def get_news(): headlines = [] for article in articles: headlines.append(article['title']) assistant.speak('Today\'s top 5 Headlines are:') for i in range(len(day)): assistant.speak(f'{day[i]} headline: {headlines[i]}')
def search_youtube(query): try: assistant.speak(f'Searching for {query}') f'{query}') except: assistant.speak(f'Could not find information on {query}')
def run_movie(command): print('User: '******'surprise me' in command or 'you pick one' in command or 'choose' in command or 'you pick' in command or\ 'you pic' in command: assistant.speak('Playing my favorite movie.') play_movie() while like_movie is False: assistant.speak('Do you like it?') command = assistant.takeCommand() if 'no' in command or 'change movie' in command or 'pick a different movie' in command or\ 'change the movie' in command: assistant.speak('Playing a different movie.') play_movie() elif 'yes' in command or 'thank you' in command or 'thankyou' in command: like_movie = True assistant.speak('Enjoy the movie sir.') else: if 'none' in command or command is None: assistant.speak('I did not get you. Please repeat the movie name') command = assistant.takeCommand() run_movie(command) else: search_google(command + ' watch online') # if __name__ == "__main__": # get_movie()
def get_weather(): try: search = 'temperature in delhi' url = f'{search}' req = requests.get(url) data = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser') temp = data.find('div', class_='BNeawe').text assistant.speak(f'Current {search} is {temp}') except: assistant.speak('Unable to connect to satellite')
def get_specific_news(response): global content try: for i in range(len(day)): if day[i] in response: content = articles[i]['description'] assistant.speak(content) assistant.speak('Do you wish to know more about it?') resp = assistant.takeCommand().lower() if 'yes' in resp or 'yeah' in resp or 'yup' in resp: assistant.speak('Opening news on browser')[i]['url']) if content is None: assistant.speak('No more information on this.') except: assistant.speak('No more information on this.')
def run_assistant(self): self.counter = 0 assistant.speak('Greetings, I am Jarvis.') while True: self.permission = assistant.takeCommand() if 'terminate' in self.permission or 'i don\'t need you' in self.permission or 'i do not need you' in self.permission: sys.exit() elif 'friday' in self.permission: self.counter += 1 assistant.run_friday(self.counter) elif 'wake up' in self.permission or 'wakeup' in self.permission: hour = int( if (hour >= 23 and hour < 24) or (hour >= 0 and hour < 9): if (hour >= 23 and hour < 24) or (hour >= 0 and hour < 4): assistant.speak('Please let me sleep sir, It\'s pretty late') elif (hour >= 4 and hour < 9): assistant.speak('Please let me sleep sir, It\'s quite early') response = assistant.takeCommand().lower() if 'ok' in response or 'sleep' in response: assistant.speak('Thank you.') elif 'no' in response or 'wake up' in response or 'wakeup' in response: assistant.speak('Okay. I\'ll be up in a few seconds') time.sleep(5) self.counter += 1 assistant.run_jarvis(self.counter) elif 'jarvis' in self.permission or 'are you up' in self.permission: self.counter += 1 # self.Runner.change_animation('S:\\Development\\Python\\jarvis_voiceai\\resources\\listening.gif') assistant.run_jarvis(self.counter)
def perform_calculations(command): assistant.speak(f'Calculating {command}') try: assistant.speak( f'Your result is: {eval_binary_expr(*(command.split()))}') except: assistant.speak( 'I am unable to calculate. I guess I am not smarter than a 12 year old' ) pass
def get_current_location(): assistant.speak('checking sir') try: ipAdd = requests.get('').text print(ipAdd) url = (f'{ipAdd}.json') geo_requests = requests.get(url) geo_data = geo_requests.json() print(geo_data) city = geo_data['city'] country = geo_data['country'] region = geo_data['region'] latitude = geo_data['latitude'] longitude = geo_data['longitude'] assistant.speak( f'I believe we are in a city named {city} in {country}') assistant.speak( f'It is the {region}. Longitude: {longitude}, Latitude: {latitude}' ) except Exception as e: assistant.Speak( 'Sorry, due to network issues could not find current location.') pass
def search_google(query): assistant.speak(f'Searching for {query}') try: except: assistant.speak(f'Could not find information on {query}')
def search_wiki(query): assistant.speak(f'Asking Wiki about {query}') try: result = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=1) assistant.speak(result) assistant.speak('Anything else sir?') command = assistant.takeCommand() if 'no' in command: assistant.speak('Okay.') elif 'repeat' in command: assistant.speak(result) elif 'yes' in command: assistant.speak('What do you want to know about?') command = assistant.takeCommand() if 'who is' in command: query = command.replace('who is', '') search_wiki(query) elif 'what is' in command: query = command.replace('what is', '') search_wiki(query) elif 'tell me about' in command: query = command.replace('tell me about', '') search_wiki(query) else: search_wiki(command) except: assistant.speak(f'Wiki has no information on {query}') assistant.speak('Anything else sir?') command = assistant.takeCommand() if 'no' in command: assistant.speak('Okay.') elif 'yes' in command: assistant.speak('What do you want to know about?') command = assistant.takeCommand() if 'who is' in command: query = command.replace('who is', '') search_wiki(query) elif 'what is' in command: query = command.replace('what is', '') search_wiki(query) elif 'tell me about' in command: query = command.replace('tell me about', '') search_wiki(query) elif 'none' in command or command is None: pass else: assistant.speak('I did not quite get you.')
def gratitude_module(command): if ('thank you' in command and 'goodnight' in command) or \ ('thank you' in command and 'good night' in command) or \ ('thankyou' in command and 'good night' in command) or \ ('thankyou' in command and 'goodnight' in command): assistant.speak('Always at your service sir!') assistant.speak('Good Night!') assistant.speak('Let me know when you need me') return 'sleep' elif ('thank you' in command and 'bye bye' in command) or \ ('thank you' in command and 'byebye' in command) or \ ('thankyou' in command and 'bye bye' in command) or \ ('thankyou' in command and 'byebye' in command): assistant.speak('Always at your service sir!') assistant.speak('Good Bye!') assistant.speak('Let me know when you need me') return 'sleep' elif ('thank you' in command and 'goodbye' in command) or \ ('thank you' in command and 'good bye' in command) or \ ('thankyou' in command and 'good bye' in command) or \ ('thankyou' in command and 'goodbye' in command): assistant.speak('Always at your service sir!') assistant.speak('Good Bye!') assistant.speak('Let me know when you need me') return 'sleep' elif 'goodbye' in command or 'good bye' in command: assistant.speak('Good bye sir!') assistant.speak('Let me know when you need me') return 'sleep' elif 'goodnight' in command or 'good night' in command: assistant.speak('Good night sir!') assistant.speak('Let me know when you need me') return 'sleep' elif 'thank you' in command or 'thankyou' in command: response_dict = [ 'glad to help sir', 'you\'re being too formal sir', 'anytime sir', 'always at your service sir' ] assistant.speak(random.choice(response_dict)) return 'none'
def get_howto_result(command): assistant.speak(f'Searching database for {command}') try: max_results = 1 how_to = search_wikihow(command, max_results) assert len(how_to) == 1 how_to[0].print() assistant.speak(how_to[0].summary) assistant.speak('Anything else sir?') command = assistant.takeCommand() if 'no' in command: assistant.speak('Okay sir.') elif 'repeat' in command: assistant.speak(how_to[0].summary) elif 'how to' in command: get_howto_result(command) elif 'yes' in command: assistant.speak('What sir?') newcommand = assistant.takeCommand() get_howto_result(newcommand) except: assistant.speak(f'No information on {command}') assistant.speak('Do you wish to know about something else?') newcommand = assistant.takeCommand() if 'no' in newcommand: assistant.speak('Okay sir.') elif 'yes' in newcommand: assistant.speak('What sir?') newcommand = assistant.takeCommand() if 'i want to know about' in newcommand: newcommand = newcommand.replace('i want to know about', '') get_howto_result(newcommand) elif 'none' in newcommand or newcommand is None: pass else: assistant.speak('I did not quite get you.')
def close_module(command): if 'explorer' in command: assistant.speak('Closing file explorer') os.system('taskkill /f /im explorer') elif 'close vs code' in command or 'flutter' in command: try: vsCodePath = 'S:\\Development\\Tools\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe' assistant.speak('Closing VS Code') os.system(f'taskkill /f /im {vsCodePath}') except: assistant.speak('VS Code is not open') elif 'close android studio' in command or 'android' in command: try: studioPath = 'S:\\Development\\Tools\\Android Studio\\bin\\studio64.exe' assistant.speak('Closing Android Studio') os.system(f'taskkill /f /im {studioPath}') except: assistant.speak('Android studio is not open') elif 'close sublime' in command or 'close note pad' in command or 'close notepad' in command: try: sublimePath = 'C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 3\\sublime_text.exe' assistant.speak('Opening Sublime Text editor') os.system(f'taskkill /f /im {sublimePath}') except: assistant.speak('Sublime text is not open') elif 'close python ide' in command or 'python' in command: try: pycharmPath = 'S:\\Development\\Tools\\PyCharm Community Edition 2021.1\\bin\\pycharm64.exe' assistant.speak('Closing PyCharm') os.system(f'taskkill /f /im {pycharmPath}') except: assistant.speak('PyCharm is not open')
def open_module(command): if 'open youtube' in command: assistant.speak('opening youtube')'') elif 'open google' in command: assistant.speak('opening google') try: assistant.speak('What should I search for?') query = assistant.takeCommand() if 'none' in query or query is None:'') elif query is not None: assistant.search_google(query) except:'') elif 'open gmail' in command: assistant.speak('opening gmail')'') elif 'open whatsapp' in command: assistant.speak('opening whatsapp')'') elif 'open facebook' in command: assistant.speak('opening facebook')'') elif 'open stackoverflow' in command or 'open stack overflow' in command: assistant.speak('opening stackoverflow')'') elif 'open prime video' in command or 'open primevideo' in command: assistant.speak('opening prime video')'') elif 'open netflix' in command: assistant.speak('opening netflix')'') elif 'chrome' in command: try: assistant.speak('opening google chrome') chrome_path = "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" os.startfile(chrome_path) except: assistant.speak('Unable to open google chrome') elif 'open calculator' in command: assistant.speak('Opening calculator') subprocess.Popen("C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe") elif 'explorer' in command: assistant.speak('Opening file explorer') os.system('explorer') elif 'open vs code' in command or 'i want to work on flutter' in command or 'open code' in command: try: vsCodePath = 'S:\\Development\\Tools\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe' assistant.speak('Opening VS Code') os.startfile(vsCodePath) except: assistant.speak('Could not find VS Code in given location') elif 'open android studio' in command or 'i want to build an android app' in command: try: studioPath = 'S:\\Development\\Tools\\Android Studio\\bin\\studio64.exe' assistant.speak('Opening Android Studio') os.startfile(studioPath) except: assistant.speak('Could not find Android Studio in given location') elif 'open sublime' in command or 'open note pad' in command or 'open notepad' in command: try: sublimePath = 'C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 3\\sublime_text.exe' assistant.speak('Opening Sublime Text editor') os.startfile(sublimePath) except: assistant.speak('Could not find Sublime text in given location') elif 'open python ide' in command or 'i want to work on python' in command or 'python' in command or 'create a new python project' in command\ or 'feel like working on python' in command: try: pycharmPath = 'S:\\Development\\Tools\\PyCharm Community Edition 2021.1\\bin\\pycharm64.exe' assistant.speak('Opening PyCharm') os.startfile(pycharmPath) except: assistant.speak('Could not find PyCharm in given location')