ii])

        # Solve MPC
        pred_x_tilda, pred_del_u = mpc_increment(Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list,
                                                 x_tilda_vec, Xr, pred_x_tilda,
                                                 pred_del_u, Q, QN, R, N,
                                                 xmin_tilda, xmax_tilda,
                                                 del_umin, del_umax)
        # iter_damping = 0.5
        # for _ in range(1):
        #     pred_x_tilda_up, pred_del_u_up = mpc_increment(Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list, x_tilda_vec, Xr, pred_x_tilda, pred_del_u, Q, QN, R, N, xmin_tilda, xmax_tilda, del_umin, del_umax)
        #     pred_x_tilda = iter_damping * pred_x_tilda + (1 - iter_damping) * pred_x_tilda_up
        #     pred_del_u = iter_damping * pred_del_u + (1 - iter_damping) * pred_del_u_up

        # Plot
        print("Current   x :", x_tilda[0], "y :", x_tilda[1], "yaw :",
              x_tilda[2], "vx :", x_tilda[3], "vy :", x_tilda[4], "yawrate :",
        print("Reference x :", Xr[0, 0], "y :", Xr[1, 0], "yaw :", Xr[2, 0],
              "vx :", Xr[3, 0], "vy :", Xr[4, 0], "yawrate :", Xr[5, 0])
        print("steer :", x_tilda[6], "accel :", x_tilda[7])

        # Save current state
        plt_states[:, i] = x_tilda[:-nu].T
        plt_actions[:, i] = x_tilda[-nu:].T

        if VISUALIZE_PLOT:
            plt.plot(path_x, path_y, label="Path")
            plt.plot(Xr[0, :], Xr[1, :], "g", label="Local Reference")
            plt.plot(plt_states[0, :i + 1],
                     plt_states[1, :i + 1],
                     label="Drived")  # plot from 0 to i
            # plot_car(x[0], x[1], vehicle_models.normalize_angle(x[2]), steer=u[0]) # plotting w.r.t. rear axle.
                     steer=x_tilda[6])  # plotting w.r.t. rear axle.
            plt.plot(pred_x_tilda[0, :],
                     pred_x_tilda[1, :],
                     label="Predictive States")


        # Update States
        u_past = x_tilda[-nu:]
        u = u_past + np.expand_dims(pred_del_u[:, 0], axis=1)
        x_next = np.matmul(Ad_list[0], x_tilda[:-nu]) + np.matmul(
            Bd_list[0], u) + gd_list[0]

        x = x_next
        x_tilda = np.vstack([x, u])
        x_tilda_vec = np.squeeze(x_tilda, axis=1)

        # Update Predictive States and Actions
        temp_pred_x_tilda = np.copy(pred_x_tilda)
        temp_pred_del_u = np.copy(pred_del_u)
        # index 0
        pred_x_tilda[:, 0] = x_tilda.T  # shift one step
        pred_del_u[:, 0] = temp_pred_del_u[:, 1]  # shift one step
        # index 1 ~ N-2
        for ii in range(0, N - 2):
            pred_x_tilda[:, ii + 1] = temp_pred_x_tilda[:, ii + 2]
            pred_del_u[:, ii + 1] = temp_pred_del_u[:, ii + 2]
        # index N-1
        pred_x_tilda[:, -2] = temp_pred_x_tilda[:, N]
        pred_del_u[:, -2] = temp_pred_del_u[:, N - 1]

        # index N
        # append last state using last A, B matrix and last pred state
        # append last control with last pred control
        # ODE?
        last_state = np.expand_dims(temp_pred_x_tilda[:-nu, N],
                                    axis=1)  # from (N,) to (N,1)
        last_control = np.expand_dims(temp_pred_x_tilda[-nu:, N - 1], axis=1)
        final_state, _, _ = vehicle.update_dynamics_model(
            last_state, last_control)
        pred_x_tilda[:-nu, -1] = np.transpose(final_state)
        pred_x_tilda[-nu:, -1] = pred_x_tilda[-nu:, -2]
        pred_del_u[:, -1] = pred_del_u[:, -2]

        if temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 0] - temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 1] > np.pi:
            temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 1:] = temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 1:] + 2 * np.pi
            print("from '-pi ~ +pi' to '0 ~ +2pi'")
        if temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 0] - temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 1] < -np.pi:
            temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 1:] = temp_pred_x_tilda[2, 1:] - 2 * np.pi
            print("from '-pi ~ +pi' to '0 ~ +2pi'")

        # if check_goal(x, xr, goal_dist=1, stop_speed=5):
        #     print("Goal")
        #     break

        toc = time.time()
        print("Process time :", toc - tic)
Beispiel #5
def main():
    # Simulation

    # Initial state
    x0 = np.array([[ 0.],
                  [ 0.],
                  [ np.deg2rad(0)],
                  [ 5.0],
                  [ 0.],
                  [ 0.]])  #  [X; Y; Yaw; vel_x; vel_y; Yaw_rate]

    u0 = np.array([[0*math.pi/180],
                   [0.0]]) #  [steer; traction_accel]

    # Reference state
    xr = np.array([[ 0.],
                   [ 0.],
                   [ np.deg2rad(0)],
                   [ 25.0],
                   [ 0.],
                   [ 0.]])  #  [X; Y; Yaw; vel_x; vel_y; Yaw_rate]

    # num of state, action
    nx = 6
    nu = 2

    # Vehicle parameters
    l_f = 1.25
    l_r = 1.40

    dt = 0.02

    width = 1.78
    length = 4.25
    C_d = 0.34
    A_f = 2.0
    C_roll = 0.015

    sim_time = 500  # time. [sec]

    XX = np.zeros([nx, sim_time])
    XX_front_axle = np.zeros([2, sim_time])
    XX_rear_axle = np.zeros([2, sim_time])

    XX_alpha = np.zeros([2, sim_time]) # front, rear

    UU = np.zeros([nu, sim_time])
    TT = np.linspace(0, sim_time*dt, sim_time)

    vehicle = Vehicle_Dynamics(m=m, l_f=l_f, l_r=l_r, width = width, length = length,
                                C_d = C_d, A_f = A_f, C_roll = C_roll, dt = dt)

    for i in range(sim_time):
        print("===================== nsim :", i, "=====================")

        # timestamp
        tic = time.time()

        if i >= 0.1*sim_time:
            xr = np.array([[ 0.],
                            [ 0.],
                            [ np.deg2rad(10)],
                            [ 15.0],
                            [ 0.],
                            [ 0.]])  #  [X; Y; Yaw; vel_x; vel_y; Yaw_rate]
        if i >= 0.5*sim_time:
            xr = np.array([[ 0.],
                            [ 0.],
                            [ np.deg2rad(100)],
                            [ 15.0],
                            [ 0.],
                            [ 0.]])  #  [X; Y; Yaw; vel_x; vel_y; Yaw_rate]

        # u[0] += np.deg2rad(0.1)
        # if u[0] >= np.deg2rad(5):
        #     u[0] = np.deg2rad(5)
        # ===== PID Control ===== #
        p_steer = 5.0
        error_yaw = normalize_angle(xr[2,0] - x0[2,0])
        # Steer control
        u0[0,0] = p_steer * error_yaw
        if u0[0,0] >= np.deg2rad(15):
            u0[0,0] = np.deg2rad(15)
        if u0[0,0] <= -np.deg2rad(15):
            u0[0,0] = -np.deg2rad(15)

        # Speed control
        p_accel = 2.0
        error_vx = xr[3,0] - x0[3,0]
        u0[1,0] = p_accel * error_vx
        if u0[1,0] >= 1:
            u0[1,0] = 1
        if u0[1,0] <= -3:
            u0[1,0] = -3

        XX[:,i] = x0.T   # list for plot.
        TT[i] = dt * i
        UU[:,i] = u0.T

        # normalize angle (Better not to normalize.)
        # x_k1[2] = normalize_angle(x_k1[2])
        # print("Normalized in loop. x_k1[2] :", x_k1[2])

        # State Prediction
        N = 50
        pred_x = np.zeros((nx, N+1))
        pred_x[:,0] = x0.T

        x = x0

        for ii in range(0, N):
            # x_next, _, _ = vehicle.update_rear_wheel_dynamics_model(x, u0)
            x_next, _, _ = vehicle.update_dynamics_model(x, u0)
            pred_x[:,ii+1] = x_next.T
            x = x_next
        # print
        print("x :", x0[0,0], "y :", x0[1,0], "yaw :", x0[2,0], "Vx :", x0[3,0], "Vy :", x0[4,0], "yawRate :", x0[5,0])
        print("    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ")
        print("steer :", u0[0,0], "accel :", u0[1,0])

        # print("Error yaw :", np.rad2deg(error_yaw))

        plt.plot(XX[0,:i+1], XX[1,:i+1], "-b", label="Driven Path")
        plot_car(x0[0,0], x0[1,0], x0[2,0], steer=u0[0,0])
        plt.plot(pred_x[0,:], pred_x[1,:], "r")

        # x1, alpha_f, alpha_r = vehicle.update_rear_wheel_dynamics_model(x0, u0)
        x1, alpha_f, alpha_r = vehicle.update_dynamics_model(x0, u0)
        XX_alpha[0,i] = alpha_f
        XX_alpha[1,i] = alpha_r
        x0 = x1 # update t+1 state

        toc = time.time()
        print("process time :", toc - tic)

    print("final position")
    print("x, y, yaw :", XX[0,-1], XX[1,-1], XX[2,-1])

    for i in range(sim_time):
        XX_front_axle[0,i] = XX[0,i] + l_f * math.cos(XX[2,i])
        XX_front_axle[1,i] = XX[1,i] + l_f * math.sin(XX[2,i])
        XX_rear_axle[0,i] = XX[0,i] - l_r * math.cos(XX[2,i])
        XX_rear_axle[1,i] = XX[1,i] - l_r * math.sin(XX[2,i])

    # Figure 1
    fig1 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(2,3,1)
    ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(2,3,2)
    ax3 = fig1.add_subplot(2,3,3)
    ax4 = fig1.add_subplot(2,3,4)
    ax5 = fig1.add_subplot(2,3,5)
    ax6 = fig1.add_subplot(2,3,6)


    ax1.plot(TT, XX[0,:])
    ax2.plot(TT, XX[1,:])
    ax3.plot(TT, XX[2,:])
    ax4.plot(TT, XX[3,:])
    ax5.plot(TT, XX[4,:])
    ax6.plot(TT, XX[5,:])


    # Figure 2
    fig2 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig2.add_subplot(1,3,1)
    ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(1,3,2)
    ax3 = fig2.add_subplot(1,3,3)

    ax3.set_title("X-Y plot")

    ax1.plot(TT, UU[0,:])
    ax2.plot(TT, UU[1,:])
    ax3.plot(XX[0,:], XX[1,:])
    ax3.plot(XX_front_axle[0,:], XX_front_axle[1,:], color='red')
    ax3.plot(XX_rear_axle[0,:], XX_rear_axle[1,:], color='blue')


    plot_car(XX_rear_axle[0,-1], XX_rear_axle[1,-1], XX[2,-1], UU[0,-1]) # vehicle at final state

    # Figure 3
    fig3 = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig3.add_subplot(1,2,1)
    ax2 = fig3.add_subplot(1,2,2)

    ax1.set_title("Front Slip angle")
    ax2.set_title("Rear Slip angle")

    ax1.plot(TT, XX_alpha[0,:])
    ax2.plot(TT, XX_alpha[1,:])

def main():
    # ===== Vehicle parameters =====
    l_f = 1.25
    l_r = 1.40

    dt = 0.02

    m = 1300
    width = 1.78
    length = 4.25
    turning_circle = 10.4
    C_d = 0.34
    A_f = 2.0
    C_roll = 0.015

    vehicle = vehicle_models.Vehicle_Kinematics(
        l_f=l_f, l_r=l_r, dt=dt)  # Vehicle Kinematic Model

    # ========== MPC parameters ==========
    N = 40  # Prediction horizon

    # ========== Constraints ==========
    del_umin = np.array(
        [-np.deg2rad(0.5), -0.5]
    )  # del_u / tic (not del_u / sec) => del_u/sec = del_u/tic * tic/sec = del_u/tic * 20(Hz)
    del_umax = np.array([np.deg2rad(0.5), 0.5])
    xmin_tilda = np.array(
        [-np.inf, -np.inf, -100., -2 * np.pi, -np.deg2rad(15),
         -3.])  # (x_min, u_min)
    xmax_tilda = np.array(
        [np.inf, np.inf, 100., 2 * np.pi,
         np.deg2rad(15), 1.])  # (x_max, u_max)

    # ========== Objective function ==========
    # MPC weight matrix
    Q = sparse.diags([50.0, 50.0, 10.0, 50.0])  # weight matrix for state
    # QN = Q
    QN = sparse.diags([1000.0, 1000.0, 100.0,
                       1000.0])  # weight matrix for terminal state
    R = sparse.diags([100, 100])  # weight matrix for control input
    # R_before = 10*sparse.eye(nu)                    # weight matrix for control input

    # ========== Initialization ==========
    # Path
    path_x = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5)
    # path_y = np.ones(int(100/0.5))*5
    path_y = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5) * 0.0 + 0.0

    # Initial state
    # States  : [x; y; v; yaw]
    # Actions : [steer; accel]
    x0 = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [20.0], [np.deg2rad(0)]])  #  [X; Y; V; Yaw]
    u0 = np.array([[0 * math.pi / 180], [0.01]])  #  [steer; accel]

    del_u0 = np.array([[0 * math.pi / 180], [0.0]])  # [del steer; del accel]

    nx = x0.shape[0]
    nu = u0.shape[0]

    # for Incremental MPC
    x0_tilda = np.vstack([x0, u0])

    x_tilda = np.copy(x0_tilda)
    x_tilda_vec = np.squeeze(x_tilda, axis=1)

    # ========== Initialize Predictive States and Controls ==========
    # u_noise = np.zeros((nu, 1))
    # mu_steer = 0.0
    # sigma_steer = np.deg2rad(1)
    # mu_accel = 0.0
    # sigma_accel = 0.1

    x_tilda_k = np.copy(x0_tilda)
    del_u_k = np.copy(del_u0)

    pred_del_u = np.zeros((nu, N + 1))
    for i in range(N):
        pred_del_u[:, i] = del_u_k.T
    pred_del_u[:, -1] = pred_del_u[:, -2]

    pred_x_tilda = np.zeros((nx + nu, N + 1))
    pred_x_tilda[:, 0] = x_tilda_k.T
    for i in range(0, N):
        x_k = x_tilda_k[:-nu]  # decompose to xk, uk
        u_k = x_tilda_k[-nu:]
        Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(x_k, u_k)
        x_k1 = np.matmul(Ad, x_k) + np.matmul(Bd, u_k) + gd  # calc next state
        u_k1 = u_k + np.expand_dims(pred_del_u[:, i],
                                    axis=1)  # calc next action
        x_tilda_k1 = np.vstack([x_k1, u_k1])  # compose x tilda
        pred_x_tilda[:, i + 1] = x_tilda_k1.T
        x_tilda_k = x_tilda_k1

    # ========== Simulation Setup ==========
    sim_time = 1000
    plt_tic = np.linspace(0, sim_time, sim_time)
    plt_states = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))
    plt_actions = np.zeros((nu, sim_time))
    # plt_pred_final_states = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))

    for i in range(sim_time):
        # Scenario : Double Lane Change
        if i > 0.05 * sim_time:
            # Path
            path_x = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5)
            path_y = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5) * 0.0 + 4
            # path_x = np.ones(int(100/0.5))*5
            # path_y = np.ones(int(100/0.5))*5

        if i > 0.15 * sim_time:
            # Path
            path_x = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5)
            # path_y = np.ones(int(100/0.5))*5
            path_y = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5) * 0.0 + 0

        tic = time.time()
        print("===================== sim_time :", i, "=====================")
        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics

        # Reference states
        Xr, _ = reference_search(path_x, path_y, pred_x_tilda[:-nu, :], dt, N)
        plt.plot(pred_x_tilda[0, :], pred_x_tilda[1, :], "y")

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics
        Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list = [], [], []
        for ii in range(N):
            Ad, Bd, gd = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(pred_x_tilda[:-nu, ii],
                                                      pred_x_tilda[-nu:, ii])

        # Solve MPC
        pred_x_tilda, pred_del_u = mpc_increment(Ad_list, Bd_list, gd_list,
                                                 x_tilda_vec, Xr, pred_x_tilda,
                                                 pred_del_u, Q, QN, R, N,
                                                 xmin_tilda, xmax_tilda,
                                                 del_umin, del_umax)
        toc = time.time()

        # Plot
        print("Current   x :", x_tilda[0], "y :", x_tilda[1], "v :",
              x_tilda[2], "yaw :", x_tilda[3])
        print("Reference x :", Xr[0, 0], "y :", Xr[1, 0], "v :", Xr[2, 0],
              "yaw :", Xr[3, 0])
        print("steer :", x_tilda[4], "accel :", x_tilda[5])

        print("Process time :", toc - tic)

        # Save current state
        plt_states[:, i] = x_tilda[:-nu].T
        plt_actions[:, i] = x_tilda[-nu:].T
        # plt_pred_final_states[:,i] = pred_x_tilda[:-nu, -1].T

        # Plot current state
        plt.plot(path_x, path_y, "y", label="Path")
        plt.plot(Xr[0, :], Xr[1, :], "g", label="Local Reference")
        plt.plot(plt_states[0, :i + 1],
                 plt_states[1, :i + 1],
                 label="Drived")  # plot from 0 to i
        plt.plot(x_tilda[0], x_tilda[1], "*g", label="Initial")
        plot_car(x_tilda[0], x_tilda[1], x_tilda[3],
                 steer=x_tilda[4])  # plotting w.r.t. rear axle.
        plt.plot(pred_x_tilda[0, :],
                 pred_x_tilda[1, :],
                 label="Predictive States")
        # plt.plot(plt_pred_final_states[0,:], plt_pred_final_states[1,:], "*r", label="Predictive Final States")


        # Update States
        u_past = x_tilda[-nu:]
        u = u_past + np.expand_dims(pred_del_u[:, 0], axis=1)
        x_next = np.matmul(Ad_list[0], x_tilda[:-nu]) + np.matmul(
            Bd_list[0], u) + gd_list[0]

        x = x_next
        x_tilda = np.vstack([x, u])

        x_tilda_vec = np.squeeze(x_tilda, axis=1)

        # Update Predictive States and Actions
        temp_pred_x_tilda = pred_x_tilda
        temp_pred_del_u = pred_del_u
        # index 0
        pred_x_tilda[:, 0] = x_tilda.T
        pred_del_u[:, 0] = temp_pred_del_u[:, 1]  # before u.T
        # index 1 ~ N-2
        for ii in range(0, N - 2):
            pred_x_tilda[:, ii + 1] = temp_pred_x_tilda[:, ii + 2]
            pred_del_u[:, ii + 1] = temp_pred_del_u[:, ii + 2]
        # index N-1
        pred_x_tilda[:, -2] = temp_pred_x_tilda[:, N]
        pred_del_u[:, -2] = temp_pred_del_u[:, N - 1]

        # index N
        # append last state using last A, B matrix and last pred state
        # append last control with last pred control
        last_state = np.expand_dims(temp_pred_x_tilda[:-nu, N],
                                    axis=1)  # from (N,) to (N,1)
        last_control = np.expand_dims(temp_pred_x_tilda[-nu:, N - 1], axis=1)
        pred_x_tilda[:-nu, -1] = np.transpose(
            vehicle.update_kinematics_model(last_state, last_control))
        pred_x_tilda[-nu:, -1] = pred_x_tilda[-nu:, -2]
        pred_del_u[:, -1] = pred_del_u[:, -2]
def main():
    # ===== Vehicle parameters =====
    l_f = 1.25
    l_r = 1.40

    dt = 0.02

    m = 1300
    width = 1.78
    length = 4.25
    turning_circle = 10.4
    C_d = 0.34
    A_f = 2.0
    C_roll = 0.015

    vehicle = vehicle_models.Vehicle_Kinematics(l_f=l_f, l_r=l_r, dt=dt)

    # ========== MPC parameters ==========
    N = 100  # Prediction horizon

    # ========== Initialization ==========
    # Path
    path_x = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5)
    # path_y = np.ones(int(100/0.5))*5
    path_y = np.linspace(-10, 100, 100 / 0.5) * 0.0 - 5.0

    # Initial state
    # States  : [x; y; v; yaw]
    # Actions : [steer; accel]
    x = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [5.0], [np.deg2rad(30)]])  #  [X; Y; V; Yaw]
    u = np.array([[0 * math.pi / 180], [0.01]])  #  [steer; accel]

    x0 = x
    u0 = u
    x_vec = np.squeeze(x, axis=1)  # (N,) shape for QP solver, NOT (N,1).

    nx = x.shape[0]
    nu = u.shape[0]

    # Initialize Predictive States and Controls
    u_noise = np.zeros((nu, 1))
    mu_steer = 0.0
    sigma_steer = np.deg2rad(1)
    mu_accel = 0.0
    sigma_accel = 0.1

    pred_u = np.zeros((nu, N + 1))
    for i in range(N):
        u_noise[0] = np.random.normal(mu_steer, sigma_steer, 1)
        u_noise[1] = np.random.normal(mu_accel, sigma_accel, 1)
        pred_u[:, i] = np.transpose(u0 + u_noise)
    pred_u[:, -1] = pred_u[:, -2]  # append last control input

    pred_x = np.zeros((nx, N + 1))
    pred_x[:, 0] = x0.T
    for i in range(1, N):
        x0 = vehicle.update_kinematics_model(x0, pred_u[:, i])
        pred_x[:, i] = x0.T

    # ========== Reference state ==========
    # xr = np.array([[5.0],
    #                 [10.0],
    #                 [10.0],
    #                 [np.deg2rad(90)]])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
    Xr, _ = reference_search(path_x, path_y, pred_x, dt, N)

    # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics
    # Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat = [], [], []
    # for i in range(N+1):
    Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(x, u)

    # ========== Constraints ==========
    umin = np.array([-np.deg2rad(15), -3.])  # u : [steer, accel]
    umax = np.array([np.deg2rad(15), 1.])
    xmin = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -100., -np.pi])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
    xmax = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, 100., np.pi])

    # ========== Objective function ==========
    # MPC weight matrix
    Q = sparse.diags([1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0])  # weight matrix for state
    # QN = Q
    QN = sparse.diags([10.0, 10.0, 50.0,
                       100.0])  # weight matrix for terminal state
    R = sparse.diags([0.1, 0.1])  # weight matrix for control input
    # R_before = 10*sparse.eye(nu)                    # weight matrix for control input

    # ========== Simulation Setup ==========
    sim_time = 1000
    plt_tic = np.linspace(0, sim_time, sim_time)
    plt_states = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))
    plt_actions = np.zeros((nu, sim_time))

    for i in range(sim_time):
        tic = time.time()
        print("===================== sim_time :", i, "=====================")

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics

        # Reference states
        # xr = np.array([[5.0],
        #                [10.0],
        #                [10.0],
        #                [np.deg2rad(90)]])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
        # Xr, _ = reference_search(path_x, path_y, x, dt, N)
        Xr, _ = reference_search(path_x, path_y, pred_x, dt, N)

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics
        Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(x, u)

        # ========== Constraints ==========
        umin = np.array([-np.deg2rad(15), -3.])  # u : [steer, accel]
        umax = np.array([np.deg2rad(15), 1.])
        xmin = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, -100.,
                         -np.pi])  #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
        xmax = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, 100., np.pi])

        # ========== Objective function ==========
        # MPC weight matrix
        Q = sparse.diags([1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0])  # weight matrix for state
        # QN = Q
        QN = sparse.diags([10.0, 10.0, 50.0,
                           50.0])  # weight matrix for terminal state
        R = sparse.diags([0.1, 0.1])  # weight matrix for control input
        # R_before = 10*sparse.eye(nu)                    # weight matrix for control input

        # Solve MPC
        res = mpc(Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, xmin, xmax,
                  umin, umax)

        # Check solver status
        if != 'solved':
            print('OSQP did not solve the problem!')
            # raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

        # Apply first control input to the plant
        ctrl = res.x[-N * nu:-(N - 1) * nu]
        toc = time.time()
        print("ctrl :", ctrl)

        # for Plotting predictive states
        sol_state = res.x[:-N * nu]

        for ii in range((N + 1) * nx):
            if ii % 4 == 0:
                pred_x[0, ii // 4] = sol_state[ii]
            elif ii % 4 == 1:
                pred_x[1, ii // 4] = sol_state[ii]
            elif ii % 4 == 2:
                pred_x[2, ii // 4] = sol_state[ii]
            else:  # ii % 4 == 3:
                pred_x[3, ii // 4] = sol_state[ii]

        print("pred_x[:,0] :")
        print(pred_x[:, 0])

        # Plot
        print("Current   x :", x[0], "y :", x[1], "v :", x[2], "yaw :", x[3])
        # print("Reference x :", xr[0], "y :", xr[1], "v :", xr[2], "yaw :", xr[3])
        print("Reference x :", Xr[0, 0], "y :", Xr[1, 0], "v :", Xr[2, 0],
              "yaw :", Xr[3, 0])
        print("steer :", u[0], "accel :", u[1])

        print("Process time :", toc - tic)

        plt.plot(plt_states[0, :i], plt_states[1, :i], "-b",
                 label="Drived")  # plot from 0 to i
        plot_car(x[0], x[1], x[3], steer=u[0])  # plotting w.r.t. rear axle.
        plt.plot(pred_x[0, :], pred_x[1, :], "r")
        plt.plot(path_x, path_y, label="Path")
        plt.plot(Xr[0, :], Xr[1, :], "g")

        # Update States
        u = np.expand_dims(ctrl, axis=1)  # from (N,) to (N,1)
        x_next = np.matmul(Ad_mat, x) + np.matmul(Bd_mat, u) + gd_mat

        plt_states[:, i] = x.T
        plt_actions[:, i] = u.T

        x = x_next
        x_vec = np.squeeze(x, axis=1)  # (N,) shape for QP solver, NOT (N,1).
Beispiel #8
def main():

    # ===== Vehicle Dynamics ===== #
    vehicle = vehicle_dynamics.Vehicle_Dynamics(m=M, l_f=L_F, l_r=L_R, width = WIDTH, length = LENGTH, turning_circle=TURNING_CIRCLE,
                                                C_d = C_D, A_f = A_F, C_roll = C_ROLL, dt = DT)

    ox, oy = [], []

        - Initial State
        - Goal State

        - MPC init
            -- Horizon
            -- Constraints
            -- Objective function Weights Matrix


    # ==========================================
    # ========== Initial & Goal State ==========
    # ==========================================

    start = [0.0, 0.0, np.deg2rad(90.0)]
    goal = [-2.0, 30.0, np.deg2rad(90.0)]
    pos_cars = [(0,15), (5,2), (5, 18)]

    # start = [17.0, 20.0, np.deg2rad(-90.0)]
    # goal = [5.0, 20.0, np.deg2rad(90.0)]
    # goal = [20.0, 42.0, np.deg2rad(0.0)]
    #goal = [55.0, 50.0, np.deg2rad(0.0)]

    reeds_sheep.plot_arrow(start[0], start[1], start[2], fc='g')
    reeds_sheep.plot_arrow(goal[0], goal[1], goal[2])

    # Initial state
    # States  : [x; y; v; yaw]
    # Actions : [steer; accel]
    x = np.array([[start[0]],
                  [start[2]]])    #  [X; Y; V; Yaw]
    u = np.array([[0*math.pi/180],
                  [0.01]])               #  [steer; accel]

    x_vec = np.squeeze(x, axis=1) # (N,) shape for QP solver, NOT (N,1).

    nx = x.shape[0]
    nu = u.shape[0]

    # =============================================
    # ========== MPC initialization ===============
    # =============================================

    # Prediction horizon
    N = 100

    # Initialize predictive states
    pred_x = np.zeros((nx, N+1))
    for i in range(N+1):
        pred_x[:,i] = x.T

    pred_u = np.zeros((nu, N))
    for i in range(N):
        pred_u[:,i] = u.T

    # MPC Constraints
    umin = np.array([-np.deg2rad(15), -3.]) # u : [steer, accel]
    umax = np.array([ np.deg2rad(15),  2.])
    xmin = np.array([-np.inf,-np.inf, -100., -2*np.pi]) #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
    xmax = np.array([ np.inf, np.inf,  100.,  2*np.pi])

    # MPC Objective function
    # MPC weight matrix
    Q = sparse.diags([1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0])         # weight matrix for state
    # QN = Q
    QN = sparse.diags([100.0, 100.0, 50.0, 100.0])   # weight matrix for terminal state
    R = sparse.diags([0.01, 0.1])                      # weight matrix for control input
    # R_before = 10*sparse.eye(nu)                    # weight matrix for control input

    # ========================================
    # ============== Simulation ==============
    # ========================================

    # Simulation Setup
    sim_time = 1000
    plt_tic = np.linspace(0, sim_time, sim_time)
    plt_states = np.zeros((nx, sim_time))
    plt_actions = np.zeros((nu, sim_time))

    for i in range(sim_time):
        print("===================== sim_time :", i, "=====================")

        tic = time.time()
        # ========================================
        # =========== Obstacle map ===============
        # ========================================
        tic = time.time()

        ox, oy = obs_map.map_road(ox, oy, pos_cars)
        # ox, oy = obs_map.map_maze(ox, oy)

        toc = time.time()
        print("Process time (Obstacle map):", (toc - tic))

        # ================================================
        # ======== Motion Planning (Hybrid A*) ===========
        # ================================================
        tic = time.time()

        curr_pos = [x_vec[0], x_vec[1], x_vec[3]]  # list for hybrid A*
        goal_pos = goal

        if i == 0:
            path = hybrid_a_star.hybrid_a_star_planning(
                curr_pos, goal_pos, ox, oy, XY_GRID_RESOLUTION, YAW_GRID_RESOLUTION)
        # if i == 0:
        #     path_x, path_y = hybrid_a_star.a_star_planning(
        #                 curr_pos, goal_pos, ox, oy, XY_GRID_RESOLUTION, YAW_GRID_RESOLUTION)

        toc = time.time()
        print("Process time (Hybrid A*):", (toc - tic))

        # ========================================
        # ========= Constraint Search ============
        # ========================================
        tic = time.time()

        # lb_x, ub_x, lb_y, ub_y = hybrid_a_star.constraint_search(ox, oy, path)
        # lb_x, ub_x, lb_y, ub_y = hybrid_a_star.constraint_search_(ox, oy, pred_x)
        # lb_x, ub_x, lb_y, ub_y = hybrid_a_star.constraint_search__(ox, oy, path_x, path_y)

        toc = time.time()
        print("Process time (constraint_search):", (toc - tic))

        # ========================================
        # ========== Control (MPC) ===============
        # ========================================
        tic = time.time()

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics

        # Reference states
        # Xr, _ = mpc_path_tracking.reference_search(path_x, path_y, pred_x, DT, N)
        Xr, _ = mpc_path_tracking.reference_search_(path.xlist, path.ylist, path.yawlist, pred_x, DT, N)

        # Discrete time model of the vehicle lateral dynamics
        Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat = vehicle.get_kinematics_model(x, u)

        # ========== Constraints ==========
        umin = np.array([-np.deg2rad(15), -3.]) # u : [steer, accel]
        umax = np.array([ np.deg2rad(15),  1.])
        xmin = np.array([-np.inf,-np.inf, -100., -2*np.pi]) #  [X; Y; vel_x; Yaw]
        xmax = np.array([ np.inf, np.inf,  100.,  2*np.pi])

        # # ========== Objective function ==========
        # # MPC weight matrix
        # Q = sparse.diags([1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0])         # weight matrix for state
        # # QN = Q
        # QN = sparse.diags([10.0, 10.0, 50.0, 50.0])   # weight matrix for terminal state
        # R = sparse.diags([0.1, 0.1])                      # weight matrix for control input
        # # R_before = 10*sparse.eye(nu)                    # weight matrix for control input

        # Solve MPC
        res = mpc_path_tracking.mpc(Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, xmin, xmax, umin, umax)
        # res = mpc_path_tracking.mpc_(Ad_mat, Bd_mat, gd_mat, x_vec, Xr, Q, QN, R, N, lb_x, ub_x, lb_y, ub_y, umin, umax)

        print("solution info")

        # Check solver status
        if != 'solved':
            print('OSQP did not solve the problem!')
            # raise ValueError('OSQP did not solve the problem!')

        # Apply first control input to the plant
        ctrl = res.x[-N*nu:-(N-1)*nu]

        toc = time.time()
        print("Process time (MPC):", (toc - tic))

        # for Plotting predictive states
        sol_state = res.x[:-N*nu]
        sol_control = res.x[-N*nu:]

        for ii in range((N+1)*nx):
            if ii % 4 == 0:
                pred_x[0,ii//4] = sol_state[ii]
            elif ii % 4 == 1:
                pred_x[1,ii//4] = sol_state[ii]
            elif ii % 4 == 2:
                pred_x[2,ii//4] = sol_state[ii]
            else: # ii % 4 == 3:
                # Normalize angle
                temp_yaw = sol_state[ii]
                while temp_yaw > np.pi:
                    temp_yaw -= 2*np.pi
                while temp_yaw < -np.pi:
                    temp_yaw += 2*np.pi
                pred_x[3,ii//4] = temp_yaw

        for jj in range((N)*nu):
            if jj % 2 == 0:
                pred_u[0,jj//2] = sol_control[jj]
            elif jj % 2 == 1:
                pred_u[1,jj//2] = sol_control[jj]

        # ==================================================
        # ========= Simulate Vehicle & Plotting ============
        # ==================================================

        # Plot
        print("Current   x :", x[0], "y :", x[1], "v :", x[2], "yaw :", x[3])
        # print("Reference x :", xr[0], "y :", xr[1], "v :", xr[2], "yaw :", xr[3])
        print("Reference x :", Xr[0,0], "y :", Xr[1,0], "v :", Xr[2,0], "yaw :", Xr[3,0])
        print("steer :", u[0], "accel :", u[1])


        plt.plot(ox, oy, ".k")                               # plotting Obstacle map
        plt.plot(plt_states[0,:i], plt_states[1,:i], "-b", label="Drived") # plotting driven path
        plot_car(x[0], x[1], x[3], steer=u[0])               # plotting Vehicle w.r.t. rear axle.
        plt.plot(pred_x[0,:], pred_x[1,:], "r")              # Predictive Trajectory
        plt.plot(path.xlist, path.ylist, label="Local_Path") # Path from Hybrid A*
        # plt.plot(path_x, path_y, label="Local_Path") # Path from A*
        plt.plot(Xr[0,:], Xr[1,:], "g")                      # Local Path for MPC
        # Update States
        u = np.expand_dims(ctrl, axis=1) # from (N,) to (N,1)
        x_next = np.matmul(Ad_mat, x) + np.matmul(Bd_mat, u) + gd_mat

        # Normalize angle
        while x_next[3] > np.pi:
            x_next[3] -= 2*np.pi
        while x_next[3] < -np.pi:
            x_next[3] += 2*np.pi

        plt_states[:,i] = x.T
        plt_actions[:,i] = u.T

        x = x_next
        x_vec = np.squeeze(x, axis=1) # (N,) shape for QP solver, NOT (N,1).