Beispiel #1
 def change_voter_vote(self, voter, vote):
     new_preferences = self.preferences.copy()
     possible_strategy = []
     true_preferred_cand = self.preferences[voter][0]
     opponent = self.vs.get_opponent(true_preferred_cand)
     for candidate in self.hate_list:
         voter_preferences = self.preferences[voter].copy()
         if candidate is voter_preferences[0]:
             # It does not make sense making win someone less hated than the person we would like that wins
         # print()
         # Change the preferred voted
         c_index_v_pref = voter_preferences.index(candidate)
         help = voter_preferences[c_index_v_pref]
         voter_preferences[c_index_v_pref] = true_preferred_cand
         # print("The voter", voter, "was voting for", voter_preferences[0], "and is gonna try to vote for", help)
         voter_preferences[vote] = help
         new_preferences[voter] = voter_preferences
         # Create a new voting scheme with the new preferences
         new_vs = VotingScheme(new_preferences, len(new_preferences[0]))
         # Vote a first time with the new preferences
         first_outcome = new_vs.get_outcome()
         new_opponent = new_vs.get_opponent(true_preferred_cand)
         # If the outcome of applying the voting manipulation is the same one then it is not a good manipulation
         if collections.Counter(first_outcome[:2]) == collections.Counter(
         elif self.hate_list.index(new_opponent) >= self.hate_list.index(
         # print("The result of the first round is", help_outcome)  # Vote a first time
         second_outcome = new_vs.get_outcome()
         # If after the second round the winner is the desired one then it is an acceptable way of strategic voting
         if new_vs.get_outcome()[0] is self.preferences[voter][0]:
             print("For the voter", voter, "that was voting for",
                   "a new possible strategies is voting for", help)
             print("The new outcome in first round would be", first_outcome,
                   "and in the second", new_vs.get_outcome())
         # If the two first candidates are not the same as previously
         # and the preferred candidate of the voter is still in top 2
     if len(possible_strategy) > 0:
         print("For the voter", voter,
               "the possible strategies are voting for", possible_strategy)
Beispiel #2
class PushOver:
    Voting a Candidate that is easy to beat insincerely high in the first round so that the second round is easy to win
    def __init__(self, preferences, voting_scheme):

        self.preferences = preferences
        self.voting_scheme = voting_scheme

        self.vs = VotingScheme(preferences, len(preferences[0]))
        self.outcome = self.vs.execute_voting(voting_scheme)
        self.winner_list = self.vs.get_outcome()
        self.happiness = self.vs.calc_happiness()
        self.hate = self.calculate_hate()
        self.hate_list = self.calculate_hated_candidates()
        # self.calculate()

    def calculate(self):
        print("Outcome", self.outcome)
        print("Winner list", self.winner_list)

        # for candidate in self.winner_list:
        #     print("Candidate", candidate, "has", self.outcome[candidate], " votes")
        print("Hated list", self.hate_list)
        for voter, voter_preferences in self.preferences.items():
            # If the preferred candidate of the voter would win without doing anything
            # if voter_preferences[0] is self.winner_list[0] or voter_preferences[0] is self.winner_list[1]:
            # Maybe it is interesting to vote for someone else that other voters
            # do not like so that the second round is easier
            # print()
            # print("Voter", voter, "is very HAPPY")
            # print(self.preferences[voter])

    In plurality voting only one candidate can be voted and it is therefore the only that should be changed.

    def change_voter_votes_plurality(self, voter):
        self.change_voter_vote(voter, 0)

    In voting for two, only the two first candidates in the preference list get a point. Since both of them get a point
    it is not important which one is the first or second in the manipulation.

    def change_voter_votes_for_two(self, voter):
        self.change_voter_vote(voter, 0)
        self.change_voter_vote(voter, 1)

    In anti-plurality voting, only the least preferred candidate in the preference list does not get a point.
    Therefore, only changing the least preferred candidate could affect the outcome of the voting

    def change_voter_votes_anti_plurality(self, voter):
        self.change_voter_vote(voter, len(self.preferences[voter]))

    In borda voting every preference gets a point and the higher it is in the preference list, the more points it gets. 
    Therefore, all possible combinations of preferences have to be checked

    def change_voter_votes_borda(self, voter):
        # TODO
        i = 0
        for possible in itertools.permutations(self.preferences[voter]):
            print("A new possibility is", possible)
            i += 1

        # self.change_voter_vote(voter, len(self.preferences[voter]))

    def change_voter_vote(self, voter, vote):
        new_preferences = self.preferences.copy()
        possible_strategy = []
        true_preferred_cand = self.preferences[voter][0]
        opponent = self.vs.get_opponent(true_preferred_cand)
        for candidate in self.hate_list:
            voter_preferences = self.preferences[voter].copy()
            if candidate is voter_preferences[0]:
                # It does not make sense making win someone less hated than the person we would like that wins
            # print()
            # Change the preferred voted
            c_index_v_pref = voter_preferences.index(candidate)
            help = voter_preferences[c_index_v_pref]
            voter_preferences[c_index_v_pref] = true_preferred_cand
            # print("The voter", voter, "was voting for", voter_preferences[0], "and is gonna try to vote for", help)
            voter_preferences[vote] = help
            new_preferences[voter] = voter_preferences
            # Create a new voting scheme with the new preferences
            new_vs = VotingScheme(new_preferences, len(new_preferences[0]))
            # Vote a first time with the new preferences
            first_outcome = new_vs.get_outcome()
            new_opponent = new_vs.get_opponent(true_preferred_cand)
            # If the outcome of applying the voting manipulation is the same one then it is not a good manipulation
            if collections.Counter(first_outcome[:2]) == collections.Counter(
            elif self.hate_list.index(new_opponent) >= self.hate_list.index(
            # print("The result of the first round is", help_outcome)  # Vote a first time
            second_outcome = new_vs.get_outcome()
            # If after the second round the winner is the desired one then it is an acceptable way of strategic voting
            if new_vs.get_outcome()[0] is self.preferences[voter][0]:
                print("For the voter", voter, "that was voting for",
                      "a new possible strategies is voting for", help)
                print("The new outcome in first round would be", first_outcome,
                      "and in the second", new_vs.get_outcome())
            # If the two first candidates are not the same as previously
            # and the preferred candidate of the voter is still in top 2
        if len(possible_strategy) > 0:
            print("For the voter", voter,
                  "the possible strategies are voting for", possible_strategy)

    def calculate_hate(self):
        hate = {}
        for voter, voter_preferences in self.preferences.items():
            # Since the preferences are order being the most preferred in the position zero and the less liked
            # in the position n, it can also be understood as a measure of not liking or dislike
            for dislike, candidate in enumerate(voter_preferences):
                    hate[candidate] += dislike
                    hate[candidate] = dislike
        return hate

    def calculate_hated_candidates(self):
        return sorted(self.hate, key=self.hate.get, reverse=True)