def average_structure(self, force_update=False):
        """ Calculates the atom positions of the average structure of the aligned clusters in the group. """
        if not force_update and self._average is not None:
            return self._average

        nsuccessful = sum(self.successful)
        avg_coords = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(self.natoms)]
        for cluster in self.clusters:
            if not cluster.successful: continue
            # The order of atoms in aligned_targets is the same for every target so we don't need to reorder by result.ind. That has been done during the alignment.
            for i,atom in enumerate(cluster.aligned_target):
                if i == len(cluster.aligned_target): break # This is a weird bug...
                avg_coords[i][0] += atom.coord[0]/nsuccessful
                avg_coords[i][1] += atom.coord[1]/nsuccessful
                avg_coords[i][2] += atom.coord[2]/nsuccessful

        m = Cluster(center_included=False, comment='averaged structure', xsize=100.,ysize=100.,zsize=100., atoms=[Atom(i, 'Si', *coord) for i,coord in enumerate(avg_coords)])
        m.add(Atom(m.natoms, 'Si', *[0., 0., 0.])) # Add a center atom at (0,0,0) = m.atoms[-1] = m.atoms[:-1]
        VT.calculate_atom(m,, cutoff=max(m.dist(m.atoms[-1],atom) for atom in m.atoms[:-1])+0.1) #VP calculation
        #print("  Center atom's VP index is {0}".format(
        self._average = m
        return m
Beispiel #2
 def voronoi(self, atom=None, atoms=None, cutoff=None, atol=0.03, tol=0.03, tltol=0.03):
     if atoms is not None and isinstance(atoms, list):
         for atom in atoms:
             if atom.neighs is None:
                 raise Exception("Atom {0} does not have neighbors.".format(atom))
             voronoi_3d.calculate_atom(self, atom, cutoff, atol=0.03, tol=0.03, tltol=0.03)
     elif atom is not None:
         if atom.neighs is None:
             raise Exception("Atom {0} does not have neighbors.".format(atom))
         voronoi_3d.calculate_atom(self, atom, cutoff, atol=0.03, tol=0.03, tltol=0.03)
         self.voronoi(atoms=self.atoms, atol=atol, tol=tol, tltol=tltol)
     return None