Beispiel #1
    def tweet_votes_yday(self, if_major):
        # Tweet count of votes yesterday, by vote type if there were any major votes.
        from vote.models import Vote, VoteCategory

        votes = Vote.objects.filter(
   - timedelta(days=1),
        if votes.count() == 0: return

        has_major = len([v for v in votes if v.is_major]) > 0
        if not has_major and if_major: return

        if not has_major:
            count = votes.count()
            msg = "%d minor vote%s held by Congress yesterday." % (
                "s were" if count != 1 else " was",
            counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
            for v in votes:
                counts[v.category] += 1
            counts = list(counts.items())
            counts.sort(key=lambda kv:
                        (VoteCategory.by_value(kv[0]).importance, -kv[1]))
            msg = "Votes held by Congress yesterday: " + ", ".join(
                str(value) + " on " + VoteCategory.by_value(key).label
                for key, value in counts)

        self.post_tweet("%s:votes" %, msg,
	def tweet_votes_yday(self, if_major):
		# Tweet count of votes yesterday, by vote type if there were any major votes.
		from vote.models import Vote, VoteCategory

		votes = Vote.objects.filter(,,
		if votes.count() == 0: return

		has_major = len([v for v in votes if v.is_major]) > 0
		if not has_major and if_major: return

		if not has_major:
			msg = "%d vote%s held by Congress yesterday." % (
                "s were" if count != 1 else " was",
			counts = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
			for v in votes:
				counts[v.category] += 1
			counts = list(counts.items())
			counts.sort(key = lambda kv : (VoteCategory.by_value(kv[0]).importance, -kv[1]))
			msg = "Votes held by Congress yesterday: " + ", ".join(
				str(value) + " on " + VoteCategory.by_value(key).label
				for key, value in counts

			"%s:votes" %,
Beispiel #3
 def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
     """Insert the form into the context dict."""
     if 'categories' not in kwargs:
         kwargs['categories'] = VoteCategory.eligible_category(
     return super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
Beispiel #4
from django import forms

from vote.models import Vote, CongressChamber, VoteCategory

YEARS = [('', 'Any')] + [(x, str(x)) for x in range(2011, 1788, -1)]
CHAMBERS = [('', 'Any')] + CongressChamber.choices()
CATEGORIES = [('', 'Any')] + VoteCategory.choices()

YEAR_FIELD = forms.ChoiceField(choices=YEARS, required=False)

class VoteFilterForm(forms.Form):
    year = forms.ChoiceField(choices=YEARS, required=False)
    chamber = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CHAMBERS, required=False)
    category = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CATEGORIES, required=False)

    def filter(self, qs):
        data = self.cleaned_data
        if data['year']:
            qs = qs.filter(created__year=data['year'])
        if data['chamber']:
            qs = qs.filter(chamber=data['chamber'])
        if data['category']:
            qs = qs.filter(category=data['category'])
        return qs
		state_pop_year = { state: pop for (state, year), pop in state_pop.items() if year == pop_year }

	# Sum up the total population represented by each vote option # (i.e. yes/no),
	# apportioning the population of each state evenly across the legislators representing
	# that state who voted. Also just count total yes/no/not voting votes.
	pop_by_option = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
	count_by_option = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
	for option, state, personid in votes:
		if state == "": continue # Vice President's tie-breaker
		if state not in state_pop_year: continue # one of the island territories, for which we don't have population data
		pop_by_option[option] += state_pop_year[state] / legislators_per_state[state]
		count_by_option[option] += 1

	# Skip votes where the ayes were in the minority. Those votes represent failed outcomes. We're
	# only interested in the legitimacy of actual outcomes.
	if "+" not in pop_by_option or count_by_option["+"] < count_by_option.get("-", 0):

	# get the % of yes voters and % of the country's population represented by those voters
	count_percent_yea = count_by_option["+"]/(count_by_option["+"] + count_by_option.get("-", 0))
	pop_percent_yea = pop_by_option["+"]/(pop_by_option["+"] + pop_by_option.get("-", 0)) # of those voting
	pop_percent_yea_of_total = pop_by_option["+"]/sum(pop_by_option.values()) # of sworn senators

	# print
	W.writerow([vote.congress, vote.session if len(vote.session) == 4 else vote.created.year, vote.created.isoformat(),
	            vote.chamber_name, VoteCategory.by_value(vote.category).key, str(vote),
	            percent(count_percent_yea), percent(pop_percent_yea), percent(pop_percent_yea_of_total),
Beispiel #6
def addCategory(request):
    resp = {}
    app = VoteApplication.objects.filter(id=request.GET.get('appid'))
    if (app.count() == 0):
        resp['code'] = 'application does not exist. check code'
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), content_type='application/json')
        app = app[0]
    user = VoteUser.objects.filter(userkey=request.GET.get('userkey'))[0]
    if (user is None):
        resp['code'] = 'authentication error'
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), content_type='application/json')
    cat = VoteCategory()
    cat.color = request.GET.get('color') = request.GET.get('name')
    cat.parent = VoteCategory.objects.filter(id=request.GET.get('parentid'))[0]
    cat.catType = request.GET.get('catType')  # cat.parent.catType
    cat.languageCode = request.GET.get('lang')
    cat.creation =
    cat.creator = user
    cat.application = app
    resp['id'] =
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), content_type='application/json')
Beispiel #7
def createRootCategory(lang, app, parent, user):
    cat = VoteCategory() =
    cat.parent = parent
    cat.catType = -1  # cat.parent.catType -
    cat.languageCode = lang
    cat.creation =
    cat.creator = user
    cat.application = app
    cat.parent = cat
	# Get the total U.S. population in this time. Interpolate (or beyond the last year, extrapolate).
	country_population = us_pop_at(pop_year)

	# Sum up the total population represented by each vote option # (i.e. yes/no),
	# apportioning the population of each state evenly across the legislators representing
	# that state who voted. Also just count total yes/no/not voting votes.
	pop_by_option = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
	count_by_option = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
	for option, state, personid in votes:
		if state == "": continue # Vice President's tie-breaker
		if option not in ("+", "-"): continue # we only care about voting legislators
		pop_by_option[option] += state_pop_year[state] / voting_legislators_per_state[state]
		count_by_option[option] += 1

	# Skip votes where the ayes were in the minority. Those votes represent failed outcomes. We're
	# only interested in the legitimacy of actual outcomes.
	if "+" not in pop_by_option or count_by_option["+"] < count_by_option.get("-", 0):

	# get the % of yes voters out of senators voting and out of the country's population as a whole
	count_percent_yea = count_by_option["+"] / (count_by_option["+"] + count_by_option.get("-", 0))
	statepop_percent_yea = pop_by_option["+"] / state_pop_total
	uspop_percent_yea = pop_by_option["+"] / country_population

	# print
	W.writerow([vote.congress, vote.session if len(vote.session) == 4 else vote.created.year, vote.created.isoformat(),
	            VoteCategory.by_value(vote.category).key, str(vote),
	            percent(count_percent_yea), percent(statepop_percent_yea), percent(uspop_percent_yea),
Beispiel #9
		state_pop_year = { state: pop for (state, year), pop in state_pop.items() if year == pop_year }

	# Sum up the total population represented by each vote option # (i.e. yes/no),
	# apportioning the population of each state evenly across the legislators representing
	# that state who voted. Also just count total yes/no/not voting votes.
	pop_by_option = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
	count_by_option = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
	for option, state, personid in votes:
		if state == "": continue # Vice President's tie-breaker
		if state not in state_pop_year: continue # one of the island territories, for which we don't have population data
		pop_by_option[option] += state_pop_year[state] / legislators_per_state[state]
		count_by_option[option] += 1

	# Skip votes where the ayes were in the minority. Those votes represent failed outcomes. We're
	# only interested in the legitimacy of actual outcomes.
	if "+" not in pop_by_option or count_by_option["+"] < count_by_option.get("-", 0):

	# get the % of yes voters and % of the country's population represented by those voters
	count_percent_yea = count_by_option["+"]/(count_by_option["+"] + count_by_option.get("-", 0))
	pop_percent_yea = pop_by_option["+"]/(pop_by_option["+"] + pop_by_option.get("-", 0)) # of those voting
	pop_percent_yea_of_total = pop_by_option["+"]/sum(pop_by_option.values()) # of sworn senators

	# print
	W.writerow([vote.congress, vote.session if len(vote.session) == 4 else vote.created.year, vote.created.isoformat(),
	            vote.chamber_name, VoteCategory.by_value(vote.category).key, str(vote),
	            percent(count_percent_yea), percent(pop_percent_yea), percent(pop_percent_yea_of_total),
from django import forms

from vote.models import Vote, CongressChamber, VoteCategory

YEARS = [('', 'Any')] + [(x, str(x)) for x in xrange(2011, 1788, -1)]
CHAMBERS = [('', 'Any')] + CongressChamber.choices()
CATEGORIES = [('', 'Any')] + VoteCategory.choices()

YEAR_FIELD = forms.ChoiceField(choices=YEARS, required=False)

class VoteFilterForm(forms.Form):
    year = forms.ChoiceField(choices=YEARS, required=False)
    chamber = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CHAMBERS, required=False)
    category = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CATEGORIES, required=False)

    def filter(self, qs):
        data = self.cleaned_data
        if data['year']:
            qs = qs.filter(created__year=data['year'])
        if data['chamber']:
            qs = qs.filter(chamber=data['chamber'])
        if data['category']:
            qs = qs.filter(category=data['category'])
        return qs