def test_strip_vowels_on_zen(): output, number_replacements = strip_vowels(text) assert number_replacements == 262 assert 'Th* Z*n *f Pyth*n, by T*m P*t*rs' in output assert 'B***t*f*l *s b*tt*r th*n *gly' in output assert 'N*m*sp*c*s *r* *n* h*nk*ng gr**t *d**' in output assert '*lth**gh pr*ct*c*l*ty b**ts p*r*ty.' in output
def test_strip_vowels_on_other_text(): text = """Hello world! We hope that you are learning a lot of Python. Have fun with our Bites of Py. Keep calm and code in Python! Become a PyBites ninja!""" output, number_replacements = strip_vowels(text) assert number_replacements == 43 assert 'H*ll* w*rld!' in output assert 'H*v* f*n w*th **r B*t*s *f Py' in output assert 'B*c*m* * PyB*t*s n*nj*!' in output
def test_strip_vowels_plus_y(): text = """Hello world! We hope that you are learning a lot of Python. Have fun with our Bites of Py. Keep calm and code in Python! Become a PyBites ninja! All the way""" to_replace = 'aeiouy' output, number_replacements = strip_vowels(text, to_replace, replace_with) assert number_replacements == 52 assert 'W* h*p* th*t *** *r* l**rn*ng * l*t *f P*th*n.' in output assert 'H*v* f*n w*th **r B*t*s *f P*' in output assert 'K**p c*lm *nd c*d* *n P*th*n' in output assert 'B*c*m* * P*B*t*s n*nj*!' in output assert '*ll th* w**' in output
def test_strip_vowels_replace_with_bang(): text = """The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated.""" to_replace = 'aeiou' replace_with = '!' output, number_replacements = strip_vowels(text, to_replace, replace_with) assert number_replacements == 45 assert 'Th! Z!n !f Pyth!n, by T!m P!t!rs' in output assert 'B!!!t!f!l !s b!tt!r th!n !gly' in output assert '!xpl!c!t !s b!tt!r th!n !mpl!c!t' in output assert 'S!mpl! !s b!tt!r th!n c!mpl!x' in output assert 'C!mpl!x !s b!tt!r th!n c!mpl!c!t!d' in output