Beispiel #1
    def export_view(self):
        redirect_url = resource_url(self.context, self.request)
        if not has_permission(MANAGE_SERVER, self.api.root, self.request):
            raise HTTPForbidden("You're not allowed to access this view")
        export_import = self.request.registry.queryAdapter(self.api.root, IExportImport)
        if not export_import:
            msg = _(u"ExportImport component not included in VoteIT. You need to register it to use this.")
            self.api.flash_messages.add(msg, type = 'error')
            return HTTPFound(location=redirect_url)

        form = deform.Form(colander.Schema(), buttons=(button_export, button_cancel))

        if 'export' in self.request.POST:
            return export_import.download_export(self.context)
        if 'cancel' in self.request.POST:
            return HTTPFound(location=redirect_url)

        #No action
        msg = _(u"Export current context")
        self.api.flash_messages.add(msg, close_button=False)
        self.response['form'] = form.render()
        return self.response
Beispiel #2
    def import_view(self):
        if not has_permission(MANAGE_SERVER, self.api.root, self.request):
            raise HTTPForbidden("You're not allowed to access this view")
        redirect_url = resource_url(self.context, self.request)
        export_import = self.request.registry.queryAdapter(self.api.root, IExportImport)
        if not export_import:
            msg = _(u"ExportImport component not included in VoteIT. You need to register it to use this.")
            self.api.flash_messages.add(msg, type = 'error')
            return HTTPFound(location=redirect_url)
        schema = createSchema('ImportSchema').bind(context = self.context, request = self.request)
        form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=(button_import, button_cancel))

        if 'import' in self.request.POST:
            controls = self.request.params.items()
                appstruct = form.validate(controls)
            except deform.ValidationFailure, e:
                self.response['form'] = e.render()
                return self.response

            name = appstruct['name']
            filedata = appstruct['upload']
            export_import.import_data(self.context, name, filedata['fp'])
            self.api.flash_messages.add(_(u"Created new objects from import"))
            return HTTPFound(location=redirect_url)
Beispiel #3
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden
from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid.url import resource_url
from import has_permission
from betahaus.pyracont.factories import createSchema
from betahaus.viewcomponent.decorators import view_action
from voteit.core.views.base_view import BaseView
from voteit.core.models.interfaces import IBaseContent
from import MANAGE_SERVER

from voteit.exportimport.interfaces import IExportImport
from voteit.exportimport import ExportImportMF as _

button_cancel = deform.Button('cancel', _(u"Cancel"))
button_import = deform.Button('import', _(u"Import"))
button_export = deform.Button('export', _(u"Export and download"))

class ExportImportView(BaseView):
    """ Handle export and import of database objects. """
    @view_config(name = '_export', context = IBaseContent, renderer = "voteit.core:views/templates/")
    def export_view(self):
        redirect_url = resource_url(self.context, self.request)
        if not has_permission(MANAGE_SERVER, self.api.root, self.request):
            raise HTTPForbidden("You're not allowed to access this view")
        export_import = self.request.registry.queryAdapter(self.api.root, IExportImport)
        if not export_import:
            msg = _(u"ExportImport component not included in VoteIT. You need to register it to use this.")